11 Message and Information element abstract syntax (with ASN.1) This clause contains definitions for RRC PDUs and IEs using a subset of ASN.1 as specified in [14]. PDU and IE definitions are grouped into separate ASN.1 modules. 11.0 General Some messages and/or IEs may include one or more IEs with name "dummy" that are included only in the ASN.1. The UE should avoid sending information elements that are named "dummy" to UTRAN. Likewise, UTRAN should avoid sending IEs with name "dummy" to the UE. If the UE anyhow receives an information element named "dummy", it shall ignore the IE and process the rest of the message as if the IE was not included. NOTE: An IE with name "dummy" concerns an information element that was (erroneously) included in a previous version of the specification and has been removed by replacing it with a dummy with same type. The UE shall only include the "variable length extension container" when it sends a non critical extension that according to this specification shall be transferred within this container. If the abstract syntax of an IE is defined using the ASN.1 type "BIT STRING", and this IE corresponds to a functional IE definition in tabular format, in which the significance of bits is semantically defined, the following general rule shall be applied: The bits in the ASN.1 bit string shall represent the semantics of the functional IE definition in decreasing order of bit significance; - with the first (or leftmost) bit in the bit string representing the most significant bit; and - with the last (or rightmost) bit in the bit string representing the least significant bit. 11.1 General message structure Class-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ActiveSetUpdate, ActiveSetUpdateComplete, ActiveSetUpdateFailure, AssistanceDataDelivery, CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN, CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure, CellUpdate, CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH, CellUpdateConfirm, CounterCheck, CounterCheckResponse, DownlinkDirectTransfer, HandoverToUTRANComplete, InitialDirectTransfer, HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu, HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM, HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000, HandoverFromUTRANFailure, MBMSAccessInformation, MBMSCommonPTMRBInformation, MBMSCurrentCellPTMRBInformation, MBMSGeneralInformation, MBMSModificationRequest, MBMSModifiedServicesInformation, MBMSNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation, MBMSSchedulingInformation, MBMSUnmodifiedServicesInformation, MeasurementControl, MeasurementControlFailure, MeasurementReport, PagingType1, PagingType2, PhysicalChannelReconfiguration, PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete, PhysicalChannelReconfigurationFailure, PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation, PUSCHCapacityRequest, RadioBearerReconfiguration, RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete, RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure, RadioBearerRelease, RadioBearerReleaseComplete, RadioBearerReleaseFailure, RadioBearerSetup, RadioBearerSetupComplete, RadioBearerSetupFailure, RRCConnectionReject, RRCConnectionRelease, RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH, RRCConnectionReleaseComplete, RRCConnectionRequest, RRCConnectionSetup, RRCConnectionSetupComplete, RRCStatus, SecurityModeCommand, SecurityModeComplete, SecurityModeFailure, SignallingConnectionRelease, SignallingConnectionReleaseIndication, SystemInformation-BCH, SystemInformation-FACH, SystemInformationChangeIndication, TransportChannelReconfiguration, TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete, TransportChannelReconfigurationFailure, TransportFormatCombinationControl, TransportFormatCombinationControlFailure, UECapabilityEnquiry, UECapabilityInformation, UECapabilityInformationConfirm, UplinkDirectTransfer, UplinkPhysicalChannelControl, URAUpdate, URAUpdateConfirm, URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH, UTRANMobilityInformation, UTRANMobilityInformationConfirm, UTRANMobilityInformationFailure FROM PDU-definitions -- User Equipment IEs : IntegrityCheckInfo FROM InformationElements; --************************************************************** -- -- Downlink DCCH messages -- --************************************************************** DL-DCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { integrityCheckInfo IntegrityCheckInfo OPTIONAL, message DL-DCCH-MessageType } DL-DCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { activeSetUpdate ActiveSetUpdate, assistanceDataDelivery AssistanceDataDelivery, cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN, cellUpdateConfirm CellUpdateConfirm, counterCheck CounterCheck, downlinkDirectTransfer DownlinkDirectTransfer, handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM, handoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000 HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000, measurementControl MeasurementControl, pagingType2 PagingType2, physicalChannelReconfiguration PhysicalChannelReconfiguration, physicalSharedChannelAllocation PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation, radioBearerReconfiguration RadioBearerReconfiguration, radioBearerRelease RadioBearerRelease, radioBearerSetup RadioBearerSetup, rrcConnectionRelease RRCConnectionRelease, securityModeCommand SecurityModeCommand, signallingConnectionRelease SignallingConnectionRelease, transportChannelReconfiguration TransportChannelReconfiguration, transportFormatCombinationControl TransportFormatCombinationControl, ueCapabilityEnquiry UECapabilityEnquiry, ueCapabilityInformationConfirm UECapabilityInformationConfirm, uplinkPhysicalChannelControl UplinkPhysicalChannelControl, uraUpdateConfirm URAUpdateConfirm, utranMobilityInformation UTRANMobilityInformation, handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu, mbmsModifiedServicesInformation MBMSModifiedServicesInformation, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- Uplink DCCH messages -- --************************************************************** UL-DCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { integrityCheckInfo IntegrityCheckInfo OPTIONAL, message UL-DCCH-MessageType } UL-DCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { activeSetUpdateComplete ActiveSetUpdateComplete, activeSetUpdateFailure ActiveSetUpdateFailure, cellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure, counterCheckResponse CounterCheckResponse, handoverToUTRANComplete HandoverToUTRANComplete, initialDirectTransfer InitialDirectTransfer, handoverFromUTRANFailure HandoverFromUTRANFailure, measurementControlFailure MeasurementControlFailure, measurementReport MeasurementReport, physicalChannelReconfigurationComplete PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete, physicalChannelReconfigurationFailure PhysicalChannelReconfigurationFailure, radioBearerReconfigurationComplete RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete, radioBearerReconfigurationFailure RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure, radioBearerReleaseComplete RadioBearerReleaseComplete, radioBearerReleaseFailure RadioBearerReleaseFailure, radioBearerSetupComplete RadioBearerSetupComplete, radioBearerSetupFailure RadioBearerSetupFailure, rrcConnectionReleaseComplete RRCConnectionReleaseComplete, rrcConnectionSetupComplete RRCConnectionSetupComplete, rrcStatus RRCStatus, securityModeComplete SecurityModeComplete, securityModeFailure SecurityModeFailure, signallingConnectionReleaseIndication SignallingConnectionReleaseIndication, transportChannelReconfigurationComplete TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete, transportChannelReconfigurationFailure TransportChannelReconfigurationFailure, transportFormatCombinationControlFailure TransportFormatCombinationControlFailure, ueCapabilityInformation UECapabilityInformation, uplinkDirectTransfer UplinkDirectTransfer, utranMobilityInformationConfirm UTRANMobilityInformationConfirm, utranMobilityInformationFailure UTRANMobilityInformationFailure, mbmsModificationRequest MBMSModificationRequest, spare1 NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- Downlink CCCH messages -- --************************************************************** DL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { integrityCheckInfo IntegrityCheckInfo OPTIONAL, message DL-CCCH-MessageType } DL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { cellUpdateConfirm CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH, rrcConnectionReject RRCConnectionReject, rrcConnectionRelease RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH, rrcConnectionSetup RRCConnectionSetup, uraUpdateConfirm URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- Uplink CCCH messages -- --************************************************************** UL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { integrityCheckInfo IntegrityCheckInfo OPTIONAL, message UL-CCCH-MessageType } UL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { cellUpdate CellUpdate, rrcConnectionRequest RRCConnectionRequest, uraUpdate URAUpdate, spare NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- PCCH messages -- --************************************************************** PCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message PCCH-MessageType } PCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { pagingType1 PagingType1, spare NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- Downlink SHCCH messages -- --************************************************************** DL-SHCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message DL-SHCCH-MessageType } DL-SHCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { physicalSharedChannelAllocation PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation, spare NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- Uplink SHCCH messages -- --************************************************************** UL-SHCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message UL-SHCCH-MessageType } UL-SHCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { puschCapacityRequest PUSCHCapacityRequest, spare NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- BCCH messages sent on FACH -- --************************************************************** BCCH-FACH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message BCCH-FACH-MessageType } BCCH-FACH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { systemInformation SystemInformation-FACH, systemInformationChangeIndication SystemInformationChangeIndication, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- BCCH messages sent on BCH -- --************************************************************** BCCH-BCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message SystemInformation-BCH } --************************************************************** -- -- MCCH messages -- --************************************************************** MCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message MCCH-MessageType } MCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { mbmsAccessInformation MBMSAccessInformation, mbmsCommonPTMRBInformation MBMSCommonPTMRBInformation, mbmsCurrentCellPTMRBInformation MBMSCurrentCellPTMRBInformation, mbmsGeneralInformation MBMSGeneralInformation, mbmsModifiedServicesInformation MBMSModifiedServicesInformation, mbmsNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation MBMSNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation, mbmsUnmodifiedServicesInformation MBMSUnmodifiedServicesInformation, spare9 NULL, spare8 NULL, spare7 NULL, spare6 NULL, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } --************************************************************** -- -- MSCH messages -- --************************************************************** MSCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message MSCH-MessageType } MSCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { mbmsSchedulingInformation MBMSSchedulingInformation, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } END 11.2 PDU definitions --************************************************************** -- -- TABULAR: The message type and integrity check info are not -- visible in this module as they are defined in the class module. -- Also, all FDD/TDD specific choices have the FDD option first -- and TDD second, just for consistency. -- --************************************************************** PDU-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN --************************************************************** -- -- IE parameter types from other modules -- --************************************************************** IMPORTS -- Core Network IEs : CN-DomainIdentity, CN-InformationInfo, CN-InformationInfo-r6, CN-InformationInfoFull, NAS-Message, PagingRecordTypeID, PLMN-Identity, -- UTRAN Mobility IEs : CellIdentity, CellIdentity-PerRL-List, URA-Identity, -- User Equipment IEs : UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-r7, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext, UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2, UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext, AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, ActivationTime, C-RNTI, CapabilityUpdateRequirement, CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4, CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext, CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5, CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext, CellUpdateCause, CellUpdateCause-ext, CipheringAlgorithm, CipheringAlgorithm-r7, CipheringModeInfo, CipheringModeInfo-r7, DelayRestrictionFlag, DSCH-RNTI, E-RNTI, EstablishmentCause, FailureCauseWithProtErr, FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId, GroupReleaseInformation, H-RNTI, High-MobilityDetected, UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle, UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT, InitialUE-Identity, IntegrityProtActivationInfo, IntegrityProtectionModeInfo, IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7, N-308, PagingCause, PagingRecordList, PagingRecord2List-r5, ProtocolErrorIndicator, ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo, RadioFrequencyBandTDDList, Rb-timer-indicator, RedirectionInfo, RedirectionInfo-r6, RejectionCause, ReleaseCause, RF-CapabilityComp, RRC-StateIndicator, RRC-TransactionIdentifier, SecurityCapability, START-Value, STARTList, SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext, U-RNTI, U-RNTI-Short, UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs, UE-HSPA-Identities-r6, UE-RadioAccessCapability, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext, UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp, UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-ext, UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2, DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext, UE-ConnTimersAndConstants, UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext, UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5, UE-SecurityInformation, UE-SecurityInformation2, URA-UpdateCause, UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, WaitTime, -- Radio Bearer IEs : DefaultConfigIdentity, DefaultConfigIdentity-r4, DefaultConfigIdentity-r5, DefaultConfigIdentity-r6, DefaultConfigMode, DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo, DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5, PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode, PredefinedConfigIdentity, PredefinedConfigStatusList, PredefinedConfigStatusListComp, PredefinedConfigSetWithDifferentValueTag, RAB-Info, RAB-Info-r6, RAB-Info-r7, RAB-Info-Post, RAB-InformationList, RAB-InformationList-r6, RAB-InformationReconfigList, RAB-InformationSetupList, RAB-InformationSetupList-r4, RAB-InformationSetupList-r5, RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext, RAB-InformationSetupList-r6, RAB-InformationSetupList-v6b0ext, RAB-InformationSetupList-r7, RB-ActivationTimeInfoList, RB-COUNT-C-InformationList, RB-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList, RB-IdentityList, RB-InformationAffectedList, RB-InformationAffectedList-r5, RB-InformationAffectedList-r6, RB-InformationChangedList-r6, RB-InformationReconfigList, RB-InformationReconfigList-r4, RB-InformationReconfigList-r5, RB-InformationReconfigList-r6, RB-InformationReleaseList, RB-PDCPContextRelocationList, SRB-InformationSetupList, SRB-InformationSetupList-r5, SRB-InformationSetupList-r6, SRB-InformationSetupList2, SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6, UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo, -- Transport Channel IEs: CPCH-SetID, DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List, DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4, DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5, DL-CommonTransChInfo, DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, DL-DeletedTransChInfoList, DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5, DRAC-StaticInformationList, PowerOffsetInfoShort, TFC-Subset, TFCS-Identity, UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6, UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7, UL-CommonTransChInfo, UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, UL-DeletedTransChInfoList, UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6, -- Physical Channel IEs : Alpha, BEACON-PL-Est, CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo, CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r4, CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r5, CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r7, ConstantValue, ConstantValueTdd, CPCH-SetInfo, DHS-Sync, DL-CommonInformation, DL-CommonInformation-r4, DL-CommonInformation-r5, DL-CommonInformation-r6, DL-CommonInformation-r7, DL-CommonInformationPost, DL-HSPDSCH-Information, DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6, DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7, DL-InformationPerRL-List, DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4, DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5, DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5bis, DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6, DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7, DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext, DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD, DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD, DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4, DL-PDSCH-Information, DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List, DPC-Mode, DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo, DynamicPersistenceLevel, E-DCH-ReconfigurationInfo, EXT-UL-TimingAdvance, FrequencyInfo, FrequencyInfoFDD, FrequencyInfoTDD, HARQ-Preamble-Mode, HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384, HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768, MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power, OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4, PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo, PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4, PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7, PDSCH-Identity, PrimaryCPICH-Info, PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power, PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo, PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4, PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7, PUSCH-Identity, PUSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5, PDSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5, RL-AdditionInformationList, RL-AdditionInformationList-r6, RL-AdditionInformation-list-v6b0ext, RL-RemovalInformationList, Serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation, SpecialBurstScheduling, SSDT-Information, SSDT-Information-r4, TFC-ControlDuration, SSDT-UL, TimingMaintainedSynchInd, TimeslotList, TimeslotList-r4, TX-DiversityMode, UL-ChannelRequirement, UL-ChannelRequirement-r4, UL-ChannelRequirement-r5, UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID, UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r4, UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r5, UL-DPCH-Info, UL-DPCH-Info-r4, UL-DPCH-Info-r5, UL-DPCH-Info-r6, UL-DPCH-Info-r7, UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD, UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD, UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4, UL-EDCH-Information-r6, UL-EDCH-Information-r7, UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4, UL-TimingAdvance, UL-TimingAdvanceControl, UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4, UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7, -- Measurement IEs : AdditionalMeasurementID-List, DeltaRSCP, Frequency-Band, EventResults, Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext, Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext, IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5, IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5, IntraFreqCellID, InterFreqEventResults-LCR-r4-ext, InterRATCellInfoIndication, InterRAT-TargetCellDescription, MeasuredResults, MeasuredResults-v390ext, MeasuredResults-v590ext, MeasuredResultsList, MeasuredResultsList-LCR-r4-ext, MeasuredResultsOnRACH, MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq, MeasurementCommand, MeasurementCommand-r4, MeasurementCommand-r6, MeasurementIdentity, MeasurementReportingMode, PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP, SFN-Offset-Validity, TimeslotListWithISCP, TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList, UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData, UE-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext, UE-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext, UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData, UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext, UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB, UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext, VelocityEstimate, UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7, -- Other IEs : BCCH-ModificationInfo, CDMA2000-MessageList, GSM-TargetCellInfoList, GERANIu-MessageList, GERAN-SystemInformation, GSM-MessageList, InterRAT-ChangeFailureCause, InterRAT-HO-FailureCause, InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList, InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext, InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList, IntraDomainNasNodeSelector, ProtocolErrorMoreInformation, Rplmn-Information, Rplmn-Information-r4, SegCount, SegmentIndex, SFN-Prime, SIB-Data-fixed, SIB-Data-variable, SIB-Type, -- MBMS IEs: MBMS-CellGroupIdentity-r6, MBMS-CommonRBInformationList-r6, MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList-r6, MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6, MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r6, MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r7, MBMS-ModifedServiceList-r6, MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6, MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCHList-r6, MBMS-NumberOfNeighbourCells-r6, MBMS-PhyChInformationList-r6, MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6, MBMS-PreferredFreqRequest-r6, MBMS-PreferredFrequencyList-r6, MBMS-PTMActivationTime-r6, MBMS-SelectedServiceInfo, MBMS-SelectedServicesShort, MBMS-ServiceAccessInfoList-r6, MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6, MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfoList-r6, MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCHList-r6, MBMS-TimersAndCounters-r6, MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh-r6, MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh-r6, MBMS-UnmodifiedServiceList-r6 FROM InformationElements maxSIBperMsg, maxURNTI-Group FROM Constant-definitions; -- *************************************************** -- -- ACTIVE SET UPDATE (FDD only) -- -- *************************************************** ActiveSetUpdate ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { activeSetUpdate-r3 ActiveSetUpdate-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions activeSetUpdate-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { activeSetUpdate-v4b0ext ActiveSetUpdate-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { activeSetUpdate-v590ext ActiveSetUpdate-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { activeSetUpdate-v690ext ActiveSetUpdate-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { activeSetUpdate-r6 ActiveSetUpdate-r6-IEs, activeSetUpdate-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { activeSetUpdate-v6b0ext ActiveSetUpdate-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } ActiveSetUpdate-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, dummy2 CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, newU-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- dummy3 is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy3 DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, rl-AdditionInformationList RL-AdditionInformationList OPTIONAL, rl-RemovalInformationList RL-RemovalInformationList OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL, -- dummy4 is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy4 SSDT-Information OPTIONAL } ActiveSetUpdate-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE RL-AdditionInformationList included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } ActiveSetUpdate-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dpc-Mode DPC-Mode, dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } ActiveSetUpdate-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } ActiveSetUpdate-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, newU-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, newH-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, rl-AdditionInformationList RL-AdditionInformationList-r6 OPTIONAL, rl-RemovalInformationList RL-RemovalInformationList OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL, dpc-Mode DPC-Mode OPTIONAL, serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation Serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation OPTIONAL, e-dch-ReconfigurationInfo E-DCH-ReconfigurationInfo OPTIONAL } ActiveSetUpdate-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs rl-AdditionInformation-list-v6b0ext RL-AdditionInformation-list-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- ACTIVE SET UPDATE COMPLETE (FDD only) -- -- *************************************************** ActiveSetUpdateComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy2 RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, dummy3 UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions activeSetUpdateComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- ACTIVE SET UPDATE FAILURE (FDD only) -- -- *************************************************** ActiveSetUpdateFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions activeSetUpdateFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- Assistance Data Delivery -- -- *************************************************** AssistanceDataDelivery ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { assistanceDataDelivery-r3 AssistanceDataDelivery-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { assistanceDataDelivery-v3a0ext AssistanceDataDelivery-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions assistanceDataDelivery-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { assistanceDataDelivery-v4b0ext AssistanceDataDelivery-v4b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { assistanceDataDelivery-v7xyext AssistanceDataDelivery-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } AssistanceDataDelivery-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Measurement Information Elements ue-positioning-GPS-AssistanceData UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB OPTIONAL } AssistanceDataDelivery-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-Offset-Validity SFN-Offset-Validity OPTIONAL } AssistanceDataDelivery-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext OPTIONAL } AssistanceDataDelivery-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN -- -- *************************************************** CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-IEs CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-v590ext CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-v590ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- the IE rab-InformationList is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. The IE may be used in a later -- version of the protocol and hence it is not changed into a dummy rab-InformationList RAB-InformationList OPTIONAL, interRAT-TargetCellDescription InterRAT-TargetCellDescription } CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { geran-SystemInfoType CHOICE { sI GERAN-SystemInformation, pSI GERAN-SystemInformation } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { cellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3 CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions cellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and it -- should be ignored. dummy SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } CellChangeOrderFromUTRANFailure-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, interRAT-ChangeFailureCause InterRAT-ChangeFailureCause } -- *************************************************** -- -- CELL UPDATE -- -- *************************************************** CellUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, startList STARTList, am-RLC-ErrorIndicationRb2-3or4 BOOLEAN, am-RLC-ErrorIndicationRb5orAbove BOOLEAN, cellUpdateCause CellUpdateCause, -- TABULAR: RRC transaction identifier is nested in FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId OPTIONAL, rb-timer-indicator Rb-timer-indicator, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACH MeasuredResultsOnRACH OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions cellUpdate-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdate-v590ext CellUpdate-v590ext, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdate-v690ext CellUpdate-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdate-v6b0ext CellUpdate-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdate-v7xyext CellUpdate-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } CellUpdate-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { establishmentCause EstablishmentCause OPTIONAL } CellUpdate-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs cellUpdateCause-ext CellUpdateCause-ext OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq OPTIONAL, reconfigurationStatusIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } CellUpdate-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS IEs mbmsSelectedServices MBMS-SelectedServicesShort OPTIONAL } CellUpdate-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs csCallType ENUMERATED { speech, video, other, spare } OPTIONAL, ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- CELL UPDATE CONFIRM -- -- *************************************************** CellUpdateConfirm ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r3 CellUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v3a0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions cellUpdateConfirm-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r4 CellUpdateConfirm-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 cellUpdateConfirm-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r5 CellUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 cellUpdateConfirm-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r6 CellUpdateConfirm-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 cellUpdateConfirm-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v6b0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r7 CellUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 cellUpdateConfirm-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } CellUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4 BOOLEAN, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove BOOLEAN, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, modeSpecificTransChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour -- is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --Radio Bearer IEs pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4 BOOLEAN, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove BOOLEAN, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r4 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, modeSpecificTransChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4 BOOLEAN, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove BOOLEAN, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r5 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, modeSpecificTransChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4 BOOLEAN, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove BOOLEAN, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message -- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode OPTIONAL, beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } CellUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb2-3or4 BOOLEAN, rlc-Re-establishIndicatorRb5orAbove BOOLEAN, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- CELL UPDATE CONFIRM for CCCH -- -- *************************************************** CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, -- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH. cellUpdateConfirm-r3 CellUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions cellUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { u-RNTI U-RNTI, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { -- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH. cellUpdateConfirm-r4 CellUpdateConfirm-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 cellUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v590ext CellUpdateConfirm-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r5 CellUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs, cellUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v690ext CellUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r6 CellUpdateConfirm-r6-IEs, cellUpdateConfirm-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-v6b0ext CellUpdateConfirm-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { cellUpdateConfirm-r7 CellUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs, cellUpdateConfirm-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } -- *************************************************** -- -- COUNTER CHECK -- -- *************************************************** CounterCheck ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { counterCheck-r3 CounterCheck-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions counterCheck-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } CounterCheck-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList RB-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList } -- *************************************************** -- -- COUNTER CHECK RESPONSE -- -- *************************************************** CounterCheckResponse ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-COUNT-C-InformationList RB-COUNT-C-InformationList OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions counterCheckResponse-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- DOWNLINK DIRECT TRANSFER -- -- *************************************************** DownlinkDirectTransfer ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { downlinkDirectTransfer-r3 DownlinkDirectTransfer-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions downlinkDirectTransfer-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } DownlinkDirectTransfer-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Message NAS-Message } -- *************************************************** -- -- HANDOVER TO UTRAN COMMAND -- -- *************************************************** HandoverToUTRANCommand ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { handoverToUTRANCommand-r3 HandoverToUTRANCommand-r3-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { handoverToUTRANCommand-r4 HandoverToUTRANCommand-r4-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { handoverToUTRANCommand-r5 HandoverToUTRANCommand-r5-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { handoverToUTRANCommand-r6 HandoverToUTRANCommand-r6-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { handoverToUTRANCommand-v6b0ext HandoverToUTRANCommand-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } HandoverToUTRANCommand-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs new-U-RNTI U-RNTI-Short, -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy ActivationTime OPTIONAL, cipheringAlgorithm CipheringAlgorithm OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList OPTIONAL, ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dummy2 CPCH-SetInfo OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity } }, rab-Info RAB-Info-Post OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD, dl-CommonInformationPost DL-CommonInformationPost, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoFDD }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD, dl-CommonInformationPost DL-CommonInformationPost, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power } HandoverToUTRANCommand-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs new-U-RNTI U-RNTI-Short, cipheringAlgorithm CipheringAlgorithm OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r4, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dummy2 CPCH-SetInfo OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r4 } }, rab-Info RAB-Info-Post OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD, dl-CommonInformationPost DL-CommonInformationPost, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoFDD }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power } HandoverToUTRANCommand-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs new-U-RNTI U-RNTI-Short, cipheringAlgorithm CipheringAlgorithm OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList-r5, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r5 OPTIONAL, ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r5, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dummy2 CPCH-SetInfo OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r5 } }, rab-Info RAB-Info-Post OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD, dl-CommonInformationPost DL-CommonInformationPost, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoFDD }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power } HandoverToUTRANCommand-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs new-U-RNTI U-RNTI-Short, cipheringAlgorithm CipheringAlgorithm OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList-r6, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 } }, rab-Info RAB-Info-Post OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD, dl-CommonInformationPost DL-CommonInformationPost, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoFDD }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power } HandoverToUTRANCommand-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-hspa-identities UE-HSPA-Identities-r6 OPTIONAL } HandoverToUTRANCommand-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs new-U-RNTI U-RNTI-Short, cipheringAlgorithm CipheringAlgorithm-r7 OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList-r6, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7, ul-EDCH-Information-r7 UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 } }, rab-Info RAB-Info-Post OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD, dl-CommonInformationPost DL-CommonInformationPost, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoFDD }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7, dl-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfoTDD, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power } -- *************************************************** -- -- HANDOVER TO UTRAN COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** HandoverToUTRANComplete ::= SEQUENCE { --TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs -- TABULAR: startList is conditional on history. startList STARTList OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions handoverToUTRANComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- INITIAL DIRECT TRANSFER -- -- *************************************************** InitialDirectTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, intraDomainNasNodeSelector IntraDomainNasNodeSelector, nas-Message NAS-Message, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACH MeasuredResultsOnRACH OPTIONAL, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { initialDirectTransfer-v3a0ext InitialDirectTransfer-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions initialDirectTransfer-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { initialDirectTransfer-v590ext InitialDirectTransfer-v590ext, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { initialDirectTransfer-v690ext InitialDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { initialDirectTransfer-v7xyext InitialDirectTransfer-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } InitialDirectTransfer-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- start-value shall always be included in this version of the protocol start-Value START-Value OPTIONAL } InitialDirectTransfer-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { establishmentCause EstablishmentCause OPTIONAL } InitialDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-JoinedInformation MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6 OPTIONAL } InitialDirectTransfer-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { csCallType ENUMERATED { speech, video, other, spare } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND -- -- *************************************************** HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3 HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3-IEs, -- UTRAN should not include the IE laterNonCriticalExtensions when it sets the IE -- gsm-message included in handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3 to single-GSM-Message. The UE -- behaviour upon receiving a message with this combination of IE values is unspecified. laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN may apply the r3 version of the message to perform PS handover -- for a single RAB only v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-v690ext HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6 HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6-IEs, handoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs toHandoverRAB-Info RAB-Info OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs frequency-band Frequency-Band, -- Other IEs gsm-message CHOICE { -- In the single-GSM-Message case the following rules apply: -- 1> the GSM message directly follows the basic production; the final padding that -- results when PER encoding the abstract syntax value is removed prior to appending -- the GSM message. -- 2> the RRC message excluding the GSM part, does not contain a length determinant; -- there is no explicit parameter indicating the size of the included GSM message. -- 3> depending on need, final padding (all “0”s) is added to ensure the final result -- comprises a full number of octets single-GSM-Message SEQUENCE {}, gsm-MessageList SEQUENCE { gsm-Messages GSM-MessageList } } } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs toHandoverRAB-Info RAB-InformationList-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs frequency-band Frequency-Band, -- Other IEs gsm-message CHOICE { -- In the single-GSM-Message case the following rules apply: -- 1> the GSM message directly follows the basic production; the final padding that -- results when PER encoding the abstract syntax value is removed prior to appending -- the GSM message. -- 2> the RRC message excluding the GSM part, does not contain a length determinant; -- there is no explicit parameter indicating the size of the included GSM message. -- 3> depending on need, final padding (all “0”s) is added to ensure the final result -- comprises a full number of octets single-GSM-Message SEQUENCE {}, gsm-MessageList SEQUENCE { gsm-Messages GSM-MessageList } }, geran-SystemInfoType CHOICE { sI GERAN-SystemInformation, pSI GERAN-SystemInformation } OPTIONAL } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GSM-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { geran-SystemInfoType CHOICE { sI GERAN-SystemInformation, pSI GERAN-SystemInformation } OPTIONAL } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5 HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5-IEs, -- UTRAN should not include the IE nonCriticalExtensions when it sets -- the IE geranIu-message included in handoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5 to -- single-GERANIu-Message -- The UE behaviour upon receiving a message including this combination of IE values is -- not specified nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, later-than-r5 SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-GERANIu-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs frequency-Band Frequency-Band, -- Other IEs geranIu-Message CHOICE { -- In the single-GERANIu-Message case the following rules apply: -- 1> the GERAN Iu message directly follows the basic production; the final padding that -- results when PER encoding the abstract syntax value is removed prior to appending -- the GERAN Iu message. -- 2> the RRC message excluding the GERAN Iu part does not contain a length determinant; -- there is no explicit parameter indicating the size of the included GERAN Iu -- message. -- 3> depending on need, final padding (all “0”s) is added to ensure the final result -- comprises a full number of octets. single-GERANIu-Message SEQUENCE {}, geranIu-MessageList SEQUENCE { geranIu-Messages GERANIu-MessageList } } } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000 ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { handoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3 HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions handoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } HandoverFromUTRANCommand-CDMA2000-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs toHandoverRAB-Info RAB-Info OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs cdma2000-MessageList CDMA2000-MessageList } -- *************************************************** -- -- HANDOVER FROM UTRAN FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** HandoverFromUTRANFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Other IEs interRAT-HO-FailureCause InterRAT-HO-FailureCause OPTIONAL, -- In case the interRATMessage to be transferred is for GERAN Iu mode, the -- message should be placed in the HandoverFromUtranFailure-v590ext-IEs -- non-critical extension container. interRATMessage CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { gsm-MessageList GSM-MessageList }, cdma2000 SEQUENCE { cdma2000-MessageList CDMA2000-MessageList } } OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions handoverFromUTRANFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { handoverFromUTRANFailure-v590ext HandoverFromUtranFailure-v590ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } HandoverFromUtranFailure-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { geranIu-MessageList GERANIu-MessageList OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- INTER RAT HANDOVER INFO -- -- *************************************************** InterRATHandoverInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- This structure is defined for historical reasons, backward compatibility with 44.018 predefinedConfigStatusList CHOICE { absent NULL, present PredefinedConfigStatusList }, uE-SecurityInformation CHOICE { absent NULL, present UE-SecurityInformation }, ue-CapabilityContainer CHOICE { absent NULL, -- present is an octet aligned string containing IE UE-RadioAccessCapabilityInfo present OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) }, -- Non critical extensions v390NonCriticalExtensions CHOICE { absent NULL, present SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v390ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v390ext-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v3a0ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v3a0ext-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v3d0ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v3d0ext-IEs, -- Container for additional R99 extensions interRATHandoverInfo-r3-add-ext BIT STRING (CONTAINING InterRATHandoverInfo-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, v3g0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v3g0ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v3g0ext-IEs, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v4b0ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v4b0ext-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v4d0ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v4d0ext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v590ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v690ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v6b0ext InterRATHandoverInfo-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } } } InterRATHandoverInfo-v390ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext OPTIONAL, dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext } InterRATHandoverInfo-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v3d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v3g0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-r3-add-ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfo-v690ext1 InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext1-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator } InterRATHandoverInfo-v4d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs tdd128-RF-Capability RadioFrequencyBandTDDList OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs predefinedConfigStatusListComp PredefinedConfigStatusListComp OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext1-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-SecurityInformation2 UE-SecurityInformation2 OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-ext OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2 UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2 } InterRATHandoverInfo-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs supportForSIB11bis ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfo-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapabilityComp UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-r7 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MEASUREMENT CONTROL -- -- *************************************************** MeasurementControl ::= CHOICE { -- The Rel-4 functionality of UE Positioning OTDOA AssistanceData TDD is only available -- in the later-than-r3 branch of this message (i.e. through the use of the IE -- ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4) r3 SEQUENCE { measurementControl-r3 MeasurementControl-r3-IEs, v390nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v390ext MeasurementControl-v390ext, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v3a0ext MeasurementControl-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions measurementControl-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE{ -- The content of the v4b0 non-critical extension has been removed. If sent -- to a UE of AS release 4, the UE behaviour is unspecified. A UE of AS -- release 5 onward shall comply with the v4b0 and later extensions in this -- branch of the message. v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v590ext MeasurementControl-v590ext-IEs, v5b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v5b0ext MeasurementControl-v5b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v7xyext MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { measurementControl-r4 MeasurementControl-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 measurementControl-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE{ measurementControl-v590ext MeasurementControl-v590ext-IEs, v5b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v5b0ext MeasurementControl-v5b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v7xyext MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r4 SEQUENCE { -- Most significant part of "RRC transaction identifier" (MSP), -- "RRC transaction identifier" = rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP * 4 + -- rrc-TransactionIdentifier rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { measurementControl-r6 MeasurementControl-r6-IEs, v6a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v6a0ext MeasurementControl-v6a0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControl-v7xyext MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } MeasurementControl-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Measurement IEs measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, -- TABULAR: The measurement type is included in MeasurementCommand. measurementCommand MeasurementCommand, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementList AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs dpch-CompressedModeStatusInfo DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext UE-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-Offset-Validity SFN-Offset-Validity OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, -- TABULAR: The measurement type is included in measurementCommand. measurementCommand MeasurementCommand-r4, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementList AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs dpch-CompressedModeStatusInfo DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { measurementCommand-v590ext CHOICE { -- the choice “intra-frequency” shall be used for the case of intra-frequency measurement, -- as well as when intra-frequency events are configured for inter-frequency measurement intra-frequency Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext, inter-frequency Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext } OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 OPTIONAL, intraFreqEvent-1d-r5 IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5 OPTIONAL, -- most significant part of "RRC transaction identifier" (MSP), -- "RRC transaction identifier" = rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext * 4 + -- rrc-TransactionIdentifier rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext RRC-TransactionIdentifier } MeasurementControl-v5b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoIndication InterRATCellInfoIndication OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, -- TABULAR: The measurement type is included in measurementCommand. measurementCommand MeasurementCommand-r6, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementList AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs dpch-CompressedModeStatusInfo DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-v6a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 OPTIONAL } MeasurementControl-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext UE-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext, ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MEASUREMENT CONTROL FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** MeasurementControlFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions measurementControlFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementControlFailure-v590ext MeasurementControlFailure-v590ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MeasurementControlFailure-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- most significant part of "RRC transaction identifier" (MSP), -- "RRC transaction identifier" = rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext * 4 + -- rrc-TransactionIdentifier -- If the rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext was not received in the MEASUREMENT CONTROL -- message, then the rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext shall be set to zero rrc-TransactionIdentifier-MSP-v590ext RRC-TransactionIdentifier } -- *************************************************** -- -- MEASUREMENT REPORT -- -- *************************************************** MeasurementReport ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, measuredResults MeasuredResults OPTIONAL, measuredResultsOnRACH MeasuredResultsOnRACH OPTIONAL, additionalMeasuredResults MeasuredResultsList OPTIONAL, eventResults EventResults OPTIONAL, -- Non-critical extensions v390nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementReport-v390ext MeasurementReport-v390ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions measurementReport-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementReport-v4b0ext MeasurementReport-v4b0ext-IEs, -- Extension mechanism for non-Rel4 information v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementReport-v590ext MeasurementReport-v590ext-IEs, v5b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementReport-v5b0ext MeasurementReport-v5b0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementReport-v690ext MeasurementReport-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { measurementReport-v7xyext MeasurementReport-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MeasurementReport-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { measuredResults-v390ext MeasuredResults-v390ext OPTIONAL } MeasurementReport-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqEventResults-LCR InterFreqEventResults-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL, -- additionalMeasuredResults-LCR shall contain measurement results and additional measurement -- results list. additionalMeasuredResults-LCR MeasuredResultsList-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification. It should not be sent and -- if received it should be ignored. dummy PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL } MeasurementReport-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { measuredResults-v590ext MeasuredResults-v590ext OPTIONAL } MeasurementReport-v5b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoIndication InterRATCellInfoIndication OPTIONAL } MeasurementReport-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq OPTIONAL } MeasurementReport-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { velocityEstimate VelocityEstimate OPTIONAL, ue-InternalMeasuredResults UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PAGING TYPE 1 -- -- *************************************************** PagingType1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs pagingRecordList PagingRecordList OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs bcch-ModificationInfo BCCH-ModificationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions pagingType1-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { pagingType1-v590ext PagingType1-v590ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } PagingType1-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs pagingRecord2List PagingRecord2List-r5 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PAGING TYPE 2 -- -- *************************************************** PagingType2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, pagingCause PagingCause, -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, pagingRecordTypeID PagingRecordTypeID, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions pagingType2-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PHYSICAL CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION -- -- *************************************************** PhysicalChannelReconfiguration ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-r3 PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions physicalChannelReconfiguration-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-r4 PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 physicalChannelReconfiguration-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-r5 PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 physicalChannelReconfiguration-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-r6 PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 physicalChannelReconfiguration-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v6b0ext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-v7xyext PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfiguration-r7 PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 physicalChannelReconfiguration-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not -- changed to keep it aligned with R99. ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour -- is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not -- changed to keep it aligned with R99. ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not -- changed to keep it aligned with R99. ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User Equipment IEs delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message -- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode OPTIONAL, beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, timingMaintainedSynchInd TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfiguration-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PHYSICAL CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only. ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions physicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PHYSICAL CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** PhysicalChannelReconfigurationFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier OPTIONAL, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions physicalChannelReconfigurationFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PHYSICAL SHARED CHANNEL ALLOCATION (TDD only) -- -- *************************************************** PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3 PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { dsch-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4 PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 physicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalSharedChannelAllocation-v690ext PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { physicalSharedChannelAllocation-v7xyext PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs dsch-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Physical channel IEs ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl OPTIONAL, pusch-CapacityAllocationInfo PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo OPTIONAL, pdsch-CapacityAllocationInfo PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: If confirmRequest is not present, the default value "No Confirm" -- shall be used as specified in 10.2.25. confirmRequest ENUMERATED { confirmPDSCH, confirmPUSCH } OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeReportRequest INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, iscpTimeslotList TimeslotList OPTIONAL, requestPCCPCHRSCP BOOLEAN } PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- Physical channel IEs ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, pusch-CapacityAllocationInfo PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, pdsch-CapacityAllocationInfo PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: If confirmRequest is not present, the default value "No Confirm" -- shall be used as specified in 10.2.25. confirmRequest ENUMERATED { confirmPDSCH, confirmPUSCH } OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeReportRequest INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, iscpTimeslotList TimeslotList-r4 OPTIONAL, requestPCCPCHRSCP BOOLEAN } PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical Channel IEs beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL } PhysicalSharedChannelAllocation-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7 OPTIONAL, pusch-CapacityAllocationInfo PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, pdsch-CapacityAllocationInfo PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- PUSCH CAPACITY REQUEST (TDD only) -- -- *************************************************** PUSCHCapacityRequest ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs dsch-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs trafficVolume TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList OPTIONAL, timeslotListWithISCP TimeslotListWithISCP OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-RSCP PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP OPTIONAL, allocationConfirmation CHOICE { pdschConfirmation PDSCH-Identity, puschConfirmation PUSCH-Identity } OPTIONAL, protocolErrorIndicator ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions puschCapacityRequest-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { puschCapacityRequest-v590ext PUSCHCapacityRequest-v590ext, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } PUSCHCapacityRequest-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-RSCP-delta DeltaRSCP OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerReconfiguration ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-r3 RadioBearerReconfiguration-r3-IEs, -- Prefix "v3ao" is used (in one instance) to keep alignment with R99 v3aoNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v3a0ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerReconfiguration-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v4b0ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-r4 RadioBearerReconfiguration-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 radioBearerReconfiguration-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-r5 RadioBearerReconfiguration-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 radioBearerReconfiguration-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-r6 RadioBearerReconfiguration-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 radioBearerReconfiguration-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v6b0ext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-v7xyext RadioBearerReconfiguration-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfiguration-r7 RadioBearerReconfiguration-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 radioBearerReconfiguration-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } RadioBearerReconfiguration-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: IE rb-InformationReconfigList should be optional in later versions -- of this message rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: IE dl-InformationPerRL-List is optional in later versions -- of this message dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour -- is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v5d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --Radio Bearer IEs pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r4 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r5 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r5 OPTIONAL, rb-PDCPContextRelocationList RB-PDCPContextRelocationList OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the -- specification, they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r5 } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-PDCPContextRelocationList RB-PDCPContextRelocationList OPTIONAL, pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User Equipment IEs delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message -- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode OPTIONAL, beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, timingMaintainedSynchInd TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-PDCPContextRelocationList RB-PDCPContextRelocationList OPTIONAL, pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfiguration-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only. ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerReconfigurationComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, -- Radio bearer IEs potentiallySuccesfulBearerList RB-IdentityList OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerReconfigurationFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER RELEASE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerRelease ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-r3 RadioBearerRelease-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v3a0ext RadioBearerRelease-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerRelease-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v4b0ext RadioBearerRelease-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v590ext RadioBearerRelease-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v690ext RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-r4 RadioBearerRelease-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 radioBearerRelease-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v590ext RadioBearerRelease-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v690ext RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-r5 RadioBearerRelease-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 radioBearerRelease-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v690ext RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-r6 RadioBearerRelease-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 radioBearerRelease-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v6b0ext RadioBearerRelease-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-v7xyext RadioBearerRelease-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { radioBearerRelease-r7 RadioBearerRelease-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 radioBearerRelease-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } RadioBearerRelease-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, signallingConnectionRelIndication CN-DomainIdentity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour -- is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, signallingConnectionRelIndication CN-DomainIdentity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, signallingConnectionRelIndication CN-DomainIdentity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message -- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode OPTIONAL, beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, timingMaintainedSynchInd TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-RB-ListReleasedToChangeTransferMode RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, signallingConnectionRelIndication CN-DomainIdentity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-RB-ListReleasedToChangeTransferMode RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, signallingConnectionRelIndication CN-DomainIdentity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-RB-ListReleasedToChangeTransferMode RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL } RadioBearerRelease-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER RELEASE COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerReleaseComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only. ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerReleaseComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerReleaseComplete-v7xyext RadioBearerReleaseComplete-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } RadioBearerReleaseComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER RELEASE FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerReleaseFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, -- Radio bearer IEs potentiallySuccesfulBearerList RB-IdentityList OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerReleaseFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER SETUP -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerSetup ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-r3 RadioBearerSetup-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v3a0ext RadioBearerSetup-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerSetup-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v4b0ext RadioBearerSetup-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v590ext RadioBearerSetup-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v5d0ext RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v690ext RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-r4 RadioBearerSetup-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 radioBearerSetup-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v590ext RadioBearerSetup-v590ext-IEs, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v5d0ext RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v690ext RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-r5 RadioBearerSetup-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 radioBearerSetup-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v5d0NonCriticalExtenstions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v5d0ext RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v690ext RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-r6 RadioBearerSetup-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 radioBearerSetup-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-v6b0ext RadioBearerSetup-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetup-r7 RadioBearerSetup-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 radioBearerSetup-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } RadioBearerSetup-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList OPTIONAL, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour -- is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-v5d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --Radio Bearer IEs pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList OPTIONAL, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r4 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList-r5 OPTIONAL, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r5 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message -- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode OPTIONAL, beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, timingMaintainedSynchInd TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, rab-InformationReconfigList RAB-InformationReconfigList OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info-r6, defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6, rb-InformationChangedList RB-InformationChangedList-r6 OPTIONAL, powerOffsetInfoShort PowerOffsetInfoShort } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs -- The order of the RABs in IE rab-InformationSetupListExt is the same as -- in IE rab-InformationSetupList that is included in this message rab-InformationSetupListExt RAB-InformationSetupList-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetup-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r7 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReconfigList RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationAffectedList RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, pdcp-ROHC-TargetMode PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-deletedTransChInfoList UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-DeletedTransChInfoList DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info-r7, defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6, rb-InformationChangedList RB-InformationChangedList-r6 OPTIONAL, powerOffsetInfoShort PowerOffsetInfoShort } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER SETUP COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerSetupComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only. ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, start-Value START-Value OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerSetupComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { radioBearerSetupComplete-v7xyext RadioBearerSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } RadioBearerSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER SETUP FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** RadioBearerSetupFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, -- Radio bearer IEs potentiallySuccesfulBearerList RB-IdentityList OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions radioBearerSetupFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION REJECT -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionReject ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionReject-r3 RRCConnectionReject-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcConnectionReject-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionReject-v690ext RRCConnectionReject-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { initialUE-Identity InitialUE-Identity, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } RRCConnectionReject-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs initialUE-Identity InitialUE-Identity, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, rejectionCause RejectionCause, waitTime WaitTime, redirectionInfo RedirectionInfo OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionReject-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { redirectionInfo-v690ext GSM-TargetCellInfoList OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION RELEASE -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionRelease ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-r3 RRCConnectionRelease-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcConnectionRelease-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-r4 RRCConnectionRelease-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 rrcConnectionRelease-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-v7xyext RRCConnectionRelease-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } RRCConnectionRelease-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- n-308 is conditional on the UE state n-308 N-308 OPTIONAL, releaseCause ReleaseCause, rplmn-information Rplmn-Information OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionRelease-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs -- n-308 is conditional on the UE state. n-308 N-308 OPTIONAL, releaseCause ReleaseCause, rplmn-information Rplmn-Information-r4 OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { redirectionInfo-v690ext RedirectionInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionRelease-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION RELEASE for CCCH -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3 RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { u-RNTI U-RNTI, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4 RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: CHOICE IdentityType (U-RNTI, GroupIdentity) is replaced with the -- optional element groupIdentity, since the U-RNTI is mandatory in ASN.1. -- In case CHOICE IdentityType is equal to GroupIdentity the value of the U-RNTI -- shall be ignored by a UE complying with this version of the message. groupIdentity SEQUENCE ( SIZE (1 .. maxURNTI-Group) ) OF GroupReleaseInformation OPTIONAL, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5 RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 rrcConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRelease-v690ext RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, -- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH. rrcConnectionRelease RRCConnectionRelease-r3-IEs } RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH. rrcConnectionRelease RRCConnectionRelease-r4-IEs } -- The R5 and R4 sequence of IEs are identical in this message RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r5-IEs ::= RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-r4-IEs -- The R6 non-critical extension is identical to the one sent on DCCH. RRCConnectionRelease-CCCH-v690ext-IEs ::= RRCConnectionRelease-v690ext-IEs -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionReleaseComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, errorIndication FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcConnectionReleaseComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION REQUEST -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionRequest ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs initialUE-Identity InitialUE-Identity, establishmentCause EstablishmentCause, -- protocolErrorIndicator is MD, but for compactness reasons no default value -- has been assigned to it. protocolErrorIndicator ProtocolErrorIndicator, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACH MeasuredResultsOnRACH OPTIONAL, -- Non critical Extensions v3d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rRCConnectionRequest-v3d0ext RRCConnectionRequest-v3d0ext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRequest-v4b0ext RRCConnectionRequest-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRequest-v590ext RRCConnectionRequest-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRequest-v690ext RRCConnectionRequest-v690ext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRequest-v6b0ext RRCConnectionRequest-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionRequest-v7xyext RRCConnectionRequest-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionRequest-v3d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionRequest-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator } RRCConnectionRequest-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs predefinedConfigStatusInfo BOOLEAN } RRCConnectionRequest-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueCapabilityIndication ENUMERATED { hsdch, hsdch-edch } OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq OPTIONAL, domainIndicator CHOICE { cs-domain SEQUENCE { csCallType ENUMERATED {speech, video, other, spare } }, ps-domain NULL } } RRCConnectionRequest-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS IEs mbmsSelectedServices MBMS-SelectedServicesShort OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionRequest-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION SETUP -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionSetup ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-r3 RRCConnectionSetup-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcConnectionSetup-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v4b0ext RRCConnectionSetup-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v590ext RRCConnectionSetup-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v690ext RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { initialUE-Identity InitialUE-Identity, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-r4 RRCConnectionSetup-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 rrcConnectionSetup-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v590ext RRCConnectionSetup-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v690ext RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-r5 RRCConnectionSetup-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 rrcConnectionSetup-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v690ext RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-r6 RRCConnectionSetup-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 rrcConnectionSetup-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v6b0ext RRCConnectionSetup-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-v7xyext RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetup-r7 RRCConnectionSetup-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 rrcConnectionSetup-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } RRCConnectionSetup-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs initialUE-Identity InitialUE-Identity, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI, new-c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, -- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value -- defined in shall be used. capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList2, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList should be optional in later versions of -- this message ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, -- NOTE: dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList should be optional in later versions -- of this message dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs systemSpecificCapUpdateReq SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI, new-c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, -- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value -- defined in shall be used. capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList2, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI, new-c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, -- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value -- defined in shall be used. capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList2, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r5 } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5bis OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical Channel IEs beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI, new-c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, -- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value -- defined in shall be used. capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI, new-c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, -- TABULAR: If capabilityUpdateRequirement is not present, the default value -- defined in shall be used. capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Specification mode information specificationMode CHOICE { complete SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs srb-InformationSetupList SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL }, preconfiguration SEQUENCE { -- All IEs that include an FDD/TDD choice are split in two IEs for this message, -- one for the FDD only elements and one for the TDD only elements, so that one -- FDD/TDD choice in this level is sufficient. preConfigMode CHOICE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, defaultConfig SEQUENCE { defaultConfigMode DefaultConfigMode, defaultConfigIdentity DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 } } } }, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetup-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** RRCConnectionSetupComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall not be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, startList STARTList, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList OPTIONAL, -- Non critical extensions v370NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v370ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v370ext, v380NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v380ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v380ext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v3a0ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3a0ext-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING (CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, v3g0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v3g0ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3g0ext-IEs, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v4b0ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v590ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v590ext-IEs, v5c0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v5c0ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v5c0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v690ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConectionSetupComplete-v7xyext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v370ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v380ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext OPTIONAL, dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v3g0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v650ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v650ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v680NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { rrcConnectionSetupComplete-v680ext RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v680ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability-v590ext InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v680ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueCapabilityContainer BIT STRING (CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs) OPTIONAL } RRCConnectionSetupComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC FAILURE INFO -- -- *************************************************** RRC-FailureInfo ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { rRC-FailureInfo-r3 RRC-FailureInfo-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrc-FailureInfo-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } RRC-FailureInfo-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Non-RRC IEs failureCauseWithProtErr FailureCauseWithProtErr } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC STATUS -- -- *************************************************** RRCStatus ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other IEs -- TABULAR: Identification of received message is nested in -- ProtocolErrorMoreInformation protocolErrorInformation ProtocolErrorMoreInformation, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions rrcStatus-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- SECURITY MODE COMMAND -- -- *************************************************** SecurityModeCommand ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { securityModeCommand-r3 SecurityModeCommand-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions securityModeCommand-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE{ securityModeCommand-r7 SecurityModeCommand-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 securityModeCommand-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } SecurityModeCommand-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall always be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, securityCapability SecurityCapability, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, -- Other IEs ue-SystemSpecificSecurityCap InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList OPTIONAL } SecurityModeCommand-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall always be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs securityCapability SecurityCapability, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, -- Other IEs ue-SystemSpecificSecurityCap InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- SECURITY MODE COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** SecurityModeComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Integrity protection shall always be performed on this message. -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rb-UL-CiphActivationTimeInfo RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions securityModeComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- SECURITY MODE FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** SecurityModeFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions securityModeFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- SIGNALLING CONNECTION RELEASE -- -- *************************************************** SignallingConnectionRelease ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { signallingConnectionRelease-r3 SignallingConnectionRelease-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions signallingConnectionRelease-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } SignallingConnectionRelease-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity } -- *************************************************** -- -- SIGNALLING CONNECTION RELEASE INDICATION -- -- *************************************************** SignallingConnectionReleaseIndication ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions signallingConnectionReleaseIndication-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- SYSTEM INFORMATION for BCH -- -- *************************************************** SystemInformation-BCH ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sfn-Prime SFN-Prime, payload CHOICE { noSegment NULL, firstSegment FirstSegment, subsequentSegment SubsequentSegment, lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, lastAndFirst SEQUENCE { lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, firstSegment FirstSegmentShort }, lastAndComplete SEQUENCE { lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List }, lastAndCompleteAndFirst SEQUENCE { lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List, firstSegment FirstSegmentShort }, completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List, completeAndFirst SEQUENCE { completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List, firstSegment FirstSegmentShort }, completeSIB CompleteSIB, lastSegment LastSegment, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } } -- *************************************************** -- -- SYSTEM INFORMATION for FACH -- -- *************************************************** SystemInformation-FACH ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements payload CHOICE { noSegment NULL, firstSegment FirstSegment, subsequentSegment SubsequentSegment, lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, lastAndFirst SEQUENCE { lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, firstSegment FirstSegmentShort }, lastAndComplete SEQUENCE { lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List }, lastAndCompleteAndFirst SEQUENCE { lastSegmentShort LastSegmentShort, completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List, firstSegment FirstSegmentShort }, completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List, completeAndFirst SEQUENCE { completeSIB-List CompleteSIB-List, firstSegment FirstSegmentShort }, completeSIB CompleteSIB, lastSegment LastSegment, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } } -- *************************************************** -- -- First segment -- -- *************************************************** FirstSegment ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, seg-Count SegCount, sib-Data-fixed SIB-Data-fixed } -- *************************************************** -- -- First segment (short) -- -- *************************************************** FirstSegmentShort ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, seg-Count SegCount, sib-Data-variable SIB-Data-variable } -- *************************************************** -- -- Subsequent segment -- -- *************************************************** SubsequentSegment ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, segmentIndex SegmentIndex, sib-Data-fixed SIB-Data-fixed } -- *************************************************** -- -- Last segment -- -- *************************************************** LastSegment ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, segmentIndex SegmentIndex, -- For sib-Data-fixed, in case the SIB data is less than 222 bits, padding -- shall be used. The same padding bits shall be used as defined in clause 12.1 sib-Data-fixed SIB-Data-fixed } LastSegmentShort ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, segmentIndex SegmentIndex, sib-Data-variable SIB-Data-variable } -- *************************************************** -- -- Complete SIB -- -- *************************************************** CompleteSIB-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIBperMsg)) OF CompleteSIBshort CompleteSIB ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, -- For sib-Data-fixed, in case the SIB data is less than 226 bits, padding -- shall be used. The same padding bits shall be used as defined in clause 12.1 sib-Data-fixed BIT STRING (SIZE (226)) } CompleteSIBshort ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other information elements sib-Type SIB-Type, sib-Data-variable SIB-Data-variable } -- *************************************************** -- -- SYSTEM INFORMATION CHANGE INDICATION -- -- *************************************************** SystemInformationChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other IEs bcch-ModificationInfo BCCH-ModificationInfo, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions systemInformationChangeIndication-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- TRANSPORT CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION -- -- *************************************************** TransportChannelReconfiguration ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-r3 TransportChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions transportChannelReconfiguration-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-r4 TransportChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 transportChannelReconfiguration-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-r5 TransportChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 transportChannelReconfiguration-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-r6 TransportChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-7 transportChannelReconfiguration-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v6b0ext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-v7xyext TransportChannelReconfiguration-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfiguration-r7 TransportChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 transportChannelReconfiguration-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } } TransportChannelReconfiguration-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-UL OPTIONAL, -- The order of the RLs in IE cell-id-PerRL-List is the same as -- in IE DL-InformationPerRL-List included in this message cell-id-PerRL-List CellIdentity-PerRL-List OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-ChannelRequirement UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificPhysChInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DL-PDSCH-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r5 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User Equipment IEs delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs -- The IE harq-Preamble-Mode should not be used in the r3 and r4 versions of the message -- If included in the r3 or r4 version of the message, the UE should ignore the IE harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode OPTIONAL, beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, timingMaintainedSynchInd TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs dl-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, delayRestrictionFlag DelayRestrictionFlag OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, -- The IE “new-DSCH-RNTI” should not be included in FDD mode, -- and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified new-DSCH-RNTI DSCH-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-AddReconfTransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-AddReconfTransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Physical channel IEs frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-EDCH-Information UL-EDCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-HSPDSCH-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonInformation DL-CommonInformation-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-InformationPerRL-List DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfiguration-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueMobilityStateIndicator High-MobilityDetected OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- TRANSPORT CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE -- -- *************************************************** TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: UL-TimingAdvance is applicable for TDD mode only. ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions transportChannelReconfigurationComplete-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { transportChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- TRANSPORT CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** TransportChannelReconfigurationFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions transportChannelReconfigurationFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- ********************************************************* -- -- TRANSPORT FORMAT COMBINATION CONTROL in AM or UM RLC mode -- -- ********************************************************* TransportFormatCombinationControl ::= SEQUENCE { -- rrc-TransactionIdentifier is always included in this version of the specification rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd NULL, tdd SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-Identity OPTIONAL } }, dpch-TFCS-InUplink TFC-Subset, activationTimeForTFCSubset ActivationTime OPTIONAL, tfc-ControlDuration TFC-ControlDuration OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions transportFormatCombinationControl-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- TRANSPORT FORMAT COMBINATION CONTROL FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** TransportFormatCombinationControlFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions transportFormatCombinationControlFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- UE CAPABILITY ENQUIRY -- -- *************************************************** UECapabilityEnquiry ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityEnquiry-r3 UECapabilityEnquiry-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions ueCapabilityEnquiry-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityEnquiry-v4b0ext UECapabilityEnquiry-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityEnquiry-v590ext UECapabilityEnquiry-v590ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityEnquiry-v7xyext UECapabilityEnquiry-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } UECapabilityEnquiry-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement } UECapabilityEnquiry-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext } UECapabilityEnquiry-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { systemSpecificCapUpdateReq SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext } UECapabilityEnquiry-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** UECapabilityInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList OPTIONAL, v370NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v370ext UECapabilityInformation-v370ext, v380NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v380ext UECapabilityInformation-v380ext-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v3a0ext UECapabilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions ueCapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext BIT STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v4b0ext UECapabilityInformation-v4b0ext, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v590ext UECapabilityInformation-v590ext, v5c0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v5c0ext UECapabilityInformation-v5c0ext, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v690ext UECapabilityInformation-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v7xyext UECapabilityInformation-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v370ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v380ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext OPTIONAL, dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext } UECapabilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v650ext UECapabilityInformation-v650ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v680NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformation-v680ext UECapabilityInformation-v680ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability-v590ext InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v5c0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext } UECapabilityInformation-v680ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ue-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext } UECapabilityInformation-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs ueCapabilityContainer BIT STRING (CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs) OPTIONAL } UECapabilityInformation-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION CONFIRM -- -- *************************************************** UECapabilityInformationConfirm ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { ueCapabilityInformationConfirm-r3 UECapabilityInformationConfirm-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions ueCapabilityInformationConfirm-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } UECapabilityInformationConfirm-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier } -- *************************************************** -- -- UPLINK DIRECT TRANSFER -- -- *************************************************** UplinkDirectTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Message NAS-Message, -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACH MeasuredResultsOnRACH OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions uplinkDirectTransfer-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uplinkDirectTransfer-v690ext UplinkDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UplinkDirectTransfer-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- UPLINK PHYSICAL CHANNEL CONTROL -- -- *************************************************** UplinkPhysicalChannelControl ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3 UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uplinkPysicalChannelControl-v4b0ext UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v4b0ext-IEs, -- Extension mechanism for non-release 4 information noncriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4 UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5 UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-6 uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext-IEs, v6a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE{ uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v6a0ext UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v6a0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7 UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 uplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, -- Physical channel IEs ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, timingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl OPTIONAL, alpha Alpha OPTIONAL, specialBurstScheduling SpecialBurstScheduling OPTIONAL, prach-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, pusch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- In case of TDD, openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD is included instead of IE -- up-IPDL-Parameters in up-OTDOA-AssistanceData openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, specialBurstScheduling SpecialBurstScheduling OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { timingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, alpha Alpha OPTIONAL, prach-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, pusch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-SynchronisationParameters UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL } } } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, specialBurstScheduling SpecialBurstScheduling OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { timingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, alpha Alpha OPTIONAL, prach-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, pusch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL, hs-SICH-PowerControl HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384 OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-SynchronisationParameters UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL } } } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical Channel IEs beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-v6a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical Channel IEs desired-HS-SICH-PowerLevel INTEGER (-120..-58) OPTIONAL, tpc-Step-Size ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1 } OPTIONAL } UplinkPhysicalChannelControl-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs ccTrCH-PowerControlInfo CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, specialBurstScheduling SpecialBurstScheduling OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { timingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, alpha Alpha OPTIONAL, prach-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, pusch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL, hs-SICH-PowerControl HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384 OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { timingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7 OPTIONAL, alpha Alpha OPTIONAL, prach-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, pusch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL, openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL, hs-SICH-PowerControl HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768 OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-SynchronisationParameters UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL, desired-HS-SICH-PowerLevel INTEGER (-120..-58) OPTIONAL, tpc-Step-Size ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1 } OPTIONAL } } } -- *************************************************** -- -- URA UPDATE -- -- *************************************************** URAUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, ura-UpdateCause URA-UpdateCause, protocolErrorIndicator ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions uraUpdate-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- URA UPDATE CONFIRM -- -- *************************************************** URAUpdateConfirm ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-r3 URAUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions uraUpdateConfirm-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-v690ext URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-r5 URAUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-v690ext URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-r7 URAUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 uraUpdateConfirm-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } URAUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL } URAUpdateConfirm-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL } URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } URAUpdateConfirm-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, rrc-StateIndicator RRC-StateIndicator, utran-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfo OPTIONAL, primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- URA UPDATE CONFIRM for CCCH -- -- *************************************************** URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3 URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions uraUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { uraUpdateConfirm-v690ext URAUpdateConfirm-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { u-RNTI U-RNTI, rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, -- The rest of the message is identical to the one sent on DCCH. uraUpdateConfirm URAUpdateConfirm-r3-IEs } -- *************************************************** -- -- UTRAN MOBILITY INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** UTRANMobilityInformation ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { utranMobilityInformation-r3 UTRANMobilityInformation-r3-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { utranMobilityInformation-v3a0ext UTRANMobilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions utranMobilityInformation-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { utranMobilityInformation-v690ext UtranMobilityInformation-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { utranMobilityInformation-r5 UTRANMobilityInformation-r5-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { utranMobilityInformation-v690ext UtranMobilityInformation-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE{ utranMobilityInformation-r7 UTRANMobilityInformation-r7-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-8 utranMobilityInformation-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } UTRANMobilityInformation-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-ConnTimersAndConstants UE-ConnTimersAndConstants OPTIONAL, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfoFull OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } UTRANMobilityInformation-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext } UTRANMobilityInformation-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-ConnTimersAndConstants UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5 OPTIONAL, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfoFull OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL } UtranMobilityInformation-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } UTRANMobilityInformation-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs integrityProtectionModeInfo IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, cipheringModeInfo CipheringModeInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, new-U-RNTI U-RNTI OPTIONAL, new-C-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-ConnTimersAndConstants UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5 OPTIONAL, -- CN information elements cn-InformationInfo CN-InformationInfoFull OPTIONAL, primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs dl-CounterSynchronisationInfo DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- UTRAN MOBILITY INFORMATION CONFIRM -- -- *************************************************** UTRANMobilityInformationConfirm ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, ul-IntegProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs count-C-ActivationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL, ul-CounterSynchronisationInfo UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions utranMobilityInformationConfirm-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- UTRAN MOBILITY INFORMATION FAILURE -- -- *************************************************** UTRANMobilityInformationFailure ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE information elements rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { -- Container for additional R99 extensions utranMobilityInformationFailure-r3-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS ACCESS INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSAccessInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- Access Information IEs mbms-ServiceAccessInfoList MBMS-ServiceAccessInfoList-r6, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS COMMON PTM RB INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSCommonPTMRBInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- Common PTM RB Information IEs mbms-CommonRBInformationList MBMS-CommonRBInformationList-r6, mbms-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh-r6, mbms-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-PhyChInformationList MBMS-PhyChInformationList-r6, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS CURRENT CELL PTM RB INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSCurrentCellPTMRBInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- Current Cell PTM RB Information IEs mbms-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-SIBType5-SCCPCHList MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCHList-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS GENERAL INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSGeneralInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS General Information IEs mbms-PreferredFrequencyInfo MBMS-PreferredFrequencyList-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-TimersAndCounters MBMS-TimersAndCounters-r6, michConfigurationInfo MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r6, cellGroupIdentity MBMS-CellGroupIdentity-r6, mschDefaultConfigurationInfo MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Non critical extensions v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { mbmsGeneralInformation-v6b0ext MBMSGeneralInformation-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { mbmsGenerAlInformation-v7xyext MBMSGeneralInformation-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MBMSGeneralInformation-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { indicateChangeInSelectedServices BOOLEAN } MBMSGeneralInformation-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { mbmsMICHConfiguration-v7xyext MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r7 OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS MODIFICATION REQUEST -- -- *************************************************** MBMSModificationRequest ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS Modification Request IEs mbms-PreferredFreqRequest MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-InformationReleaseList RB-InformationReleaseList OPTIONAL, -- Non critical extensions v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { mbmsModificationRequest-v6b0ext MBMSModificationRequest-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MBMSModificationRequest-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { mbmsSelectedServiceInfo MBMS-SelectedServiceInfo } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS MODIFIED SERVICES INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSModifiedServicesInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS Modified Services Information IEs modifedServiceList MBMS-ModifedServiceList-r6 OPTIONAL, mbms-ReacquireMCCH ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, mbms-DynamicPersistenceLevel DynamicPersistenceLevel OPTIONAL, endOfModifiedMCCHInformation INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, mbmsNumberOfNeighbourCells MBMS-NumberOfNeighbourCells-r6, mbms-AllUnmodifiedPTMServices ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, mbms-PTMActivationTime MBMS-PTMActivationTime-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS NEIGHBOURING CELL PTM RB INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSNeighbouringCellPTMRBInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS Neighbouring Cell PTM RB Information IEs neighbouringCellIdentity IntraFreqCellID, neighbouringCellSCCPCHList MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCHList-r6, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS SCHEDULING INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSSchedulingInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS Scheduling Information IEs serviceSchedulingInfoList MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfoList-r6, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS UNMODIFIED SERVICES INFORMATION -- -- *************************************************** MBMSUnmodifiedServicesInformation ::= SEQUENCE { -- MBMS Unmodified Services Information IEs unmodifiedServiceList MBMS-UnmodifiedServiceList-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Non critical extensions nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } END 11.3 Information element definitions InformationElements DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= -- *************************************************** -- -- CORE NETWORK INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.1) -- -- *************************************************** BEGIN IMPORTS hiPDSCHidentities, hiPUSCHidentities, hiRM, maxAC, maxAdditionalMeas, maxASC, maxASCmap, maxASCpersist, maxCCTrCH, maxCellMeas, maxCellMeas-1, maxCNdomains, maxCPCHsets, maxDPCH-DLchan, maxDPDCH-UL, maxDRACclasses, maxE-DCHMACdFlow, maxE-DCHMACdFlow-1, maxFACHPCH, maxFreq, maxFreqBandsFDD, maxFreqBandsFDD-ext, maxFreqBandsTDD, maxFreqBandsGSM, maxGERAN-SI, maxHProcesses, maxHSDSCHTBIndex, maxHSDSCHTBIndex-tdd384, maxHSSCCHs, maxInterSysMessages, maxLoCHperRLC, maxMAC-d-PDUsizes, maxMBMS-CommonCCTrCh, maxMBMS-CommonPhyCh, maxMBMS-CommonRB, maxMBMS-CommonTrCh, maxMBMS-Freq, maxMBMS-L1CP, maxMBMSservCount, maxMBMSservModif, maxMBMSservSched, maxMBMSservSelect, maxMBMSservUnmodif, maxMBMSTransmis, maxMeasEvent, maxMeasIntervals, maxMeasParEvent, maxNumCDMA2000Freqs, maxNumE-AGCH, maxNumFDDFreqs, maxNumGSMFreqRanges, maxGSMTargetCells, maxNumTDDFreqs, maxOtherRAT, maxOtherRAT-16, maxPage1, maxPCPCH-APsig, maxPCPCH-APsubCh, maxPCPCH-CDsig, maxPCPCH-CDsubCh, maxPCPCH-SF, maxPCPCHs, maxPDCPAlgoType, maxPDSCH, maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups, maxPRACH, maxPRACH-FPACH, maxPredefConfig, maxPUSCH, maxQueueIDs, maxRABsetup, maxRAT, maxRB, maxRBallRABs, maxRBperTrCh, maxRBMuxOptions, maxRBperRAB, maxReportedGSMCells, maxRLCPDUsizePerLogChan, maxSRBsetup, maxRL, maxRL-1, maxEDCHRL, maxROHC-PacketSizes-r4, maxROHC-Profile-r4, maxSCCPCH, maxSat, maxSIB, maxSIB-FACH, maxSystemCapability, maxTF, maxTF-CPCH, maxTFC, maxTFCsub, maxTFCI-2-Combs, maxTGPS, maxTrCH, maxTrCHpreconf, maxTS, maxTS-1, maxTS-2, maxTS-LCR, maxTS-LCR-1, maxURA, maxURNTI-Group FROM Constant-definitions; Ansi-41-IDNNS ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (14)) CN-DomainIdentity ::= ENUMERATED { cs-domain, ps-domain } CN-DomainInformation ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cn-DomainSpecificNAS-Info NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP } CN-DomainInformationFull ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cn-DomainSpecificNAS-Info NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient } CN-DomainInformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF CN-DomainInformation CN-DomainInformationListFull ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF CN-DomainInformationFull CN-DomainSysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cn-Type CHOICE { gsm-MAP NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, ansi-41 NAS-SystemInformationANSI-41 }, cn-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient } CN-DomainSysInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF CN-DomainSysInfo CN-InformationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP OPTIONAL, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationList OPTIONAL } CN-InformationInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP OPTIONAL, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationList OPTIONAL, primary-plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } CN-InformationInfoFull ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP OPTIONAL, cn-DomainInformationListFull CN-DomainInformationListFull OPTIONAL } Digit ::= INTEGER (0..9) Gsm-map-IDNNS ::= SEQUENCE { routingbasis CHOICE { localPTMSI SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, tMSIofsamePLMN SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, tMSIofdifferentPLMN SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, iMSIresponsetopaging SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, iMSIcauseUEinitiatedEvent SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, iMEI SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, spare2 SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter }, spare1 SEQUENCE { routingparameter RoutingParameter } }, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy BOOLEAN } IMEI ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (15)) OF IMEI-Digit IMEI-Digit ::= INTEGER (0..15) IMSI-GSM-MAP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (6..21)) OF Digit IntraDomainNasNodeSelector ::= SEQUENCE { version CHOICE { release99 SEQUENCE { cn-Type CHOICE { gsm-Map-IDNNS Gsm-map-IDNNS, ansi-41-IDNNS Ansi-41-IDNNS } }, later SEQUENCE { futurecoding BIT STRING (SIZE (15)) } } } LAI ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity, lac BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) } MCC ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (3)) OF Digit MNC ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..3)) OF Digit MultiplePLMN-List-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mibPLMN-Identity BOOLEAN, multiplePLMNs SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF PLMN-IdentityWithOptionalMCC-r6 } NAS-Message ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..4095)) NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator ::= BIT STRING(SIZE(4)) NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) P-TMSI-GSM-MAP ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) PagingRecordTypeID ::= ENUMERATED { imsi-GSM-MAP, tmsi-GSM-MAP-P-TMSI, imsi-DS-41, tmsi-DS-41 } PLMN-Identity ::= SEQUENCE { mcc MCC, mnc MNC } PLMN-IdentityWithOptionalMCC-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mcc MCC OPTIONAL, mnc MNC } PLMN-Type ::= CHOICE { gsm-MAP SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity }, ansi-41 SEQUENCE { p-REV P-REV, min-P-REV Min-P-REV, sid SID, nid NID }, gsm-MAP-and-ANSI-41 SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity, p-REV P-REV, min-P-REV Min-P-REV, sid SID, nid NID }, spare NULL } RAB-Identity ::= CHOICE { gsm-MAP-RAB-Identity BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), ansi-41-RAB-Identity BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) } RAI ::= SEQUENCE { lai LAI, rac RoutingAreaCode } RoutingAreaCode ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) RoutingParameter ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) TMSI-GSM-MAP ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) -- *************************************************** -- -- UTRAN MOBILITY INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.2) -- -- *************************************************** AccessClassBarred ::= ENUMERATED { barred, notBarred } AccessClassBarredList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxAC)) OF AccessClassBarred AllowedIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { allowed, notAllowed } CellAccessRestriction ::= SEQUENCE { cellBarred CellBarred, cellReservedForOperatorUse ReservedIndicator, cellReservationExtension ReservedIndicator, -- NOTE: IE accessClassBarredList should not be included if the IE CellAccessRestriction -- is included in the IE SysInfoType4 accessClassBarredList AccessClassBarredList OPTIONAL } CellBarred ::= CHOICE { barred SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellReselectionInd AllowedIndicator, t-Barred T-Barred }, notBarred NULL } CellIdentity ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) CellIdentity-PerRL-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF CellIdentity CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-3-4 ::= SEQUENCE { mappingInfo MappingInfo OPTIONAL, cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { -- Default value for q-HYST-2-S is q-HYST-1-S q-HYST-2-S Q-Hyst-S OPTIONAL -- Default value for q-HYST-2-S is q-HYST-1-S }, cpich-RSCP NULL }, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { s-Intrasearch S-SearchQual OPTIONAL, s-Intersearch S-SearchQual OPTIONAL, s-SearchHCS S-SearchRXLEV OPTIONAL, rat-List RAT-FDD-InfoList OPTIONAL, q-QualMin Q-QualMin, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin }, tdd SEQUENCE { s-Intrasearch S-SearchRXLEV OPTIONAL, s-Intersearch S-SearchRXLEV OPTIONAL, s-SearchHCS S-SearchRXLEV OPTIONAL, rat-List RAT-TDD-InfoList OPTIONAL, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin } }, q-Hyst-l-S Q-Hyst-S, t-Reselection-S T-Reselection-S, hcs-ServingCellInformation HCS-ServingCellInformation OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power } DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionForSharedNetwork-v670ext ::= CHOICE { domainSpecificAccessRestictionList DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionList-v670ext, domainSpecificAccessRestictionParametersForAll DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext } DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionList-v670ext ::= SEQUENCE { domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator1 DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext OPTIONAL, domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator2 DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext OPTIONAL, domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator3 DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext OPTIONAL, domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator4 DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext OPTIONAL, domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForOperator5 DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext OPTIONAL } DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext ::= SEQUENCE { cSDomainSpecificAccessRestriction DomainSpecificAccessRestriction-v670ext, pSDomainSpecificAccessRestriction DomainSpecificAccessRestriction-v670ext } DomainSpecificAccessRestriction-v670ext ::= CHOICE { noRestriction NULL, restriction SEQUENCE { domainSpecficAccessClassBarredList AccessClassBarredList OPTIONAL } } MapParameter ::= INTEGER (0..99) Mapping ::= SEQUENCE { rat RAT, mappingFunctionParameterList MappingFunctionParameterList } Mapping-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { mappingFunctionParameterList MappingFunctionParameterList } MappingFunctionParameter ::= SEQUENCE { functionType MappingFunctionType, mapParameter1 MapParameter OPTIONAL, mapParameter2 MapParameter, -- The presence of upperLimit is conditional on the number of repetition upperLimit UpperLimit OPTIONAL } MappingFunctionParameterList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasIntervals)) OF MappingFunctionParameter MappingFunctionType ::= ENUMERATED { linear, functionType2, functionType3, functionType4 } -- In MappingInfo list, mapping for FDD and 3.84Mcps TDD is defined. -- For 1.28Mcps TDD, Mapping-LCR-r4 is used instead. MappingInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAT)) OF Mapping -- Actual value Q-Hyst-S = IE value * 2 Q-Hyst-S ::= INTEGER (0..20) Q-Hyst-S-Fine ::= INTEGER (0..40) RAT ::= ENUMERATED { utra-FDD, utra-TDD, gsm, cdma2000 } RAT-FDD-Info ::= SEQUENCE { rat-Identifier RAT-Identifier, s-SearchRAT S-SearchQual, s-HCS-RAT S-SearchRXLEV OPTIONAL, s-Limit-SearchRAT S-SearchQual } RAT-FDD-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT)) OF RAT-FDD-Info RAT-Identifier ::= ENUMERATED { gsm, cdma2000 } RAT-TDD-Info ::= SEQUENCE { rat-Identifier RAT-Identifier, s-SearchRAT S-SearchRXLEV, s-HCS-RAT S-SearchRXLEV OPTIONAL, s-Limit-SearchRAT S-SearchRXLEV } RAT-TDD-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT)) OF RAT-TDD-Info ReservedIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { reserved, notReserved } -- Actual value S-SearchQual = IE value * 2 S-SearchQual ::= INTEGER (-16..10) -- Actual value S-SearchRXLEV = (IE value * 2) + 1 S-SearchRXLEV ::= INTEGER (-53..45) -- Actual value ScalingFactor = IE value * 0.1 SpeedDependentScalingFactor ::= INTEGER (0..10) T-Barred ::= ENUMERATED { s10, s20, s40, s80, s160, s320, s640, s1280 } T-Reselection-S ::= INTEGER (0..31) -- Actual value T-Reselection-S-Fine = IE value * 0.2 T-Reselection-S-Fine ::= INTEGER (0..31) -- Actual value ScalingFactor = IE value * 0.25 TreselectionScalingFactor ::= INTEGER (4..19) -- For UpperLimit, the used range depends on the RAT used. UpperLimit ::= INTEGER (1..91) URA-Identity ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) URA-IdentityList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxURA)) OF URA-Identity -- *************************************************** -- -- USER EQUIPMENT INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.3) -- -- *************************************************** AccessStratumReleaseIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { rel-4, rel-5, rel-6, rel-7, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } -- TABULAR : for ActivationTime, value 'now' always appear as default, and is encoded -- by absence of the field ActivationTime ::= INTEGER (0..255) BackoffControlParams ::= SEQUENCE { n-AP-RetransMax N-AP-RetransMax, n-AccessFails N-AccessFails, nf-BO-NoAICH NF-BO-NoAICH, ns-BO-Busy NS-BO-Busy, nf-BO-AllBusy NF-BO-AllBusy, nf-BO-Mismatch NF-BO-Mismatch, t-CPCH T-CPCH } C-RNTI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) CapabilityUpdateRequirement ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioCapabilityFDDUpdateRequirement BOOLEAN, -- ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement is for 3.84Mcps TDD update requirement ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement BOOLEAN, systemSpecificCapUpdateReqList SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList OPTIONAL } CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioCapabilityUpdateRequirement-TDD128 BOOLEAN } CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioCapabilityFDDUpdateRequirement-FDD BOOLEAN, ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD384 BOOLEAN, ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD128 BOOLEAN, systemSpecificCapUpdateReqList SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList OPTIONAL } CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioCapabilityUpdateRequirement-TDD768 BOOLEAN } -- If the IE CellUpdateCause has the value 'cellUpdateCause-ext', the actual value is -- defined in the IE CellUpdateCause-ext. CellUpdateCause ::= ENUMERATED { cellReselection, periodicalCellUpdate, uplinkDataTransmission, utran-pagingResponse, re-enteredServiceArea, radiolinkFailure, rlc-unrecoverableError, cellUpdateCause-ext } -- The IE CellUpdateCause-ext shall be present, if the IE CellUpdateCause has the -- value 'cellUpdateCause-ext'. -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should not be sent -- and if received it should be ignored by the receiver. CellUpdateCause-ext ::= ENUMERATED { mbms-Reception, mbms-PTP-RB-Request, dummy, spare1 } ChipRateCapability ::= ENUMERATED { mcps3-84, mcps1-28 } ChipRateCapability-r7 ::= ENUMERATED { mcps3-84, mcps7-68, mcps1-28 } CipheringAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { uea0, uea1 } CipheringAlgorithm-r7 ::= ENUMERATED { uea0, uea1, uea2 } CipheringModeCommand ::= CHOICE { startRestart CipheringAlgorithm, dummy NULL } CipheringModeCommand-r7 ::= CHOICE { startRestart CipheringAlgorithm-r7 } CipheringModeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: The ciphering algorithm is included in the CipheringModeCommand. cipheringModeCommand CipheringModeCommand, activationTimeForDPCH ActivationTime OPTIONAL, rb-DL-CiphActivationTimeInfo RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL } CipheringModeInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: The ciphering algorithm is included in the CipheringModeCommand. cipheringModeCommand CipheringModeCommand-r7, activationTimeForDPCH ActivationTime OPTIONAL, rb-DL-CiphActivationTimeInfo RB-ActivationTimeInfoList OPTIONAL } CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient ::= INTEGER (6..9) CN-PagedUE-Identity ::= CHOICE { imsi-GSM-MAP IMSI-GSM-MAP, tmsi-GSM-MAP TMSI-GSM-MAP, p-TMSI-GSM-MAP P-TMSI-GSM-MAP, imsi-DS-41 IMSI-DS-41, tmsi-DS-41 TMSI-DS-41, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } CompressedModeMeasCapability ::= SEQUENCE { fdd-Measurements BOOLEAN, -- TABULAR: The IEs tdd-Measurements, gsm-Measurements and multiCarrierMeasurements -- are made optional since they are conditional based on another information element. -- Their absence corresponds to the case where the condition is not true. tdd-Measurements BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, gsm-Measurements GSM-Measurements OPTIONAL, multiCarrierMeasurements BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } CompressedModeMeasCapability-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tdd128-Measurements BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList2 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD2 CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD-ext CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD ::= SEQUENCE { radioFrequencyBandFDD RadioFrequencyBandFDD OPTIONAL, dl-MeasurementsFDD BOOLEAN, ul-MeasurementsFDD BOOLEAN } CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE may omit both IEs if this IE indicates the compressed mode capability within the same -- frequency band. Otherwise, the UE shall include either one of the following OPTIONAL IEs. radioFrequencyBandFDD RadioFrequencyBandFDD OPTIONAL, radioFrequencyBandFDD2 RadioFrequencyBandFDD2 OPTIONAL, dl-MeasurementsFDD BOOLEAN, ul-MeasurementsFDD BOOLEAN } CompressedModeMeasCapabFDD-ext ::= SEQUENCE { radioFrequencyBandFDD2 RadioFrequencyBandFDD2, dl-MeasurementsFDD BOOLEAN, ul-MeasurementsFDD BOOLEAN } CompressedModeMeasCapabTDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsTDD)) OF CompressedModeMeasCapabTDD CompressedModeMeasCapabTDD ::= SEQUENCE { radioFrequencyBandTDD RadioFrequencyBandTDD, dl-MeasurementsTDD BOOLEAN, ul-MeasurementsTDD BOOLEAN } CompressedModeMeasCapabGSMList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsGSM)) OF CompressedModeMeasCapabGSM CompressedModeMeasCapabGSM ::= SEQUENCE { radioFrequencyBandGSM RadioFrequencyBandGSM, dl-MeasurementsGSM BOOLEAN, ul-MeasurementsGSM BOOLEAN } CompressedModeMeasCapabMC ::= SEQUENCE { dl-MeasurementsMC BOOLEAN, ul-MeasurementsMC BOOLEAN } CPCH-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { initialPriorityDelayList InitialPriorityDelayList OPTIONAL, backoffControlParams BackoffControlParams, -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm, dl-DPCCH-BER DL-DPCCH-BER } DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig ::= ENUMERATED{kbps32, kbps64, kbps128, kbps384} DL-DPCCH-BER ::= INTEGER (0..63) DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes” only gives information on the maximum number of DPCH Codes. maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes INTEGER (1..8), maxNoPhysChBitsReceived MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived, supportForSF-512 BOOLEAN, -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification -- and if received they should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception } DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation OPTIONAL } SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation ::= ENUMERATED { true } DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerFrame MaxTS-PerFrame, maxPhysChPerFrame MaxPhysChPerFrame, minimumSF MinimumSF-DL, supportOfPDSCH BOOLEAN, maxPhysChPerTS MaxPhysChPerTS } DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerSubFrame MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4, maxPhysChPerFrame MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4, minimumSF MinimumSF-DL, supportOfPDSCH BOOLEAN, maxPhysChPerTS MaxPhysChPerTS, supportOf8PSK BOOLEAN } DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-768 ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerFrame MaxTS-PerFrame, maxPhysChPerFrame MaxPhysChPerFrame-768, minimumSF MinimumSF-DL-768, supportOfPDSCH BOOLEAN, maxPhysChPerTS MaxPhysChPerTS-768 } DL-TransChCapability ::= SEQUENCE { maxNoBitsReceived MaxNoBits, maxConvCodeBitsReceived MaxNoBits, turboDecodingSupport TurboSupport, maxSimultaneousTransChs MaxSimultaneousTransChsDL, maxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count MaxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count, maxReceivedTransportBlocks MaxTransportBlocksDL, maxNumberOfTFC MaxNumberOfTFC-DL, maxNumberOfTF MaxNumberOfTF } DRAC-SysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { transmissionProbability TransmissionProbability, maximumBitRate MaximumBitRate } DRAC-SysInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRACclasses)) OF DRAC-SysInfo DSCH-RNTI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) DelayRestrictionFlag ::= ENUMERATED { true } E-RNTI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) ESN-DS-41 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) EstablishmentCause ::= ENUMERATED { originatingConversationalCall, originatingStreamingCall, originatingInteractiveCall, originatingBackgroundCall, originatingSubscribedTrafficCall, terminatingConversationalCall, terminatingStreamingCall, terminatingInteractiveCall, terminatingBackgroundCall, emergencyCall, interRAT-CellReselection, interRAT-CellChangeOrder, registration, detach, originatingHighPrioritySignalling, originatingLowPrioritySignalling, callRe-establishment, terminatingHighPrioritySignalling, terminatingLowPrioritySignalling, terminatingCauseUnknown, mbms-Reception, mbms-PTP-RB-Request, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } FailureCauseWithProtErr ::= CHOICE { configurationUnsupported NULL, physicalChannelFailure NULL, incompatibleSimultaneousReconfiguration NULL, compressedModeRuntimeError TGPSI, protocolError ProtocolErrorInformation, cellUpdateOccurred NULL, invalidConfiguration NULL, configurationIncomplete NULL, unsupportedMeasurement NULL, mbmsSessionAlreadyReceivedCorrectly NULL, lowerPriorityMBMSService NULL, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } FailureCauseWithProtErrTrId ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr } GroupIdentityWithReleaseInformation ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-ConnectionReleaseInformation RRC-ConnectionReleaseInformation, groupReleaseInformation GroupReleaseInformation } GroupReleaseInformation ::= SEQUENCE { uRNTI-Group U-RNTI-Group } GSM-Measurements ::= SEQUENCE { gsm900 BOOLEAN, dcs1800 BOOLEAN, gsm1900 BOOLEAN } H-RNTI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) High-MobilityDetected ::= ENUMERATED { high-MobilityDetected } HSDSCH-physical-layer-category ::= INTEGER (1..64) UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) IMSI-and-ESN-DS-41 ::= SEQUENCE { imsi-DS-41 IMSI-DS-41, esn-DS-41 ESN-DS-41 } IMSI-DS-41 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..7)) InitialPriorityDelayList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF NS-IP InitialUE-Identity ::= CHOICE { imsi IMSI-GSM-MAP, tmsi-and-LAI TMSI-and-LAI-GSM-MAP, p-TMSI-and-RAI P-TMSI-and-RAI-GSM-MAP, imei IMEI, esn-DS-41 ESN-DS-41, imsi-DS-41 IMSI-DS-41, imsi-and-ESN-DS-41 IMSI-and-ESN-DS-41, tmsi-DS-41 TMSI-DS-41 } IntegrityCheckInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messageAuthenticationCode MessageAuthenticationCode, rrc-MessageSequenceNumber RRC-MessageSequenceNumber } IntegrityProtActivationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-MessageSequenceNumberList RRC-MessageSequenceNumberList } IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { uia1 } IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm-r7 ::= ENUMERATED { uia1, uia2 } IntegrityProtectionModeCommand ::= CHOICE { startIntegrityProtection SEQUENCE { integrityProtInitNumber IntegrityProtInitNumber }, modify SEQUENCE { dl-IntegrityProtActivationInfo IntegrityProtActivationInfo } } IntegrityProtectionModeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: DL integrity protection activation info and Integrity -- protection intialisation number have been nested inside -- IntegrityProtectionModeCommand. integrityProtectionModeCommand IntegrityProtectionModeCommand, integrityProtectionAlgorithm IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm OPTIONAL } IntegrityProtectionModeInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: DL integrity protection activation info and Integrity -- protection intialisation number have been nested inside -- IntegrityProtectionModeCommand. integrityProtectionModeCommand IntegrityProtectionModeCommand, integrityProtectionAlgorithm IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm-r7 OPTIONAL } IntegrityProtInitNumber ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. MaxHcContextSpace ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, by1024, by2048, by4096, by8192 } MaxHcContextSpace-r5-ext ::= ENUMERATED { by16384, by32768, by65536, by131072 } MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4 ::= ENUMERATED { s2, s4, s8, s12, s16, s24, s32, s48, s64, s128, s256, s512, s1024, s16384 } MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, am4, am5, am6, am8, am16, am30 } -- Actual value MaximumBitRate = IE value * 16 MaximumBitRate ::= INTEGER (0..32) MaximumRLC-WindowSize ::= ENUMERATED { mws2047, mws4095 } MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted ::= ENUMERATED { b600, b1200, b2400, b4800, b9600, b19200, b28800, b38400, b48000, b57600 } MaxNoBits ::= ENUMERATED { b640, b1280, b2560, b3840, b5120, b6400, b7680, b8960, b10240, b20480, b40960, b81920, b163840 } MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, b1200, b2400, b3600, b4800, b7200, b9600, b14400, b19200, b28800, b38400, b48000, b57600, b67200, b76800 } MaxNoSCCPCH-RL ::= ENUMERATED { rl1 } MaxNumberOfTF ::= ENUMERATED { tf32, tf64, tf128, tf256, tf512, tf1024 } MaxNumberOfTFC-DL ::= ENUMERATED { tfc16, tfc32, tfc48, tfc64, tfc96, tfc128, tfc256, tfc512, tfc1024 } MaxNumberOfTFC-UL ::= ENUMERATED { dummy1, dummy2, tfc16, tfc32, tfc48, tfc64, tfc96, tfc128, tfc256, tfc512, tfc1024 } -- the values 1 …4 for MaxPhysChPerFrame are not used in this version of the protocol MaxPhysChPerFrame ::= INTEGER (1..224) MaxPhysChPerFrame-768 ::= INTEGER (1..448) MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4 ::= INTEGER (1..96) MaxPhysChPerTimeslot ::= ENUMERATED { ts1, ts2 } -- the values 1 …4 for MaxPhysChPerTS are not used in this version of the protocol MaxPhysChPerTS ::= INTEGER (1..16) MaxPhysChPerTS-768 ::= INTEGER (1..32) MaxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count ::= INTEGER (1..8) MaxSimultaneousTransChsDL ::= ENUMERATED { e4, e8, e16, e32 } MaxSimultaneousTransChsUL ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, e4, e8, e16, e32 } MaxTransportBlocksDL ::= ENUMERATED { tb4, tb8, tb16, tb32, tb48, tb64, tb96, tb128, tb256, tb512 } MaxTransportBlocksUL ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, tb4, tb8, tb16, tb32, tb48, tb64, tb96, tb128, tb256, tb512 } MaxTS-PerFrame ::= INTEGER (1..14) MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4 ::= INTEGER (1..6) -- TABULAR: MeasurementCapability contains dependencies to UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability, -- the conditional fields have been left mandatory for now. MeasurementCapability ::= SEQUENCE { downlinkCompressedMode CompressedModeMeasCapability, uplinkCompressedMode CompressedModeMeasCapability } MeasurementCapabilityExt ::= SEQUENCE{ compressedModeMeasCapabFDDList CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList, compressedModeMeasCapabTDDList CompressedModeMeasCapabTDDList OPTIONAL, compressedModeMeasCapabGSMList CompressedModeMeasCapabGSMList OPTIONAL, compressedModeMeasCapabMC CompressedModeMeasCapabMC OPTIONAL } MeasurementCapabilityExt2 ::= SEQUENCE{ compressedModeMeasCapabFDDList CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList2, compressedModeMeasCapabTDDList CompressedModeMeasCapabTDDList OPTIONAL, compressedModeMeasCapabGSMList CompressedModeMeasCapabGSMList OPTIONAL, compressedModeMeasCapabMC CompressedModeMeasCapabMC OPTIONAL } MeasurementCapability-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { downlinkCompressedMode-LCR CompressedModeMeasCapability-LCR-r4, uplinkCompressedMode-LCR CompressedModeMeasCapability-LCR-r4 } MessageAuthenticationCode ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) MinimumSF-DL ::= ENUMERATED { sf1, sf16 } MinimumSF-DL-768 ::= ENUMERATED { sf1, sf32 } MinimumSF-UL ::= ENUMERATED { sf1, sf2, sf4, sf8, dummy } MultiModeCapability ::= ENUMERATED { tdd, fdd, fdd-tdd } MultiRAT-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { supportOfGSM BOOLEAN, supportOfMulticarrier BOOLEAN } MultiModeRAT-Capability-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { supportOfUTRAN-ToGERAN-NACC BOOLEAN } MultiModeRAT-Capability-v680ext ::= SEQUENCE { supportOfHandoverToGAN ENUMERATED { doesSupportHandoverToGAN } OPTIONAL } N-300 ::= INTEGER (0..7) N-301 ::= INTEGER (0..7) N-302 ::= INTEGER (0..7) N-304 ::= INTEGER (0..7) N-308 ::= INTEGER (1..8) N-310 ::= INTEGER (0..7) N-312 ::= ENUMERATED { s1, s50, s100, s200, s400, s600, s800, s1000 } N-312ext ::= ENUMERATED { s2, s4, s10, s20 } N-312-r5 ::= ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s4, s10, s20, s50, s100, s200, s400, s600, s800, s1000 } N-313 ::= ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s4, s10, s20, s50, s100, s200 } N-315 ::= ENUMERATED { s1, s50, s100, s200, s400, s600, s800, s1000 } N-315ext ::= ENUMERATED { s2, s4, s10, s20 } N-315-r5 ::= ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s4, s10, s20, s50, s100, s200, s400, s600, s800, s1000 } N-AccessFails ::= INTEGER (1..64) N-AP-RetransMax ::= INTEGER (1..64) NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported ::= ENUMERATED { networkBased, ue-Based, bothNetworkAndUE-Based, noNetworkAssistedGPS } NF-BO-AllBusy ::= INTEGER (0..31) NF-BO-NoAICH ::= INTEGER (0..31) NF-BO-Mismatch ::= INTEGER (0..127) NS-BO-Busy ::= INTEGER (0..63) NS-IP ::= INTEGER (0..28) P-TMSI-and-RAI-GSM-MAP ::= SEQUENCE { p-TMSI P-TMSI-GSM-MAP, rai RAI } PagingCause ::= ENUMERATED { terminatingConversationalCall, terminatingStreamingCall, terminatingInteractiveCall, terminatingBackgroundCall, terminatingHighPrioritySignalling, terminatingLowPrioritySignalling, terminatingCauseUnknown, spare } PagingRecord ::= CHOICE { cn-Identity SEQUENCE { pagingCause PagingCause, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cn-pagedUE-Identity CN-PagedUE-Identity }, utran-Identity SEQUENCE { u-RNTI U-RNTI, cn-OriginatedPage-connectedMode-UE SEQUENCE { pagingCause PagingCause, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, pagingRecordTypeID PagingRecordTypeID } OPTIONAL } } PagingRecord2-r5 ::= CHOICE { utran-SingleUE-Identity SEQUENCE { u-RNTI U-RNTI, cn-OriginatedPage-connectedMode-UE SEQUENCE { pagingCause PagingCause, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, pagingRecordTypeID PagingRecordTypeID } OPTIONAL, rrc-ConnectionReleaseInformation RRC-ConnectionReleaseInformation }, utran-GroupIdentity SEQUENCE ( SIZE (1 .. maxURNTI-Group) ) OF GroupIdentityWithReleaseInformation } PagingRecordList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPage1)) OF PagingRecord PagingRecord2List-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPage1)) OF PagingRecord2-r5 PDCP-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport BOOLEAN, -- If present, the "maxHcContextSpace" in the IE "PDCP-Capability-r5-ext" overrides the -- "supported" value in this IE. The value in this IE may be used by a pre-REL-5 UTRAN. supportForRfc2507 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported MaxHcContextSpace } } PDCP-Capability-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { supportForRfc3095 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported SEQUENCE { maxROHC-ContextSessions MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4 DEFAULT s16, reverseCompressionDepth INTEGER (0..65535) DEFAULT 0 } } } PDCP-Capability-r5-ext ::= SEQUENCE { supportForRfc3095ContextRelocation BOOLEAN, maxHcContextSpace MaxHcContextSpace-r5-ext OPTIONAL } PDCP-Capability-r5-ext2 ::= SEQUENCE { losslessDLRLC-PDUSizeChange ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelCapability ::= SEQUENCE { fddPhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD } OPTIONAL, -- tddPhysChCapability describes the 3.84Mcps TDD physical channel capability tddPhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD } OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelCapability-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { fddPhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD } OPTIONAL, -- tddPhysChCapability describes the 3.84Mcps TDD physical channel capability tddPhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD } OPTIONAL, -- tddPhysicalChaCapability-768 describes the 7.68 TDD physical channel capability tddPhysChCapability-768 SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-768, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD } } -- PhysicalChannelCapability-LCR-r4 describes the 1.28Mcps TDD physical channel capability PhysicalChannelCapability-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tdd128-PhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 } OPTIONAL } -- PhysicalChannelCapability-hspdsch-r5 describes the HS-PDSCH physical channel capability PhysicalChannelCapability-hspdsch-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { fdd-hspdsch CHOICE { supported SEQUENCE { hsdsch-physical-layer-category HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification -- and if received they should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 BOOLEAN }, unsupported NULL }, tdd384-hspdsch CHOICE { supported HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, unsupported NULL }, tdd128-hspdsch CHOICE { supported HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, unsupported NULL } } PNBSCH-Allocation-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { numberOfRepetitionsPerSFNPeriod ENUMERATED { c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12, c14, c16, c18, c20, c24, c28, c32, c36, c40, c48, c56, c64, c72, c80 } } ProtocolErrorCause ::= ENUMERATED { asn1-ViolationOrEncodingError, messageTypeNonexistent, messageNotCompatibleWithReceiverState, ie-ValueNotComprehended, informationElementMissing, messageExtensionNotComprehended, spare2, spare1 } ProtocolErrorIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { noError, errorOccurred } ProtocolErrorIndicatorWithMoreInfo ::= CHOICE { noError NULL, errorOccurred SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, protocolErrorInformation ProtocolErrorInformation } } ProtocolErrorMoreInformation ::= SEQUENCE { diagnosticsType CHOICE { type1 CHOICE { asn1-ViolationOrEncodingError NULL, messageTypeNonexistent NULL, messageNotCompatibleWithReceiverState IdentificationOfReceivedMessage, ie-ValueNotComprehended IdentificationOfReceivedMessage, conditionalInformationElementError IdentificationOfReceivedMessage, messageExtensionNotComprehended IdentificationOfReceivedMessage, spare1 NULL, spare2 NULL }, spare NULL } } RadioFrequencyBandFDD ::= ENUMERATED { -- fdd2100, fdd1900, fdd1800 correspond to Band I, Band II and Band III respectively fdd2100, fdd1900, fdd1800, bandVI, bandIV, bandV, bandVII, extension-indicator } RadioFrequencyBandFDD2 ::= ENUMERATED { bandVIII, bandIX, bandX, bandXI, bandXII, bandXIII, bandXIV, bandXV, bandXVI, bandXVII, bandXVIII, bandXIX, bandXX, bandXXI, bandXXII, extension-indicator } RadioFrequencyBandTDDList ::= ENUMERATED { a, b, c, ab, ac, bc, abc, spare } RadioFrequencyBandTDDList-r7 ::= ENUMERATED { a, b, c, d, ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, cd, abc, abd, acd, bcd, abcd, spare } RadioFrequencyBandTDD ::= ENUMERATED { a, b, c, d } RadioFrequencyBandGSM ::= ENUMERATED { gsm450, gsm480, gsm850, gsm900P, gsm900E, gsm1800, gsm1900, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} Rb-timer-indicator ::= SEQUENCE { t314-expired BOOLEAN, t315-expired BOOLEAN } Re-EstablishmentTimer ::= ENUMERATED { useT314, useT315 } RedirectionInfo ::= CHOICE { frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo, interRATInfo InterRATInfo } RedirectionInfo-r6 ::= CHOICE { frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo, interRATInfo InterRATInfo-r6 } RejectionCause ::= ENUMERATED { congestion, unspecified } ReleaseCause ::= ENUMERATED { normalEvent, unspecified, pre-emptiveRelease, congestion, re-establishmentReject, directedsignallingconnectionre-establishment, userInactivity, spare } RF-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { fddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClass, txRxFrequencySeparation TxRxFrequencySeparation } OPTIONAL, tddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClass, radioFrequencyTDDBandList RadioFrequencyBandTDDList, chipRateCapability ChipRateCapability } OPTIONAL } RF-Capability-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { tddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClass, radioFrequencyBandTDDList RadioFrequencyBandTDDList, chipRateCapability ChipRateCapability } OPTIONAL } RF-Capability-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { fddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClass, txRxFrequencySeparation TxRxFrequencySeparation } OPTIONAL, tddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClass, radioFrequencyTDDBandList RadioFrequencyBandTDDList-r7, chipRateCapability ChipRateCapability-r7 } OPTIONAL } RLC-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { -- If present, the "totalRLC-AM-BufferSize" in the IE "RLC-Capability-r5-ext" overrides the -- corresponding value in this IE. The value in this IE may be used by a pre-REL-5 UTRAN. totalRLC-AM-BufferSize TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize, maximumRLC-WindowSize MaximumRLC-WindowSize, maximumAM-EntityNumber MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap } RLC-Capability-r5-ext ::= SEQUENCE { totalRLC-AM-BufferSize TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5-ext OPTIONAL } RRC-ConnectionReleaseInformation ::= CHOICE { noRelease NULL, release SEQUENCE { releaseCause ReleaseCause } } RRC-MessageSequenceNumber ::= INTEGER (0..15) RRC-MessageSequenceNumberList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (4..5)) OF RRC-MessageSequenceNumber RRC-StateIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { cell-DCH, cell-FACH, cell-PCH, ura-PCH } RRC-TransactionIdentifier ::= INTEGER (0..3) S-RNTI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (20)) S-RNTI-2 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) SecurityCapability ::= SEQUENCE { cipheringAlgorithmCap BIT STRING { -- For each bit value “0” means false/ not supported spare15(0), spare14(1), spare13(2), spare12(3), spare11(4), spare10(5), spare9(6), spare8(7), spare7(8), spare6(9), spare5(10), spare4(11), spare3(12), uea2(13), uea1(14), uea0(15) } (SIZE (16)), integrityProtectionAlgorithmCap BIT STRING { -- For each bit value “0” means false/ not supported spare15(0), spare14(1), spare13(2), spare12(3), spare11(4), spare10(5), spare9(6), spare8(7), spare7(8), spare6(9), spare5(10), spare4(11), spare3(12), uia2(13), uia1(14), spare0(15) } (SIZE (16)) } Serving-HSDSCH-CellInformation ::= SEQUENCE { deltaACK DeltaACK OPTIONAL, deltaNACK DeltaNACK OPTIONAL, harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode, primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, dl-hspdsch-Information DL-HSPDSCH-Information OPTIONAL, harqInfo HARQ-Info OPTIONAL, mac-hsResetIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception ::= CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported SEQUENCE { maxNoSCCPCH-RL MaxNoSCCPCH-RL, -- simultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-DPDCH-Reception is applicable only if -- the IE Support of PDSCH = TRUE -- Note: the reference to DPDCH in the element name below is incorrect (see tabular). The -- name is not changed, to keep it aligned with R99. simultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-DPDCH-Reception BOOLEAN } } SRNC-Identity ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) START-Value ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (20)) STARTList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF STARTSingle STARTSingle ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, start-Value START-Value } CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioCapabilityFDDUpdateRequirement-FDD BOOLEAN, ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD384 BOOLEAN, ue-RadioCapabilityTDDUpdateRequirement-TDD128 BOOLEAN, systemSpecificCapUpdateReqList SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList-r5 OPTIONAL } SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq ::= ENUMERATED { gsm } SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-v590ext ::= ENUMERATED { geranIu } SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-r5 ::= ENUMERATED { gsm, geranIu } SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSystemCapability)) OF SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq SystemSpecificCapUpdateReqList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSystemCapability)) OF SystemSpecificCapUpdateReq-r5 T-300 ::= ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1400, ms1600, ms1800, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, ms6000, ms8000 } T-301 ::= ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1400, ms1600, ms1800, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, ms6000, ms8000, spare } T-302 ::= ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1400, ms1600, ms1800, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, ms6000, ms8000, spare } T-304 ::= ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms400, ms1000, ms2000, spare3, spare2, spare1 } T-305 ::= ENUMERATED { noUpdate, m5, m10, m30, m60, m120, m360, m720 } T-307 ::= ENUMERATED { s5, s10, s15, s20, s30, s40, s50, spare } T-308 ::= ENUMERATED { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320 } T-309 ::= INTEGER (1..8) T-310 ::= ENUMERATED { ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms200, ms240, ms280, ms320 } T-311 ::= ENUMERATED { ms250, ms500, ms750, ms1000, ms1250, ms1500, ms1750, ms2000 } -- The value 0 for T-312 is not used in this version of the specification T-312 ::= INTEGER (0..15) T-313 ::= INTEGER (0..15) T-314 ::= ENUMERATED { s0, s2, s4, s6, s8, s12, s16, s20 } T-315 ::= ENUMERATED { s0, s10, s30, s60, s180, s600, s1200, s1800 } T-316 ::= ENUMERATED { s0, s10, s20, s30, s40, s50, s-inf, spare } -- All the values are changed to "infinity" in Rel-5 T-317 ::= ENUMERATED { infinity0, infinity1, infinity2, infinity3, infinity4, infinity5, infinity6, infinity7} T-318 ::= ENUMERATED { ms250, ms500, ms750, ms1000, ms1250, ms1500, ms1750, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, ms6000, ms8000, ms10000, ms12000, ms16000 } T-CPCH ::= ENUMERATED { ct0, ct1 } TMSI-and-LAI-GSM-MAP ::= SEQUENCE { tmsi TMSI-GSM-MAP, lai LAI } TMSI-DS-41 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..17)) TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, kb10, kb50, kb100, kb150, kb500, kb1000, spare } TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5-ext ::= ENUMERATED { kb200, kb300, kb400, kb750 } -- Actual value TransmissionProbability = IE value * 0.125 TransmissionProbability ::= INTEGER (1..8) TransportChannelCapability ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransChCapability DL-TransChCapability, ul-TransChCapability UL-TransChCapability } TurboSupport ::= CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported MaxNoBits } -- Values defined as spare shall not be sent in this version of the protocol. If a spare value is -- received, it should be interpreted as 'default-RxTX-sparation'. TxRxFrequencySeparation ::= ENUMERATED { default-TxRx-separation, spare2, spare1 } U-RNTI ::= SEQUENCE { srnc-Identity SRNC-Identity, s-RNTI S-RNTI } U-RNTI-Group ::= CHOICE { -- TABULAR: not following the tabular strictly, but this will most likely save bits all NULL, u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b1 BIT STRING (SIZE (31)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b2 BIT STRING (SIZE (30)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b3 BIT STRING (SIZE (29)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b4 BIT STRING (SIZE (28)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b5 BIT STRING (SIZE (27)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b6 BIT STRING (SIZE (26)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b7 BIT STRING (SIZE (25)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b8 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b9 BIT STRING (SIZE (23)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b10 BIT STRING (SIZE (22)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b11 BIT STRING (SIZE (21)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b12 BIT STRING (SIZE (20)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b13 BIT STRING (SIZE (19)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b14 BIT STRING (SIZE (18)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b15 BIT STRING (SIZE (17)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b17 BIT STRING (SIZE (15)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b18 BIT STRING (SIZE (14)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b19 BIT STRING (SIZE (13)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b20 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b21 BIT STRING (SIZE (11)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b22 BIT STRING (SIZE (10)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b23 BIT STRING (SIZE (9)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b24 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b25 BIT STRING (SIZE (7)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b26 BIT STRING (SIZE (6)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b27 BIT STRING (SIZE (5)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b28 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b29 BIT STRING (SIZE (3)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b30 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), u-RNTI-BitMaskIndex-b31 BIT STRING (SIZE (1)) } U-RNTI-Short ::= SEQUENCE { srnc-Identity SRNC-Identity, s-RNTI-2 S-RNTI-2 } UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Container for transparent transfer of capability information not related to -- features for which early implementation is desired ue-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext, ue-RATSpecificCapability-v690ext InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v6b0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs supportForSIB11bis ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } UE-ConnTimersAndConstants ::= SEQUENCE { -- Optional is used also for parameters for which the default value is the last one read in SIB1 -- t-301 and n-301 should not be used by the UE in this version of the specification t-301 T-301 DEFAULT ms2000, n-301 N-301 DEFAULT 2, t-302 T-302 DEFAULT ms4000, n-302 N-302 DEFAULT 3, t-304 T-304 DEFAULT ms2000, n-304 N-304 DEFAULT 2, t-305 T-305 DEFAULT m30, t-307 T-307 DEFAULT s30, t-308 T-308 DEFAULT ms160, t-309 T-309 DEFAULT 5, t-310 T-310 DEFAULT ms160, n-310 N-310 DEFAULT 4, t-311 T-311 DEFAULT ms2000, t-312 T-312 DEFAULT 1, -- n-312 shall be ignored if n-312 in UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext is present, and the -- value of that element shall be used instead. n-312 N-312 DEFAULT s1, t-313 T-313 DEFAULT 3, n-313 N-313 DEFAULT s20, t-314 T-314 DEFAULT s12, t-315 T-315 DEFAULT s180, -- n-315 shall be ignored if n-315 in UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext is present, and the -- value of that element shall be used instead. n-315 N-315 DEFAULT s1, t-316 T-316 DEFAULT s30, t-317 T-317 DEFAULT infinity4 } UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { n-312 N-312ext OPTIONAL, n-315 N-315ext OPTIONAL } UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Optional is used also for parameters for which the default value is the last one read in SIB1 -- t-301 and n-301 should not be used by the UE in this version of the specification t-301 T-301 DEFAULT ms2000, n-301 N-301 DEFAULT 2, t-302 T-302 DEFAULT ms4000, n-302 N-302 DEFAULT 3, t-304 T-304 DEFAULT ms2000, n-304 N-304 DEFAULT 2, t-305 T-305 DEFAULT m30, t-307 T-307 DEFAULT s30, t-308 T-308 DEFAULT ms160, t-309 T-309 DEFAULT 5, t-310 T-310 DEFAULT ms160, n-310 N-310 DEFAULT 4, t-311 T-311 DEFAULT ms2000, t-312 T-312 DEFAULT 1, n-312 N-312-r5 DEFAULT s1, t-313 T-313 DEFAULT 3, n-313 N-313 DEFAULT s20, t-314 T-314 DEFAULT s12, t-315 T-315 DEFAULT s180, n-315 N-315-r5 DEFAULT s1, t-316 T-316 DEFAULT s30, t-317 T-317 DEFAULT infinity4 } UE-IdleTimersAndConstants ::= SEQUENCE { t-300 T-300, n-300 N-300, t-312 T-312, -- n-312 shall be ignored if n-312 in UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext is present, and the -- value of that element shall be used instead. n-312 N-312 } UE-HSPA-Identities-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { new-H-RNTI H-RNTI OPTIONAL, newPrimary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL, newSecondary-E-RNTI E-RNTI OPTIONAL } UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { n-312 N-312ext OPTIONAL } UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { multiRAT-CapabilityList MultiRAT-Capability, multiModeCapability MultiModeCapability } UE-PowerClass ::= INTEGER (1..4) UE-PowerClassExt ::= ENUMERATED {class1, class2, class3, class4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } UE-RadioAccessCapability ::= SEQUENCE { -- UE-RadioAccessCapability is compatible with R99, although accessStratumReleaseIndicator -- is removed from this IE, since its encoding did not does in bits. The -- accessStratumReleaseIndicator is provided in the relevant REL-4 extension IEs. pdcp-Capability PDCP-Capability, rlc-Capability RLC-Capability, transportChannelCapability TransportChannelCapability, rf-Capability RF-Capability, physicalChannelCapability PhysicalChannelCapability, ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability, securityCapability SecurityCapability, ue-positioning-Capability UE-Positioning-Capability, measurementCapability MeasurementCapability OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapabilityInfo ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability, ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-PositioningCapabilityExt-v380 UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v380 } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3a0 UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3a0 } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3g0 UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3g0 } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v650ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2 UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2, -- This IE shall be included if the UE also supports Band I-VII ue-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext ::= SEQUENCE { physicalchannelcapability-edch PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6, -- TABULAR: deviceType is MD in tabular description -- Default value is 'doesBenefitFromBatteryConsumptionOptimisation' deviceType ENUMERATED { doesNotBenefitFromBatteryConsumptionOptimisation } OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext ::= SEQUENCE { rf-Capability RF-Capability-r7 OPTIONAL, physicalChannelCapability-r7 PhysicalChannelCapability-r7 OPTIONAL, physicalchannelcapability-tddedch PhysicalChannelCapability-tddedch-r7 OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD2 UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD2 ::= SEQUENCE { radioFrequencyBandFDD2 RadioFrequencyBandFDD2, fddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClassExt, txRxFrequencySeparation TxRxFrequencySeparation } OPTIONAL, measurementCapability2 MeasurementCapabilityExt2 } UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v380 ::= SEQUENCE { rx-tx-TimeDifferenceType2Capable BOOLEAN } UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3a0 ::= SEQUENCE { validity-CellPCH-UraPCH ENUMERATED { true } } UE-PositioningCapabilityExt-v3g0 ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-sfnType2Capability ENUMERATED { true } } UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD-ext UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD ::= SEQUENCE{ radioFrequencyBandFDD RadioFrequencyBandFDD, fddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClassExt, txRxFrequencySeparation TxRxFrequencySeparation } OPTIONAL, measurementCapability MeasurementCapabilityExt } UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDD-ext ::= SEQUENCE { radioFrequencyBandFDD RadioFrequencyBandFDD, compressedModeMeasCapabFDDList-ext CompressedModeMeasCapabFDDList-ext } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-Capability-r4-ext PDCP-Capability-r4-ext, tdd-CapabilityExt SEQUENCE { rf-Capability RF-Capability-r4-ext, physicalChannelCapability-LCR PhysicalChannelCapability-LCR-r4, measurementCapability-r4-ext MeasurementCapability-r4-ext } OPTIONAL, -- IE " AccessStratumReleaseIndicator" is not needed in RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp ::= SEQUENCE { totalAM-RLCMemoryExceeds10kB BOOLEAN, rf-CapabilityComp RF-CapabilityComp } UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-ext ::= SEQUENCE { rf-CapabilityFDDComp RF-CapabBandListFDDComp-ext } UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { totalAM-RLCMemoryExceeds10kB BOOLEAN, rf-CapabilityComp RF-CapabilityComp-r7 } UE-RadioAccessCapabilityComp2 ::= SEQUENCE { fddPhysicalChannelCapab-hspdsch-edch SEQUENCE { dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig OPTIONAL, physicalChannelCapabComp-hspdsch-r6 HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, physicalChannelCapability-edch-r6 PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6 } OPTIONAL } RF-CapabilityComp ::= SEQUENCE { fdd CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RF-CapabBandListFDDComp }, tdd384-RF-Capability CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RadioFrequencyBandTDDList }, tdd128-RF-Capability CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RadioFrequencyBandTDDList } } RF-CapabilityComp-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { fdd CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RF-CapabBandListFDDComp }, tdd384-RF-Capability CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RadioFrequencyBandTDDList-r7 }, tdd768-RF-Capability CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RadioFrequencyBandTDDList-r7 }, tdd128-RF-Capability CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported RadioFrequencyBandTDDList-r7 } } -- NOTE: This IE defines the supported TX/RX frequency separation for the respective supported -- frequency band. Values defined as spare shall not be sent in this version of the protocol. -- If a spare value is received, it should be interpreted as 'default-RxTX-sparation'. RF-CapabBandFDDComp ::= ENUMERATED { notSupported, default-TxRx-separation, spare2, spare1 } RF-CapabBandListFDDComp ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD)) OF -- The first entry corresponds with the first value of IE RadioFrequencyBandFDD, -- fdd2100, and so on. No more than seven entries should be included in this IE. The -- 8'th entry, if present, shall be ignored. -- An extension of this IE may be provided using the IE 'RF-CapabBandListFDDComp-ext'. RF-CapabBandFDDComp RF-CapabBandListFDDComp-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqBandsFDD-ext)) OF -- The first entry corresponds with the first value of IE RadioFrequencyBandFDD2, -- bandVIII, and so on. RF-CapabBandFDDComp UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig OPTIONAL, pdcp-Capability-r5-ext PDCP-Capability-r5-ext, rlc-Capability-r5-ext RLC-Capability-r5-ext, physicalChannelCapability PhysicalChannelCapability-hspdsch-r5, multiModeRAT-Capability-v590ext MultiModeRAT-Capability-v590ext } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-Capability-r5-ext2 PDCP-Capability-r5-ext2 } UE-RadioAccessCapability-v680ext ::= SEQUENCE { multiModeRAT-Capability-v680ext MultiModeRAT-Capability-v680ext } UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD ::= SEQUENCE { maxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy BOOLEAN } UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted, physicalchannelcapability-edch PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6 } UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerFrame MaxTS-PerFrame, maxPhysChPerTimeslot MaxPhysChPerTimeslot, minimumSF MinimumSF-UL, supportOfPUSCH BOOLEAN } UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerSubFrame MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4, maxPhysChPerTimeslot MaxPhysChPerTimeslot, minimumSF MinimumSF-UL, supportOfPUSCH BOOLEAN, supportOf8PSK BOOLEAN } PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { fdd-edch CHOICE { supported SEQUENCE { edch-PhysicalLayerCategory INTEGER (1..16) }, unsupported NULL } } PhysicalChannelCapability-tddedch-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { tdd-edch CHOICE { supported SEQUENCE { tdd-edch-PhysicalLayerCategory INTEGER (1..16) }, unsupported NULL } } UL-TransChCapability ::= SEQUENCE { maxNoBitsTransmitted MaxNoBits, maxConvCodeBitsTransmitted MaxNoBits, turboEncodingSupport TurboSupport, maxSimultaneousTransChs MaxSimultaneousTransChsUL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd NULL, tdd SEQUENCE { maxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count MaxSimultaneousCCTrCH-Count } }, maxTransmittedBlocks MaxTransportBlocksUL, maxNumberOfTFC MaxNumberOfTFC-UL, maxNumberOfTF MaxNumberOfTF } UE-Positioning-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { standaloneLocMethodsSupported BOOLEAN, ue-BasedOTDOA-Supported BOOLEAN, networkAssistedGPS-Supported NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported, supportForUE-GPS-TimingOfCellFrames BOOLEAN, supportForIPDL BOOLEAN } UE-SecurityInformation ::= SEQUENCE { start-CS START-Value } UE-SecurityInformation2 ::= SEQUENCE { start-PS START-Value } URA-UpdateCause ::= ENUMERATED { changeOfURA, periodicURAUpdate, dummy, spare1 } UTRAN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient ::= INTEGER (3..9) WaitTime ::= INTEGER (0..15) -- *************************************************** -- -- RADIO BEARER INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.4) -- -- *************************************************** AlgorithmSpecificInfo ::= CHOICE { rfc2507-Info RFC2507-Info } AlgorithmSpecificInfo-r4 ::= CHOICE { rfc2507-Info RFC2507-Info, rfc3095-Info RFC3095-Info-r4 } CID-InclusionInfo-r4 ::= ENUMERATED { pdcp-Header, rfc3095-PacketFormat } -- Upper limit of COUNT-C is 2^32 - 1 COUNT-C ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- Upper limit of COUNT-C-MSB is 2^25 - 1 COUNT-C-MSB ::= INTEGER (0..33554431) DefaultConfigIdentity ::= INTEGER (0..10) DefaultConfigIdentity-r4 ::= INTEGER (0..12) DefaultConfigIdentity-r5 ::= INTEGER (0..13) -- DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 values 23..31 are spare and shall not be used in this version of -- the protocol DefaultConfigIdentity-r6 ::= INTEGER (0..31) DefaultConfigMode ::= ENUMERATED { fdd, tdd } DDI ::= INTEGER (0..62) DL-AM-RLC-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { inSequenceDelivery BOOLEAN, receivingWindowSize ReceivingWindowSize, dl-RLC-StatusInfo DL-RLC-StatusInfo } DL-AM-RLC-Mode-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-RLC-PDU-size OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1, inSequenceDelivery BOOLEAN, receivingWindowSize ReceivingWindowSize, dl-RLC-StatusInfo DL-RLC-StatusInfo } DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rB-WithPDCP-InfoList RB-WithPDCP-InfoList OPTIONAL } DL-CounterSynchronisationInfo-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-WithPDCP-InfoList RB-WithPDCP-InfoList OPTIONAL, rb-PDCPContextRelocationList RB-PDCPContextRelocationList OPTIONAL } DL-LogicalChannelMapping ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: DL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well. dl-TransportChannelType DL-TransportChannelType, logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-LogicalChannelMapping-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: DL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well. dl-TransportChannelType DL-TransportChannelType-r5, logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-LogicalChannelMappingList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLoCHperRLC)) OF DL-LogicalChannelMapping DL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLoCHperRLC)) OF DL-LogicalChannelMapping-r5 DL-Reception-Window-Size-r6 ::= ENUMERATED { size32, size48, size64, size80, size96, size112 } DL-RFC3095-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and shall be ignored by the receiver. dummy CID-InclusionInfo-r4, max-CID INTEGER (1..16383) DEFAULT 15, reverseDecompressionDepth INTEGER (0..65535) DEFAULT 0 } DL-RLC-Mode ::= CHOICE { dl-AM-RLC-Mode DL-AM-RLC-Mode, dl-UM-RLC-Mode NULL, dl-TM-RLC-Mode DL-TM-RLC-Mode } DL-RLC-Mode-r5 ::= CHOICE { dl-AM-RLC-Mode DL-AM-RLC-Mode-r5, dl-UM-RLC-Mode DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r5, dl-TM-RLC-Mode DL-TM-RLC-Mode } DL-RLC-Mode-r6 ::= CHOICE { dl-AM-RLC-Mode DL-AM-RLC-Mode-r5, dl-UM-RLC-Mode DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r6, dl-TM-RLC-Mode DL-TM-RLC-Mode } DL-RLC-StatusInfo ::= SEQUENCE { timerStatusProhibit TimerStatusProhibit OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should not be sent -- and if received they should be ignored. dummy TimerEPC OPTIONAL, missingPDU-Indicator BOOLEAN, timerStatusPeriodic TimerStatusPeriodic OPTIONAL } DL-TM-RLC-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { segmentationIndication BOOLEAN } DL-TransportChannelType ::= CHOICE { dch TransportChannelIdentity, fach NULL, -- The choice “dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified. dsch TransportChannelIdentity, -- The choice “dch-and-dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received the UE -- behaviour is unspecified dch-and-dsch TransportChannelIdentityDCHandDSCH } DL-TransportChannelType-r5 ::= CHOICE { dch TransportChannelIdentity, fach NULL, -- The choice “dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified. dsch TransportChannelIdentity, -- The choice “dch-and-dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received the UE -- behaviour is unspecified dch-and-dsch TransportChannelIdentityDCHandDSCH, hsdsch MAC-d-FlowIdentity, dch-and-hsdsch MAC-d-FlowIdentityDCHandHSDSCH } DL-UM-RLC-LI-size ::= ENUMERATED { size7, size15 } DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UM-RLC-LI-size DL-UM-RLC-LI-size } DL-UM-RLC-Mode-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UM-RLC-LI-size DL-UM-RLC-LI-size, dl-Reception-Window-Size DL-Reception-Window-Size-r6 OPTIONAL } ExpectReordering ::= ENUMERATED { reorderingNotExpected, reorderingExpected } ExplicitDiscard ::= SEQUENCE { timerMRW TimerMRW, timerDiscard TimerDiscard, maxMRW MaxMRW } HeaderCompressionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { algorithmSpecificInfo AlgorithmSpecificInfo } HeaderCompressionInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDCPAlgoType)) OF HeaderCompressionInfo HeaderCompressionInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { algorithmSpecificInfo AlgorithmSpecificInfo-r4 } HeaderCompressionInfoList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDCPAlgoType)) OF HeaderCompressionInfo-r4 LogicalChannelIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..15) LosslessSRNS-RelocSupport ::= CHOICE { supported MaxPDCP-SN-WindowSize, notSupported NULL } MAC-d-HFN-initial-value ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (24)) MAC-LogicalChannelPriority ::= INTEGER (1..8) MaxDAT ::= ENUMERATED { dat1, dat2, dat3, dat4, dat5, dat6, dat7, dat8, dat9, dat10, dat15, dat20, dat25, dat30, dat35, dat40 } MaxDAT-Retransmissions ::= SEQUENCE { maxDAT MaxDAT, timerMRW TimerMRW, maxMRW MaxMRW } MaxMRW ::= ENUMERATED { mm1, mm4, mm6, mm8, mm12, mm16, mm24, mm32 } MaxPDCP-SN-WindowSize ::= ENUMERATED { sn255, sn65535 } MaxRST ::= ENUMERATED { rst1, rst4, rst6, rst8, rst12, rst16, rst24, rst32 } NoExplicitDiscard ::= ENUMERATED { dt10, dt20, dt30, dt40, dt50, dt60, dt70, dt80, dt90, dt100 } PDCP-Info ::= SEQUENCE { losslessSRNS-RelocSupport LosslessSRNS-RelocSupport OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: pdcp-PDU-Header is MD in the tabular format and it can be encoded -- in one bit, so the OPTIONAL is removed for compactness. pdcp-PDU-Header PDCP-PDU-Header, headerCompressionInfoList HeaderCompressionInfoList OPTIONAL } PDCP-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { losslessSRNS-RelocSupport LosslessSRNS-RelocSupport OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: pdcp-PDU-Header is MD in the tabular format and it can be encoded -- in one bit, so the OPTIONAL is removed for compactness. pdcp-PDU-Header PDCP-PDU-Header, headerCompressionInfoList HeaderCompressionInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL } PDCP-InfoReconfig ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-Info PDCP-Info, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored. dummy INTEGER (0..65535) } PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-Info PDCP-Info-r4 } PDCP-PDU-Header ::= ENUMERATED { present, absent } PDCP-ROHC-TargetMode ::= ENUMERATED { o-Mode, r-Mode } PDCP-SN-Info ::= INTEGER (0..65535) Poll-PDU ::= ENUMERATED { pdu1, pdu2, pdu4, pdu8, pdu16, pdu32, pdu64, pdu128 } Poll-SDU ::= ENUMERATED { sdu1, sdu4, sdu16, sdu64 } PollingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { timerPollProhibit TimerPollProhibit OPTIONAL, timerPoll TimerPoll OPTIONAL, poll-PDU Poll-PDU OPTIONAL, poll-SDU Poll-SDU OPTIONAL, lastTransmissionPDU-Poll BOOLEAN, lastRetransmissionPDU-Poll BOOLEAN, pollWindow PollWindow OPTIONAL, timerPollPeriodic TimerPollPeriodic OPTIONAL } PollWindow ::= ENUMERATED { pw50, pw60, pw70, pw80, pw85, pw90, pw95, pw99 } PredefinedConfigIdentity ::= INTEGER (0..15) PredefinedConfigValueTag ::= INTEGER (0..15) PredefinedRB-Configuration ::= SEQUENCE { re-EstablishmentTimer Re-EstablishmentTimer, srb-InformationList SRB-InformationSetupList, rb-InformationList RB-InformationSetupList } PreDefRadioConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs predefinedRB-Configuration PredefinedRB-Configuration, -- Transport channel IEs preDefTransChConfiguration PreDefTransChConfiguration, -- Physical channel IEs preDefPhyChConfiguration PreDefPhyChConfiguration } PredefinedConfigStatusList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxPredefConfig)) OF PredefinedConfigStatusInfo PredefinedConfigStatusInfo ::= CHOICE { storedWithValueTagSameAsPrevius NULL, other CHOICE { notStored NULL, storedWithDifferentValueTag PredefinedConfigValueTag } } PredefinedConfigStatusListComp ::= SEQUENCE { setsWithDifferentValueTag PredefinedConfigSetsWithDifferentValueTag, otherEntries PredefinedConfigStatusListVarSz OPTIONAL } PredefinedConfigSetsWithDifferentValueTag ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF PredefinedConfigSetWithDifferentValueTag PredefinedConfigSetWithDifferentValueTag ::= SEQUENCE { startPosition INTEGER (0..10) DEFAULT 0, -- numberOfEntries INTEGER (6..16), -- numberOfEntries is covered by the size of the list in IE PredefinedConfigValueTagList valueTagList PredefinedConfigValueTagList } PredefinedConfigValueTagList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPredefConfig)) OF PredefinedConfigValueTag PredefinedConfigStatusListVarSz ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPredefConfig)) OF PredefinedConfigStatusInfo RAB-Info ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Identity RAB-Identity, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Synchronisation-Indicator NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator OPTIONAL, re-EstablishmentTimer Re-EstablishmentTimer } RAB-Info-r6-ext ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-SessionIdentity MBMS-SessionIdentity OPTIONAL } RAB-Info-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-ServiceIdentity OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) } RAB-Info-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Identity RAB-Identity, mbms-SessionIdentity MBMS-SessionIdentity OPTIONAL, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Synchronisation-Indicator NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator OPTIONAL, re-EstablishmentTimer Re-EstablishmentTimer } RAB-Info-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Identity RAB-Identity, mbms-SessionIdentity MBMS-SessionIdentity OPTIONAL, mbms-ServiceIdentity OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Synchronisation-Indicator NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator OPTIONAL, re-EstablishmentTimer Re-EstablishmentTimer } RAB-InformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-Info RAB-InformationList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-Info-r6 RAB-InformationReconfigList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationReconfig RAB-InformationReconfig ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Identity RAB-Identity, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Synchronisation-Indicator NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator } RAB-Info-Post ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Identity RAB-Identity, cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, nas-Synchronisation-Indicator NAS-Synchronisation-Indicator OPTIONAL } RAB-InformationSetup ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info, rb-InformationSetupList RB-InformationSetupList } RAB-InformationSetup-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info, rb-InformationSetupList RB-InformationSetupList-r4 } RAB-InformationSetup-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info, rb-InformationSetupList RB-InformationSetupList-r5 } RAB-InformationSetup-r6-ext ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info-r6-ext RAB-Info-r6-ext } RAB-InformationSetup-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info-r6, rb-InformationSetupList RB-InformationSetupList-r6 } RAB-InformationSetup-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info-v6b0ext RAB-Info-v6b0ext OPTIONAL } RAB-InformationSetup-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { rab-Info RAB-Info-r7, rb-InformationSetupList RB-InformationSetupList-r6 } RAB-InformationSetupList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup RAB-InformationSetupList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup-r4 RAB-InformationSetupList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup-r5 RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup-r6 -- The IE 'RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext' provides elements of extension information, which -- are added to the corresponding elements of the IE 'RAB-InformationSetupList/-r4/-r5'. RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup-r6-ext RAB-InformationSetupList-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup-v6b0ext RAB-InformationSetupList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRABsetup)) OF RAB-InformationSetup-r7 RB-ActivationTimeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rlc-SequenceNumber RLC-SequenceNumber } RB-ActivationTimeInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-ActivationTimeInfo RB-COUNT-C-Information ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, count-C-UL COUNT-C, count-C-DL COUNT-C } RB-COUNT-C-InformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF RB-COUNT-C-Information RB-COUNT-C-MSB-Information ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, count-C-MSB-UL COUNT-C-MSB, count-C-MSB-DL COUNT-C-MSB } RB-COUNT-C-MSB-InformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF RB-COUNT-C-MSB-Information RB-Identity ::= INTEGER (1..32) RB-IdentityList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-Identity RB-InformationAffected ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo } RB-InformationAffected-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r5 } RB-InformationAffected-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r6 } RB-InformationAffectedList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationAffected RB-InformationAffectedList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationAffected-r5 RB-InformationAffectedList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationAffected-r6 RB-InformationChanged-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rb-Change CHOICE { release NULL, re-mapToDefaultRb RB-Identity } } RB-InformationChangedList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationChanged-r6 RB-InformationReconfig ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-InfoReconfig OPTIONAL, pdcp-SN-Info PDCP-SN-Info OPTIONAL, rlc-Info RLC-Info OPTIONAL, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo OPTIONAL, rb-StopContinue RB-StopContinue OPTIONAL } RB-InformationReconfig-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4 OPTIONAL, pdcp-SN-Info PDCP-SN-Info OPTIONAL, rlc-Info RLC-Info OPTIONAL, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo OPTIONAL, rb-StopContinue RB-StopContinue OPTIONAL } RB-InformationReconfig-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4 OPTIONAL, pdcp-SN-Info PDCP-SN-Info OPTIONAL, rlc-Info RLC-Info-r5 OPTIONAL, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, rb-StopContinue RB-StopContinue OPTIONAL } RB-InformationReconfig-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-InfoReconfig-r4 OPTIONAL, pdcp-SN-Info PDCP-SN-Info OPTIONAL, rlc-Info RLC-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, rb-StopContinue RB-StopContinue OPTIONAL } RB-InformationReconfigList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationReconfig RB-InformationReconfigList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationReconfig-r4 RB-InformationReconfigList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationReconfig-r5 RB-InformationReconfigList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-InformationReconfig-r6 RB-InformationReleaseList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF RB-Identity RB-InformationSetup ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-Info OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo } RB-InformationSetup-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-Info-r4 OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo } RB-InformationSetup-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-Info-r4 OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice-r5, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r5 } RB-InformationSetup-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-Info PDCP-Info-r4 OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice-r6, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r6 } RB-InformationSetupList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF RB-InformationSetup RB-InformationSetupList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF RB-InformationSetup-r4 RB-InformationSetupList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF RB-InformationSetup-r5 RB-InformationSetupList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperRAB)) OF RB-InformationSetup-r6 RB-MappingInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBMuxOptions)) OF RB-MappingOption RB-MappingInfo-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBMuxOptions)) OF RB-MappingOption-r5 RB-MappingInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBMuxOptions)) OF RB-MappingOption-r6 RB-MappingOption ::= SEQUENCE { ul-LogicalChannelMappings UL-LogicalChannelMappings OPTIONAL, dl-LogicalChannelMappingList DL-LogicalChannelMappingList OPTIONAL } RB-MappingOption-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-LogicalChannelMappings UL-LogicalChannelMappings OPTIONAL, dl-LogicalChannelMappingList DL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r5 OPTIONAL } RB-MappingOption-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-LogicalChannelMappings UL-LogicalChannelMappings-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-LogicalChannelMappingList DL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r5 OPTIONAL } RB-PDCPContextRelocation ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, dl-RFC3095-Context-Relocation BOOLEAN, ul-RFC3095-Context-Relocation BOOLEAN } RB-PDCPContextRelocationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF RB-PDCPContextRelocation RB-StopContinue ::= ENUMERATED { stopRB, continueRB } RB-WithPDCP-Info ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, pdcp-SN-Info PDCP-SN-Info } RB-WithPDCP-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF RB-WithPDCP-Info ReceivingWindowSize ::= ENUMERATED { rw1, rw8, rw16, rw32, rw64, rw128, rw256, rw512, rw768, rw1024, rw1536, rw2047, rw2560, rw3072, rw3584, rw4095 } RFC2507-Info ::= SEQUENCE { f-MAX-PERIOD INTEGER (1..65535) DEFAULT 256, f-MAX-TIME INTEGER (1..255) DEFAULT 5, max-HEADER INTEGER (60..65535) DEFAULT 168, tcp-SPACE INTEGER (3..255) DEFAULT 15, non-TCP-SPACE INTEGER (3..65535) DEFAULT 15, -- TABULAR: expectReordering has only two possible values, so using Optional or Default -- would be wasteful expectReordering ExpectReordering } RFC3095-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { rohcProfileList ROHC-ProfileList-r4, ul-RFC3095 UL-RFC3095-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-RFC3095 DL-RFC3095-r4 OPTIONAL } RLC-Info ::= SEQUENCE { ul-RLC-Mode UL-RLC-Mode OPTIONAL, dl-RLC-Mode DL-RLC-Mode OPTIONAL } RLC-Info-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-RLC-Mode UL-RLC-Mode OPTIONAL, dl-RLC-Mode DL-RLC-Mode-r5 OPTIONAL, rlc-OneSidedReEst BOOLEAN } RLC-Info-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-RLC-Mode UL-RLC-Mode OPTIONAL, dl-RLC-Mode DL-RLC-Mode-r6 OPTIONAL, rlc-OneSidedReEst BOOLEAN, altE-bitInterpretation ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } RLC-Info-MCCH-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UM-RLC-LI-size DL-UM-RLC-LI-size, dl-UM-RLC-OutOSeqDelivery-Info UM-RLC-OutOSeqDelivery-Info-r6 OPTIONAL } RLC-Info-MSCH-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UM-RLC-LI-size DL-UM-RLC-LI-size } RLC-Info-MTCH-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UM-RLC-LI-size DL-UM-RLC-LI-size, dl-UM-RLC-DuplAvoid-Reord-Info UM-RLC-DuplAvoid-Reord-Info-r6 OPTIONAL } RLC-InfoChoice ::= CHOICE { rlc-Info RLC-Info, same-as-RB RB-Identity } RLC-InfoChoice-r5 ::= CHOICE { rlc-Info RLC-Info-r5, same-as-RB RB-Identity } RLC-InfoChoice-r6 ::= CHOICE { rlc-Info RLC-Info-r6, same-as-RB RB-Identity } RLC-PDU-Size ::= OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 RLC-PDU-SizeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRLCPDUsizePerLogChan)) OF RLC-PDU-Size RLC-SequenceNumber ::= INTEGER (0..4095) RLC-SizeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rlc-SizeIndex INTEGER (1..maxTF) } RLC-SizeExplicitList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF RLC-SizeInfo ROHC-Profile-r4 ::= INTEGER (1..3) ROHC-ProfileList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxROHC-Profile-r4)) OF ROHC-Profile-r4 ROHC-PacketSize-r4 ::= INTEGER (2..1500) ROHC-PacketSizeList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxROHC-PacketSizes-r4)) OF ROHC-PacketSize-r4 SRB-InformationSetup ::= SEQUENCE { -- The default value for rb-Identity is the smallest value not used yet. rb-Identity RB-Identity OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo } SRB-InformationSetup-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The default value for rb-Identity is the smallest value not used yet. rb-Identity RB-Identity OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice-r5, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r5 } SRB-InformationSetup-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The default value for rb-Identity is the smallest value not used yet. rb-Identity RB-Identity OPTIONAL, rlc-InfoChoice RLC-InfoChoice-r6, rb-MappingInfo RB-MappingInfo-r6 } SRB-InformationSetupList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSRBsetup)) OF SRB-InformationSetup SRB-InformationSetupList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSRBsetup)) OF SRB-InformationSetup-r5 SRB-InformationSetupList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSRBsetup)) OF SRB-InformationSetup-r6 SRB-InformationSetupList2 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (3..4)) OF SRB-InformationSetup SRB-InformationSetupList2-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (3..4)) OF SRB-InformationSetup-r6 TimerDAR-r6 ::= ENUMERATED { ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms240, ms320, ms480, ms640, ms960, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, ms3840, ms5120 } TimerDiscard ::= ENUMERATED { td0-1, td0-25, td0-5, td0-75, td1, td1-25, td1-5, td1-75, td2, td2-5, td3, td3-5, td4, td4-5, td5, td7-5 } TimerEPC ::= ENUMERATED { te50, te60, te70, te80, te90, te100, te120, te140, te160, te180, te200, te300, te400, te500, te700, te900 } TimerMRW ::= ENUMERATED { te50, te60, te70, te80, te90, te100, te120, te140, te160, te180, te200, te300, te400, te500, te700, te900 } TimerOSD-r6 ::= ENUMERATED { ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms240, ms320, ms480, ms640, ms960, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, ms3840, ms5120 } TimerPoll ::= ENUMERATED { tp10, tp20, tp30, tp40, tp50, tp60, tp70, tp80, tp90, tp100, tp110, tp120, tp130, tp140, tp150, tp160, tp170, tp180, tp190, tp200, tp210, tp220, tp230, tp240, tp250, tp260, tp270, tp280, tp290, tp300, tp310, tp320, tp330, tp340, tp350, tp360, tp370, tp380, tp390, tp400, tp410, tp420, tp430, tp440, tp450, tp460, tp470, tp480, tp490, tp500, tp510, tp520, tp530, tp540, tp550, tp600, tp650, tp700, tp750, tp800, tp850, tp900, tp950, tp1000 } TimerPollPeriodic ::= ENUMERATED { tper100, tper200, tper300, tper400, tper500, tper750, tper1000, tper2000 } TimerPollProhibit ::= ENUMERATED { tpp10, tpp20, tpp30, tpp40, tpp50, tpp60, tpp70, tpp80, tpp90, tpp100, tpp110, tpp120, tpp130, tpp140, tpp150, tpp160, tpp170, tpp180, tpp190, tpp200, tpp210, tpp220, tpp230, tpp240, tpp250, tpp260, tpp270, tpp280, tpp290, tpp300, tpp310, tpp320, tpp330, tpp340, tpp350, tpp360, tpp370, tpp380, tpp390, tpp400, tpp410, tpp420, tpp430, tpp440, tpp450, tpp460, tpp470, tpp480, tpp490, tpp500, tpp510, tpp520, tpp530, tpp540, tpp550, tpp600, tpp650, tpp700, tpp750, tpp800, tpp850, tpp900, tpp950, tpp1000 } TimerRST ::= ENUMERATED { tr50, tr100, tr150, tr200, tr250, tr300, tr350, tr400, tr450, tr500, tr550, tr600, tr700, tr800, tr900, tr1000 } TimerStatusPeriodic ::= ENUMERATED { tsp100, tsp200, tsp300, tsp400, tsp500, tsp750, tsp1000, tsp2000 } TimerStatusProhibit ::= ENUMERATED { tsp10,tsp20,tsp30,tsp40,tsp50, tsp60,tsp70,tsp80,tsp90,tsp100, tsp110,tsp120,tsp130,tsp140,tsp150, tsp160,tsp170,tsp180,tsp190,tsp200, tsp210,tsp220,tsp230,tsp240,tsp250, tsp260,tsp270,tsp280,tsp290,tsp300, tsp310,tsp320,tsp330,tsp340,tsp350, tsp360,tsp370,tsp380,tsp390,tsp400, tsp410,tsp420,tsp430,tsp440,tsp450, tsp460,tsp470,tsp480,tsp490,tsp500, tsp510,tsp520,tsp530,tsp540,tsp550, tsp600,tsp650,tsp700,tsp750,tsp800, tsp850,tsp900,tsp950,tsp1000 } TransmissionRLC-Discard ::= CHOICE { timerBasedExplicit ExplicitDiscard, timerBasedNoExplicit NoExplicitDiscard, maxDAT-Retransmissions MaxDAT-Retransmissions, noDiscard MaxDAT } TransmissionWindowSize ::= ENUMERATED { tw1, tw8, tw16, tw32, tw64, tw128, tw256, tw512, tw768, tw1024, tw1536, tw2047, tw2560, tw3072, tw3584, tw4095 } UL-AM-RLC-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { transmissionRLC-Discard TransmissionRLC-Discard, transmissionWindowSize TransmissionWindowSize, timerRST TimerRST, max-RST MaxRST, pollingInfo PollingInfo OPTIONAL } UL-CounterSynchronisationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rB-WithPDCP-InfoList RB-WithPDCP-InfoList OPTIONAL, startList STARTList } UL-LogicalChannelMapping ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: UL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well. ul-TransportChannelType UL-TransportChannelType, logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, rlc-SizeList CHOICE { allSizes NULL, configured NULL, explicitList RLC-SizeExplicitList }, mac-LogicalChannelPriority MAC-LogicalChannelPriority } UL-LogicalChannelMapping-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TrCH-Type CHOICE { dch-rach-usch SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: UL-TransportChannelType contains TransportChannelIdentity as well. ul-TransportChannelType UL-TransportChannelType, logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, rlc-SizeList CHOICE { allSizes NULL, configured NULL, explicitList RLC-SizeExplicitList } }, e-dch SEQUENCE { logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity, e-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity, ddi DDI, rlc-PDU-SizeList RLC-PDU-SizeList, includeInSchedulingInfo BOOLEAN } }, mac-LogicalChannelPriority MAC-LogicalChannelPriority } UL-LogicalChannelMappingList ::= SEQUENCE { -- rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator shall be set to TRUE in this version -- of the specification rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator BOOLEAN, ul-LogicalChannelMapping SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxLoCHperRLC)) OF UL-LogicalChannelMapping } UL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator shall be set to TRUE in this version -- of the specification rlc-LogicalChannelMappingIndicator BOOLEAN, ul-LogicalChannelMapping SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxLoCHperRLC)) OF UL-LogicalChannelMapping-r6 } UL-LogicalChannelMappings ::= CHOICE { oneLogicalChannel UL-LogicalChannelMapping, twoLogicalChannels UL-LogicalChannelMappingList } UL-LogicalChannelMappings-r6 ::= CHOICE { oneLogicalChannel UL-LogicalChannelMapping-r6, twoLogicalChannels UL-LogicalChannelMappingList-r6 } UL-RFC3095-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy1 is not used in this version of the specification and shall be ignored by the receiver. dummy1 CID-InclusionInfo-r4, max-CID INTEGER (1..16383) DEFAULT 15, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy ROHC-PacketSizeList-r4 } UL-RLC-Mode ::= CHOICE { ul-AM-RLC-Mode UL-AM-RLC-Mode, ul-UM-RLC-Mode UL-UM-RLC-Mode, ul-TM-RLC-Mode UL-TM-RLC-Mode, spare NULL } UL-TM-RLC-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { transmissionRLC-Discard TransmissionRLC-Discard OPTIONAL, segmentationIndication BOOLEAN } UL-UM-RLC-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { transmissionRLC-Discard TransmissionRLC-Discard OPTIONAL } UL-TransportChannelType ::= CHOICE { dch TransportChannelIdentity, rach NULL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy NULL, usch TransportChannelIdentity } UM-RLC-DuplAvoid-Reord-Info-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { timer-DAR TimerDAR-r6, widowSize-DAR WindowSizeDAR-r6 } UM-RLC-OutOSeqDelivery-Info-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { timer-OSD TimerOSD-r6 OPTIONAL, windowSize-OSD WindowSizeOSD-r6 } WindowSizeDAR-r6 ::= ENUMERATED { ws4, ws8, ws16, ws32, ws40, ws48, ws56, ws64 } WindowSizeOSD-r6 ::= ENUMERATED { ws8, ws16, ws32, ws40, ws48, ws56, ws64 } -- *************************************************** -- -- TRANSPORT CHANNEL INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.5) -- -- *************************************************** AddOrReconfMAC-dFlow ::= SEQUENCE { mac-hs-AddReconfQueue-List MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue-List OPTIONAL, mac-hs-DelQueue-List MAC-hs-DelQueue-List OPTIONAL } AllowedTFC-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF TFC-Value AllowedTFI-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF INTEGER (0..31) BitModeRLC-SizeInfo ::= CHOICE { sizeType1 INTEGER (0..127), -- Actual value sizeType2 = (part1 * 8) + 128 + part2 sizeType2 SEQUENCE { part1 INTEGER (0..15), part2 INTEGER (1..7) OPTIONAL }, -- Actual value sizeType3 = (part1 * 16) + 256 + part2 sizeType3 SEQUENCE { part1 INTEGER (0..47), part2 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL }, -- Actual value sizeType4 = (part1 * 64) + 1024 + part2 sizeType4 SEQUENCE { part1 INTEGER (0..62), part2 INTEGER (1..63) OPTIONAL } } -- Actual value BLER-QualityValue = IE value * 0.1 BLER-QualityValue ::= INTEGER (-63..0) ChannelCodingType ::= CHOICE { -- noCoding is only used for TDD in this version of the specification, -- otherwise it should be ignored noCoding NULL, convolutional CodingRate, turbo NULL } CodingRate ::= ENUMERATED { half, third } CommonDynamicTF-Info ::= SEQUENCE { rlc-Size CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2 OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2 }, tdd SEQUENCE { commonTDD-Choice CHOICE { bitModeRLC-SizeInfo BitModeRLC-SizeInfo, octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 } } }, numberOfTbSizeList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF NumberOfTransportBlocks, logicalChannelList LogicalChannelList } CommonDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE { commonTDD-Choice CHOICE { bitModeRLC-SizeInfo BitModeRLC-SizeInfo, octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 }, numberOfTbSizeAndTTIList NumberOfTbSizeAndTTIList, logicalChannelList LogicalChannelList } CommonDynamicTF-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF CommonDynamicTF-Info CommonDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF CommonDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI CommonTransChTFS ::= SEQUENCE { tti CHOICE { tti10 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti20 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti40 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti80 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, dynamic CommonDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI }, semistaticTF-Information SemistaticTF-Information } CommonTransChTFS-LCR ::= SEQUENCE { tti CHOICE { tti5 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti10 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti20 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti40 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, tti80 CommonDynamicTF-InfoList, dynamic CommonDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI }, semistaticTF-Information SemistaticTF-Information } CPCH-SetID ::= INTEGER (1..maxCPCHsets) CRC-Size ::= ENUMERATED { crc0, crc8, crc12, crc16, crc24 } DedicatedDynamicTF-Info ::= SEQUENCE { rlc-Size CHOICE { bitMode BitModeRLC-SizeInfo, octetModeType1 OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 }, numberOfTbSizeList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF NumberOfTransportBlocks, logicalChannelList LogicalChannelList } DedicatedDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE { rlc-Size CHOICE { bitMode BitModeRLC-SizeInfo, octetModeType1 OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 }, numberOfTbSizeAndTTIList NumberOfTbSizeAndTTIList, logicalChannelList LogicalChannelList } DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF DedicatedDynamicTF-Info DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF DedicatedDynamicTF-Info-DynamicTTI DedicatedTransChTFS ::= SEQUENCE { tti CHOICE { tti10 DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList, tti20 DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList, tti40 DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList, tti80 DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList, dynamic DedicatedDynamicTF-InfoList-DynamicTTI }, semistaticTF-Information SemistaticTF-Information } -- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List sequence is 16 DL-AddReconfTransChInfo2List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF DL-AddReconfTransChInformation2 -- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList sequence is 16 DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF DL-AddReconfTransChInformation -- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 sequence is 16 DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r4 -- The maximum allowed size of DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 sequence is 16 DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r5 -- ASN.1 for IE "Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH information" -- in case of messages other than: Radio Bearer Release message and -- Radio Bearer Reconfiguration message DL-AddReconfTransChInformation ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransportChannelType DL-TrCH-Type, dl-transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, tfs-SignallingMode CHOICE { explicit-config TransportFormatSet, sameAsULTrCH UL-TransportChannelIdentity }, dch-QualityTarget QualityTarget OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy TM-SignallingInfo OPTIONAL } DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransportChannelType DL-TrCH-Type, dl-transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, tfs-SignallingMode CHOICE { explicit-config TransportFormatSet, sameAsULTrCH UL-TransportChannelIdentity }, dch-QualityTarget QualityTarget OPTIONAL } DL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransportChannelType DL-TrCH-TypeId1-r5, tfs-SignallingMode CHOICE { explicit-config TransportFormatSet, sameAsULTrCH UL-TransportChannelIdentity, hsdsch HSDSCH-Info }, dch-QualityTarget QualityTarget OPTIONAL } -- ASN.1 for IE "Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH information" -- in case of Radio Bearer Release message and -- Radio Bearer Reconfiguration message DL-AddReconfTransChInformation2 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransportChannelType DL-TrCH-Type, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, tfs-SignallingMode CHOICE { explicit-config TransportFormatSet, sameAsULTrCH UL-TransportChannelIdentity }, qualityTarget QualityTarget OPTIONAL } DL-CommonTransChInfo ::= SEQUENCE { sccpch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL, -- modeSpecificInfo should be optional. A new version of this IE should be defined -- to be used in later versions of messages using this IE modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dl-Parameters CHOICE { dl-DCH-TFCS TFCS, sameAsUL NULL } OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { individualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList IndividualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList OPTIONAL } } } DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { sccpch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dl-Parameters CHOICE { dl-DCH-TFCS SEQUENCE { tfcs TFCS OPTIONAL }, sameAsUL NULL } OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { individualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList IndividualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL } DL-DeletedTransChInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF DL-TransportChannelIdentity DL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF DL-TransportChannelIdentity-r5 DL-TransportChannelIdentity ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransportChannelType DL-TrCH-Type, dl-TransportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity } DL-TransportChannelIdentity-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransportChannelType DL-TrCH-TypeId2-r5 } -- The choice “dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received the UE behaviour is unspecified DL-TrCH-Type ::= ENUMERATED {dch, dsch} DL-TrCH-TypeId1-r5 ::= CHOICE { dch TransportChannelIdentity, -- The choice “dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified. dsch TransportChannelIdentity, hsdsch NULL } DL-TrCH-TypeId2-r5 ::= CHOICE { dch TransportChannelIdentity, -- The choice “dsch” should not be used in FDD mode, and if received -- the UE behaviour is unspecified. dsch TransportChannelIdentity, hsdsch MAC-d-FlowIdentity } DRAC-ClassIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..maxDRACclasses) DRAC-StaticInformation ::= SEQUENCE { transmissionTimeValidity TransmissionTimeValidity, timeDurationBeforeRetry TimeDurationBeforeRetry, drac-ClassIdentity DRAC-ClassIdentity } DRAC-StaticInformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF DRAC-StaticInformation E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-Flow ::= SEQUENCE { mac-d-FlowIdentity E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity, mac-d-FlowPowerOffset E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowPowerOffset OPTIONAL, mac-d-FlowMaxRetrans E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMaxRetrans OPTIONAL, mac-d-FlowMultiplexingList E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMultiplexingList OPTIONAL, transmissionGrantType CHOICE { non-ScheduledTransGrantInfo SEQUENCE { maxMAC-e-PDUContents INTEGER (1..19982), ms2-NonSchedTransmGrantHARQAlloc BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL }, scheduledTransmissionGrantInfo NULL } OPTIONAL } E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-Flow-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-d-FlowIdentity E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity, mac-d-FlowPowerOffset E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowPowerOffset OPTIONAL, mac-d-FlowMaxRetrans E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMaxRetrans OPTIONAL, mac-d-FlowMultiplexingList E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMultiplexingList OPTIONAL, transmissionGrantType CHOICE { non-ScheduledTransGrantInfo SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { maxMAC-e-PDUContents INTEGER (1..19982), ms2-NonSchedTransmGrantHARQAlloc BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384-768 SEQUENCE { timeslotResourceRelatedInfo BIT STRING (SIZE (13)), powerResourceRelatedInfo INTEGER (1..16), activationTime ActivationTime, repetitionPeriod ENUMERATED { rp1, rp2, rp4, rp8, rp16, rp32, rp64} OPTIONAL, repetitionLength INTEGER (0..64), codeResourceInfo UL-TS-ChannelisationCode }, tdd128 NULL } } } }, scheduledTransmissionGrantInfo NULL } OPTIONAL } E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-FlowList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxE-DCHMACdFlow)) OF E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-Flow E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-FlowList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxE-DCHMACdFlow)) OF E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-Flow-r7 E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity ::= INTEGER (0..maxE-DCHMACdFlow-1) E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMaxRetrans ::= INTEGER (0..15) E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowMultiplexingList ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (maxE-DCHMACdFlow)) E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowPowerOffset ::= INTEGER (0..6) E-DCH-TTI ::= ENUMERATED { tti2, tti10 } ExplicitTFCS-Configuration ::= CHOICE { complete TFCS-ReconfAdd, addition TFCS-ReconfAdd, removal TFCS-RemovalList, replacement SEQUENCE { tfcsRemoval TFCS-RemovalList, tfcsAdd TFCS-ReconfAdd } } GainFactor ::= INTEGER (0..15) GainFactorInformation ::= CHOICE { signalledGainFactors SignalledGainFactors, computedGainFactors ReferenceTFC-ID } HSDSCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { harqInfo HARQ-Info OPTIONAL, addOrReconfMAC-dFlow AddOrReconfMAC-dFlow OPTIONAL } HARQ-Info ::= SEQUENCE { numberOfProcesses INTEGER (1..8), memoryPartitioning CHOICE { implicit NULL, explicit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHProcesses)) OF HARQMemorySize } } HARQMemorySize ::= ENUMERATED { hms800, hms1600, hms2400, hms3200, hms4000, hms4800, hms5600, hms6400, hms7200, hms8000, hms8800, hms9600, hms10400, hms11200, hms12000, hms12800, hms13600, hms14400, hms15200, hms16000, hms17600, hms19200, hms20800, hms22400, hms24000, hms25600, hms27200, hms28800, hms30400, hms32000, hms36000, hms40000, hms44000, hms48000, hms52000, hms56000, hms60000, hms64000, hms68000, hms72000, hms76000, hms80000, hms88000, hms96000, hms104000, hms112000, hms120000, hms128000, hms136000, hms144000, hms152000, hms160000, hms176000, hms192000, hms208000, hms224000, hms240000, hms256000, hms272000, hms288000, hms304000 } IndividualDL-CCTrCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TFCS-Identity TFCS-Identity, tfcs-SignallingMode CHOICE { explicit-config TFCS, sameAsUL TFCS-Identity } } IndividualDL-CCTrCH-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF IndividualDL-CCTrCH-Info IndividualUL-CCTrCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TFCS-Identity TFCS-Identity, ul-TFCS TFCS , tfc-Subset TFC-Subset } IndividualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF IndividualUL-CCTrCH-Info LogicalChannelByRB ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, logChOfRb INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL } LogicalChannelList ::= CHOICE { allSizes NULL, configured NULL, explicitList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF LogicalChannelByRB } MAC-d-FlowIdentityDCHandHSDSCH ::= SEQUENCE { dch-transport-ch-id TransportChannelIdentity, hsdsch-mac-d-flow-id MAC-d-FlowIdentity } MAC-d-FlowIdentity ::= INTEGER (0..7) MAC-d-PDU-SizeInfo-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxMAC-d-PDUsizes)) OF MAC-d-PDUsizeInfo --MAC-d-Pdu sizes need to be defined MAC-d-PDUsizeInfo ::= SEQUENCE{ mac-d-PDU-Size INTEGER (1..5000), mac-d-PDU-Index INTEGER(0..7) } MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxQueueIDs)) OF MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue MAC-hs-AddReconfQueue ::= SEQUENCE { mac-hsQueueId INTEGER(0..7), mac-dFlowId MAC-d-FlowIdentity, reorderingReleaseTimer T1-ReleaseTimer, mac-hsWindowSize MAC-hs-WindowSize, mac-d-PDU-SizeInfo-List MAC-d-PDU-SizeInfo-List OPTIONAL } MAC-hs-DelQueue-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxQueueIDs)) OF MAC-hs-DelQueue MAC-hs-DelQueue ::= SEQUENCE { mac-hsQueueId INTEGER(0..7) } MAC-hs-WindowSize ::= ENUMERATED { mws4, mws6, mws8, mws12, mws16, mws24, mws32 } NumberOfTbSizeAndTTIList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF)) OF SEQUENCE { numberOfTransportBlocks NumberOfTransportBlocks, transmissionTimeInterval TransmissionTimeInterval } MessType ::= ENUMERATED { transportFormatCombinationControl } Non-allowedTFC-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF TFC-Value NumberOfTransportBlocks ::= CHOICE { zero NULL, one NULL, small INTEGER (2..17), large INTEGER (18..512) } OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType1 ::= CHOICE { -- Actual size = (8 * sizeType1) + 16 sizeType1 INTEGER (0..31), sizeType2 SEQUENCE { -- Actual size = (32 * part1) + 272 + (part2 * 8) part1 INTEGER (0..23), part2 INTEGER (1..3) OPTIONAL }, sizeType3 SEQUENCE { -- Actual size = (64 * part1) + 1040 + (part2 * 8) part1 INTEGER (0..61), part2 INTEGER (1..7) OPTIONAL } } OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2 ::= CHOICE { -- Actual size = (sizeType1 * 8) + 48 sizeType1 INTEGER (0..31), -- Actual size = (sizeType2 * 16) + 312 sizeType2 INTEGER (0..63), -- Actual size = (sizeType3 *64) + 1384 sizeType3 INTEGER (0..56) } PowerOffsetInfoShort ::= SEQUENCE { referenceTFC TFC-Value, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { gainFactorBetaC GainFactor }, tdd NULL }, gainFactorBetaD GainFactor } PowerOffsetInformation ::= SEQUENCE { gainFactorInformation GainFactorInformation, -- PowerOffsetPp-m is always absent in TDD powerOffsetPp-m PowerOffsetPp-m OPTIONAL } PowerOffsetPp-m ::= INTEGER (-5..10) PreDefTransChConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo, ul-AddReconfTrChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo, dl-TrChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList } QualityTarget ::= SEQUENCE { bler-QualityValue BLER-QualityValue } RateMatchingAttribute ::= INTEGER (1..hiRM) ReferenceTFC-ID ::= INTEGER (0..3) RestrictedTrChInfo ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TransportChannelType UL-TrCH-Type, restrictedTrChIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, allowedTFI-List AllowedTFI-List OPTIONAL } RestrictedTrChInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF RestrictedTrChInfo SemistaticTF-Information ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: Transmission time interval has been included in the IE CommonTransChTFS. channelCodingType ChannelCodingType, rateMatchingAttribute RateMatchingAttribute, crc-Size CRC-Size } SignalledGainFactors ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { gainFactorBetaC GainFactor }, tdd NULL }, gainFactorBetaD GainFactor, referenceTFC-ID ReferenceTFC-ID OPTIONAL } SplitTFCI-Signalling ::= SEQUENCE { splitType SplitType OPTIONAL, tfci-Field2-Length INTEGER (1..10) OPTIONAL, tfci-Field1-Information ExplicitTFCS-Configuration OPTIONAL, tfci-Field2-Information TFCI-Field2-Information OPTIONAL } SplitType ::= ENUMERATED { hardSplit, logicalSplit } T1-ReleaseTimer ::= ENUMERATED { rt10, rt20, rt30, rt40, rt50, rt60, rt70, rt80, rt90, rt100, rt120, rt140, rt160, rt200, rt300, rt400 } TFC-Subset ::= CHOICE { minimumAllowedTFC-Number TFC-Value, allowedTFC-List AllowedTFC-List, non-allowedTFC-List Non-allowedTFC-List, restrictedTrChInfoList RestrictedTrChInfoList, fullTFCS NULL } TFC-SubsetList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxTFCsub)) OF SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd NULL, tdd SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-Identity OPTIONAL } }, tfc-Subset TFC-Subset } TFC-Value ::= INTEGER (0..1023) TFCI-Field2-Information ::= CHOICE { tfci-Range TFCI-RangeList, explicit-config ExplicitTFCS-Configuration } TFCI-Range ::= SEQUENCE { maxTFCIField2Value INTEGER (1..1023), tfcs-InfoForDSCH TFCS-InfoForDSCH } TFCI-RangeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups)) OF TFCI-Range TFCS ::= CHOICE { normalTFCI-Signalling ExplicitTFCS-Configuration, -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy SplitTFCI-Signalling } TFCS-Identity ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, sharedChannelIndicator BOOLEAN } TFCS-IdentityPlain ::= INTEGER (1..8) TFCS-InfoForDSCH ::= CHOICE { ctfc2bit INTEGER (0..3), ctfc4bit INTEGER (0..15), ctfc6bit INTEGER (0..63), ctfc8bit INTEGER (0..255), ctfc12bit INTEGER (0..4095), ctfc16bit INTEGER (0..65535), ctfc24bit INTEGER (0..16777215) } TFCS-ReconfAdd ::= SEQUENCE{ ctfcSize CHOICE{ ctfc2Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc2 INTEGER (0..3), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL }, ctfc4Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc4 INTEGER (0..15), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL }, ctfc6Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc6 INTEGER (0..63), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL }, ctfc8Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc8 INTEGER (0..255), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL }, ctfc12Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc12 INTEGER (0..4095), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL }, ctfc16Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc16 INTEGER(0..65535), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL }, ctfc24Bit SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF SEQUENCE { ctfc24 INTEGER(0..16777215), powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation OPTIONAL } } } TFCS-Removal ::= SEQUENCE { tfci INTEGER (0..1023) } TFCS-RemovalList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFC)) OF TFCS-Removal TimeDurationBeforeRetry ::= INTEGER (1..256) TM-SignallingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messType MessType, tm-SignallingMode CHOICE { mode1 NULL, mode2 SEQUENCE { -- in ul-controlledTrChList, TrCH-Type is always DCH ul-controlledTrChList UL-ControlledTrChList } } } TransmissionTimeInterval ::= ENUMERATED { tti10, tti20, tti40, tti80 } TransmissionTimeValidity ::= INTEGER (1..256) TransportChannelIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..32) TransportChannelIdentityDCHandDSCH ::= SEQUENCE { dch-transport-ch-id TransportChannelIdentity, dsch-transport-ch-id TransportChannelIdentity } TransportFormatSet ::= CHOICE { dedicatedTransChTFS DedicatedTransChTFS, commonTransChTFS CommonTransChTFS } TransportFormatSet-LCR ::= CHOICE { dedicatedTransChTFS DedicatedTransChTFS, commonTransChTFS-LCR CommonTransChTFS-LCR } -- The maximum allowed size of UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList sequence is 16 UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCHpreconf)) OF UL-AddReconfTransChInformation -- The maximum allowed size of UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 sequence is 32 UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF UL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r6 -- The maximum allowed size of UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 sequence is 32 UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF UL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r7 UL-AddReconfTransChInformation ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TransportChannelType UL-TrCH-Type, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet } UL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r6 ::= CHOICE { dch-usch SEQUENCE { ul-TransportChannelType UL-TrCH-Type, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet }, e-dch SEQUENCE { tti E-DCH-TTI, harq-Info ENUMERATED { rv0, rvtable }, addReconf-MAC-d-FlowList E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-FlowList OPTIONAL } } UL-AddReconfTransChInformation-r7 ::= CHOICE { dch-usch SEQUENCE { ul-TransportChannelType UL-TrCH-Type, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet }, e-dch SEQUENCE { modeSpecific CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { tti E-DCH-TTI }, tdd NULL }, harq-Info ENUMERATED { rv0, rvtable }, addReconf-MAC-d-FlowList E-DCH-AddReconf-MAC-d-FlowList-r7 OPTIONAL } } UL-CommonTransChInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: tfc-subset is applicable to FDD only, TDD specifies tfc-subset in individual -- CCTrCH Info. tfc-Subset TFC-Subset OPTIONAL, prach-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-TFCS TFCS }, tdd SEQUENCE { individualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList IndividualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL } UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: tfc-subset is applicable to FDD only, TDD specifies tfc-subset in individual -- CCTrCH Info. tfc-Subset TFC-Subset OPTIONAL, prach-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-TFCS TFCS }, tdd SEQUENCE { individualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList IndividualUL-CCTrCH-InfoList OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, tfc-SubsetList TFC-SubsetList OPTIONAL } -- In UL-ControlledTrChList, TrCH-Type is always DCH UL-ControlledTrChList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF TransportChannelIdentity UL-DeletedTransChInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF UL-TransportChannelIdentity UL-DeletedTransChInfoList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF UL-TransportChannelIdentity-r6 UL-TransportChannelIdentity ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TransportChannelType UL-TrCH-Type, ul-TransportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity } UL-TransportChannelIdentity-r6 ::= CHOICE { dch-usch SEQUENCE { ul-TransportChannelType UL-TrCH-Type, ul-TransportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity }, e-dch E-DCH-MAC-d-FlowIdentity } UL-TrCH-Type ::= ENUMERATED {dch, usch} USCH-TransportChannelsInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF SEQUENCE { usch-TransportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, usch-TFS TransportFormatSet } -- *************************************************** -- -- PHYSICAL CHANNEL INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.6) -- -- *************************************************** ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor ::= INTEGER(1..4) AC-To-ASC-Mapping ::= INTEGER (0..7) AC-To-ASC-MappingTable ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (maxASCmap)) OF AC-To-ASC-Mapping AccessServiceClass-FDD ::= SEQUENCE { availableSignatureStartIndex INTEGER (0..15), availableSignatureEndIndex INTEGER (0..15), assignedSubChannelNumber BIT STRING { b3(0), b2(1), b1(2), b0(3) } (SIZE(4)) } AccessServiceClass-TDD ::= SEQUENCE { channelisationCodeIndices BIT STRING { chCodeIndex7(0), chCodeIndex6(1), chCodeIndex5(2), chCodeIndex4(3), chCodeIndex3(4), chCodeIndex2(5), chCodeIndex1(6), chCodeIndex0(7) } (SIZE(8)) OPTIONAL, subchannelSize CHOICE { size1 NULL, size2 SEQUENCE { -- subch0 means bitstring '01' in the tabular, subch1 means bitsring '10' subchannels ENUMERATED { subch0, subch1 } OPTIONAL }, size4 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh3(0), subCh2(1), subCh1(2), subCh0(3) } (SIZE(4)) OPTIONAL }, size8 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh7(0), subCh6(1), subCh5(2), subCh4(3), subCh3(4), subCh2(5), subCh1(6), subCh0(7) } (SIZE(8)) OPTIONAL } } } AccessServiceClass-TDD-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { channelisationCodeIndices BIT STRING { chCodeIndex15(0), chCodeIndex14(1), chCodeIndex13(2), chCodeIndex12(3), chCodeIndex11(4), chCodeIndex10(5), chCodeIndex9(6), chCodeIndex8(7), chCodeIndex7(8), chCodeIndex6(9), chCodeIndex5(10), chCodeIndex4(11), chCodeIndex3(12), chCodeIndex2(13), chCodeIndex1(14), chCodeIndex0(15) } (SIZE(16)) OPTIONAL, subchannelSize CHOICE { size1 NULL, size2 SEQUENCE { -- subch0 means bitstring '01' in the tabular, subch1 means bitsring '10' subchannels ENUMERATED { subch0, subch1 } OPTIONAL }, size4 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh3(0), subCh2(1), subCh1(2), subCh0(3) } (SIZE(4)) OPTIONAL }, size8 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh7(0), subCh6(1), subCh5(2), subCh4(3), subCh3(4), subCh2(5), subCh1(6), subCh0(7) } (SIZE(8)) OPTIONAL }, size16 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh15(0), subCh14(1), subCh13(2), subCh12(3), subCh11(4), subCh10(5), subCh9(6), subCh8(7), subCh7(8), subCh6(9), subCh5(10), subCh4(11), subCh3(12), subCh2(13), subCh1(14), subCh0(15) } (SIZE(16)) OPTIONAL } } } AccessServiceClass-TDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { availableSYNC-UlCodesIndics BIT STRING { sulCodeIndex7(0), sulCodeIndex6(1), sulCodeIndex5(2), sulCodeIndex4(3), sulCodeIndex3(4), sulCodeIndex2(5), sulCodeIndex1(6), sulCodeIndex0(7) } (SIZE(8)) OPTIONAL, subchannelSize CHOICE { size1 NULL, size2 SEQUENCE { -- subch0 means bitstring '01' in the tabular, subch1 means bitsring '10'. subchannels ENUMERATED { subch0, subch1 } OPTIONAL }, size4 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh3(0), subCh2(1), subCh1(2), subCh0(3) } (SIZE(4)) OPTIONAL }, size8 SEQUENCE { subchannels BIT STRING { subCh7(0), subCh6(1), subCh5(2), subCh4(3), subCh3(4), subCh2(5), subCh1(6), subCh0(7) } (SIZE(8)) OPTIONAL } } } AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { powerOffsetInformation PowerOffsetInformation, dynamicTFInformationCCCH DynamicTFInformationCCCH } AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH ::= SEQUENCE { additionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-IEs AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-IEs OPTIONAL } -- The order is the same as in the PRACH-SystemInformationList AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH AICH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { channelisationCode256 ChannelisationCode256, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN, aich-TransmissionTiming AICH-TransmissionTiming } AICH-PowerOffset ::= INTEGER (-22..5) AICH-TransmissionTiming ::= ENUMERATED { e0, e1 } AllocationPeriodInfo ::= SEQUENCE { allocationActivationTime INTEGER (0..255), allocationDuration INTEGER (1..256) } -- Actual value Alpha = IE value * 0.125 Alpha ::= INTEGER (0..8) AP-AICH-ChannelisationCode ::= INTEGER (0..255) AP-PreambleScramblingCode ::= INTEGER (0..79) AP-Signature ::= INTEGER (0..15) AP-Signature-VCAM ::= SEQUENCE { ap-Signature AP-Signature, availableAP-SubchannelList AvailableAP-SubchannelList OPTIONAL } AP-Subchannel ::= INTEGER (0..11) ASCSetting-FDD ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-FDD is MD in tabular description -- Default value is previous ASC -- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available signature and sub-channels accessServiceClass-FDD AccessServiceClass-FDD OPTIONAL } ASCSetting-TDD ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-TDD is MD in tabular description -- Default value is previous ASC -- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available channelisation codes and -- all available sub-channels with subchannelSize=size1. accessServiceClass-TDD AccessServiceClass-TDD OPTIONAL } ASCSetting-TDD-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-TDD is MD in tabular description -- Default value is previous ASC -- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available channelisation codes and -- all available sub-channels with subchannelSize=size1. accessServiceClass-TDD AccessServiceClass-TDD-r7 OPTIONAL } ASCSetting-TDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: accessServiceClass-TDD-LCR is MD in tabular description -- Default value is previous ASC -- If this is the first ASC, the default value is all available SYNC_UL codes and -- all available sub-channels with subchannelSize=size1. accessServiceClass-TDD-LCR AccessServiceClass-TDD-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } AvailableAP-Signature-VCAMList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-APsig)) OF AP-Signature-VCAM AvailableAP-SignatureList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-APsig)) OF AP-Signature AvailableAP-SubchannelList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-APsubCh)) OF AP-Subchannel AvailableMinimumSF-ListVCAM ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-SF)) OF AvailableMinimumSF-VCAM AvailableMinimumSF-VCAM ::= SEQUENCE { minimumSpreadingFactor MinimumSpreadingFactor, nf-Max NF-Max, maxAvailablePCPCH-Number MaxAvailablePCPCH-Number, availableAP-Signature-VCAMList AvailableAP-Signature-VCAMList } AvailableSignatures ::= BIT STRING { signature15(0), signature14(1), signature13(2), signature12(3), signature11(4), signature10(5), signature9(6), signature8(7), signature7(8), signature6(9), signature5(10), signature4(11), signature3(12), signature2(13), signature1(14), signature0(15) } (SIZE(16)) AvailableSubChannelNumbers ::= BIT STRING { subCh11(0), subCh10(1), subCh9(2), subCh8(3), subCh7(4), subCh6(5), subCh5(6), subCh4(7), subCh3(8), subCh2(9), subCh1(10), subCh0(11) } (SIZE(12)) BEACON-PL-Est ::= ENUMERATED { true } BurstType ::= ENUMERATED { type1, type2 } -- Actual value Bler-Target = IE value * 0.05 Bler-Target ::= INTEGER (-63..0) CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-Identity TFCS-Identity OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo } CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-Identity TFCS-Identity OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 } CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-Identity TFCS-Identity OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 } CCTrCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-Identity TFCS-Identity OPTIONAL, ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 } CD-AccessSlotSubchannel ::= INTEGER (0..11) CD-AccessSlotSubchannelList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-CDsubCh)) OF CD-AccessSlotSubchannel CD-CA-ICH-ChannelisationCode ::= INTEGER (0..255) CD-PreambleScramblingCode ::= INTEGER (0..79) CD-SignatureCode ::= INTEGER (0..15) CD-SignatureCodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCH-CDsig)) OF CD-SignatureCode CellAndChannelIdentity ::= SEQUENCE { -- burstType may be set to either value and should be ignored by the receiver for 1.28 Mcps TDD. burstType BurstType, midambleShift MidambleShiftLong, timeslot TimeslotNumber, cellParametersID CellParametersID } CellParametersID ::= INTEGER (0..127) Cfntargetsfnframeoffset ::= INTEGER(0..255) ChannelAssignmentActive ::= CHOICE { notActive NULL, isActive AvailableMinimumSF-ListVCAM } ChannelisationCode256 ::= INTEGER (0..255) ChannelReqParamsForUCSM ::= SEQUENCE { availableAP-SignatureList AvailableAP-SignatureList, availableAP-SubchannelList AvailableAP-SubchannelList OPTIONAL } ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode ::= ENUMERATED { slot1, slot2 } CodeNumberDSCH ::= INTEGER (0..255) CodeRange ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-CodeMapList PDSCH-CodeMapList } CodeWordSet ::= ENUMERATED { longCWS, mediumCWS, shortCWS, ssdtOff } CommonTimeslotInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: secondInterleavingMode is MD, but since it can be encoded in a single -- bit it is not defined as OPTIONAL. secondInterleavingMode SecondInterleavingMode, tfci-Coding TFCI-Coding OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit, repetitionPeriodAndLength RepetitionPeriodAndLength OPTIONAL } CommonTimeslotInfoMBMS ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: secondInterleavingMode is MD, but since it can be encoded in a single -- bit it is not defined as OPTIONAL. secondInterleavingMode SecondInterleavingMode, tfci-Coding TFCI-Coding OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit } CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: secondInterleavingMode is MD, but since it can be encoded in a single -- bit it is not defined as OPTIONAL. secondInterleavingMode SecondInterleavingMode, tfci-Coding TFCI-Coding OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit, repetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset RepetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset OPTIONAL } ConstantValue ::= INTEGER (-35..-10) ConstantValueTdd ::= INTEGER (-35..10) CPCH-PersistenceLevels ::= SEQUENCE { cpch-SetID CPCH-SetID, dynamicPersistenceLevelTF-List DynamicPersistenceLevelTF-List } CPCH-PersistenceLevelsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCPCHsets)) OF CPCH-PersistenceLevels CPCH-SetInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cpch-SetID CPCH-SetID, transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet, tfcs TFCS, ap-PreambleScramblingCode AP-PreambleScramblingCode, ap-AICH-ChannelisationCode AP-AICH-ChannelisationCode, cd-PreambleScramblingCode CD-PreambleScramblingCode, cd-CA-ICH-ChannelisationCode CD-CA-ICH-ChannelisationCode, cd-AccessSlotSubchannelList CD-AccessSlotSubchannelList OPTIONAL, cd-SignatureCodeList CD-SignatureCodeList OPTIONAL, deltaPp-m DeltaPp-m, ul-DPCCH-SlotFormat UL-DPCCH-SlotFormat, n-StartMessage N-StartMessage, n-EOT N-EOT, -- TABULAR: VCAM info has been nested inside ChannelAssignmentActive, -- which in turn is mandatory since it's only a binary choice. channelAssignmentActive ChannelAssignmentActive, cpch-StatusIndicationMode CPCH-StatusIndicationMode, pcpch-ChannelInfoList PCPCH-ChannelInfoList } CPCH-SetInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCPCHsets)) OF CPCH-SetInfo CPCH-StatusIndicationMode ::= ENUMERATED { pa-mode, pamsf-mode } CQI-RepetitionFactor ::= INTEGER(1..4) CSICH-PowerOffset ::= INTEGER (-10..5) -- DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD and DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD corresponds to -- IE "Default DPCH Offset Value" depending on the mode. -- Actual value DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD = IE value * 512 DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD ::= INTEGER (0..599) DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD ::= INTEGER (0..7) DeltaPp-m ::= INTEGER (-10..10) DeltaCQI ::= INTEGER (0..8) DeltaNACK ::= INTEGER (0..8) DeltaACK ::= INTEGER (0..8) -- Actual value DeltaSIR = IE value * 0.1 DeltaSIR ::= INTEGER (0..30) DHS-Sync ::= INTEGER (-20..10) DL-CCTrCh ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, timeInfo TimeInfo, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrChTPCList UL-CCTrChTPCList OPTIONAL } DL-CCTrCh-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, timeInfo TimeInfo, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } }, ul-CCTrChTPCList UL-CCTrChTPCList OPTIONAL } DL-CCTrCh-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, timeInfo TimeInfo, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } }, ul-CCTrChTPCList UL-CCTrChTPCList OPTIONAL } DL-CCTrChList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF DL-CCTrCh DL-CCTrChList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF DL-CCTrCh-r7 DL-CCTrChList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF DL-CCTrCh-r4 DL-CCTrChListToRemove ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF TFCS-IdentityPlain DL-CCTrChTPCList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxCCTrCH)) OF TFCS-Identity DL-ChannelisationCode ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, sf-AndCodeNumber SF512-AndCodeNumber, scramblingCodeChange ScramblingCodeChange OPTIONAL } DL-ChannelisationCodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDPCH-DLchan)) OF DL-ChannelisationCode DL-CommonInformation ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommon OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD OPTIONAL, dpch-CompressedModeInfo DPCH-CompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-Information OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD OPTIONAL } } } DL-CommonInformation-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD OPTIONAL, dpch-CompressedModeInfo DPCH-CompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-Information-r4 OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 NULL, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD OPTIONAL } } } DL-CommonInformation-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD OPTIONAL, dpch-CompressedModeInfo DPCH-CompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-Information-r4 OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 NULL, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD OPTIONAL } }, mac-hsResetIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } DL-CommonInformation-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-dpchInfoCommon CHOICE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r6, dl-FDPCH-InfoCommon DL-FDPCH-InfoCommon-r6 } OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD OPTIONAL, dpch-CompressedModeInfo DPCH-CompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 NULL, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD OPTIONAL } }, mac-hsResetIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } DL-CommonInformation-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-dpchInfoCommon CHOICE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r6, dl-FDPCH-InfoCommon DL-FDPCH-InfoCommon-r6 } OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueFDD OPTIONAL, dpch-CompressedModeInfo DPCH-CompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, tx-DiversityMode TX-DiversityMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 NULL, tdd768 NULL, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, defaultDPCH-OffsetValue DefaultDPCH-OffsetValueTDD OPTIONAL } }, mac-hsResetIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, postVerificationPeriod ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } DL-CommonInformationPost ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPost } DL-CommonInformationPredef ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-InfoCommon DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPredef OPTIONAL } DL-CompressedModeMethod ::= ENUMERATED { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy, sf-2, higherLayerScheduling } DL-DPCH-InfoCommon ::= SEQUENCE { cfnHandling CHOICE { maintain NULL, initialise SEQUENCE { -- IE dummy is not used in this version of the specification -- The IE should not be sent and if received it should be ignored dummy Cfntargetsfnframeoffset OPTIONAL } }, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, powerOffsetPilot-pdpdch PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch, dl-rate-matching-restriction Dl-rate-matching-restriction OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor. spreadingFactorAndPilot SF512-AndPilot, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL } } } DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cfnHandling CHOICE { maintain NULL, initialise SEQUENCE { -- IE dummy is not used in this version of the specification -- The IE should not be sent and if received it should be ignored dummy Cfntargetsfnframeoffset OPTIONAL } }, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, powerOffsetPilot-pdpdch PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch, dl-rate-matching-restriction Dl-rate-matching-restriction OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor. spreadingFactorAndPilot SF512-AndPilot, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL } }, -- The IE mac-d-HFN-initial-value should be absent in the RRCConnectionSetup-r4-IEs or -- RRCConnectionSetup-r5-IEs or HandoverToUTRANCommand-r4-IEs or HandoverToUTRANCommand-r5-IEs and -- if the IE is included, the general error handling for conditional IEs applies. mac-d-HFN-initial-value MAC-d-HFN-initial-value OPTIONAL } DL-DPCH-InfoCommon-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { cfnHandling CHOICE { maintain SEQUENCE { timingmaintainedsynchind TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL }, initialise NULL }, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, powerOffsetPilot-pdpdch PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch, dl-rate-matching-restriction Dl-rate-matching-restriction OPTIONAL, -- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor. spreadingFactorAndPilot SF512-AndPilot, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL } }, -- The IE mac-d-HFN-initial-value should be absent in the RRCConnectionSetup and the -- HandoverToUTRANCommand messages. If the IE is included, the general error handling -- for conditional IEs applies. mac-d-HFN-initial-value MAC-d-HFN-initial-value OPTIONAL } DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPost ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL } DL-DPCH-InfoCommonPredef ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: The number of pilot bits is nested inside the spreading factor. spreadingFactorAndPilot SF512-AndPilot, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo } } } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, dpch-FrameOffset DPCH-FrameOffset, secondaryCPICH-Info SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, dl-ChannelisationCodeList DL-ChannelisationCodeList, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-CellIdentity OPTIONAL, closedLoopTimingAdjMode ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrChListToEstablish DL-CCTrChList OPTIONAL, dl-CCTrChListToRemove DL-CCTrChListToRemove OPTIONAL } } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r4 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, dpch-FrameOffset DPCH-FrameOffset, secondaryCPICH-Info SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, dl-ChannelisationCodeList DL-ChannelisationCodeList, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-CellIdentity OPTIONAL, closedLoopTimingAdjMode ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrChListToEstablish DL-CCTrChList-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-CCTrChListToRemove DL-CCTrChListToRemove OPTIONAL } } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, dpch-FrameOffset DPCH-FrameOffset, secondaryCPICH-Info SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, dl-ChannelisationCodeList DL-ChannelisationCodeList, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex, powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SSDT-CellIdentity OPTIONAL, closedLoopTimingAdjMode ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrChListToEstablish DL-CCTrChList-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-CCTrChListToRemove DL-CCTrChListToRemove OPTIONAL } } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, dpch-FrameOffset DPCH-FrameOffset, secondaryCPICH-Info SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, dl-ChannelisationCodeList DL-ChannelisationCodeList, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex, powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch OPTIONAL, closedLoopTimingAdjMode ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrChListToEstablish DL-CCTrChList-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-CCTrChListToRemove DL-CCTrChListToRemove OPTIONAL } } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r7 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, dpch-FrameOffset DPCH-FrameOffset, secondaryCPICH-Info SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, dl-ChannelisationCodeList DL-ChannelisationCodeList, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex, sttdIndication STTDIndication OPTIONAL, powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch OPTIONAL, closedLoopTimingAdjMode ClosedLoopTimingAdjMode OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrChListToEstablish DL-CCTrChList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CCTrChListToRemove DL-CCTrChListToRemove OPTIONAL } } DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, fdpch-FrameOffset DPCH-FrameOffset, secondaryCPICH-Info SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, dl-ChannelisationCode INTEGER (0..255), tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostFDD ::= SEQUENCE { pCPICH-UsageForChannelEst PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, dl-ChannelisationCode DL-ChannelisationCode, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD ::= SEQUENCE { dl-DPCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes } DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 } DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dpc-Mode DPC-Mode }, tdd SEQUENCE { tpc-StepSizeTDD TPC-StepSizeTDD OPTIONAL } } } DL-FDPCH-InfoCommon-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { cfnHandling CHOICE { maintain SEQUENCE { timingmaintainedsynchind TimingMaintainedSynchInd OPTIONAL }, initialise NULL }, dl-FDPCH-PowerControlInfo DL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, -- Actual value dl-FDPCH-TPCcommandErrorRate = IE value * 0.01 -- dl-FDPCH-TPCcommandErrorRate values 11..16 are spare and shall not be used in this version of -- the protocol dl-FDPCH-TPCcommandErrorRate INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL } DL-FrameType ::= ENUMERATED { dl-FrameTypeA, dl-FrameTypeB } DL-HSPDSCH-Information ::= SEQUENCE { hs-scch-Info HS-SCCH-Info OPTIONAL, measurement-feedback-Info Measurement-Feedback-Info OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { tdd CHOICE{ tdd384 SEQUENCE { dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { hs-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-tdd128 HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128 OPTIONAL } }, fdd NULL } } DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { hs-scch-Info HS-SCCH-Info-r6 OPTIONAL, measurement-feedback-Info Measurement-Feedback-Info OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { hs-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-tdd128 HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128 OPTIONAL } }, fdd NULL } } DL-HSPDSCH-Information-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { hs-scch-Info HS-SCCH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL, measurement-feedback-Info Measurement-Feedback-Info OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { dl-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration-VHCR OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { hs-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-tdd128 HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128 OPTIONAL } }, fdd NULL } } -- The IE 'DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration' applies to tdd-384 REL-5 onward DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL } -- The IE 'DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration-VHCR' applies to tdd-768 REL-7 onward DL-HSPDSCH-TS-Configuration-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL-VHCR } DL-InformationPerRL ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, -- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy1 PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info OPTIONAL, dummy2 PDSCH-CodeMapping OPTIONAL }, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info }, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SCCPCH-InfoForFACH OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, -- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy1 PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info OPTIONAL, dummy2 PDSCH-CodeMapping OPTIONAL }, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 }, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r4 OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4 OPTIONAL, cell-id CellIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, -- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy1 PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info OPTIONAL, dummy2 PDSCH-CodeMapping OPTIONAL, servingHSDSCH-RL-indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 }, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5 OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4 OPTIONAL, cell-id CellIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-r5bis ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, -- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy1 PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info OPTIONAL, dummy2 PDSCH-CodeMapping OPTIONAL }, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 }, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5 OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4 OPTIONAL, cell-id CellIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, servingHSDSCH-RL-indicator BOOLEAN, servingEDCH-RL-indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 }, dl-dpchInfo CHOICE { dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r6, dl-FDPCH-InfoPerRL DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 } OPTIONAL, e-AGCH-Information E-AGCH-Information OPTIONAL, e-HICH-Info CHOICE { e-HICH-Information E-HICH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL, e-RGCH-Info CHOICE { e-RGCH-Information E-RGCH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL, cell-id CellIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { sttdIndication STTDIndication OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, servingHSDSCH-RL-indicator BOOLEAN, servingEDCH-RL-indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r7 }, dl-dpchInfo CHOICE { dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r7, dl-FDPCH-InfoPerRL DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 } OPTIONAL, e-AGCH-Information E-AGCH-Information-r7 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo2 CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { e-HICH-Info CHOICE { e-HICH-Information E-HICH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL, e-RGCH-Info CHOICE { e-RGCH-Information E-RGCH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384-tdd768 SEQUENCE { e-HICH-Info E-HICH-Information-TDD384-768 }, tdd128 NULL } }, cell-id CellIdentity OPTIONAL } DL-InformationPerRL-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL DL-InformationPerRL-List-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-r4 DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-r5 DL-InformationPerRL-List-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-r6 DL-InformationPerRL-List-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-v6b0ext DL-InformationPerRL-List-r5bis ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-r5bis DL-InformationPerRL-List-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-r7 DL-InformationPerRL-ListPostFDD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-InformationPerRL-PostFDD DL-InformationPerRL-PostFDD ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostFDD } DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPost, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD } DL-InformationPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-PostTDD-LCR-r4 } DL-PDSCH-Information ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy1 PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info OPTIONAL, dummy2 PDSCH-CodeMapping OPTIONAL } Dl-rate-matching-restriction ::= SEQUENCE { restrictedTrCH-InfoList RestrictedTrCH-InfoList OPTIONAL } DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL ::= SEQUENCE { powerOffsetTPC-pdpdch PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch OPTIONAL } -- NOTE: The radio links in the following list have a one-to-one mapping with the -- radio links in the message. DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF DL-TPC-PowerOffsetPerRL DL-TS-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR ::= ENUMERATED { cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4, cc132-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8, cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12, cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16, cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20, cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24, cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28, cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 } DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort ::= SEQUENCE { codesRepresentation CHOICE { consecutive SEQUENCE { firstChannelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, lastChannelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode }, bitmap BIT STRING { chCode16-SF16(0), chCode15-SF16(1), chCode14-SF16(2), chCode13-SF16(3), chCode12-SF16(4), chCode11-SF16(5), chCode10-SF16(6), chCode9-SF16(7), chCode8-SF16(8), chCode7-SF16(9), chCode6-SF16(10), chCode5-SF16(11), chCode4-SF16(12), chCode3-SF16(13), chCode2-SF16(14), chCode1-SF16(15) } (SIZE (16)) } } DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { codesRepresentation CHOICE { consecutive SEQUENCE { firstChannelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR, lastChannelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR }, bitmap BIT STRING { chCode32-SF32(0), chCode31-SF32(1), chCode30-SF32(2), chCode29-SF32(3), chCode28-SF32(4), chCode27-SF32(5), chCode26-SF32(6), chCode25-SF32(7), chCode24-SF32(8), chCode23-SF32(9), chCode22-SF32(10), chCode21-SF32(11), chCode20-SF32(12), chCode19-SF32(13), chCode18-SF32(14), chCode17-SF32(15), chCode16-SF32(16), chCode15-SF32(17), chCode14-SF32(18), chCode13-SF32(19), chCode12-SF32(20), chCode11-SF32(21), chCode10-SF32(22), chCode9-SF32(23), chCode8-SF32(24), chCode7-SF32(25), chCode6-SF32(26), chCode5-SF32(27), chCode4-SF32(28), chCode3-SF32(29), chCode2-SF32(30), chCode1-SF32(31) } (SIZE (32)) } } DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots ::= SEQUENCE { parameters CHOICE { sameAsLast SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber }, newParameters SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo, dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort } } } DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { parameters CHOICE { sameAsLast SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber }, newParameters SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR, dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort-VHCR } } } DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { parameters CHOICE { sameAsLast SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4 }, newParameters SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort } } } DownlinkTimeslotsCodes ::= SEQUENCE { firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo, dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive INTEGER (1..maxTS-1), timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots } } } DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR, dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive INTEGER (1..maxTS-1), timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-VHCR } } } DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, dl-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort DL-TS-ChannelisationCodesShort, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive INTEGER (1..maxTS-LCR-1), timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR-1)) OF DownlinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4 } } } DPC-Mode ::= ENUMERATED { singleTPC, tpcTripletInSoft } -- Actual value DPCCH-PowerOffset = IE value * 2 DPCCH-PowerOffset ::= INTEGER (-82..-3) -- Actual value DPCCH-PowerOffset2 = 2 + (IE value * 4) DPCCH-PowerOffset2 ::= INTEGER (-28..-13) DPCH-CompressedModeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { tgp-SequenceList TGP-SequenceList } DPCH-CompressedModeStatusInfo ::= SEQUENCE { tgps-Reconfiguration-CFN TGPS-Reconfiguration-CFN, tgp-SequenceShortList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTGPS)) OF TGP-SequenceShort } -- Actual value DPCH-FrameOffset = IE value * 256 DPCH-FrameOffset::= INTEGER (0..149) DSCH-Mapping ::= SEQUENCE { maxTFCI-Field2Value MaxTFCI-Field2Value, spreadingFactor SF-PDSCH, codeNumber CodeNumberDSCH, multiCodeInfo MultiCodeInfo } DSCH-MappingList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups)) OF DSCH-Mapping DSCH-RadioLinkIdentifier ::= INTEGER (0..511) DSCH-TransportChannelsInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF SEQUENCE { dsch-transport-channel-identity TransportChannelIdentity, dsch-TFS TransportFormatSet } DurationTimeInfo ::= INTEGER (1..4096) DynamicPersistenceLevel ::= INTEGER (1..8) DynamicPersistenceLevelList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF DynamicPersistenceLevel DynamicPersistenceLevelTF-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTF-CPCH)) OF DynamicPersistenceLevel DynamicTFInformationCCCH ::= SEQUENCE { octetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2 OctetModeRLC-SizeInfoType2 } E-AGCH-ChannelisationCode ::= INTEGER (0..255) E-AGCH-Individual ::= SEQUENCE { tS-number INTEGER (0..14), channelisation-code DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType } E-AGCH-Information ::= SEQUENCE { e-AGCH-ChannelisationCode E-AGCH-ChannelisationCode } E-AGCH-Information-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecific CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { e-AGCH-ChannelisationCode E-AGCH-ChannelisationCode }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384-tdd768 SEQUENCE { long-Term-Grant-Indicator BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, length-of-TTRI-field INTEGER (1..12), e-AGCH-Set-Config E-AGCH-Set-Config, e-AGCH-BLER-Target Bler-Target }, tdd128 NULL } } } E-AGCH-Set-Config ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumE-AGCH)) OF E-AGCH-Individual E-DCH-MinimumSet-E-TFCI ::= INTEGER (0..127) E-DCH-ReconfigurationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { e-DCH-RL-InfoNewServingCell E-DCH-RL-InfoNewServingCell OPTIONAL, e-DCH-RL-InfoOtherCellList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEDCHRL)) OF E-DCH-RL-InfoOtherCell OPTIONAL } E-DCH-RL-InfoNewServingCell ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, e-AGCH-Information E-AGCH-Information, servingGrant SEQUENCE { value INTEGER (0..38) OPTIONAL, primary-Secondary-GrantSelector ENUMERATED { primary, secondary } } OPTIONAL, e-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset E-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset OPTIONAL, reference-E-TFCIs E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCIList OPTIONAL, powerOffsetForSchedInfo INTEGER (0..6) OPTIONAL, threeIndexStepThreshold INTEGER (0..37) OPTIONAL, twoIndexStepThreshold INTEGER (0..37) OPTIONAL, e-HICH-Information E-HICH-Information OPTIONAL, e-RGCH-Info CHOICE { e-RGCH-Information E-RGCH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL } E-DCH-RL-InfoOtherCell ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, e-HICH-Info CHOICE { e-HICH-Information E-HICH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL, e-RGCH-Info CHOICE { e-RGCH-Information E-RGCH-Information, releaseIndicator NULL } OPTIONAL } E-DPCCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { e-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset E-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset, happyBit-DelayCondition HappyBit-DelayCondition } E-DPCCH-DPCCH-PowerOffset ::= INTEGER (0..8) E-DPDCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { e-TFCI-TableIndex E-TFCI-TableIndex, e-DCH-MinimumSet-E-TFCI E-DCH-MinimumSet-E-TFCI OPTIONAL, reference-E-TFCIs E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCIList, maxChannelisationCodes E-DPDCH-MaxChannelisationCodes, pl-NonMax E-DPDCH-PL-NonMax, schedulingInfoConfiguration E-DPDCH-SchedulingInfoConfiguration, threeIndexStepThreshold INTEGER (0..37) OPTIONAL, twoIndexStepThreshold INTEGER (0..37) OPTIONAL } E-DPDCH-PeriodicyOfSchedInfo ::= ENUMERATED { everyEDCHTTI, ms4, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000 } -- The actual value of E-DPDCH-PL-NonMax is: IE value * 0.04 E-DPDCH-PL-NonMax ::= INTEGER (11..25) E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCI ::= SEQUENCE { reference-E-TFCI INTEGER (0..127), reference-E-TFCI-PO INTEGER (0..29) } E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCIList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF E-DPDCH-Reference-E-TFCI E-DPDCH-SchedulingInfoConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { periodicityOfSchedInfo-NoGrant E-DPDCH-PeriodicyOfSchedInfo OPTIONAL, periodicityOfSchedInfo-Grant E-DPDCH-PeriodicyOfSchedInfo OPTIONAL, powerOffsetForSchedInfo INTEGER (0..6) } E-DPDCH-SchedulingTransmConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { ms2-SchedTransmGrantHARQAlloc BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, servingGrant SEQUENCE { value INTEGER (0..38), primary-Secondary-GrantSelector ENUMERATED { primary, secondary } } OPTIONAL } E-DPDCH-MaxChannelisationCodes ::= ENUMERATED { sf256, sf128, sf64, sf32, sf16, sf8, sf4, sf4x2, sf2x2, sf4x2-and-sf2x2 } E-HICH-ChannelisationCode ::= INTEGER (0..127) E-HICH-Information ::= SEQUENCE { channelisationCode E-HICH-ChannelisationCode, signatureSequence E-HICH-RGCH-SignatureSequence } E-HICH-Information-TDD384-768 ::= SEQUENCE { n-E-HICH INTEGER (4..44), tS-Number INTEGER (0..14), modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { tdd384 DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, tdd768 DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR }, burst-Type ENUMERATED { type1, type2 }, midamble-Allocation-Mode ENUMERATED { default, common } } E-HICH-RGCH-SignatureSequence ::= INTEGER (0..39) E-PUCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { e-TFCS-Info E-TFCS-Info, noSlotsForTFCIandTPC INTEGER (1..12), e-PUCH-ContantValue INTEGER (-35..10), e-PUCH-TS-ConfigurationList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-2)) OF E-PUCH-TS-Slots, e-PUCH-CodeHopping BOOLEAN, e-PUCH-TPC-Step-Size INTEGER (1..3), minimum-Allowed-Code-Rate INTEGER (0..63), maximum-Allowed-Code-Rate INTEGER (0..63) } E-PUCH-TS-Slots ::= SEQUENCE { tS-Numnber INTEGER (0..14), midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType } E-RGCH-CombinationIndex ::= INTEGER (0..5) E-RGCH-Information ::= SEQUENCE { signatureSequence E-HICH-RGCH-SignatureSequence, rg-CombinationIndex E-RGCH-CombinationIndex } E-RUCCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { e-RUCCH-ConstantValue INTEGER (-35..10), e-RUCCH-PersistenceScalingFactor PersistenceScalingFactor, t-RUCCH ENUMERATED {ms40, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms200, ms240, ms280, ms320} OPTIONAL, e-RUCCH-TS-Number INTEGER (0..14) OPTIONAL, e-RUCCH-Midamble ENUMERATED {direct, direct-Inverted} OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { tdd384 CHOICE { sF16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SF16Codes, sF8 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SF8Codes }, tdd768 CHOICE { sF32 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SF32Codes, sF816 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SF16Codes2 } } } E-TFCI-TableIndex ::= INTEGER (0..1) E-TFCS-Info ::= SEQUENCE { reference-Beta-QPSK-List SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF Reference-Beta-QPSK, reference-Beta-16QAM-List SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF Reference-Beta-16QAM } EXT-UL-TimingAdvance ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ex-ul-TimingAdvance INTEGER (0..255) }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { ex-ul-TimingAdvance INTEGER (0..511) } } } FACH-PCH-Information ::= SEQUENCE { transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, ctch-Indicator BOOLEAN } FACH-PCH-InformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF FACH-PCH-Information Feedback-cycle ::= ENUMERATED { fc0, fc2, fc4, fc8, fc10, fc20, fc40, fc80, fc160} FPACH-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, channelisationCode TDD-FPACH-CCode16-r4, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, wi Wi-LCR } FrequencyInfo ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd FrequencyInfoFDD, tdd FrequencyInfoTDD } } FrequencyInfoFDD ::= SEQUENCE { uarfcn-UL UARFCN OPTIONAL, uarfcn-DL UARFCN } FrequencyInfoTDD ::= SEQUENCE { uarfcn-Nt UARFCN } HappyBit-DelayCondition ::= ENUMERATED { ms2, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000 } HARQ-Preamble-Mode ::= INTEGER (0..1) HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } HS-PDSCH-Midamble-Configuration-TDD128 ::= SEQUENCE { midambleAllocationMode CHOICE{ defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble INTEGER (0..15) }, -- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2 midambleConfiguration INTEGER (1..8) } HS-SCCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { hS-SCCHChannelisationCodeInfo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-Codes, dl-ScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384, hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD384 }, tdd128 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD128 } } } HS-SCCH-Info-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { hS-SCCHChannelisationCodeInfo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-Codes, dl-ScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, bler-target Bler-Target, hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD384-r6 }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), power-level-HSSICH INTEGER (-120..-58), tpc-step-size ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1 }, bler-target Bler-Target, hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD128-r6 } } } } HS-SCCH-Info-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { hS-SCCHChannelisationCodeInfo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-Codes, dl-ScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD384-r6 }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), hs-SICH-PowerControl-Info HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768, dhs-sync DHS-Sync OPTIONAL, bler-target Bler-Target, hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD768 }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), power-level-HSSICH INTEGER (-120..-58), tpc-step-size ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1 }, bler-target Bler-Target, hS-SCCH-SetConfiguration SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxHSSCCHs)) OF HS-SCCH-TDD128-r6 } } } } HS-SCCH-Codes ::= INTEGER (0..127) HS-SCCH-TDD128 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, firstChannelisationCode HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR, secondChannelisationCode HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble INTEGER(0..15) }, -- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2 midambleConfiguration INTEGER (1..8), bler-target Bler-Target, hs-sich-configuration HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD128 } HS-SCCH-TDD128-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, firstChannelisationCode HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR, secondChannelisationCode HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble INTEGER(0..15) }, -- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2 midambleConfiguration INTEGER (1..8), hs-sich-configuration HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD128-r6 } HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD128 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, channelisationCode HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, -- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2 midambleConfiguration INTEGER (1..8), nack-ack-power-offset INTEGER (-7..8), power-level-HSSICH INTEGER (-120..-58), tpc-step-size ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s3 , spare1} } HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD128-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, channelisationCode HS-ChannelisationCode-LCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, -- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2 midambleConfiguration INTEGER (1..8) } HS-SCCH-TDD384 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, midambleconfiguration MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, bler-target Bler-Target, hs-sich-configuration HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD384 } HS-SCCH-TDD384-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, midambleconfiguration MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, hs-sich-configuration HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD384 } HS-SCCH-TDD768 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, midambleconfiguration MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, hs-sich-configuration HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD768 } HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD384 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, midambleconfiguration MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 } HS-SICH-Configuration-TDD768 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } }, midambleconfiguration MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 } HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD384 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual value ul-target-SIR = IE value * 0.5 ul-target-SIR INTEGER (-22..40), hs-sich-ConstantValue ConstantValue } HS-SICH-Power-Control-Info-TDD768 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual value ul-target-SIR = IE value * 0.5 ul-target-SIR INTEGER (-22..40), hs-sich-ConstantValue ConstantValue } IndividualTimeslotInfo ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType } IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, midambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR MidambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR } IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, modulation ENUMERATED { mod-QPSK, mod-8PSK }, ss-TPC-Symbols ENUMERATED { zero, one, sixteenOverSF }, additionalSS-TPC-Symbols INTEGER(1..15) OPTIONAL } IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- timeslotNumber and tfci-Existence is taken from IndividualTimeslotInfo. -- midambleShiftAndBurstType in IndividualTimeslotInfo shall be ignored. midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, modulation ENUMERATED { mod-QPSK, mod-8PSK }, ss-TPC-Symbols ENUMERATED { zero, one, sixteenOverSF } } IndividualTS-Interference ::= SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, ul-TimeslotInterference TDD-UL-Interference } IndividualTS-InterferenceList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF IndividualTS-Interference ITP ::= ENUMERATED { mode0, mode1 } NidentifyAbort ::= INTEGER (1..128) MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power ::= INTEGER (-50..33) MaxAvailablePCPCH-Number ::= INTEGER (1..64) MaxPowerIncrease-r4 ::= INTEGER (0..3) MaxTFCI-Field2Value ::= INTEGER (1..1023) Measurement-Feedback-Info ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { measurementPowerOffset MeasurementPowerOffset, feedback-cycle Feedback-cycle, cqi-RepetitionFactor CQI-RepetitionFactor, deltaCQI DeltaCQI }, tdd NULL } } MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 ::= ENUMERATED {ms4, ms8, ms16} MidambleConfigurationBurstType2 ::= ENUMERATED {ms3, ms6} MidambleConfigurationBurstType2-VHCR ::= ENUMERATED {ms4, ms8} MidambleShiftAndBurstType ::= SEQUENCE { burstType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } } }, type2 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType2 MidambleConfigurationBurstType2, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftShort } } }, type3 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } } } } } MidambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { burstType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } } }, type2 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType2 MidambleConfigurationBurstType2-VHCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftShort-VHCR } } }, type3 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } } } } } MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL ::= SEQUENCE { burstType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } } }, type2 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType2 MidambleConfigurationBurstType2, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftShort } } } } } MidambleShiftAndBurstType-DL-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { burstType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 MidambleConfigurationBurstType1and3, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftLong } } }, type2 SEQUENCE { midambleConfigurationBurstType2 MidambleConfigurationBurstType2-VHCR, midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift MidambleShiftShort-VHCR } } } } } MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { midambleAllocationMode CHOICE { defaultMidamble NULL, commonMidamble NULL, ueSpecificMidamble SEQUENCE { midambleShift INTEGER (0..15) } }, -- Actual value midambleConfiguration = IE value * 2 midambleConfiguration INTEGER (1..8) } MidambleShiftLong ::= INTEGER (0..15) MidambleShiftShort ::= INTEGER (0..5) MidambleShiftShort-VHCR ::= INTEGER (0..7) MinimumSpreadingFactor ::= ENUMERATED { sf4, sf8, sf16, sf32, sf64, sf128, sf256 } MultiCodeInfo ::= INTEGER (1..16) N-EOT ::= INTEGER (0..7) N-GAP ::= ENUMERATED { f2, f4, f8 } N-PCH ::= INTEGER (1..8) N-StartMessage ::= INTEGER (1..8) NB01 ::= INTEGER (0..50) NF-Max ::= INTEGER (1..64) NumberOfDPDCH ::= INTEGER (1..maxDPDCH-UL) NumberOfFBI-Bits ::= INTEGER (1..2) OpenLoopPowerControl-TDD ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power, -- alpha, prach-ConstantValue, dpch-ConstantValue and pusch-ConstantValue -- shall be ignored in 1.28Mcps TDD mode. alpha Alpha OPTIONAL, prach-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd, pusch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd OPTIONAL } OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ipdl-alpha Alpha, maxPowerIncrease MaxPowerIncrease-r4 } PagingIndicatorLength ::= ENUMERATED { pi4, pi8, pi16 } PC-Preamble ::= INTEGER (0..7) PCP-Length ::= ENUMERATED { as0, as8 } PCPCH-ChannelInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pcpch-UL-ScramblingCode INTEGER (0..79), pcpch-DL-ChannelisationCode INTEGER (0..511), pcpch-DL-ScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, pcp-Length PCP-Length, ucsm-Info UCSM-Info OPTIONAL } PCPCH-ChannelInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPCPCHs)) OF PCPCH-ChannelInfo PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst ::= ENUMERATED { mayBeUsed, shallNotBeUsed } PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- pdsch-PowerControlInfo is conditional on new-configuration branch below, if this -- selected the IE is OPTIONAL otherwise it should not be sent pdsch-PowerControlInfo PDSCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, pdsch-AllocationPeriodInfo AllocationPeriodInfo, configuration CHOICE { old-Configuration SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity }, new-Configuration SEQUENCE { pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info, pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity OPTIONAL } } } PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-AllocationPeriodInfo AllocationPeriodInfo, configuration CHOICE { old-Configuration SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity }, new-Configuration SEQUENCE { pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info-r4, pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity OPTIONAL, pdsch-PowerControlInfo PDSCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL } } } PDSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-AllocationPeriodInfo AllocationPeriodInfo, configuration CHOICE { old-Configuration SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity }, new-Configuration SEQUENCE { pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info-r7, pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity OPTIONAL, pdsch-PowerControlInfo PDSCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL } } } PDSCH-CodeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { spreadingFactor SF-PDSCH, codeNumber CodeNumberDSCH, multiCodeInfo MultiCodeInfo } PDSCH-CodeInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFCI-2-Combs)) OF PDSCH-CodeInfo PDSCH-CodeMap ::= SEQUENCE { spreadingFactor SF-PDSCH, multiCodeInfo MultiCodeInfo, codeNumberStart CodeNumberDSCH, codeNumberStop CodeNumberDSCH } PDSCH-CodeMapList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups)) OF PDSCH-CodeMap PDSCH-CodeMapping ::= SEQUENCE { dl-ScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, signallingMethod CHOICE { codeRange CodeRange, tfci-Range DSCH-MappingList, explicit-config PDSCH-CodeInfoList, replace ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfoList } } PDSCH-Identity ::= INTEGER (1..hiPDSCHidentities) PDSCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL } PDSCH-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } } } PDSCH-Info-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } } } PDSCH-Info-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, pdsch-TimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } PDSCH-PowerControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE { tpc-StepSizeTDD TPC-StepSizeTDD OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrChTPCList UL-CCTrChTPCList OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SHO-DCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { dsch-RadioLinkIdentifier DSCH-RadioLinkIdentifier, rl-IdentifierList RL-IdentifierList OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity, pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info, dsch-TFS TransportFormatSet OPTIONAL, dsch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity, pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info-r7, dsch-TransportChannelsInfo DSCH-TransportChannelsInfo OPTIONAL, dsch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity, pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info, dsch-TransportChannelsInfo DSCH-TransportChannelsInfo OPTIONAL, dsch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-Identity PDSCH-Identity, pdsch-Info PDSCH-Info-LCR-r4, dsch-TFS TransportFormatSet OPTIONAL, dsch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF PDSCH-SysInfo PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF PDSCH-SysInfo-r7 PDSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF PDSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5 PDSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF PDSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4 PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pdsch-SysInfo PDSCH-SysInfo, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pdsch-SysInfo PDSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPDSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pdsch-SysInfo PDSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } PersistenceScalingFactor ::= ENUMERATED { psf0-9, psf0-8, psf0-7, psf0-6, psf0-5, psf0-4, psf0-3, psf0-2 } PersistenceScalingFactorList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASCpersist)) OF PersistenceScalingFactor PI-CountPerFrame ::= ENUMERATED { e18, e36, e72, e144 } PichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF DL-TS-ChannelisationCode PICH-Info ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { channelisationCode256 ChannelisationCode256, pi-CountPerFrame PI-CountPerFrame, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { channelisationCode TDD-PICH-CCode OPTIONAL, timeslot TimeslotNumber OPTIONAL, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-PICH OPTIONAL, pagingIndicatorLength PagingIndicatorLength DEFAULT pi4, n-GAP N-GAP DEFAULT f4, n-PCH N-PCH DEFAULT 2 } } PICH-Info-r7 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { channelisationCode256 ChannelisationCode256, pi-CountPerFrame PI-CountPerFrame, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd384 SEQUENCE { channelisationCode TDD-PICH-CCode OPTIONAL, timeslot TimeslotNumber OPTIONAL, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-PICH OPTIONAL, pagingIndicatorLength PagingIndicatorLength DEFAULT pi4, n-GAP N-GAP DEFAULT f4, n-PCH N-PCH DEFAULT 2 }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { channelisationCode TDD768-PICH-CCode OPTIONAL, timeslot TimeslotNumber OPTIONAL, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-PICH OPTIONAL, pagingIndicatorLength PagingIndicatorLength DEFAULT pi4, n-GAP N-GAP DEFAULT f4, n-PCH N-PCH DEFAULT 2 } } PICH-Info-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, pichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4 PichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-PICH OPTIONAL, pagingIndicatorLength PagingIndicatorLength DEFAULT pi4, n-GAP N-GAP DEFAULT f4, n-PCH N-PCH DEFAULT 2 } PICH-PowerOffset ::= INTEGER (-10..5) PilotBits128 ::= ENUMERATED { pb4, pb8 } PilotBits256 ::= ENUMERATED { pb2, pb4, pb8 } -- Actual measurement power offset value = IE value * 0.5 MeasurementPowerOffset ::= INTEGER (-12..26) PLCCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { plcchSequenceNumber INTEGER(1..14), timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, tpcCommandTargetRate TPC-CommandTargetRate } PositionFixedOrFlexible ::= ENUMERATED { fixed, flexible } PowerControlAlgorithm ::= CHOICE { algorithm1 TPC-StepSizeFDD, algorithm2 NULL } PowerOffsetPilot-pdpdch ::= INTEGER (0..24) PowerOffsetTPC-pdpdch ::= INTEGER (0..24) PowerRampStep ::= INTEGER (1..8) PRACH-ChanCodes-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF TDD-PRACH-CCode-LCR-r4 PRACH-Definition-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber-PRACH-LCR-r4, prach-ChanCodes-LCR PRACH-ChanCodes-LCR-r4, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, fpach-Info FPACH-Info-r4 } PRACH-Midamble ::= ENUMERATED { direct, direct-Inverted } PRACH-Partitioning ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF -- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-FDD are listed, -- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified. ASCSetting-FDD, tdd SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF -- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-TDD are listed, -- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified. ASCSetting-TDD } PRACH-Partitioning-r7 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF -- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-FDD are listed, -- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified. ASCSetting-FDD, tdd SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF -- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-TDD are listed, -- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified. ASCSetting-TDD-r7 } PRACH-Partitioning-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxASC)) OF -- TABULAR: If only "NumASC+1" (with, NumASC+1 < maxASC) ASCSetting-TDD-LCR-r4 are listed, -- the remaining (NumASC+2 through maxASC) ASCs are unspecified. ASCSetting-TDD-LCR-r4 PRACH-PowerOffset ::= SEQUENCE { powerRampStep PowerRampStep, preambleRetransMax PreambleRetransMax } PRACH-RACH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { availableSignatures AvailableSignatures, availableSF SF-PRACH, preambleScramblingCodeWordNumber PreambleScramblingCodeWordNumber, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit, availableSubChannelNumbers AvailableSubChannelNumbers }, tdd SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, channelisationCodeList TDD-PRACH-CCodeList, prach-Midamble PRACH-Midamble } } } PRACH-RACH-Info-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { availableSignatures AvailableSignatures, availableSF SF-PRACH, preambleScramblingCodeWordNumber PreambleScramblingCodeWordNumber, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit, availableSubChannelNumbers AvailableSubChannelNumbers }, tdd384 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, channelisationCodeList TDD-PRACH-CCodeList, prach-Midamble PRACH-Midamble }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, channelisationCodeList TDD768-PRACH-CCodeList, prach-Midamble PRACH-Midamble } } } PRACH-RACH-Info-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { sync-UL-Info SYNC-UL-Info-r4, prach-DefinitionList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH-FPACH)) OF PRACH-Definition-LCR-r4 } PRACH-SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE { prach-RACH-Info PRACH-RACH-Info, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, rach-TransportFormatSet TransportFormatSet OPTIONAL, rach-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL, prach-Partitioning PRACH-Partitioning OPTIONAL, persistenceScalingFactorList PersistenceScalingFactorList OPTIONAL, ac-To-ASC-MappingTable AC-To-ASC-MappingTable OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, constantValue ConstantValue OPTIONAL, prach-PowerOffset PRACH-PowerOffset OPTIONAL, rach-TransmissionParameters RACH-TransmissionParameters OPTIONAL, aich-Info AICH-Info OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } } PRACH-SystemInformation-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { prach-RACH-Info PRACH-RACH-Info-r7, transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, rach-TransportFormatSet TransportFormatSet OPTIONAL, rach-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL, prach-Partitioning PRACH-Partitioning-r7 OPTIONAL, persistenceScalingFactorList PersistenceScalingFactorList OPTIONAL, ac-To-ASC-MappingTable AC-To-ASC-MappingTable OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, constantValue ConstantValue OPTIONAL, prach-PowerOffset PRACH-PowerOffset OPTIONAL, rach-TransmissionParameters RACH-TransmissionParameters OPTIONAL, aich-Info AICH-Info OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } } PRACH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { prach-RACH-Info-LCR PRACH-RACH-Info-LCR-r4, rach-TransportFormatSet-LCR TransportFormatSet-LCR OPTIONAL, prach-Partitioning-LCR PRACH-Partitioning-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } PRACH-SystemInformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF PRACH-SystemInformation PRACH-SystemInformationList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF PRACH-SystemInformation-r7 PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPRACH)) OF PRACH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4 PreambleRetransMax ::= INTEGER (1..64) PreambleScramblingCodeWordNumber ::= INTEGER (0..15) PreDefPhyChConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-InfoPredef UL-DPCH-InfoPredef, dl-CommonInformationPredef DL-CommonInformationPredef OPTIONAL } PrimaryCCPCH-Info ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- syncCase should be ignored for 1.28Mcps TDD mode syncCase CHOICE { syncCase1 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber }, syncCase2 SEQUENCE { timeslotSync2 TimeslotSync2 } } OPTIONAL, cellParametersID CellParametersID OPTIONAL, sctd-Indicator BOOLEAN } } PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { syncCase CHOICE { syncCase1 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber }, syncCase2 SEQUENCE { timeslotSync2 TimeslotSync2 } } OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, cellParametersID CellParametersID OPTIONAL, sctd-Indicator BOOLEAN } } PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r7 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { syncCase CHOICE { syncCase1 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber }, syncCase2 SEQUENCE { timeslotSync2 TimeslotSync2 } } OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { syncCase CHOICE { syncCase1 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber }, syncCase2 SEQUENCE { timeslotSync2 TimeslotSync2 } } OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, cellParametersID CellParametersID OPTIONAL, sctd-Indicator BOOLEAN } } PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN, cellParametersID CellParametersID OPTIONAL, sctd-Indicator BOOLEAN } -- For 1.28Mcps TDD, the following IE includes elements for the PCCPCH Info additional to those -- in PrimaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN } PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPost ::= SEQUENCE { syncCase CHOICE { syncCase1 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber }, syncCase2 SEQUENCE { timeslotSync2 TimeslotSync2 } }, cellParametersID CellParametersID, sctd-Indicator BOOLEAN } PrimaryCCPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tstd-Indicator BOOLEAN, cellParametersID CellParametersID, sctd-Indicator BOOLEAN } PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power ::= INTEGER (6..43) PrimaryCPICH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { primaryScramblingCode PrimaryScramblingCode } PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power ::= INTEGER (-10..50) PrimaryScramblingCode ::= INTEGER (0..511) PuncturingLimit ::= ENUMERATED { pl0-40, pl0-44, pl0-48, pl0-52, pl0-56, pl0-60, pl0-64, pl0-68, pl0-72, pl0-76, pl0-80, pl0-84, pl0-88, pl0-92, pl0-96, pl1 } PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Allocation CHOICE { pusch-AllocationPending NULL, pusch-AllocationAssignment SEQUENCE { pusch-AllocationPeriodInfo AllocationPeriodInfo, pusch-PowerControlInfo UL-TargetSIR OPTIONAL, configuration CHOICE { old-Configuration SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity }, new-Configuration SEQUENCE { pusch-Info PUSCH-Info, pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity OPTIONAL } } } } } PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Allocation CHOICE { pusch-AllocationPending NULL, pusch-AllocationAssignment SEQUENCE { pusch-AllocationPeriodInfo AllocationPeriodInfo, pusch-PowerControlInfo PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, configuration CHOICE { old-Configuration SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity }, new-Configuration SEQUENCE { pusch-Info PUSCH-Info-r4, pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity OPTIONAL } } } } } PUSCH-CapacityAllocationInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Allocation CHOICE { pusch-AllocationPending NULL, pusch-AllocationAssignment SEQUENCE { pusch-AllocationPeriodInfo AllocationPeriodInfo, pusch-PowerControlInfo PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 OPTIONAL, configuration CHOICE { old-Configuration SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity }, new-Configuration SEQUENCE { pusch-Info PUSCH-Info-VHCR, pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity OPTIONAL } } } } } PUSCH-Identity ::= INTEGER (1..hiPUSCHidentities) PUSCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, pusch-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL } PUSCH-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { pusch-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { pusch-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } } } PUSCH-Info-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, pusch-TimeslotsCodes-VHCR UplinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR OPTIONAL } PUSCH-Info-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, pusch-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-PUSCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-PUSCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 NULL, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tpc-StepSize TPC-StepSizeTDD OPTIONAL } } } PUSCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-PUSCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-PUSCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 NULL, tdd768 NULL, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tpc-StepSize TPC-StepSizeTDD OPTIONAL } } } PUSCH-SysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity, pusch-Info PUSCH-Info, usch-TFS TransportFormatSet OPTIONAL, usch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfo-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity, pusch-Info-VHCR PUSCH-Info-VHCR, usch-TransportChannelsInfo USCH-TransportChannelsInfo OPTIONAL, usch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity, pusch-Info PUSCH-Info, usch-TransportChannelsInfo USCH-TransportChannelsInfo OPTIONAL, usch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Identity PUSCH-Identity, pusch-Info PUSCH-Info-LCR-r4, usch-TFS TransportFormatSet OPTIONAL, usch-TFCS TFCS OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF PUSCH-SysInfo PUSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF PUSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5 PUSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF PUSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4 PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfo PUSCH-SysInfo, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfo PUSCH-SysInfo-HCR-r5, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfo PUSCH-SysInfo-LCR-r4, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPUSCH)) OF SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfo-VHCR PUSCH-SysInfo-VHCR, sfn-TimeInfo SFN-TimeInfo OPTIONAL } RACH-TransmissionParameters ::= SEQUENCE { mmax INTEGER (1..32), nb01Min NB01, nb01Max NB01 } ReducedScramblingCodeNumber ::= INTEGER (0..8191) Reference-Beta-QPSK ::= SEQUENCE { reference-Code-Rate INTEGER (0..10), reference-Beta INTEGER (-15..16) } Reference-Beta-16QAM ::= SEQUENCE { reference-Code-Rate INTEGER (0..10), reference-Beta INTEGER (-15..16) } RepetitionPeriodAndLength ::= CHOICE { repetitionPeriod1 NULL, -- repetitionPeriod2 could just as well be NULL also. repetitionPeriod2 INTEGER (1..1), repetitionPeriod4 INTEGER (1..3), repetitionPeriod8 INTEGER (1..7), repetitionPeriod16 INTEGER (1..15), repetitionPeriod32 INTEGER (1..31), repetitionPeriod64 INTEGER (1..63) } RepetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset ::= CHOICE { repetitionPeriod1 NULL, repetitionPeriod2 SEQUENCE { length NULL, offset INTEGER (0..1) }, repetitionPeriod4 SEQUENCE { length INTEGER (1..3), offset INTEGER (0..3) }, repetitionPeriod8 SEQUENCE { length INTEGER (1..7), offset INTEGER (0..7) }, repetitionPeriod16 SEQUENCE { length INTEGER (1..15), offset INTEGER (0..15) }, repetitionPeriod32 SEQUENCE { length INTEGER (1..31), offset INTEGER (0..31) }, repetitionPeriod64 SEQUENCE { length INTEGER (1..63), offset INTEGER (0..63) } } ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { tfci-Field2 MaxTFCI-Field2Value, spreadingFactor SF-PDSCH, codeNumber CodeNumberDSCH, multiCodeInfo MultiCodeInfo } ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTFCI-2-Combs)) OF ReplacedPDSCH-CodeInfo RepPerLengthOffset-PICH ::= CHOICE { rpp4-2 INTEGER (0..3), rpp8-2 INTEGER (0..7), rpp8-4 INTEGER (0..7), rpp16-2 INTEGER (0..15), rpp16-4 INTEGER (0..15), rpp32-2 INTEGER (0..31), rpp32-4 INTEGER (0..31), rpp64-2 INTEGER (0..63), rpp64-4 INTEGER (0..63) } RepPerLengthOffset-MICH ::= CHOICE { rpp4-2 INTEGER (0..3), rpp8-2 INTEGER (0..7), rpp8-4 INTEGER (0..7), rpp16-2 INTEGER (0..15), rpp16-4 INTEGER (0..15), rpp32-2 INTEGER (0..31), rpp32-4 INTEGER (0..31), rpp64-2 INTEGER (0..63), rpp64-4 INTEGER (0..63) } RestrictedTrCH ::= SEQUENCE { dl-restrictedTrCh-Type DL-TrCH-Type, restrictedDL-TrCH-Identity TransportChannelIdentity, allowedTFIList AllowedTFI-List } RestrictedTrCH-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxTrCH)) OF RestrictedTrCH RL-AdditionInformation ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL, -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of specification -- and the IEs should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 SCCPCH-InfoForFACH OPTIONAL } RL-AdditionInformation-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, cell-Id CellIdentity OPTIONAL, dl-dpchInfo CHOICE { dl-DPCH-InfoPerRL DL-DPCH-InfoPerRL-r5, dl-FDPCH-InfoPerRL DL-FDPCH-InfoPerRL-r6 }, e-HICH-Information E-HICH-Information OPTIONAL, e-RGCH-Information E-RGCH-Information OPTIONAL } RL-AdditionInformation-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { sttdIndication STTDIndication OPTIONAL } RL-AdditionInformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL-1)) OF RL-AdditionInformation RL-AdditionInformationList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL-1)) OF RL-AdditionInformation-r6 RL-AdditionInformation-list-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF RL-AdditionInformation-v6b0ext RL-IdentifierList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF PrimaryCPICH-Info RL-RemovalInformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF PrimaryCPICH-Info RPP ::= ENUMERATED { mode0, mode1 } S-Field ::= ENUMERATED { e1bit, e2bits } SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode-VHCR ::= ENUMERATED { cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4, cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8, cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12, cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16, cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20, cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24, cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28, cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 } SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode-VHCR SCCPCH-InfoForFACH ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCH-Info SecondaryCCPCH-Info, tfcs TFCS, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { fach-PCH-InformationList FACH-PCH-InformationList, sib-ReferenceListFACH SIB-ReferenceListFACH }, tdd SEQUENCE { fach-PCH-InformationList FACH-PCH-InformationList } } } SCCPCH-InfoForFACH-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCH-Info SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r4, tfcs TFCS, fach-PCH-InformationList FACH-PCH-InformationList, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { sib-ReferenceListFACH SIB-ReferenceListFACH }, tdd NULL } } SCCPCH-SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCH-Info SecondaryCCPCH-Info, tfcs TFCS OPTIONAL, fach-PCH-InformationList FACH-PCH-InformationList OPTIONAL, pich-Info PICH-Info OPTIONAL } SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCH-LCR-Extensions SecondaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext, -- pich-Info in the SCCPCH-SystemInformation IE shall be absent, -- and instead the following used. pich-Info PICH-Info-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } SCCPCH-SystemInformation-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCH-Info SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r7, tfcs TFCS OPTIONAL, fach-PCH-InformationList FACH-PCH-InformationList OPTIONAL, pich-Info PICH-Info-r7 OPTIONAL } SCCPCH-SystemInformationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF SCCPCH-SystemInformation SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF SCCPCH-SystemInformation-r7 -- SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext includes elements additional to those in -- SCCPCH-SystemInformationList for the 1.28Mcps TDD. The order of the IEs -- indicates which SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext IE extends which -- SCCPCH-SystemInformation IE. SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext -- The SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r6 is used for an S-CCPCH dedicated for MBMS purposes. SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r6, transportFormatCombinationSet TFCS, fachCarryingMCCH SEQUENCE { mcch-transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet, mcch-ConfigurationInfo MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 }, fachCarryingMTCH-List MBMS-FACHCarryingMTCH-List OPTIONAL, -- If schedulingInformation is provided fachCarryingMSCH SEQUENCE { msch-transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 } OPTIONAL } -- The SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r7 is used for an S-CCPCH dedicated for MBMS purposes. SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r7, transportFormatCombinationSet TFCS, fachCarryingMCCH SEQUENCE { mcch-transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet, mcch-ConfigurationInfo MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 }, fachCarryingMTCH-List MBMS-FACHCarryingMTCH-List OPTIONAL, -- If schedulingInformation is provided fachCarryingMSCH SEQUENCE { msch-transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 } OPTIONAL } ScramblingCodeChange ::= ENUMERATED { codeChange, noCodeChange } ScramblingCodeType ::= ENUMERATED { shortSC, longSC } SecondaryCCPCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy1 is not used in this version of the specification and should be ignored. dummy1 PCPICH-UsageForChannelEst, -- dummy2 is not used in this version of the specification. It should not -- be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy2 SecondaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN, sf-AndCodeNumber SF256-AndCodeNumber, pilotSymbolExistence BOOLEAN, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, timingOffset TimingOffset DEFAULT 0 }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: the offset is included in CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH, individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo, channelisationCode SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList } } } SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN, sf-AndCodeNumber SF256-AndCodeNumber, pilotSymbolExistence BOOLEAN, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, timingOffset TimingOffset DEFAULT 0 }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: the offset is included in CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 } }, channelisationCode SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList } } } SecondaryCCPCH-Info-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN, sf-AndCodeNumber SF256-AndCodeNumber, pilotSymbolExistence BOOLEAN, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, positionFixedOrFlexible PositionFixedOrFlexible, timingOffset TimingOffset DEFAULT 0 }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: the offset is included in CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfoSCCPCH, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo, channelisationCode SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR, channelisationCode SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, channelisationCode SCCPCH-ChannelisationCodeList } } } } } SecondaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotLCR-Ext IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4-ext } SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN, sf-AndCodeNumber SF256-AndCodeNumber, timingOffset TimingOffset DEFAULT 0 }, tdd384 SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfoMBMS CommonTimeslotInfoMBMS, downlinkTimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfoMBMS CommonTimeslotInfoMBMS, downlinkTimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 } } } SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { secondaryScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN, sf-AndCodeNumber SF256-AndCodeNumber, timingOffset TimingOffset DEFAULT 0 }, tdd384 SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfoMBMS CommonTimeslotInfoMBMS, downlinkTimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfoMBMS CommonTimeslotInfoMBMS, downlinkTimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfoMBMS CommonTimeslotInfoMBMS, downlinkTimeslotsCodes DownlinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 } } } SecondaryCPICH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryDL-ScramblingCode SecondaryScramblingCode OPTIONAL, channelisationCode ChannelisationCode256 } SecondaryScramblingCode ::= INTEGER (1..15) SecondInterleavingMode ::= ENUMERATED { frameRelated, timeslotRelated } SF8Codes ::= ENUMERATED { cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4, cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8} SF16Codes ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8} SF16Codes2 ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16} SF32Codes ::= ENUMERATED { cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4, cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8, cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12, cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16} -- SF256-AndCodeNumber encodes both "Spreading factor" and "Code Number" SF256-AndCodeNumber ::= CHOICE { sf4 INTEGER (0..3), sf8 INTEGER (0..7), sf16 INTEGER (0..15), sf32 INTEGER (0..31), sf64 INTEGER (0..63), sf128 INTEGER (0..127), sf256 INTEGER (0..255) } -- SF512-AndCodeNumber encodes both "Spreading factor" and "Code Number" SF512-AndCodeNumber ::= CHOICE { sf4 INTEGER (0..3), sf8 INTEGER (0..7), sf16 INTEGER (0..15), sf32 INTEGER (0..31), sf64 INTEGER (0..63), sf128 INTEGER (0..127), sf256 INTEGER (0..255), sf512 INTEGER (0..511) } -- SF512-AndPilot encodes both "Spreading factor" and "Number of bits for Pilot bits" SF512-AndPilot ::= CHOICE { sfd4 NULL, sfd8 NULL, sfd16 NULL, sfd32 NULL, sfd64 NULL, sfd128 PilotBits128, sfd256 PilotBits256, sfd512 NULL } SF-PDSCH ::= ENUMERATED { sfp4, sfp8, sfp16, sfp32, sfp64, sfp128, sfp256 } SF-PRACH ::= ENUMERATED { sfpr32, sfpr64, sfpr128, sfpr256 } SFN-TimeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { activationTimeSFN INTEGER (0..4095), physChDuration DurationTimeInfo } -- actual scheduling value = 2(signalled value +1) and is the periodicity of sending special burst frames SpecialBurstScheduling ::= INTEGER (0..7) SpreadingFactor ::= ENUMERATED { sf4, sf8, sf16, sf32, sf64, sf128, sf256 } SRB-delay ::= INTEGER (0..7) SSDT-CellIdentity ::= ENUMERATED { ssdt-id-a, ssdt-id-b, ssdt-id-c, ssdt-id-d, ssdt-id-e, ssdt-id-f, ssdt-id-g, ssdt-id-h } SSDT-Information ::= SEQUENCE { s-Field S-Field, codeWordSet CodeWordSet } SSDT-Information-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { s-Field S-Field, codeWordSet CodeWordSet, ssdt-UL-r4 SSDT-UL OPTIONAL } SSDT-UL ::= ENUMERATED { ul, ul-AndDL } STTDIndication ::= ENUMERATED { true } SynchronisationParameters-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { sync-UL-CodesBitmap BIT STRING { code7(0), code6(1), code5(2), code4(3), code3(4), code2(5), code1(6), code0(7) } (SIZE (8)), fpach-Info FPACH-Info-r4, -- Actual value prxUpPCHdes = IE value - 120 prxUpPCHdes INTEGER (0..62), sync-UL-Procedure SYNC-UL-Procedure-r4 OPTIONAL } SYNC-UL-Procedure-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { max-SYNC-UL-Transmissions ENUMERATED { tr1, tr2, tr4, tr8 }, powerRampStep INTEGER (0..3) } SYNC-UL-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { sync-UL-Codes-Bitmap BIT STRING { code7(0), code6(1), code5(2), code4(3), code3(4), code2(5), code1(6), code0(7) } ( SIZE (8)), -- Actual value prxUpPCHdes = IE value - 120 prxUpPCHdes INTEGER (0..62), powerRampStep INTEGER (0..3), max-SYNC-UL-Transmissions ENUMERATED { tr1, tr2, tr4, tr8 } , mmax INTEGER(1..32) } TDD-FPACH-CCode16-r4 ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } TDD-UL-Interference ::= INTEGER (-110..-52) TDD-PICH-CCode ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } TDD768-PICH-CCode ::= ENUMERATED { cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4, cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8, cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12, cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16, cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20, cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24, cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28, cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 } TDD-PRACH-CCode8 ::= ENUMERATED { cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4, cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8 } TDD-PRACH-CCode16 ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } TDD-PRACH-CCode-LCR-r4 ::= ENUMERATED { cc4-1, cc4-2, cc4-3, cc4-4, cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4, cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8, cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } TDD-PRACH-CCodeList ::= CHOICE { sf8 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF TDD-PRACH-CCode8, -- Channelisation codes cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, -- cc16-15 and cc16-16 shall not be used sf16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF TDD-PRACH-CCode16 } TDD768-PRACH-CCode16 ::= ENUMERATED { cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } TDD768-PRACH-CCode32 ::= ENUMERATED { cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4, cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8, cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12, cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16 } TDD768-PRACH-CCodeList ::= CHOICE { sf32 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF TDD768-PRACH-CCode32, -- Channelisation codes cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20, cc32-21, cc32-22, -- cc32-23, cc32-24, cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28, cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31 -- and cc32-32 shall not be used sf16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF TDD768-PRACH-CCode16 } TFC-ControlDuration ::= ENUMERATED { tfc-cd1, tfc-cd2, tfc-cd4, tfc-cd8, tfc-cd16, tfc-cd24, tfc-cd32, tfc-cd48, tfc-cd64, tfc-cd128, tfc-cd192, tfc-cd256, tfc-cd512 } TFCI-Coding ::= ENUMERATED { tfci-bits-4, tfci-bits-8, tfci-bits-16, tfci-bits-32 } TGCFN ::= INTEGER (0..255) -- In TGD, value 270 represents "undefined" in the tabular description. TGD ::= INTEGER (15..270) TGL ::= INTEGER (1..14) TGMP ::= ENUMERATED { tdd-Measurement, fdd-Measurement, gsm-CarrierRSSIMeasurement, gsm-initialBSICIdentification, gsmBSICReconfirmation, multi-carrier } TGP-Sequence ::= SEQUENCE { tgpsi TGPSI, tgps-Status CHOICE { activate SEQUENCE { tgcfn TGCFN }, deactivate NULL }, tgps-ConfigurationParams TGPS-ConfigurationParams OPTIONAL } TGPS-Reconfiguration-CFN ::= INTEGER (0..255) TGP-SequenceList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTGPS)) OF TGP-Sequence TGP-SequenceShort ::= SEQUENCE { tgpsi TGPSI, tgps-Status CHOICE { activate SEQUENCE { tgcfn TGCFN }, deactivate NULL } } TGPL ::= INTEGER (1..144) -- TABULAR: In TGPRC, value 0 represents "infinity" in the tabular description. TGPRC ::= INTEGER (0..511) TGPS-ConfigurationParams ::= SEQUENCE { tgmp TGMP, tgprc TGPRC, tgsn TGSN, tgl1 TGL, tgl2 TGL OPTIONAL, tgd TGD, tgpl1 TGPL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it shall be ignored. dummy TGPL OPTIONAL, rpp RPP, itp ITP, -- TABULAR: Compressed mode method is nested inside UL-DL-Mode ul-DL-Mode UL-DL-Mode, dl-FrameType DL-FrameType, deltaSIR1 DeltaSIR, deltaSIRAfter1 DeltaSIR, deltaSIR2 DeltaSIR OPTIONAL, deltaSIRAfter2 DeltaSIR OPTIONAL, nidentifyAbort NidentifyAbort OPTIONAL, treconfirmAbort TreconfirmAbort OPTIONAL } TGPSI ::= INTEGER (1..maxTGPS) TGSN ::= INTEGER (0..14) TimeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL, durationTimeInfo DurationTimeInfo OPTIONAL } TimeslotList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF TimeslotNumber TimeslotList-r4 ::= CHOICE { -- the choice for 7.68 Mcps TDD is as for 3.84 Mcps TDD -- tdd384 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF TimeslotNumber, tdd128 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR)) OF TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4 } -- If TimeslotNumber is included for a 1.28Mcps TDD description, it shall take values from 0..6 TimeslotNumber ::= INTEGER (0..14) TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4 ::= INTEGER (0..6) TimeslotNumber-PRACH-LCR-r4 ::= INTEGER (1..6) TimeslotSync2 ::= INTEGER (0..6) -- Actual value TimingOffset = IE value * 256 TimingOffset ::= INTEGER (0..149) TimingMaintainedSynchInd ::= ENUMERATED { false } TPC-CombinationIndex ::= INTEGER (0..5) TPC-CommandTargetRate ::= INTEGER (0..10) -- Actual value TPC-StepSizeFDD = IE value + 1 TPC-StepSizeFDD ::= INTEGER (0..1) TPC-StepSizeTDD ::= INTEGER (1..3) -- Actual value TreconfirmAbort = IE value * 0.5 seconds TreconfirmAbort ::= INTEGER (1..20) TX-DiversityMode ::= ENUMERATED { noDiversity, sttd, closedLoopMode1, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy } UARFCN ::= INTEGER (0..16383) UCSM-Info ::= SEQUENCE { minimumSpreadingFactor MinimumSpreadingFactor, nf-Max NF-Max, channelReqParamsForUCSM ChannelReqParamsForUCSM } UL-CCTrCH ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR, timeInfo TimeInfo, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL } UL-CCTrCH-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR, timeInfo TimeInfo, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } } } UL-CCTrCH-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain DEFAULT 1, -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR, timeInfo TimeInfo, commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo OPTIONAL, tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r7 OPTIONAL } } } UL-CCTrCHList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF UL-CCTrCH UL-CCTrCHList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF UL-CCTrCH-r4 UL-CCTrCHList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF UL-CCTrCH-r7 UL-CCTrCHListToRemove ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF TFCS-IdentityPlain UL-CCTrChTPCList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxCCTrCH)) OF TFCS-Identity UL-ChannelRequirement ::= CHOICE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy CPCH-SetInfo } UL-ChannelRequirement-r4 ::= CHOICE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r4, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy CPCH-SetInfo } UL-ChannelRequirement-r5 ::= CHOICE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r5, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy CPCH-SetInfo } -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not -- changed to keep it aligned with R99. UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID ::= CHOICE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info, -- dummy1 and dummy 2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy1 CPCH-SetInfo, dummy2 CPCH-SetID } -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not -- changed to keep it aligned with R99. UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r4 ::= CHOICE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r4, -- dummy1 and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they -- should not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy1 CPCH-SetInfo, dummy2 CPCH-SetID } -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not -- changed to keep it aligned with R99. UL-ChannelRequirementWithCPCH-SetID-r5 ::= CHOICE { ul-DPCH-Info UL-DPCH-Info-r5, -- dummy1 and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy1 CPCH-SetInfo, dummy2 CPCH-SetID } UL-CompressedModeMethod ::= ENUMERATED { sf-2, higherLayerScheduling } UL-DL-Mode ::= CHOICE { ul UL-CompressedModeMethod, dl DL-CompressedModeMethod, ul-and-dl SEQUENCE { ul UL-CompressedModeMethod, dl DL-CompressedModeMethod }} UL-DPCCH-SlotFormat ::= ENUMERATED { slf0, slf1, slf2 } UL-DPCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { scramblingCodeType ScramblingCodeType, scramblingCode UL-ScramblingCode, numberOfDPDCH NumberOfDPDCH DEFAULT 1, spreadingFactor SpreadingFactor, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHList UL-CCTrCHList OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHListToRemove UL-CCTrCHListToRemove OPTIONAL } } } UL-DPCH-Info-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { scramblingCodeType ScramblingCodeType, scramblingCode UL-ScramblingCode, numberOfDPDCH NumberOfDPDCH DEFAULT 1, spreadingFactor SpreadingFactor, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHList UL-CCTrCHList-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHListToRemove UL-CCTrCHListToRemove OPTIONAL } } } UL-DPCH-Info-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { scramblingCodeType ScramblingCodeType, scramblingCode UL-ScramblingCode, numberOfDPDCH NumberOfDPDCH DEFAULT 1, spreadingFactor SpreadingFactor, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHList UL-CCTrCHList-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHListToRemove UL-CCTrCHListToRemove OPTIONAL } } } UL-DPCH-Info-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { scramblingCodeType ScramblingCodeType, scramblingCode UL-ScramblingCode, dpdchPresence CHOICE { present SEQUENCE { numberOfDPDCH NumberOfDPDCH DEFAULT 1, spreadingFactor SpreadingFactor, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit }, notPresent SEQUENCE { tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL } } }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHList UL-CCTrCHList-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHListToRemove UL-CCTrCHListToRemove OPTIONAL } } } UL-DPCH-Info-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r6 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { scramblingCodeType ScramblingCodeType, scramblingCode UL-ScramblingCode, dpdchPresence CHOICE { present SEQUENCE { numberOfDPDCH NumberOfDPDCH DEFAULT 1, spreadingFactor SpreadingFactor, tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit }, notPresent SEQUENCE { tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, -- numberOfFBI-Bits is conditional based on history numberOfFBI-Bits NumberOfFBI-Bits OPTIONAL } } }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHList UL-CCTrCHList-r7 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCHListToRemove UL-CCTrCHListToRemove OPTIONAL } } } UL-DPCH-InfoPostFDD ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostFDD, scramblingCodeType ScramblingCodeType, reducedScramblingCodeNumber ReducedScramblingCodeNumber, spreadingFactor SpreadingFactor } UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD, ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes } UL-DPCH-InfoPostTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD-LCR-r4, ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvanceControl-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-CCTrCH-TimeslotsCodes UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 } UL-DPCH-InfoPredef ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DPCH-PowerControlInfo UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPredef, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { tfci-Existence BOOLEAN, puncturingLimit PuncturingLimit }, tdd SEQUENCE { commonTimeslotInfo CommonTimeslotInfo } } } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dpcch-PowerOffset DPCCH-PowerOffset, pc-Preamble PC-Preamble, sRB-delay SRB-delay, -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm }, tdd SEQUENCE { ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR OPTIONAL, ul-OL-PC-Signalling CHOICE { broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info NULL, individuallySignalled SEQUENCE { individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } OPTIONAL } } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r4 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dpcch-PowerOffset DPCCH-PowerOffset, pc-Preamble PC-Preamble, sRB-delay SRB-delay, -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR OPTIONAL, ul-OL-PC-Signalling CHOICE { broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info NULL, individuallySignalled SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValue }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tpc-StepSize TPC-StepSizeTDD } }, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r5 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dpcch-PowerOffset DPCCH-PowerOffset, pc-Preamble PC-Preamble, sRB-delay SRB-delay, -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm, deltaACK DeltaACK OPTIONAL, deltaNACK DeltaNACK OPTIONAL, ack-NACK-repetition-factor ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR OPTIONAL, ul-OL-PC-Signalling CHOICE { broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info NULL, individuallySignalled SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValue }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { tpc-StepSize TPC-StepSizeTDD } }, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r6 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dpcch-PowerOffset DPCCH-PowerOffset, pc-Preamble PC-Preamble, sRB-delay SRB-delay, -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm, deltaACK DeltaACK OPTIONAL, deltaNACK DeltaNACK OPTIONAL, ack-NACK-repetition-factor ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor OPTIONAL, harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR OPTIONAL, ul-OL-PC-Signalling CHOICE { broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info NULL, individuallySignalled SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValue }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, tpc-StepSize TPC-StepSizeTDD } }, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfo-r7 ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dpcch-PowerOffset DPCCH-PowerOffset, pc-Preamble PC-Preamble, sRB-delay SRB-delay, -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm, deltaACK DeltaACK OPTIONAL, deltaNACK DeltaNACK OPTIONAL, ack-NACK-repetition-factor ACK-NACK-repetitionFactor OPTIONAL, harq-Preamble-Mode HARQ-Preamble-Mode }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR OPTIONAL, ul-OL-PC-Signalling CHOICE { broadcast-UL-OL-PC-info NULL, individuallySignalled SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValue }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValue }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { beaconPLEst BEACON-PL-Est OPTIONAL, tpc-StepSize TPC-StepSizeTDD } }, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power } } } } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostFDD ::= SEQUENCE { -- DPCCH-PowerOffset2 has a smaller range to save bits dpcch-PowerOffset DPCCH-PowerOffset2, pc-Preamble PC-Preamble, sRB-delay SRB-delay } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD ::= SEQUENCE { ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR, ul-TimeslotInterference TDD-UL-Interference } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPostTDD-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE ul-TargetSIR corresponds to PRX-DPCHdes for 1.28Mcps TDD -- Actual value PRX-DPCHdes = (value of IE "ul-TargetSIR" – 120) ul-TargetSIR UL-TargetSIR } UL-DPCH-PowerControlInfoPredef ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: TPC step size nested inside PowerControlAlgorithm powerControlAlgorithm PowerControlAlgorithm }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- dpch-ConstantValue shall be ignored if in 1.28Mcps TDD mode. dpch-ConstantValue ConstantValueTdd } } UL-EDCH-Information-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-es-e-resetIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, e-DPCCH-Info E-DPCCH-Info OPTIONAL, e-DPDCH-Info E-DPDCH-Info OPTIONAL, schedulingTransmConfiguration E-DPDCH-SchedulingTransmConfiguration OPTIONAL } UL-EDCH-Information-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-es-e-resetIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, modeSpecific CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { e-DPCCH-Info E-DPCCH-Info OPTIONAL, e-DPDCH-Info E-DPDCH-Info OPTIONAL, schedulingTransmConfiguration E-DPDCH-SchedulingTransmConfiguration OPTIONAL }, tdd CHOICE { tdd384-tdd768 SEQUENCE { e-RUCCH-Info E-RUCCH-Info OPTIONAL, e-PUCH-Info E-PUCH-Info OPTIONAL }, tdd128 NULL } } } UL-Interference ::= INTEGER (-110..-70) UL-ScramblingCode ::= INTEGER (0..16777215) UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { stepSize INTEGER (1..8), frequency INTEGER (1..8) } -- Actual value UL-TargetSIR = (IE value * 0.5) - 11 UL-TargetSIR ::= INTEGER (0..62) UL-TimingAdvance ::= INTEGER (0..63) UL-TimingAdvanceControl ::= CHOICE { disabled NULL, enabled SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL } } UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r4 ::= CHOICE { disabled NULL, enabled SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-SynchronisationParameters UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL, synchronisationParameters SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL } } } } UL-TimingAdvanceControl-r7 ::= CHOICE { disabled NULL, enabled SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { tdd384 SEQUENCE { ul-TimingAdvance UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { ext-ul-TimingAdvance EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL, activationTime ActivationTime OPTIONAL }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { ul-SynchronisationParameters UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL, synchronisationParameters SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL } } } } UL-TimingAdvanceControl-LCR-r4 ::= CHOICE { disabled NULL, enabled SEQUENCE { ul-SynchronisationParameters UL-SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL, synchronisationParameters SynchronisationParameters-r4 OPTIONAL } } UL-TS-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED { cc1-1, cc2-1, cc2-2, cc4-1, cc4-2, cc4-3, cc4-4, cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4, cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8, cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16 } UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF UL-TS-ChannelisationCode UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-r7 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF SEQUENCE { ul-TS-Channelisation-Code UL-TS-ChannelisationCode, plcch-info PLCCH-Info OPTIONAL } UL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR ::= ENUMERATED { cc1-1, cc2-1, cc2-2, cc4-1, cc4-2, cc4-3, cc4-4, cc8-1, cc8-2, cc8-3, cc8-4, cc8-5, cc8-6, cc8-7, cc8-8, cc16-1, cc16-2, cc16-3, cc16-4, cc16-5, cc16-6, cc16-7, cc16-8, cc16-9, cc16-10, cc16-11, cc16-12, cc16-13, cc16-14, cc16-15, cc16-16, cc32-1, cc32-2, cc32-3, cc32-4, cc32-5, cc32-6, cc32-7, cc32-8, cc32-9, cc32-10, cc32-11, cc32-12, cc32-13, cc32-14, cc32-15, cc32-16, cc32-17, cc32-18, cc32-19, cc32-20, cc32-21, cc32-22, cc32-23, cc32-24, cc32-25, cc32-26, cc32-27, cc32-28, cc32-29, cc32-30, cc32-31, cc32-32 } UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF UL-TS-ChannelisationCode-VHCR UplinkAdditionalTimeslots ::= SEQUENCE { parameters CHOICE { sameAsLast SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber }, newParameters SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList } } } UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { parameters CHOICE { sameAsLast SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber }, newParameters SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList } } } UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { parameters CHOICE { sameAsLast SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber -- plcch-info assigned as previously defined slot }, newParameters SEQUENCE { individualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-r7 } } } UplinkTimeslotsCodes ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicSFusage BOOLEAN, firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive SEQUENCE { numAdditionalTimeslots INTEGER (1..maxTS-1) }, timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF UplinkAdditionalTimeslots } } } UplinkTimeslotsCodes-VHCR ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicSFusage BOOLEAN, firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-VHCR, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-VHCR, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive SEQUENCE { numAdditionalTimeslots INTEGER (1..maxTS-1) }, timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-1)) OF UplinkAdditionalTimeslots } } } UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicSFusage BOOLEAN, firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive SEQUENCE { numAdditionalTimeslots INTEGER (1..maxTS-LCR-1) }, timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR-1)) OF UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r4 } } } UplinkTimeslotsCodes-LCR-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicSFusage BOOLEAN, firstIndividualTimeslotInfo IndividualTimeslotInfo-LCR-r4, ul-TS-ChannelisationCodeList UL-TS-ChannelisationCodeList-r7, moreTimeslots CHOICE { noMore NULL, additionalTimeslots CHOICE { consecutive SEQUENCE { -- the choice of 'consecutive' is not needed because there is only 1 option. numAdditionalTimeslots INTEGER (1..maxTS-LCR-1) }, timeslotList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR-1)) OF UplinkAdditionalTimeslots-LCR-r7 } } } Wi-LCR ::= INTEGER(1..4) -- *************************************************** -- -- MEASUREMENT INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.7) -- -- *************************************************** AcquisitionSatInfo ::= SEQUENCE { satID SatID, -- Actual value dopplerOthOrder = IE value * 2.5 doppler0thOrder INTEGER (-2048..2047), extraDopplerInfo ExtraDopplerInfo OPTIONAL, codePhase INTEGER (0..1022), integerCodePhase INTEGER (0..19), gps-BitNumber INTEGER (0..3), codePhaseSearchWindow CodePhaseSearchWindow, azimuthAndElevation AzimuthAndElevation OPTIONAL } AcquisitionSatInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF AcquisitionSatInfo AdditionalMeasurementID-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAdditionalMeas)) OF MeasurementIdentity AlmanacSatInfo ::= SEQUENCE { dataID INTEGER (0..3), satID SatID, e BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), t-oa BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), deltaI BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), omegaDot BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), satHealth BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), a-Sqrt BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), omega0 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), m0 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), omega BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), af0 BIT STRING (SIZE (11)), af1 BIT STRING (SIZE (11)) } AlmanacSatInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF AlmanacSatInfo AverageRLC-BufferPayload ::= ENUMERATED { pla0, pla4, pla8, pla16, pla32, pla64, pla128, pla256, pla512, pla1024, pla2k, pla4k, pla8k, pla16k, pla32k, pla64k, pla128k, pla256k, pla512k, pla1024k, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } AzimuthAndElevation ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual value azimuth = IE value * 11.25 azimuth INTEGER (0..31), -- Actual value elevation = IE value * 11.25 elevation INTEGER (0..7) } BadSatList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF INTEGER (0..63) Frequency-Band ::= ENUMERATED { dcs1800BandUsed, pcs1900BandUsed } BCCH-ARFCN ::= INTEGER (0..1023) BLER-MeasurementResults ::= SEQUENCE { transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, dl-TransportChannelBLER DL-TransportChannelBLER OPTIONAL } BLER-MeasurementResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF BLER-MeasurementResults BLER-TransChIdList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF TransportChannelIdentity BSIC-VerificationRequired ::= ENUMERATED { required, notRequired } BSICReported ::= CHOICE { -- Value maxCellMeas is not allowed for verifiedBSIC verifiedBSIC INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas), nonVerifiedBSIC BCCH-ARFCN } BurstModeParameters ::= SEQUENCE { burstStart INTEGER (0..15), burstLength INTEGER (10..25), burstFreq INTEGER (1..16) } CellDCH-ReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria } CellDCH-ReportCriteria-LCR-r4 ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria-LCR-r4, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria } -- Actual value CellIndividualOffset = IE value * 0.5 CellIndividualOffset ::= INTEGER (-20..20) CellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN } } } CellInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN } } } CellInfoSI-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-RSCP OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-RSCP OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-ECN0 OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-ECN0 OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, primaryCPICH-TX-Power PrimaryCPICH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, tx-DiversityIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN } }, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL } CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cellIndividualOffset CellIndividualOffset DEFAULT 0, referenceTimeDifferenceToCell ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4, primaryCCPCH-TX-Power PrimaryCCPCH-TX-Power OPTIONAL, timeslotInfoList TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, readSFN-Indicator BOOLEAN, cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL } CellMeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { cellIdentity CellIdentity OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference OPTIONAL, cellSynchronisationInfo CellSynchronisationInfo OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, cpich-Ec-N0 CPICH-Ec-N0 OPTIONAL, cpich-RSCP CPICH-RSCP OPTIONAL, pathloss Pathloss OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { cellParametersID CellParametersID, proposedTGSN TGSN OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-RSCP PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP OPTIONAL, pathloss Pathloss OPTIONAL, timeslotISCP-List TimeslotISCP-List OPTIONAL } } } CellMeasurementEventResults ::= CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF PrimaryCPICH-Info, tdd SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF PrimaryCCPCH-Info } CellMeasurementEventResults-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4 CellReportingQuantities ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification -- and if received it should be ignored. dummy SFN-SFN-OTD-Type, cellIdentity-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN, cellSynchronisationInfoReportingIndicator BOOLEAN, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { cpich-Ec-N0-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN, cpich-RSCP-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN, pathloss-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { timeslotISCP-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN, proposedTGSN-ReportingRequired BOOLEAN, primaryCCPCH-RSCP-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN, pathloss-reportingIndicator BOOLEAN } } } CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12 ::= SEQUENCE { q-Offset1S-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, q-Offset2S-N Q-OffsetS-N OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, hcs-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL } } } CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { q-OffsetS-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL } } } CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { q-Offset1S-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, q-Offset2S-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL } } } CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { q-OffsetS-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, hcs-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL } } } CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { q-Offset1S-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, q-Offset2S-N Q-OffsetS-N DEFAULT 0, maxAllowedUL-TX-Power MaxAllowedUL-TX-Power OPTIONAL, hcs-NeighbouringCellInformation-ECN0 HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-ECN0 OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL }, gsm SEQUENCE { q-RxlevMin Q-RxlevMin OPTIONAL } } } CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { deltaQrxlevmin DeltaQrxlevmin OPTIONAL, deltaQhcs DeltaRSCP OPTIONAL } CellSelectReselectInfoPCHFACH-v5b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { q-Hyst-l-S-PCH Q-Hyst-S-Fine OPTIONAL, q-Hyst-l-S-FACH Q-Hyst-S-Fine OPTIONAL, q-Hyst-2-S-PCH Q-Hyst-S-Fine OPTIONAL, q-Hyst-2-S-FACH Q-Hyst-S-Fine OPTIONAL, t-Reselection-S-PCH T-Reselection-S OPTIONAL, t-Reselection-S-FACH T-Reselection-S-Fine OPTIONAL } CellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- For speed detection, the same HCS parameters are utilised non-HCS-t-CR-Max T-CRMax OPTIONAL, speedDependentScalingFactor SpeedDependentScalingFactor OPTIONAL, interFrequencyTreselectionScalingFactor TreselectionScalingFactor OPTIONAL, interRATTreselectionScalingFactor TreselectionScalingFactor OPTIONAL } CellsForInterFreqMeasList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF InterFreqCellID CellsForInterRATMeasList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF InterRATCellID CellsForIntraFreqMeasList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF IntraFreqCellID CellSynchronisationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { countC-SFN-Frame-difference CountC-SFN-Frame-difference OPTIONAL, tm INTEGER(0..38399) }, tdd SEQUENCE { countC-SFN-Frame-difference CountC-SFN-Frame-difference OPTIONAL } } } CellToReport ::= SEQUENCE { bsicReported BSICReported } CellToReportList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellToReport CodePhaseSearchWindow ::= ENUMERATED { w1023, w1, w2, w3, w4, w6, w8, w12, w16, w24, w32, w48, w64, w96, w128, w192 } CountC-SFN-Frame-difference ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual value countC-SFN-High = IE value * 256 countC-SFN-High INTEGER(0..15), off INTEGER(0..255) } -- SPARE: CPICH-Ec-No, Max = 49 -- Values above Max are spare CPICH-Ec-N0 ::= INTEGER (0..63) -- SPARE: CPICH- RSCP, Max = 91 -- Values above Max are spare CPICH-RSCP ::= INTEGER (0..127) DeltaPRC ::= INTEGER (-127..127) --Actual value DeltaQrxlevmin = IE value * 2 DeltaQrxlevmin ::= INTEGER (-2..-1) DeltaRSCP ::= INTEGER (-5..-1) DeltaRSCPPerCell ::= SEQUENCE { deltaRSCP DeltaRSCP OPTIONAL } -- Actual value DeltaRRC = IE value * 0.032 DeltaRRC ::= INTEGER (-7..7) DGPS-CorrectionSatInfo ::= SEQUENCE { satID SatID, iode IODE, udre UDRE, prc PRC, rrc RRC, -- dummy1 and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification and should be ignored. dummy1 DeltaPRC, dummy2 DeltaRRC, -- dummy3 and dummy4 are not used in this version of the specification. They should not -- be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy3 DeltaPRC OPTIONAL, dummy4 DeltaRRC OPTIONAL } DGPS-CorrectionSatInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF DGPS-CorrectionSatInfo DiffCorrectionStatus ::= ENUMERATED { udre-1-0, udre-0-75, udre-0-5, udre-0-3, udre-0-2, udre-0-1, noData, invalidData } DL-TransportChannelBLER ::= INTEGER (0..63) DopplerUncertainty ::= ENUMERATED { hz12-5, hz25, hz50, hz100, hz200, spare3, spare2, spare1 } EllipsoidPoint ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607) } EllipsoidPointAltitude ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), altitudeDirection ENUMERATED {height, depth}, altitude INTEGER (0..32767) } EllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), altitudeDirection ENUMERATED {height, depth}, altitude INTEGER (0..32767), uncertaintySemiMajor INTEGER (0..127), uncertaintySemiMinor INTEGER (0..127), -- Actual value orientationMajorAxis = IE value * 2 orientationMajorAxis INTEGER (0..89), uncertaintyAltitude INTEGER (0..127), confidence INTEGER (0..100) } EllipsoidPointUncertCircle ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), uncertaintyCode INTEGER (0..127) } EllipsoidPointUncertEllipse ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), uncertaintySemiMajor INTEGER (0..127), uncertaintySemiMinor INTEGER (0..127), -- Actual value orientationMajorAxis = IE value * 2 orientationMajorAxis INTEGER (0..89), confidence INTEGER (0..100) } EnvironmentCharacterisation ::= ENUMERATED { possibleHeavyMultipathNLOS, lightMultipathLOS, notDefined, spare } Event1a ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2, reportingRange ReportingRange, forbiddenAffectCellList ForbiddenAffectCellList OPTIONAL, w W, reportDeactivationThreshold ReportDeactivationThreshold, reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportingInterval ReportingInterval } Event1a-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2, reportingRange ReportingRange, forbiddenAffectCellList ForbiddenAffectCellList-r4 OPTIONAL, w W, reportDeactivationThreshold ReportDeactivationThreshold, reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportingInterval ReportingInterval } Event1a-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2, reportingRange ReportingRange, forbiddenAffectCellList ForbiddenAffectCellList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, w W, reportDeactivationThreshold ReportDeactivationThreshold, reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportingInterval ReportingInterval } Event1b ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition1, reportingRange ReportingRange, forbiddenAffectCellList ForbiddenAffectCellList OPTIONAL, w W } Event1b-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition1, reportingRange ReportingRange, forbiddenAffectCellList ForbiddenAffectCellList-r4 OPTIONAL, w W } Event1b-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition1, reportingRange ReportingRange, forbiddenAffectCellList ForbiddenAffectCellList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, w W } Event1c ::= SEQUENCE { replacementActivationThreshold ReplacementActivationThreshold, reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportingInterval ReportingInterval } Event1d ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2 OPTIONAL, useCIO BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } Event1e ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2, thresholdUsedFrequency ThresholdUsedFrequency } Event1e-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2, thresholdUsedFrequency ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6 } Event1f ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition1, thresholdUsedFrequency ThresholdUsedFrequency } Event1f-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition1, thresholdUsedFrequency ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6 } Event1j-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { replacementActivationThreshold ReplacementActivationThreshold, reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportingInterval ReportingInterval } Event2a ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and should be ignored dummy Threshold, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList OPTIONAL } Event2a-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqWList-r6 OPTIONAL } Event2b ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqThreshold Threshold, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList OPTIONAL } Event2b-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqThreshold Threshold-r6, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6 OPTIONAL } Event2c ::= SEQUENCE { hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList OPTIONAL } Event2c-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6 OPTIONAL } Event2d ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqThreshold Threshold, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event2d-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqThreshold Threshold-r6, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event2e ::= SEQUENCE { hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList OPTIONAL } Event2e-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL, nonUsedFreqParameterList NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6 OPTIONAL } Event2f ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqThreshold Threshold, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event2f-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { usedFreqThreshold Threshold-r6, usedFreqW W, hysteresis HysteresisInterFreq, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event3a ::= SEQUENCE { thresholdOwnSystem Threshold, w W, thresholdOtherSystem Threshold, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event3b ::= SEQUENCE { thresholdOtherSystem Threshold, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event3c ::= SEQUENCE { thresholdOtherSystem Threshold, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } Event3d ::= SEQUENCE { hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } EventIDInterFreq ::= ENUMERATED { e2a, e2b, e2c, e2d, e2e, e2f, spare2, spare1 } EventIDInterRAT ::= ENUMERATED { e3a, e3b, e3c, e3d } EventIDIntraFreq ::= ENUMERATED { e1a, e1b, e1c, e1d, e1e, e1f, e1g, e1h, e1i, e1j, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } EventResults ::= CHOICE { intraFreqEventResults IntraFreqEventResults, interFreqEventResults InterFreqEventResults, interRATEventResults InterRATEventResults, trafficVolumeEventResults TrafficVolumeEventResults, qualityEventResults QualityEventResults, ue-InternalEventResults UE-InternalEventResults, ue-positioning-MeasurementEventResults UE-Positioning-MeasurementEventResults, spare NULL } ExtraDopplerInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual value doppler1stOrder = IE value * 0.023 doppler1stOrder INTEGER (-42..21), dopplerUncertainty DopplerUncertainty } FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { fACH-meas-occasion-coeff INTEGER (1..12) OPTIONAL, inter-freq-FDD-meas-ind BOOLEAN, -- inter-freq-TDD-meas-ind is for 3.84Mcps TDD and 7.68 Mcps TDD. For 1.28Mcps TDD, the IE in -- FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext is used. inter-freq-TDD-meas-ind BOOLEAN, inter-RAT-meas-ind SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT)) OF RAT-Type OPTIONAL } FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { inter-freq-TDD128-meas-ind BOOLEAN } FilterCoefficient ::= ENUMERATED { fc0, fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4, fc5, fc6, fc7, fc8, fc9, fc11, fc13, fc15, fc17, fc19, spare1 } -- Actual value FineSFN-SFN = IE value * 0.0625 FineSFN-SFN ::= INTEGER (0..15) ForbiddenAffectCell ::= CHOICE { fdd PrimaryCPICH-Info, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info } ForbiddenAffectCell-r4 ::= CHOICE { fdd PrimaryCPICH-Info, tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-r4 } ForbiddenAffectCell-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { tdd PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4 } ForbiddenAffectCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF ForbiddenAffectCell ForbiddenAffectCellList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF ForbiddenAffectCell-r4 ForbiddenAffectCellList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF ForbiddenAffectCell-LCR-r4 FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-FDD ::= ENUMERATED { cpich-Ec-N0, cpich-RSCP } FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-TDD ::= ENUMERATED { primaryCCPCH-RSCP } GPS-MeasurementParam ::= SEQUENCE { satelliteID INTEGER (0..63), c-N0 INTEGER (0..63), doppler INTEGER (-32768..32768), wholeGPS-Chips INTEGER (0..1022), fractionalGPS-Chips INTEGER (0..1023), multipathIndicator MultipathIndicator, pseudorangeRMS-Error INTEGER (0..63) } GPS-MeasurementParamList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF GPS-MeasurementParam GSM-CarrierRSSI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) GSM-MeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-CarrierRSSI GSM-CarrierRSSI OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy INTEGER (46..173) OPTIONAL, bsicReported BSICReported, -- dummy2 is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy2 ObservedTimeDifferenceToGSM OPTIONAL } GSM-MeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxReportedGSMCells)) OF GSM-MeasuredResults GPS-TOW-1msec ::= INTEGER (0..604799999) GPS-TOW-Assist ::= SEQUENCE { satID SatID, tlm-Message BIT STRING (SIZE (14)), tlm-Reserved BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), alert BOOLEAN, antiSpoof BOOLEAN } GPS-TOW-AssistList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF GPS-TOW-Assist HCS-CellReselectInformation-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: The default value for penaltyTime is "notUsed" -- Temporary offset is nested inside PenaltyTime-RSCP penaltyTime PenaltyTime-RSCP } HCS-CellReselectInformation-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: The default value for penaltyTime is "notUsed" -- Temporary offset is nested inside PenaltyTime-ECN0 penaltyTime PenaltyTime-ECN0 } HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { hcs-PRIO HCS-PRIO DEFAULT 0, q-HCS Q-HCS DEFAULT 0, hcs-CellReselectInformation HCS-CellReselectInformation-RSCP } HCS-NeighbouringCellInformation-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { hcs-PRIO HCS-PRIO DEFAULT 0, q-HCS Q-HCS DEFAULT 0, hcs-CellReselectInformation HCS-CellReselectInformation-ECN0 } HCS-PRIO ::= INTEGER (0..7) HCS-ServingCellInformation ::= SEQUENCE { hcs-PRIO HCS-PRIO DEFAULT 0, q-HCS Q-HCS DEFAULT 0, t-CR-Max T-CRMax OPTIONAL } HorizontalVelocity ::= SEQUENCE { bearing INTEGER (0..359), horizontalSpeed INTEGER (0..2047) } HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity ::= SEQUENCE { verticalSpeedDirection ENUMERATED { upward, downward }, bearing INTEGER (0..359), horizontalSpeed INTEGER (0..2047), verticalSpeed INTEGER (0..255) } HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { bearing INTEGER (0..359), horizontalSpeed INTEGER (0..2047), horizontalSpeedUncertainty INTEGER (0..255) } HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { verticalSpeedDirection ENUMERATED { upward, downward }, bearing INTEGER (0..359), horizontalSpeed INTEGER (0..2047), verticalSpeed INTEGER (0..255), horizontalSpeedUncertainty INTEGER (0..255) } -- Actual value Hysteresis = IE value * 0.5 Hysteresis ::= INTEGER (0..15) -- Actual value HysteresisInterFreq = IE value * 0.5 HysteresisInterFreq ::= INTEGER (0..29) InterFreqCell ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo, nonFreqRelatedEventResults CellMeasurementEventResults } InterFreqCell-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo, nonFreqRelatedEventResults CellMeasurementEventResults-LCR-r4 } InterFreqCellID ::= INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas-1) InterFreqCellInfoList ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, cellsForInterFreqMeasList CellsForInterFreqMeasList OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellList-r4 OPTIONAL, cellsForInterFreqMeasList CellsForInterFreqMeasList OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterFreqCellList RemovedInterFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } InterFreqCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCell InterFreqCellList-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCell-LCR-r4 InterFreqCellMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellMeasuredResults InterFreqEvent ::= CHOICE { event2a Event2a, event2b Event2b, event2c Event2c, event2d Event2d, event2e Event2e, event2f Event2f } InterFreqEvent-r6 ::= CHOICE { event2a Event2a-r6, event2b Event2b-r6, event2c Event2c-r6, event2d Event2d-r6, event2e Event2e-r6, event2f Event2f-r6 } InterFreqEventList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF InterFreqEvent InterFreqEventList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF InterFreqEvent-r6 --Following IE shall be used regardless of CPICH RSCP(FDD) or Primary CCPCH RSCP(TDD) --The order of the list corresponds to the order of the cells in InterFrequencyMeasuredResultsList --The IE is only used for measured results and not for additional measured results. InterFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF DeltaRSCPPerCell Inter-FreqEventCriteria-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { threholdUsedFrequency-delta DeltaRSCP, threholdNonUsedFrequency-deltaList ThreholdNonUsedFrequency-deltaList OPTIONAL } --The order of the list corresponds to the order of the events in Inter-FreqEventList Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF Inter-FreqEventCriteria-v590ext --The order of the list corresponds to the order of relevant events in Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList --i.e. the first element of the list corresponds to the first occurance of event 1e, 1f, 1h, 1i, --the second element of the list corresponds to the second occurance of event 1e, 1f, 1h, 1i Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF DeltaRSCP --Following IE shall be used regardless of CPICH RSCP(FDD) or Primary CCPCH RSCP(TDD) --The order of the list corresponds to the order of the cells in IntraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList --The IE is only used for measured results and not for additional measured results. IntraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF DeltaRSCPPerCell IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { periodicReportingInfo-1b PeriodicReportingInfo-1b } PeriodicReportingInfo-1b ::= SEQUENCE { reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportingInterval ReportingInterval } InterFreqEventResults ::= SEQUENCE { eventID EventIDInterFreq, interFreqCellList InterFreqCellList OPTIONAL } InterFreqEventResults-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { eventID EventIDInterFreq, interFreqCellList InterFreqCellList-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { reportingCriteria CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity }, interFreqReportingCriteria SEQUENCE { filterCoefficient FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc0, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { freqQualityEstimateQuantity-FDD FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-FDD }, tdd SEQUENCE { freqQualityEstimateQuantity-TDD FreqQualityEstimateQuantity-TDD } } } } } InterFreqMeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, utra-CarrierRSSI UTRA-CarrierRSSI OPTIONAL, interFreqCellMeasuredResultsList InterFreqCellMeasuredResultsList OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqMeasuredResults InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0 OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR OPTIONAL } InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoSI-List InterFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR OPTIONAL } InterFreqRACHRepCellsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCellID Dummy-InterFreqRACHReportingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { interFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD }, tdd SEQUENCE { interFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList }, interFreqRACHReportingThreshold Threshold, maxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq MaxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq } } InterFreqRACHReportingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { interFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD }, tdd SEQUENCE { interFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList } }, interFreqRACHReportingThreshold Threshold, maxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq MaxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq } InterFreqReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria, interFreqReportingCriteria InterFreqReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } InterFreqReportCriteria-r4 ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r4, interFreqReportingCriteria InterFreqReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } InterFreqReportCriteria-r6 ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6, interFreqReportingCriteria InterFreqReportingCriteria-r6, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } InterFreqReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqEventList InterFreqEventList OPTIONAL } InterFreqReportingCriteria-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqEventList InterFreqEventList-r6 OPTIONAL } InterFreqReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { utra-Carrier-RSSI BOOLEAN, frequencyQualityEstimate BOOLEAN, nonFreqRelatedQuantities CellReportingQuantities } InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD ::= ENUMERATED { cpich-EcN0, cpich-RSCP } InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD ::= ENUMERATED { timeslotISCP, primaryCCPCH-RSCP } InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF InterFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD InterFrequencyMeasurement ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoList InterFreqCellInfoList, interFreqMeasQuantity InterFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, interFreqReportingQuantity InterFreqReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, interFreqSetUpdate UE-AutonomousUpdateMode OPTIONAL, reportCriteria InterFreqReportCriteria } InterFrequencyMeasurement-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoList InterFreqCellInfoList-r4, interFreqMeasQuantity InterFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, interFreqReportingQuantity InterFreqReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, interFreqSetUpdate UE-AutonomousUpdateMode OPTIONAL, reportCriteria InterFreqReportCriteria-r4 } InterFrequencyMeasurement-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellInfoList InterFreqCellInfoList-r4, interFreqMeasQuantity InterFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, interFreqReportingQuantity InterFreqReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, interFreqSetUpdate UE-AutonomousUpdateMode OPTIONAL, reportCriteria InterFreqReportCriteria-r6 } InterRAT-TargetCellDescription ::= SEQUENCE { technologySpecificInfo CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { bsic BSIC, frequency-band Frequency-Band, bcch-ARFCN BCCH-ARFCN, ncMode NC-Mode OPTIONAL }, is-2000 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } } InterRATCellID ::= INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas-1) InterRATCellInfoIndication ::= INTEGER (0..3) InterRATCellInfoList ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterRATCellList RemovedInterRATCellList, -- NOTE: Future revisions of dedicated messages including IE newInterRATCellList -- should use a corrected version of this IE newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList, cellsForInterRATMeasList CellsForInterRATMeasList OPTIONAL } InterRATCellInfoList-B ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterRATCellList RemovedInterRATCellList, -- NOTE: IE newInterRATCellList should be optional. However, system information -- does not support message versions. Hence, this can not be corrected newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList-B } InterRATCellInfoList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterRATCellList RemovedInterRATCellList, newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList OPTIONAL, cellsForInterRATMeasList CellsForInterRATMeasList OPTIONAL } InterRATCellInfoList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { removedInterRATCellList RemovedInterRATCellList, newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList OPTIONAL, cellsForInterRATMeasList CellsForInterRATMeasList OPTIONAL, interRATCellInfoIndication-r6 InterRATCellInfoIndication OPTIONAL } InterRATCellIndividualOffset ::= INTEGER (-50..50) InterRATEvent ::= CHOICE { event3a Event3a, event3b Event3b, event3c Event3c, event3d Event3d } InterRATEventList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF InterRATEvent InterRATEventResults ::= SEQUENCE { eventID EventIDInterRAT, cellToReportList CellToReportList } InterRATInfo ::= ENUMERATED { gsm } InterRATInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { rat InterRATInfo, gsm-TargetCellInfoList GSM-TargetCellInfoList OPTIONAL } InterRATMeasQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { measQuantityUTRAN-QualityEstimate IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, ratSpecificInfo CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { measurementQuantity MeasurementQuantityGSM, filterCoefficient FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc0, bsic-VerificationRequired BSIC-VerificationRequired }, is-2000 SEQUENCE { tadd-EcIo INTEGER (0..63), tcomp-EcIo INTEGER (0..15), softSlope INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL, addIntercept INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL } } } InterRATMeasuredResults ::= CHOICE { gsm GSM-MeasuredResultsList, spare NULL } InterRATMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOtherRAT-16)) OF InterRATMeasuredResults InterRATMeasurement ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoList InterRATCellInfoList OPTIONAL, interRATMeasQuantity InterRATMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, interRATReportingQuantity InterRATReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria InterRATReportCriteria } InterRATMeasurement-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoList InterRATCellInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, interRATMeasQuantity InterRATMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, interRATReportingQuantity InterRATReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria InterRATReportCriteria } InterRATMeasurement-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoList InterRATCellInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, interRATMeasQuantity InterRATMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, interRATReportingQuantity InterRATReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria InterRATReportCriteria } InterRATMeasurementSysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoList InterRATCellInfoList OPTIONAL } InterRATMeasurementSysInfo-B ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoList InterRATCellInfoList-B OPTIONAL } InterRATReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { interRATReportingCriteria InterRATReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } InterRATReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { interRATEventList InterRATEventList OPTIONAL } InterRATReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { utran-EstimatedQuality BOOLEAN, ratSpecificInfo CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification -- and when received they should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 BOOLEAN, gsm-Carrier-RSSI BOOLEAN } } } IntraFreqCellID ::= INTEGER (0..maxCellMeas-1) IntraFreqCellInfoList ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, cellsForIntraFreqMeasList CellsForIntraFreqMeasList OPTIONAL } IntraFreqCellInfoList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellList-r4 OPTIONAL, cellsForIntraFreqMeasList CellsForIntraFreqMeasList OPTIONAL } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 } IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { removedIntraFreqCellList RemovedIntraFreqCellList OPTIONAL, newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 } IntraFreqEvent ::= CHOICE { e1a Event1a, e1b Event1b, e1c Event1c, e1d NULL, e1e Event1e, e1f Event1f, e1g NULL, e1h ThresholdUsedFrequency, e1i ThresholdUsedFrequency } IntraFreqEvent-r4 ::= CHOICE { e1a Event1a-r4, e1b Event1b-r4, e1c Event1c, e1d NULL, e1e Event1e, e1f Event1f, e1g NULL, e1h ThresholdUsedFrequency, e1i ThresholdUsedFrequency } IntraFreqEvent-LCR-r4 ::= CHOICE { e1a Event1a-LCR-r4, e1b Event1b-LCR-r4, e1c Event1c, e1d NULL, e1e Event1e, e1f Event1f, e1g NULL, e1h ThresholdUsedFrequency, e1i ThresholdUsedFrequency } IntraFreqEvent-r6 ::= CHOICE { e1a Event1a-r4, e1b Event1b-r4, e1c Event1c, e1d Event1d, e1e Event1e-r6, e1f Event1f-r6, e1g NULL, e1h ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6, e1i ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6, e1j Event1j-r6 } IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { triggeringCondition TriggeringCondition2 OPTIONAL, useCIO BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } IntraFreqEventCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { event IntraFreqEvent, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } IntraFreqEventCriteria-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { event IntraFreqEvent-r4, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } IntraFreqEventCriteria-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { event IntraFreqEvent-LCR-r4, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } IntraFreqEventCriteria-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { event IntraFreqEvent-r6, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } IntraFreqEventCriteriaList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF IntraFreqEventCriteria IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF IntraFreqEventCriteria-r4 IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF IntraFreqEventCriteria-LCR-r4 IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF IntraFreqEventCriteria-r6 IntraFreqEventResults ::= SEQUENCE { eventID EventIDIntraFreq, cellMeasurementEventResults CellMeasurementEventResults } IntraFreqMeasQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { filterCoefficient FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc0, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD IntraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD }, tdd SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasQuantity-TDDList IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDDList } } } -- If IntraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD is used in InterRATMeasQuantity, then only -- cpich-Ec-N0 and cpich-RSCP are allowed. -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. IntraFreqMeasQuantity-FDD ::= ENUMERATED { cpich-Ec-N0, cpich-RSCP, pathloss, dummy } -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDD ::= ENUMERATED { primaryCCPCH-RSCP, pathloss, timeslotISCP, dummy } IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF IntraFreqMeasQuantity-TDD IntraFreqMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellMeasuredResults IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 1, intraFreqCellInfoSI-List IntraFreqCellInfoSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH OPTIONAL, maxReportedCellsOnRACH MaxReportedCellsOnRACH OPTIONAL, reportingInfoForCellDCH ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } IntraFreqReportCriteria-r4 ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r4, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } IntraFreqReportCriteria-r6 ::= CHOICE { intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus, noReporting ReportingCellStatusOpt } IntraFreqReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { eventCriteriaList IntraFreqEventCriteriaList OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { eventCriteriaList IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportingCriteria-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { eventCriteriaList IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { eventCriteriaList IntraFreqEventCriteriaList-r6 OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { activeSetReportingQuantities CellReportingQuantities, monitoredSetReportingQuantities CellReportingQuantities, detectedSetReportingQuantities CellReportingQuantities OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportingQuantityForRACH ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-SFN-OTD-Type SFN-SFN-OTD-Type, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { intraFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD }, tdd SEQUENCE { intraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList } } } IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-FDD ::= ENUMERATED { cpich-EcN0, cpich-RSCP, pathloss, noReport } IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD ::= ENUMERATED { timeslotISCP, primaryCCPCH-RSCP, noReport } IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF IntraFreqRepQuantityRACH-TDD IntraFrequencyMeasurement ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellInfoList IntraFreqCellInfoList OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantity IntraFreqReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria IntraFreqReportCriteria OPTIONAL } IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellInfoList IntraFreqCellInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantity IntraFreqReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria IntraFreqReportCriteria-r4 OPTIONAL } IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellInfoList IntraFreqCellInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, intraFreqMeasQuantity IntraFreqMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingQuantity IntraFreqReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria IntraFreqReportCriteria-r6 } IODE ::= INTEGER (0..255) IP-Length ::= ENUMERATED { ipl5, ipl10 } IP-PCCPCH-r4 ::= BOOLEAN IP-Spacing ::= ENUMERATED { e5, e7, e10, e15, e20, e30, e40, e50 } IP-Spacing-TDD ::= ENUMERATED { e30, e40, e50, e70, e100} IS-2000SpecificMeasInfo ::= ENUMERATED { frequency, timeslot, colourcode, outputpower, pn-Offset } MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1 ::= ENUMERATED { e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6} MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType2 ::= ENUMERATED { e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12} MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3 ::= ENUMERATED { viactCellsPlus1, viactCellsPlus2, viactCellsPlus3, viactCellsPlus4, viactCellsPlus5, viactCellsPlus6 } MaxReportedCellsOnRACH ::= ENUMERATED { noReport, currentCell, currentAnd-1-BestNeighbour, currentAnd-2-BestNeighbour, currentAnd-3-BestNeighbour, currentAnd-4-BestNeighbour, currentAnd-5-BestNeighbour, currentAnd-6-BestNeighbour } MaxReportedCellsOnRACHinterFreq ::= INTEGER (1..8) MeasuredResults ::= CHOICE { intraFreqMeasuredResultsList IntraFreqMeasuredResultsList, interFreqMeasuredResultsList InterFreqMeasuredResultsList, interRATMeasuredResultsList InterRATMeasuredResultsList, trafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList, qualityMeasuredResults QualityMeasuredResults, ue-InternalMeasuredResults UE-InternalMeasuredResults, ue-positioning-MeasuredResults UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults, spare NULL } MeasuredResults-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-MeasuredResults-v390ext UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults-v390ext } MeasuredResults-v590ext ::= CHOICE { intraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList IntraFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext, interFrequencyMeasuredResultsList InterFrequencyMeasuredResultsList-v590ext } MeasuredResults-v7xyext ::= CHOICE { ueInternalMeasuredResults UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7 } MeasuredResults-LCR-r4 ::= CHOICE { intraFreqMeasuredResultsList IntraFreqMeasuredResultsList, interFreqMeasuredResultsList InterFreqMeasuredResultsList, interRATMeasuredResultsList InterRATMeasuredResultsList, trafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList, qualityMeasuredResults QualityMeasuredResults, ue-InternalMeasuredResults UE-InternalMeasuredResults-LCR-r4, ue-positioniing-MeasuredResults UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults, spare NULL } MeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAdditionalMeas)) OF MeasuredResults MeasuredResultsList-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAdditionalMeas)) OF MeasuredResults-LCR-r4 MeasuredResultsOnRACH ::= SEQUENCE { currentCell SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { measurementQuantity CHOICE { cpich-Ec-N0 CPICH-Ec-N0, cpich-RSCP CPICH-RSCP, pathloss Pathloss, spare NULL } }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- For 3.84 Mcps and 7.68 Mcps TDD -- timeslotISCP TimeslotISCP-List OPTIONAL, primaryCCPCH-RSCP PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP OPTIONAL } } }, monitoredCells MonitoredCellRACH-List OPTIONAL } MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellIndication-SIB11 INTEGER (0..1), interFreqCellIndication-SIB12 INTEGER (0..1), interFreqRACHRepCellsList InterFreqRACHRepCellsList } MeasurementCommand ::= CHOICE { setup MeasurementType, modify SEQUENCE { measurementType MeasurementType OPTIONAL }, release NULL } MeasurementCommand-r4 ::= CHOICE { setup MeasurementType-r4, modify SEQUENCE { measurementType MeasurementType-r4 OPTIONAL }, release NULL } MeasurementCommand-r6 ::= CHOICE { setup MeasurementType-r6, modify SEQUENCE { measurementType MeasurementType-r6 OPTIONAL }, release NULL } MeasurementControlSysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure represents PCCPCH-RSCP in TDD mode. use-of-HCS CHOICE { hcs-not-used SEQUENCE { cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0 OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0 OPTIONAL } }, interRATMeasurementSysInfo InterRATMeasurementSysInfo-B OPTIONAL }, hcs-used SEQUENCE { cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL } }, interRATMeasurementSysInfo InterRATMeasurementSysInfo OPTIONAL } }, trafficVolumeMeasSysInfo TrafficVolumeMeasSysInfo OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of specification and it shall be ignored by the UE. dummy UE-InternalMeasurementSysInfo OPTIONAL } MeasurementControlSysInfoExtension ::= SEQUENCE { -- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure represents PCCPCH-RSCP in TDD mode. use-of-HCS CHOICE { hcs-not-used SEQUENCE { cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 OPTIONAL } }, newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList OPTIONAL }, hcs-used SEQUENCE { cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 OPTIONAL } }, newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList OPTIONAL } } } MeasurementControlSysInfoExtensionAddon-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList newIntraFrequencyCellInfoListAddon-r5 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterFrequencyCellInfoList newInterFrequencyCellInfoListAddon-r5 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterRATCellInfoList newInterRATCellInfoListAddon-r5 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL } MeasurementControlSysInfoExtension-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure represents PCCPCH-RSCP in TDD mode. use-of-HCS CHOICE { hcs-not-used SEQUENCE { cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } }, newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList OPTIONAL }, hcs-used SEQUENCE { cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { newIntraFreqCellList NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, newInterFreqCellList NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } }, newInterRATCellList NewInterRATCellList OPTIONAL } } } MeasurementControlSysInfo-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- CHOICE use-of-HCS shall have the same value as the use-of-HCS -- in MeasurementControlSysInfo -- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure represents PCCPCH-RSCP in TDD mode. use-of-HCS CHOICE { hcs-not-used SEQUENCE { -- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure shall have the same value as the -- cellSelectQualityMeasure in MeasurementControlSysInfo cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } } }, hcs-used SEQUENCE { -- CHOICE cellSelectQualityMeasure shall have the same value as the -- cellSelectQualityMeasure in MeasurementControlSysInfo cellSelectQualityMeasure CHOICE { cpich-RSCP SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL }, cpich-Ec-N0 SEQUENCE { intraFreqMeasurementSysInfo IntraFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, interFreqMeasurementSysInfo InterFreqMeasurementSysInfo-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } } } } } MeasurementIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..16) MeasurementQuantityGSM ::= ENUMERATED { gsm-CarrierRSSI, dummy } MeasurementReportingMode ::= SEQUENCE { measurementReportTransferMode TransferMode, periodicalOrEventTrigger PeriodicalOrEventTrigger } MeasurementType ::= CHOICE { intraFrequencyMeasurement IntraFrequencyMeasurement, interFrequencyMeasurement InterFrequencyMeasurement, interRATMeasurement InterRATMeasurement, ue-positioning-Measurement UE-Positioning-Measurement, trafficVolumeMeasurement TrafficVolumeMeasurement, qualityMeasurement QualityMeasurement, ue-InternalMeasurement UE-InternalMeasurement } MeasurementType-r4 ::= CHOICE { intraFrequencyMeasurement IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r4, interFrequencyMeasurement InterFrequencyMeasurement-r4, interRATMeasurement InterRATMeasurement-r4, up-Measurement UE-Positioning-Measurement-r4, trafficVolumeMeasurement TrafficVolumeMeasurement, qualityMeasurement QualityMeasurement, ue-InternalMeasurement UE-InternalMeasurement-r4 } MeasurementType-r6 ::= CHOICE { intraFrequencyMeasurement IntraFrequencyMeasurement-r6, interFrequencyMeasurement InterFrequencyMeasurement-r6, interRATMeasurement InterRATMeasurement-r6, up-Measurement UE-Positioning-Measurement-r4, trafficVolumeMeasurement TrafficVolumeMeasurement, qualityMeasurement QualityMeasurement, ue-InternalMeasurement UE-InternalMeasurement-r4 } MeasurementValidity ::= SEQUENCE { ue-State ENUMERATED { cell-DCH, all-But-Cell-DCH, all-States } } MonitoredCellRACH-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MonitoredCellRACH-Result MonitoredCellRACH-Result ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-SFN-ObsTimeDifference SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, measurementQuantity CHOICE { cpich-Ec-N0 CPICH-Ec-N0, cpich-RSCP CPICH-RSCP, pathloss Pathloss, spare NULL } OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { cellParametersID CellParametersID, primaryCCPCH-RSCP PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP } } } MultipathIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { nm, low, medium, high } N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst ::= SEQUENCE { n-CR INTEGER (1..16) DEFAULT 8, t-CRMaxHyst T-CRMaxHyst } NavigationModelSatInfo ::= SEQUENCE { satID SatID, satelliteStatus SatelliteStatus, ephemerisParameter EphemerisParameter OPTIONAL } NavigationModelSatInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSat)) OF NavigationModelSatInfo EphemerisParameter ::= SEQUENCE { codeOnL2 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), uraIndex BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), satHealth BIT STRING (SIZE (6)), iodc BIT STRING (SIZE (10)), l2Pflag BIT STRING (SIZE (1)), sf1Revd SubFrame1Reserved, t-GD BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), t-oc BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), af2 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), af1 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), af0 BIT STRING (SIZE (22)), c-rs BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), delta-n BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), m0 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), c-uc BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), e BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), c-us BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), a-Sqrt BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), t-oe BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), fitInterval BIT STRING (SIZE (1)), aodo BIT STRING (SIZE (5)), c-ic BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), omega0 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), c-is BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), i0 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), c-rc BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), omega BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), omegaDot BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), iDot BIT STRING (SIZE (14)) } NC-Mode ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (3)) Neighbour ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { neighbourIdentity PrimaryCPICH-Info OPTIONAL, uE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { neighbourAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity OPTIONAL } }, neighbourQuality NeighbourQuality, sfn-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2 SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2} Neighbour-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo }, tdd NULL } } NeighbourList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF Neighbour -- The order of the cells in IE NeighbourList-v390ext shall be the -- same as the order in IE NeighbourList NeighbourList-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF Neighbour-v390ext NeighbourQuality ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-OTDOA-Quality UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Quality } NewInterFreqCell ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfo } NewInterFreqCell-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfo-r4 } NewInterFreqCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCell NewInterFreqCellList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCell-r4 NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-RSCP } NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-ECN0 } NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP } NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0 } NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 } NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 } NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 } NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqCellID InterFreqCellID OPTIONAL, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 } NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0 NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0 NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP NewInterFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 NewInterFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 NewInterFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 NewInterRATCell ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellID InterRATCellID OPTIONAL, technologySpecificInfo CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12 OPTIONAL, interRATCellIndividualOffset InterRATCellIndividualOffset, bsic BSIC, frequency-band Frequency-Band, bcch-ARFCN BCCH-ARFCN, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy NULL OPTIONAL }, is-2000 SEQUENCE { is-2000SpecificMeasInfo IS-2000SpecificMeasInfo }, -- ASN.1 inconsistency: NewInterRATCellList should be optional within -- InterRATCellInfoList. The UE shall consider IE NewInterRATCell with -- technologySpecificInfo set to "absent" as valid and handle the -- message as if the IE NewInterRATCell was absent absent NULL, spare1 NULL } } NewInterRATCell-B ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellID InterRATCellID OPTIONAL, technologySpecificInfo CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { cellSelectionReselectionInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-11-12 OPTIONAL, interRATCellIndividualOffset InterRATCellIndividualOffset, bsic BSIC, frequency-band Frequency-Band, bcch-ARFCN BCCH-ARFCN, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy NULL OPTIONAL }, is-2000 SEQUENCE { is-2000SpecificMeasInfo IS-2000SpecificMeasInfo }, -- ASN.1 inconsistency: NewInterRATCellList-B should be optional within -- InterRATCellInfoList-B. The UE shall consider IE NewInterRATCell-B with -- technologySpecificInfo set to "absent" as valid and handle the -- message as if the IE NewInterRATCell-B was absent absent NULL, spare1 NULL } } NewInterRATCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterRATCell NewInterRATCellList-B ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewInterRATCell-B NewIntraFreqCell ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfo } NewIntraFreqCell-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfo-r4 } NewIntraFreqCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCell NewIntraFreqCellList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCell-r4 NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-RSCP } NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-ECN0 } NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP } NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0 } NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 } NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 } NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 } NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqCellID IntraFreqCellID OPTIONAL, cellInfo CellInfoSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 } NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0 NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0 NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-RSCP-LCR-r4 NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-ECN0-LCR-r4 NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-RSCP-LCR-r4 NewIntraFreqCellSI-List-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF NewIntraFreqCellSI-HCS-ECN0-LCR-r4 -- IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold" is not needed in case of event 2a -- In case of event 2a UTRAN should include value 0 within IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold" -- In case of event 2a, the UE shall be ignore IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold" -- In later versions of the message including this IE, a special version of -- IE "NonUsedFreqParameterList" may be defined for event 2a, namely a -- version not including IE "nonUsedFreqThreshold" NonUsedFreqParameter ::= SEQUENCE { nonUsedFreqThreshold Threshold, nonUsedFreqW W } NonUsedFreqParameter-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { nonUsedFreqThreshold Threshold-r6, nonUsedFreqW W } NonUsedFreqParameterList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF NonUsedFreqParameter NonUsedFreqParameterList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF NonUsedFreqParameter-r6 NonUsedFreqWList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF W ObservedTimeDifferenceToGSM ::= INTEGER (0..4095) OTDOA-SearchWindowSize ::= ENUMERATED { c20, c40, c80, c160, c320, c640, c1280, moreThan1280 } -- SPARE: Pathloss, Max = 158 -- Values above Max are spare Pathloss ::= INTEGER (46..173) PenaltyTime-RSCP ::= CHOICE { notUsed NULL, pt10 TemporaryOffset1, pt20 TemporaryOffset1, pt30 TemporaryOffset1, pt40 TemporaryOffset1, pt50 TemporaryOffset1, pt60 TemporaryOffset1 } PenaltyTime-ECN0 ::= CHOICE { notUsed NULL, pt10 TemporaryOffsetList, pt20 TemporaryOffsetList, pt30 TemporaryOffsetList, pt40 TemporaryOffsetList, pt50 TemporaryOffsetList, pt60 TemporaryOffsetList } PendingTimeAfterTrigger ::= ENUMERATED { ptat0-25, ptat0-5, ptat1, ptat2, ptat4, ptat8, ptat16 } PeriodicalOrEventTrigger ::= ENUMERATED { periodical, eventTrigger } PeriodicalReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { reportingAmount ReportingAmount DEFAULT ra-Infinity, reportingInterval ReportingIntervalLong } PeriodicalWithReportingCellStatus ::= SEQUENCE { periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells ::= SEQUENCE { plmnsOfIntraFreqCellsList PLMNsOfIntraFreqCellsList OPTIONAL, plmnsOfInterFreqCellsList PLMNsOfInterFreqCellsList OPTIONAL, plmnsOfInterRATCellsList PLMNsOfInterRATCellsList OPTIONAL } PLMNsOfInterFreqCellsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } PLMNsOfIntraFreqCellsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } PLMNsOfInterRATCellsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL } PositionEstimate ::= CHOICE { ellipsoidPoint EllipsoidPoint, ellipsoidPointUncertCircle EllipsoidPointUncertCircle, ellipsoidPointUncertEllipse EllipsoidPointUncertEllipse, ellipsoidPointAltitude EllipsoidPointAltitude, ellipsoidPointAltitudeEllipse EllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide } PositioningMethod ::= ENUMERATED { otdoa, gps, otdoaOrGPS, cellID } -- Actual value PRC = IE value * 0.32 PRC ::= INTEGER (-2047..2047) -- SPARE: PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP, Max = 91 -- Values above Max are spare PrimaryCCPCH-RSCP ::= INTEGER (0..127) Q-HCS ::= INTEGER (0..99) Q-OffsetS-N ::= INTEGER (-50..50) Q-QualMin ::= INTEGER (-24..0) -- Actual value Q-RxlevMin = (IE value * 2) + 1 Q-RxlevMin ::= INTEGER (-58..-13) QualityEventResults ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF TransportChannelIdentity QualityMeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { blerMeasurementResultsList BLER-MeasurementResultsList OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd NULL, tdd SEQUENCE { sir-MeasurementResults SIR-MeasurementList OPTIONAL } } } QualityMeasurement ::= SEQUENCE { qualityReportingQuantity QualityReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria QualityReportCriteria } QualityReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { qualityReportingCriteria QualityReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria, noReporting NULL } QualityReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF QualityReportingCriteriaSingle QualityReportingCriteriaSingle ::= SEQUENCE { transportChannelIdentity TransportChannelIdentity, totalCRC INTEGER (1..512), badCRC INTEGER (1..512), pendingAfterTrigger INTEGER (1..512) } QualityReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { dl-TransChBLER BOOLEAN, bler-dl-TransChIdList BLER-TransChIdList OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd NULL, tdd SEQUENCE { sir-TFCS-List SIR-TFCS-List OPTIONAL } } } RAT-Type ::= ENUMERATED { gsm, is2000 } ReferenceCellPosition ::= CHOICE { ellipsoidPoint EllipsoidPoint, ellipsoidPointWithAltitude EllipsoidPointAltitude } -- ReferenceLocation, as defined in 23.032 ReferenceLocation ::= SEQUENCE { ellipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide EllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide } ReferenceTimeDifferenceToCell ::= CHOICE { -- Actual value accuracy40 = IE value * 40 accuracy40 INTEGER (0..960), -- Actual value accuracy256 = IE value * 256 accuracy256 INTEGER (0..150), -- Actual value accuracy2560 = IE value * 2560 accuracy2560 INTEGER (0..15) } RemovedInterFreqCellList ::= CHOICE { removeAllInterFreqCells NULL, removeSomeInterFreqCells SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF InterFreqCellID, removeNoInterFreqCells NULL } RemovedInterRATCellList ::= CHOICE { removeAllInterRATCells NULL, removeSomeInterRATCells SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF InterRATCellID, removeNoInterRATCells NULL } RemovedIntraFreqCellList ::= CHOICE { removeAllIntraFreqCells NULL, removeSomeIntraFreqCells SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF IntraFreqCellID, removeNoIntraFreqCells NULL } ReplacementActivationThreshold ::= ENUMERATED { notApplicable, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 } ReportDeactivationThreshold ::= ENUMERATED { notApplicable, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 } ReportingAmount ::= ENUMERATED { ra1, ra2, ra4, ra8, ra16, ra32, ra64, ra-Infinity } ReportingCellStatus ::= CHOICE{ withinActiveSet MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, withinMonitoredSetUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, withinActiveAndOrMonitoredUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, withinDetectedSetUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, withinMonitoredAndOrDetectedUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, allActiveplusMonitoredSet MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3, allActivePlusDetectedSet MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3, allActivePlusMonitoredAndOrDetectedSet MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3, withinVirtualActSet MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, withinMonitoredSetNonUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, withinMonitoredAndOrVirtualActiveSetNonUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType1, allVirtualActSetplusMonitoredSetNonUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType3, withinActSetOrVirtualActSet-InterRATcells MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType2, withinActSetAndOrMonitoredUsedFreqOrVirtualActSetAndOrMonitoredNonUsedFreq MaxNumberOfReportingCellsType2 } ReportingCellStatusOpt ::= SEQUENCE { reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } ReportingInfoForCellDCH ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqReportingQuantity IntraFreqReportingQuantity, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode, reportCriteria CellDCH-ReportCriteria } ReportingInfoForCellDCH-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { intraFreqReportingQuantity IntraFreqReportingQuantity, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode, reportCriteria CellDCH-ReportCriteria-LCR-r4 } ReportingInterval ::= ENUMERATED { noPeriodicalreporting, ri0-25, ri0-5, ri1, ri2, ri4, ri8, ri16 } ReportingIntervalLong ::= ENUMERATED { ril0, ril0-25, ril0-5, ril1, ril2, ril3, ril4, ril6, ril8, ril12, ril16, ril20, ril24, ril28, ril32, ril64 } -- When the value “ril0” is used, the UE behaviour is not -- defined. -- Actual value ReportingRange = IE value * 0.5 ReportingRange ::= INTEGER (0..29) RL-AdditionInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF PrimaryCPICH-Info RL-InformationLists ::= SEQUENCE { rl-AdditionInfoList RL-AdditionInfoList OPTIONAL, rL-RemovalInformationList RL-RemovalInformationList OPTIONAL } RLC-BuffersPayload ::= ENUMERATED { pl0, pl4, pl8, pl16, pl32, pl64, pl128, pl256, pl512, pl1024, pl2k, pl4k, pl8k, pl16k, pl32k, pl64k, pl128k, pl256k, pl512k, pl1024k, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } -- Actual value RRC = IE value * 0.032 RRC ::= INTEGER (-127..127) SatData ::= SEQUENCE{ satID SatID, iode IODE } SatDataList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxSat)) OF SatData SatelliteStatus ::= ENUMERATED { ns-NN-U, es-SN, es-NN-U, rev2, rev } -- Identifies the satellite and is equal to (SV ID No - 1) where SV ID No is defined in [12]. SatID ::= INTEGER (0..63) SFN-Offset-Validity ::= ENUMERATED { false } SFN-SFN-Drift ::= ENUMERATED { sfnsfndrift0, sfnsfndrift1, sfnsfndrift2, sfnsfndrift3, sfnsfndrift4, sfnsfndrift5, sfnsfndrift8, sfnsfndrift10, sfnsfndrift15, sfnsfndrift25, sfnsfndrift35, sfnsfndrift50, sfnsfndrift65, sfnsfndrift80, sfnsfndrift100, sfnsfndrift-1, sfnsfndrift-2, sfnsfndrift-3, sfnsfndrift-4, sfnsfndrift-5, sfnsfndrift-8, sfnsfndrift-10, sfnsfndrift-15, sfnsfndrift-25, sfnsfndrift-35, sfnsfndrift-50, sfnsfndrift-65, sfnsfndrift-80, sfnsfndrift-100} SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference ::= CHOICE { type1 SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1, type2 SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2 } -- SPARE: SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1, Max = 9830399 -- For 1.28Mcps TDD, Max value of SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1 is 3276799. -- Values above Max are spare SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference1 ::= INTEGER (0..16777215) -- SPARE: SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2, Max = 40961 -- For 1.28Mcps TDD, Max value of SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2 is 27649. -- Values above Max are spare SFN-SFN-ObsTimeDifference2 ::= INTEGER (0..65535) SFN-SFN-OTD-Type ::= ENUMERATED { noReport, type1, type2 } SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1 ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-Offset INTEGER (0 .. 4095), sfn-sfn-Reltimedifference INTEGER (0.. 38399) } SFN-TOW-Uncertainty ::= ENUMERATED { lessThan10, moreThan10 } SIR ::= INTEGER (0..63) SIR-MeasurementList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF SIR-MeasurementResults SIR-MeasurementResults ::= SEQUENCE { tfcs-ID TFCS-IdentityPlain, sir-TimeslotList SIR-TimeslotList } SIR-TFCS ::= TFCS-IdentityPlain SIR-TFCS-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCCTrCH)) OF SIR-TFCS SIR-TimeslotList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF SIR -- SubFrame1Reserved, reserved bits in subframe 1 of the GPS navigation message SubFrame1Reserved ::= SEQUENCE { reserved1 BIT STRING (SIZE (23)), reserved2 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), reserved3 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), reserved4 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) } T-ADVinfo ::= SEQUENCE { t-ADV INTEGER(0..2047), sfn INTEGER(0..4095) } T-CRMax ::= CHOICE { notUsed NULL, t30 N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst, t60 N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst, t120 N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst, t180 N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst, t240 N-CR-T-CRMaxHyst } T-CRMaxHyst ::= ENUMERATED { notUsed, t10, t20, t30, t40, t50, t60, t70 } TemporaryOffset1 ::= ENUMERATED { to3, to6, to9, to12, to15, to18, to21, infinite } TemporaryOffset2 ::= ENUMERATED { to2, to3, to4, to6, to8, to10, to12, infinite } TemporaryOffsetList ::= SEQUENCE { temporaryOffset1 TemporaryOffset1, temporaryOffset2 TemporaryOffset2 } Threshold ::= INTEGER (-115..0) Threshold-r6 ::= INTEGER (-120..0) -- The order of the list corresponds to the order of frequency defined in Inter-FreqEventCriteria ThreholdNonUsedFrequency-deltaList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF DeltaRSCPPerCell ThresholdPositionChange ::= ENUMERATED { pc10, pc20, pc30, pc40, pc50, pc100, pc200, pc300, pc500, pc1000, pc2000, pc5000, pc10000, pc20000, pc50000, pc100000 } ThresholdSFN-GPS-TOW ::= ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms5, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100 } ThresholdSFN-SFN-Change ::= ENUMERATED { c0-25, c0-5, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c10, c20, c50, c100, c200, c500, c1000, c2000, c5000 } ThresholdUsedFrequency ::= INTEGER (-115..165) ThresholdUsedFrequency-r6 ::= INTEGER (-120..165) -- Actual value TimeInterval = IE value * 20. TimeInterval ::= INTEGER (1..13) TimeslotInfo ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber, burstType BurstType } TimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { timeslotNumber TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4 } TimeslotInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF TimeslotInfo TimeslotInfoList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR)) OF TimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 TimeslotInfoList-r4 ::= CHOICE { -- the choice for 7.68 Mcps TDD is the same as for 3.84 Mcps TDD -- tdd384 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF TimeslotInfo, tdd128 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS-LCR)) OF TimeslotInfo-LCR-r4 } -- SPARE: TimeslotISCP, Max = 91 -- Values above Max are spare TimeslotISCP ::= INTEGER (0..127) -- TimeslotISCP-List shall not include more than 6 elements in 1.28Mcps TDD mode. TimeslotISCP-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF TimeslotISCP TimeslotListWithISCP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF TimeslotWithISCP TimeslotWithISCP ::= SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, timeslotISCP TimeslotISCP } TimeToTrigger ::= ENUMERATED { ttt0, ttt10, ttt20, ttt40, ttt60, ttt80, ttt100, ttt120, ttt160, ttt200, ttt240, tt320, ttt640, ttt1280, ttt2560, ttt5000 } TrafficVolumeEventParam ::= SEQUENCE { eventID TrafficVolumeEventType, reportingThreshold TrafficVolumeThreshold, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger OPTIONAL, pendingTimeAfterTrigger PendingTimeAfterTrigger OPTIONAL, tx-InterruptionAfterTrigger TX-InterruptionAfterTrigger OPTIONAL } TrafficVolumeEventResults ::= SEQUENCE { ul-transportChannelCausingEvent UL-TrCH-Identity, trafficVolumeEventIdentity TrafficVolumeEventType } TrafficVolumeEventType ::= ENUMERATED { e4a, e4b } TrafficVolumeMeasQuantity ::= CHOICE { rlc-BufferPayload NULL, averageRLC-BufferPayload TimeInterval, varianceOfRLC-BufferPayload TimeInterval } TrafficVolumeMeasSysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { trafficVolumeMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 4, trafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList TrafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeMeasQuantity TrafficVolumeMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeReportingQuantity TrafficVolumeReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode, reportCriteriaSysInf TrafficVolumeReportCriteriaSysInfo } TrafficVolumeMeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rlc-BuffersPayload RLC-BuffersPayload OPTIONAL, averageRLC-BufferPayload AverageRLC-BufferPayload OPTIONAL, varianceOfRLC-BufferPayload VarianceOfRLC-BufferPayload OPTIONAL } TrafficVolumeMeasuredResultsList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF TrafficVolumeMeasuredResults TrafficVolumeMeasurement ::= SEQUENCE { trafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList TrafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeMeasQuantity TrafficVolumeMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, trafficVolumeReportingQuantity TrafficVolumeReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria TrafficVolumeReportCriteria } TrafficVolumeMeasurementObjectList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF UL-TrCH-Identity TrafficVolumeReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { trafficVolumeReportingCriteria TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria, noReporting NULL } TrafficVolumeReportCriteriaSysInfo ::= CHOICE { trafficVolumeReportingCriteria TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria } TrafficVolumeReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { -- NOTE: transChCriteriaList should be mandatory in later versions of this message transChCriteriaList TransChCriteriaList OPTIONAL } TrafficVolumeReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { rlc-RB-BufferPayload BOOLEAN, rlc-RB-BufferPayloadAverage BOOLEAN, rlc-RB-BufferPayloadVariance BOOLEAN } TrafficVolumeThreshold ::= ENUMERATED { th8, th16, th32, th64, th128, th256, th512, th1024, th2k, th3k, th4k, th6k, th8k, th12k, th16k, th24k, th32k, th48k, th64k, th96k, th128k, th192k, th256k, th384k, th512k, th768k } TransChCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { ul-transportChannelID UL-TrCH-Identity OPTIONAL, eventSpecificParameters SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasParEvent)) OF TrafficVolumeEventParam OPTIONAL } TransChCriteriaList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTrCH)) OF TransChCriteria TransferMode ::= ENUMERATED { acknowledgedModeRLC, unacknowledgedModeRLC } TransmittedPowerThreshold ::= INTEGER (-50..33) TriggeringCondition1 ::= ENUMERATED { activeSetCellsOnly, monitoredSetCellsOnly, activeSetAndMonitoredSetCells } TriggeringCondition2 ::= ENUMERATED { activeSetCellsOnly, monitoredSetCellsOnly, activeSetAndMonitoredSetCells, detectedSetCellsOnly, detectedSetAndMonitoredSetCells } TX-InterruptionAfterTrigger ::= ENUMERATED { txiat0-25, txiat0-5, txiat1, txiat2, txiat4, txiat8, txiat16 } UDRE ::= ENUMERATED { lessThan1, between1-and-4, between4-and-8, over8 } UE-6AB-Event ::= SEQUENCE { timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, transmittedPowerThreshold TransmittedPowerThreshold } UE-6FG-Event ::= SEQUENCE { timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, -- in 1.28 Mcps TDD ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold corresponds to TADV Threshold ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold } -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received the UE behaviour is not specified. UE-AutonomousUpdateMode ::= CHOICE { dummy NULL, onWithNoReporting NULL, dummy2 RL-InformationLists } UE-InternalEventParam ::= CHOICE { event6a UE-6AB-Event, event6b UE-6AB-Event, event6c TimeToTrigger, event6d TimeToTrigger, event6e TimeToTrigger, event6f UE-6FG-Event, event6g UE-6FG-Event } UE-InternalEventParamList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF UE-InternalEventParam UE-InternalEventResults ::= CHOICE { event6a NULL, event6b NULL, event6c NULL, event6d NULL, event6e NULL, event6f PrimaryCPICH-Info, event6g PrimaryCPICH-Info, spare NULL } UE-InternalMeasQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { measurementQuantity UE-MeasurementQuantity, filterCoefficient FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc0 } UE-InternalMeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPowerFDD UE-TransmittedPower OPTIONAL, ue-RX-TX-ReportEntryList UE-RX-TX-ReportEntryList OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPowerTDD-List UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List OPTIONAL, appliedTA UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } } } UE-InternalMeasuredResults-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPowerFDD UE-TransmittedPower OPTIONAL, ue-RX-TX-ReportEntryList UE-RX-TX-ReportEntryList OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPowerTDD-List UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List OPTIONAL, appliedTA EXT-UL-TimingAdvance OPTIONAL } } } UE-InternalMeasuredResults-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPowerTDD-List UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List OPTIONAL, t-ADVinfo T-ADVinfo OPTIONAL } UE-InternalMeasurement ::= SEQUENCE { ue-InternalMeasQuantity UE-InternalMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, ue-InternalReportingQuantity UE-InternalReportingQuantity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria UE-InternalReportCriteria } UE-InternalMeasurement-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-InternalMeasQuantity UE-InternalMeasQuantity OPTIONAL, ue-InternalReportingQuantity UE-InternalReportingQuantity-r4 OPTIONAL, reportCriteria UE-InternalReportCriteria } UE-InternalMeasurementSysInfo ::= SEQUENCE { ue-InternalMeasurementID MeasurementIdentity DEFAULT 5, ue-InternalMeasQuantity UE-InternalMeasQuantity } UE-InternalReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { ue-InternalReportingCriteria UE-InternalReportingCriteria, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria, noReporting NULL } UE-InternalReportingCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { ue-InternalEventParamList UE-InternalEventParamList OPTIONAL } UE-InternalReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPower BOOLEAN, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { appliedTA BOOLEAN } } } UE-InternalReportingQuantity-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-TransmittedPower BOOLEAN, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference BOOLEAN }, tdd SEQUENCE { tddOption CHOICE { -- appliedTA applies to both 3.84 Mcps TDD and to 7.68 Mcps TDD. -- Therefore, no additional choice of TDD mode is necessary tdd384 SEQUENCE { appliedTA BOOLEAN }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { t-ADVinfo BOOLEAN } } } } } -- TABULAR: UE-MeasurementQuantity, for 3.84 Mcps TDD only the first two values -- ue-TransmittedPower and utra-Carrier-RSSI are used. -- For 1.28 Mcps TDD ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference corresponds to T-ADV in the tabular UE-MeasurementQuantity ::= ENUMERATED { ue-TransmittedPower, utra-Carrier-RSSI, ue-RX-TX-TimeDifference } UE-RX-TX-ReportEntry ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1 UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1 } UE-RX-TX-ReportEntryList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF UE-RX-TX-ReportEntry -- SPARE: UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1, Max = 1280 -- Values above Max are spare UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType1 ::= INTEGER (768..1791) UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2 ::= INTEGER (0..8191) UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2 UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2, neighbourQuality NeighbourQuality } -- In 1.28 Mcps TDD, actual value for -- T-ADV Threshold = (UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold - 768) * 0.125 UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceThreshold ::= INTEGER (768..1280) UE-TransmittedPower ::= INTEGER (0..104) UE-TransmittedPowerTDD-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTS)) OF UE-TransmittedPower UL-TrCH-Identity ::= CHOICE{ dch TransportChannelIdentity, -- Note: the reference to CPCH in the element name below is incorrect. The name is not changed -- to keep it aligned with R99. rachorcpch NULL, usch TransportChannelIdentity } UE-Positioning-Accuracy ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (7)) UE-Positioning-CipherParameters ::= SEQUENCE { cipheringKeyFlag BIT STRING (SIZE (1)), cipheringSerialNumber INTEGER (0..65535) } UE-Positioning-Error ::= SEQUENCE { errorReason UE-Positioning-ErrorCause, ue-positioning-GPS-additionalAssistanceDataRequest UE-Positioning-GPS-AdditionalAssistanceDataRequest OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-ErrorCause ::= ENUMERATED { notEnoughOTDOA-Cells, notEnoughGPS-Satellites, assistanceDataMissing, notAccomplishedGPS-TimingOfCellFrames, undefinedError, requestDeniedByUser, notProcessedAndTimeout, referenceCellNotServingCell } UE-Positioning-EventParam ::= SEQUENCE { reportingAmount ReportingAmount, reportFirstFix BOOLEAN, measurementInterval UE-Positioning-MeasurementInterval, eventSpecificInfo UE-Positioning-EventSpecificInfo } UE-Positioning-EventParamList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMeasEvent)) OF UE-Positioning-EventParam UE-Positioning-EventSpecificInfo ::= CHOICE { e7a ThresholdPositionChange, e7b ThresholdSFN-SFN-Change, e7c ThresholdSFN-GPS-TOW } UE-Positioning-GPS-AcquisitionAssistance ::= SEQUENCE { gps-ReferenceTime INTEGER (0..604799999), utran-GPSReferenceTime UTRAN-GPSReferenceTime OPTIONAL, satelliteInformationList AcquisitionSatInfoList } UE-Positioning-GPS-AdditionalAssistanceDataRequest ::= SEQUENCE { almanacRequest BOOLEAN, utcModelRequest BOOLEAN, ionosphericModelRequest BOOLEAN, navigationModelRequest BOOLEAN, dgpsCorrectionsRequest BOOLEAN, referenceLocationRequest BOOLEAN, referenceTimeRequest BOOLEAN, aquisitionAssistanceRequest BOOLEAN, realTimeIntegrityRequest BOOLEAN, navModelAddDataRequest UE-Positioning-GPS-NavModelAddDataReq OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-GPS-Almanac ::= SEQUENCE { wn-a BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), almanacSatInfoList AlmanacSatInfoList, sv-GlobalHealth BIT STRING (SIZE (364)) OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceLocation ReferenceLocation OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections UE-Positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-NavigationModel UE-Positioning-GPS-NavigationModel OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel UE-Positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-UTC-Model UE-Positioning-GPS-UTC-Model OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-Almanac UE-Positioning-GPS-Almanac OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-AcquisitionAssistance UE-Positioning-GPS-AcquisitionAssistance OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-Real-timeIntegrity BadSatList OPTIONAL, -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceCellInfo OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections ::= SEQUENCE { gps-TOW INTEGER (0..604799), statusHealth DiffCorrectionStatus, dgps-CorrectionSatInfoList DGPS-CorrectionSatInfoList } UE-Positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel ::= SEQUENCE { alfa0 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), alfa1 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), alfa2 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), alfa3 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), beta0 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), beta1 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), beta2 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), beta3 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) } UE-Positioning-GPS-MeasurementResults ::= SEQUENCE { referenceTime CHOICE { utran-GPSReferenceTimeResult UTRAN-GPSReferenceTimeResult, gps-ReferenceTimeOnly INTEGER (0..604799999) }, gps-MeasurementParamList GPS-MeasurementParamList } UE-Positioning-GPS-NavigationModel ::= SEQUENCE { navigationModelSatInfoList NavigationModelSatInfoList } UE-Positioning-GPS-NavModelAddDataReq ::= SEQUENCE { gps-Week INTEGER (0..1023), -- SPARE: gps-Toe, Max = 167 -- Values above Max are spare gps-Toe INTEGER (0..255), -- SPARE: tToeLimit, Max = 10 -- Values above Max are spare tToeLimit INTEGER (0..15), satDataList SatDataList } UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE{ modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { referenceIdentity PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE { referenceIdentity CellParametersID } } } UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime ::= SEQUENCE { gps-Week INTEGER (0..1023), gps-tow-1msec GPS-TOW-1msec, utran-GPSReferenceTime UTRAN-GPSReferenceTime OPTIONAL, sfn-tow-Uncertainty SFN-TOW-Uncertainty OPTIONAL, utran-GPS-DriftRate UTRAN-GPS-DriftRate OPTIONAL, gps-TOW-AssistList GPS-TOW-AssistList OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-GPS-UTC-Model ::= SEQUENCE { a1 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), a0 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), t-ot BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), wn-t BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), delta-t-LS BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), wn-lsf BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), dn BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), delta-t-LSF BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) } UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { ip-Spacing IP-Spacing, ip-Length IP-Length, ip-Offset INTEGER (0..9), seed INTEGER (0..63), burstModeParameters BurstModeParameters OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ip-Spacing IP-Spacing, ip-Length IP-Length, ip-Offset INTEGER (0..9), seed INTEGER (0..63) }, tdd SEQUENCE { ip-Spacing-TDD IP-Spacing-TDD, ip-slot INTEGER (0..14), ip-Start INTEGER (0..4095), ip-PCCPCG IP-PCCPCH-r4 OPTIONAL } }, burstModeParameters BurstModeParameters OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE { ip-Spacing IP-Spacing-TDD, ip-slot INTEGER (0..14), ip-Start INTEGER (0..4095), ip-PCCPCG IP-PCCPCH-r4 OPTIONAL, burstModeParameters BurstModeParameters } UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-OTDOA-Measurement UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-PositionEstimateInfo UE-Positioning-PositionEstimateInfo OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-Measurement UE-Positioning-GPS-MeasurementResults OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-Error UE-Positioning-Error OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-MeasuredResults-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement-v390ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement-v390ext } UE-Positioning-Measurement ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity, reportCriteria UE-Positioning-ReportCriteria, ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-AssistanceData UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-Measurement-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity-v390ext UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v390ext OPTIONAL, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-Measurement-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-r4, measurementValidity MeasurementValidity OPTIONAL, reportCriteria UE-Positioning-ReportCriteria, ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4 OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-AssistanceData UE-Positioning-GPS-AssistanceData OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-Measurement-v7xyext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-ReportingQuantity UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v7xyext } UE-Positioning-MeasurementEventResults ::= CHOICE { event7a UE-Positioning-PositionEstimateInfo, event7b UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement, event7c UE-Positioning-GPS-MeasurementResults, spare NULL } UE-Positioning-MeasurementInterval ::= ENUMERATED { e5, e15, e60, e300, e900, e1800, e3600, e7200 } UE-Positioning-MethodType ::= ENUMERATED { ue-Assisted, ue-Based, ue-BasedPreferred, ue-AssistedPreferred } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-r4 OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- In case of TDD these IPDL parameters shall be used for the reference cell instead of -- IPDL Parameters in IE UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo ue-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext OPTIONAL, -- These IPDL parameters shall be used for the neighbour cells in case of TDD instead of -- IPDL Parameters in IE UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfoList. The cells shall be -- listed in the same order as in IE UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfoList ue-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDDList-r4-ext UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDDList-r4-ext OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB-ext OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB-ext OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDDList-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement ::= SEQUENCE { sfn INTEGER (0..4095), modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { referenceCellIDentity PrimaryCPICH-Info, ue-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info UE-RX-TX-TimeDifferenceType2Info }, tdd SEQUENCE { referenceCellIdentity CellParametersID } }, neighbourList NeighbourList OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Measurement-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { neighbourList-v390ext NeighbourList-v390ext } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } }, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters OPTIONAL, sfn-SFN-RelTimeDifference SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1, sfn-SFN-Drift SFN-SFN-Drift OPTIONAL, searchWindowSize OTDOA-SearchWindowSize, positioningMode CHOICE{ ueBased SEQUENCE {}, ueAssisted SEQUENCE {} } } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } }, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-r4 OPTIONAL, sfn-SFN-RelTimeDifference SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1, sfn-Offset-Validity SFN-Offset-Validity OPTIONAL, sfn-SFN-Drift SFN-SFN-Drift OPTIONAL, searchWindowSize OTDOA-SearchWindowSize, positioningMode CHOICE { ueBased SEQUENCE { relativeNorth INTEGER (-20000..20000) OPTIONAL, relativeEast INTEGER (-20000..20000) OPTIONAL, relativeAltitude INTEGER (-4000..4000) OPTIONAL, fineSFN-SFN FineSFN-SFN OPTIONAL, -- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876 roundTripTime INTEGER (0.. 32766) OPTIONAL }, ueAssisted SEQUENCE {} } } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB ::= SEQUENCE { modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } }, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters OPTIONAL, sfn-SFN-RelTimeDifference SFN-SFN-RelTimeDifference1, sfn-SFN-Drift SFN-SFN-Drift OPTIONAL, searchWindowSize OTDOA-SearchWindowSize, relativeNorth INTEGER (-20000..20000) OPTIONAL, relativeEast INTEGER (-20000..20000) OPTIONAL, relativeAltitude INTEGER (-4000..4000) OPTIONAL, fineSFN-SFN FineSFN-SFN, -- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876 roundTripTime INTEGER (0..32766) OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB-ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- actual value roundTripTimeExtension = (IE value * 0.0625) roundTripTimeExtension INTEGER (0..70274) OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-r4 UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB -- The order of the list corresponds to the order of UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB -- in UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellList-UEB-ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF UE-Positioning-OTDOA-NeighbourCellInfo-UEB-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-Quality ::= SEQUENCE { stdResolution BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), numberOfOTDOA-Measurements BIT STRING (SIZE (3)), stdOfOTDOA-Measurements BIT STRING (SIZE (5)) } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { sfn INTEGER (0..4095) OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } }, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, positioningMode CHOICE { ueBased SEQUENCE {}, ueAssisted SEQUENCE {} }, ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { sfn INTEGER (0..4095) OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } }, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, positioningMode CHOICE { ueBased SEQUENCE { cellPosition ReferenceCellPosition OPTIONAL, -- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876 roundTripTime INTEGER (0..32766) OPTIONAL }, ueAssisted SEQUENCE {} }, ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-r4 OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB ::= SEQUENCE { sfn INTEGER (0..4095) OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } }, frequencyInfo FrequencyInfo OPTIONAL, cellPosition ReferenceCellPosition OPTIONAL, -- actual value roundTripTime = (IE value * 0.0625) + 876 roundTripTime INTEGER (0..32766) OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-IPDL-Paremeters UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-OTDOA-ReferenceCellInfo-UEB-ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- actual value roundTripTimeExtension = (IE value * 0.0625) roundTripTimeExtension INTEGER (0..70274) OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-PositionEstimateInfo ::= SEQUENCE { referenceTime CHOICE { utran-GPSReferenceTimeResult UTRAN-GPSReferenceTimeResult, gps-ReferenceTimeOnly INTEGER (0..604799999), cell-Timing SEQUENCE { sfn INTEGER (0..4095), modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE{ cellAndChannelIdentity CellAndChannelIdentity } } } }, positionEstimate PositionEstimate } UE-Positioning-ReportCriteria ::= CHOICE { ue-positioning-ReportingCriteria UE-Positioning-EventParamList, periodicalReportingCriteria PeriodicalReportingCriteria, noReporting NULL } UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { methodType UE-Positioning-MethodType, positioningMethod PositioningMethod, -- dummy1 is not used in this version of specification and it should -- be ignored. dummy1 UE-Positioning-ResponseTime, horizontal-Accuracy UE-Positioning-Accuracy OPTIONAL, gps-TimingOfCellWanted BOOLEAN, -- dummy2 is not used in this version of specification and it should -- be ignored. dummy2 BOOLEAN, additionalAssistanceDataRequest BOOLEAN, environmentCharacterisation EnvironmentCharacterisation OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { vertical-Accuracy UE-Positioning-Accuracy } UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { methodType UE-Positioning-MethodType, positioningMethod PositioningMethod, horizontalAccuracy UE-Positioning-Accuracy OPTIONAL, verticalAccuracy UE-Positioning-Accuracy OPTIONAL, gps-TimingOfCellWanted BOOLEAN, additionalAssistanceDataReq BOOLEAN, environmentCharacterisation EnvironmentCharacterisation OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-ReportingQuantity-v7xyext ::= SEQUENCE { velocityRequested ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-ResponseTime ::= ENUMERATED { s1, s2, s4, s8, s16, s32, s64, s128 } -- SPARE: UTRA-CarrierRSSI, Max = 76 -- Values above Max are spare UTRA-CarrierRSSI ::= INTEGER (0..127) UTRAN-GPS-DriftRate ::= ENUMERATED { utran-GPSDrift0, utran-GPSDrift1, utran-GPSDrift2, utran-GPSDrift5, utran-GPSDrift10, utran-GPSDrift15, utran-GPSDrift25, utran-GPSDrift50, utran-GPSDrift-1, utran-GPSDrift-2, utran-GPSDrift-5, utran-GPSDrift-10, utran-GPSDrift-15, utran-GPSDrift-25, utran-GPSDrift-50} UTRAN-GPSReferenceTime ::= SEQUENCE { -- For utran-GPSTimingOfCell values above 2322431999999 are not -- used in this version of the specification -- Actual value utran-GPSTimingOfCell = (ms-part * 4294967296) + ls-part utran-GPSTimingOfCell SEQUENCE { ms-part INTEGER (0..1023), ls-part INTEGER (0..4294967295) }, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { referenceIdentity PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE { referenceIdentity CellParametersID } } OPTIONAL, sfn INTEGER (0..4095) } UTRAN-GPSReferenceTimeResult ::= SEQUENCE { -- For ue-GPSTimingOfCell values above 37158911999999 are not -- used in this version of the specification -- Actual value ue-GPSTimingOfCell = (ms-part * 4294967296) + ls-part ue-GPSTimingOfCell SEQUENCE { ms-part INTEGER (0.. 16383), ls-part INTEGER (0..4294967295) }, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { referenceIdentity PrimaryCPICH-Info }, tdd SEQUENCE { referenceIdentity CellParametersID } }, sfn INTEGER (0..4095) } VarianceOfRLC-BufferPayload ::= ENUMERATED { plv0, plv4, plv8, plv16, plv32, plv64, plv128, plv256, plv512, plv1024, plv2k, plv4k, plv8k, plv16k, spare2, spare1 } VelocityEstimate ::= CHOICE { horizontalVelocity HorizontalVelocity, horizontalWithVerticalVelocity HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity, horizontalVelocityWithUncertainty HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty, horizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty } -- Actual value W = IE value * 0.1 W ::= INTEGER (0..20) -- *************************************************** -- -- OTHER INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.8) -- -- *************************************************** BCC ::= INTEGER (0..7) BCCH-ModificationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { mib-ValueTag MIB-ValueTag, bcch-ModificationTime BCCH-ModificationTime OPTIONAL } -- Actual value BCCH-ModificationTime = IE value * 8 BCCH-ModificationTime ::= INTEGER (0..511) BSIC ::= SEQUENCE { ncc NCC, bcc BCC } CBS-DRX-Level1Information ::= SEQUENCE { ctch-AllocationPeriod INTEGER (1..256), cbs-FrameOffset INTEGER (0..255) } CBS-DRX-Level1Information-extension-r6 ::= ENUMERATED {p8, p16, p32, p64, p128, p256} CDMA2000-Message ::= SEQUENCE { msg-Type BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), payload BIT STRING (SIZE (1..512)) } CDMA2000-MessageList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF CDMA2000-Message CDMA2000-UMTS-Frequency-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumCDMA2000Freqs)) OF FrequencyInfoCDMA2000 CellValueTag ::= INTEGER (1..4) --Actual value = 2^(IE value) ExpirationTimeFactor ::= INTEGER (1..8) -- For each extended SIB type the value tag information is added at the end ExtSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF ExtSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo ExtSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { extensionSIB-Type SIB-TypeExt, schedulingInfo SchedulingInformation, valueTagInfo ValueTagInfo } FDD-UMTS-Frequency-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumFDDFreqs)) OF FrequencyInfoFDD FrequencyInfoCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE { band-Class BIT STRING (SIZE (5)), cdma-Freq BIT STRING (SIZE(11)) } GERAN-SystemInfoBlock ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..23)) GERAN-SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxGERAN-SI)) OF GERAN-SystemInfoBlock GSM-BA-Range ::= SEQUENCE { gsmLowRangeUARFCN UARFCN, gsmUpRangeUARFCN UARFCN } GSM-BA-Range-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumGSMFreqRanges)) OF GSM-BA-Range -- This IE is formatted as 'TLV' and is coded in the same way as the Mobile Station Classmark 2 -- information element in [5]. The first octet is the Mobile station classmark 2 IEI and its value -- shall be set to 33H. The second octet is the Length of mobile station classmark 2 and its value -- shall be set to 3. The octet 3 contains the first octet of the value part of the Mobile Station -- Classmark 2 information element, the octet 4 contains the second octet of the value part of the -- Mobile Station Classmark 2 information element and so on. For each of these octets, the first/ -- leftmost/ most significant bit of the octet contains b8 of the corresponding octet of the Mobile -- Station Classmark 2. GSM-Classmark2 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5)) -- This IE is formatted as 'V' and is coded in the same way as the value part in the Mobile station -- classmark 3 information element in [5] -- The value part is specified by means of CSN.1, which encoding results in a bit string, to which -- final padding may be appended upto the next octet boundary [5]. The first/ leftmost bit of the -- CSN.1 bit string is placed in the first/ leftmost/ most significant bit of the first -- octet. This continues until the last bit of the CSN.1 bit string, which is placed in the last/ -- rightmost/ least significant bit of the last octet. GSM-Classmark3 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) GSM-MessageList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (1..512)) GSM-MS-RadioAccessCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) GsmSecurityCapability ::= BIT STRING { -- For each bit value “0” means false/ not supported a5-7(0), a5-6(1), a5-5(2), a5-4(3), a5-3(4), a5-2(5), a5-1(6) } (SIZE (7)) GSM-TargetCellInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxGSMTargetCells)) OF GSM-TargetCellInfo GSM-TargetCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { bcch-ARFCN BCCH-ARFCN, frequency-band Frequency-Band, bsic BSIC OPTIONAL } IdentificationOfReceivedMessage ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, receivedMessageType ReceivedMessageType } InterRAT-ChangeFailureCause ::= CHOICE { configurationUnacceptable NULL, physicalChannelFailure NULL, protocolError ProtocolErrorInformation, unspecified NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } GERANIu-MessageList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32768)) GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..170)) InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability ::= CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { gsm-Classmark2 GSM-Classmark2, gsm-Classmark3 GSM-Classmark3 }, cdma2000 SEQUENCE { cdma2000-MessageList CDMA2000-MessageList } } InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { geranIu-RadioAccessCapability GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability } InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext ::= SEQUENCE { supportOfInter-RAT-PS-Handover ENUMERATED { doesSupporInter-RAT-PS-Handover } OPTIONAL, gsm-MS-RadioAccessCapability GSM-MS-RadioAccessCapability } InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapability ::= CHOICE { gsm SEQUENCE { gsmSecurityCapability GsmSecurityCapability } } InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxInterSysMessages)) OF InterRAT-UE-SecurityCapability InterRAT-HO-FailureCause ::= CHOICE { configurationUnacceptable NULL, physicalChannelFailure NULL, protocolError ProtocolErrorInformation, interRAT-ProtocolError NULL, unspecified NULL, spare11 NULL, spare10 NULL, spare9 NULL, spare8 NULL, spare7 NULL, spare6 NULL, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } MasterInformationBlock ::= SEQUENCE { mib-ValueTag MIB-ValueTag, -- TABULAR: The PLMN identity and ANSI-41 core network information -- are included in PLMN-Type. plmn-Type PLMN-Type, sibSb-ReferenceList SIBSb-ReferenceList, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { masterInformationBlock-v690ext MasterInformationBlock-v690ext, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { masterInformationBlock-v6b0ext MasterInformationBlock-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MasterInformationBlock-v690ext ::= SEQUENCE { multiplePLMN-List MultiplePLMN-List-r6 OPTIONAL } MasterInformationBlock-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { extSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List ExtSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List OPTIONAL } MIB-ValueTag ::= INTEGER (1..8) NCC ::= INTEGER (0..7) PLMN-ValueTag ::= INTEGER (1..256) PredefinedConfigIdentityAndValueTag ::= SEQUENCE { predefinedConfigIdentity PredefinedConfigIdentity, predefinedConfigValueTag PredefinedConfigValueTag } ProtocolErrorInformation ::= SEQUENCE { diagnosticsType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { protocolErrorCause ProtocolErrorCause }, spare NULL } } ReceivedMessageType ::= ENUMERATED { activeSetUpdate, cellChangeOrderFromUTRAN, cellUpdateConfirm, counterCheck, downlinkDirectTransfer, interRATHandoverCommand, measurementControl, pagingType2, physicalChannelReconfiguration, physicalSharedChannelAllocation, radioBearerReconfiguration, radioBearerRelease, radioBearerSetup, rrcConnectionRelease, rrcConnectionReject, rrcConnectionSetup, securityModeCommand, signallingConnectionRelease, transportChannelReconfiguration, transportFormatCombinationControl, ueCapabilityEnquiry, ueCapabilityInformationConfirm, uplinkPhysicalChannelControl, uraUpdateConfirm, utranMobilityInformation, assistanceDataDelivery, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } Rplmn-Information ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-BA-Range-List GSM-BA-Range-List OPTIONAL, fdd-UMTS-Frequency-List FDD-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL, tdd-UMTS-Frequency-List TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL, cdma2000-UMTS-Frequency-List CDMA2000-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL } Rplmn-Information-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-BA-Range-List GSM-BA-Range-List OPTIONAL, fdd-UMTS-Frequency-List FDD-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL, -- the option is the same for 7.68 Mcps TDD as for 3.84 Mcps TDD -- i.e. TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List applies tdd384-UMTS-Frequency-List TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL, tdd128-UMTS-Frequency-List TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL, cdma2000-UMTS-Frequency-List CDMA2000-UMTS-Frequency-List OPTIONAL } SchedulingInformation ::= SEQUENCE { scheduling SEQUENCE { segCount SegCount DEFAULT 1, sib-Pos CHOICE { -- The element name indicates the repetition period and the value -- (multiplied by two) indicates the position of the first segment. rep4 INTEGER (0..1), rep8 INTEGER (0..3), rep16 INTEGER (0..7), rep32 INTEGER (0..15), rep64 INTEGER (0..31), rep128 INTEGER (0..63), rep256 INTEGER (0..127), rep512 INTEGER (0..255), rep1024 INTEGER (0..511), rep2048 INTEGER (0..1023), rep4096 INTEGER (0..2047) }, sib-PosOffsetInfo SibOFF-List OPTIONAL } } SchedulingInformationSIB ::= SEQUENCE { sib-Type SIB-TypeAndTag, scheduling SchedulingInformation } SchedulingInformationSIBSb ::= SEQUENCE { sibSb-Type SIBSb-TypeAndTag, scheduling SchedulingInformation } SegCount ::= INTEGER (1..16) SegmentIndex ::= INTEGER (1..15) -- Actual value SFN-Prime = 2 * IE value SFN-Prime ::= INTEGER (0..2047) SIB-Data-fixed ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (222)) SIB-Data-variable ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..214)) SIBOccurIdentity ::= INTEGER (0..15) SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag ::= SEQUENCE { sibOccurIdentity SIBOccurIdentity, sibOccurValueTag SIBOccurValueTag } SIBOccurValueTag ::= INTEGER (0..15) SIB-ReferenceList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF SchedulingInformationSIB SIBSb-ReferenceList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF SchedulingInformationSIBSb SIB-ReferenceListFACH ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB-FACH)) OF SchedulingInformationSIB SIB-Type ::= ENUMERATED { masterInformationBlock, systemInformationBlockType1, systemInformationBlockType2, systemInformationBlockType3, systemInformationBlockType4, systemInformationBlockType5, systemInformationBlockType6, systemInformationBlockType7, -- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent. If they are received they should be ignored dummy, dummy2, dummy3, systemInformationBlockType11, systemInformationBlockType12, systemInformationBlockType13, systemInformationBlockType13-1, systemInformationBlockType13-2, systemInformationBlockType13-3, systemInformationBlockType13-4, systemInformationBlockType14, systemInformationBlockType15, systemInformationBlockType15-1, systemInformationBlockType15-2, systemInformationBlockType15-3, systemInformationBlockType16, systemInformationBlockType17, systemInformationBlockType15-4, systemInformationBlockType18, schedulingBlock1, schedulingBlock2, systemInformationBlockType15-5, systemInformationBlockType5bis, extensionType } SIB-TypeAndTag ::= CHOICE { sysInfoType1 PLMN-ValueTag, sysInfoType2 CellValueTag, sysInfoType3 CellValueTag, sysInfoType4 CellValueTag, sysInfoType5 CellValueTag, sysInfoType6 CellValueTag, sysInfoType7 NULL, -- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent. If they are received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy CellValueTag, dummy2 NULL, dummy3 NULL, sysInfoType11 CellValueTag, sysInfoType12 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-1 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-2 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-3 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-4 CellValueTag, sysInfoType14 NULL, sysInfoType15 CellValueTag, sysInfoType16 PredefinedConfigIdentityAndValueTag, sysInfoType17 NULL, sysInfoType15-1 CellValueTag, sysInfoType15-2 SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag, sysInfoType15-3 SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag, sysInfoType15-4 CellValueTag, sysInfoType18 CellValueTag, sysInfoType15-5 CellValueTag, sysInfoType5bis CellValueTag, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } SIBSb-TypeAndTag ::= CHOICE { sysInfoType1 PLMN-ValueTag, sysInfoType2 CellValueTag, sysInfoType3 CellValueTag, sysInfoType4 CellValueTag, sysInfoType5 CellValueTag, sysInfoType6 CellValueTag, sysInfoType7 NULL, -- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent. If they are received the UE behaviour is not specified. dummy CellValueTag, dummy2 NULL, dummy3 NULL, sysInfoType11 CellValueTag, sysInfoType12 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-1 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-2 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-3 CellValueTag, sysInfoType13-4 CellValueTag, sysInfoType14 NULL, sysInfoType15 CellValueTag, sysInfoType16 PredefinedConfigIdentityAndValueTag, sysInfoType17 NULL, sysInfoTypeSB1 CellValueTag, sysInfoTypeSB2 CellValueTag, sysInfoType15-1 CellValueTag, sysInfoType15-2 SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag, sysInfoType15-3 SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag, sysInfoType15-4 CellValueTag, sysInfoType18 CellValueTag, sysInfoType15-5 CellValueTag, sysInfoType5bis CellValueTag, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } SIB-TypeExt ::= CHOICE { systemInformationBlockType11bis NULL, spare7 NULL, spare6 NULL, spare5 NULL, spare4 NULL, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL } SibOFF ::= ENUMERATED { so2, so4, so6, so8, so10, so12, so14, so16, so18, so20, so22, so24, so26, so28, so30, so32 } SibOFF-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF SibOFF SysInfoType1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DomainSysInfoList CN-DomainSysInfoList, -- User equipment IEs ue-ConnTimersAndConstants UE-ConnTimersAndConstants OPTIONAL, ue-IdleTimersAndConstants UE-IdleTimersAndConstants OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType1-v3a0ext SysInfoType1-v3a0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType1-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext UE-ConnTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext, ue-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext } SysInfoType2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-IdentityList URA-IdentityList, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType3 ::= SEQUENCE { sib4indicator BOOLEAN, -- UTRAN mobility IEs cellIdentity CellIdentity, cellSelectReselectInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-3-4, cellAccessRestriction CellAccessRestriction, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType3-v4b0ext SysInfoType3-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType3-v590ext SysInfoType3-v590ext, v5c0NoncriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType3-v5c0ext SysInfoType3-v5c0ext-IEs, v670NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType3-v670ext SysInfoType3-v670ext, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType3-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { mapping-LCR Mapping-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType3-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { cellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType3-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { cellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext CellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType3-v670ext ::= SEQUENCE { domainSpecificAccessRestrictionParametersForPLMNOfMIB DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionParam-v670ext OPTIONAL, domainSpecificAccessRestictionForSharedNetwork DomainSpecificAccessRestrictionForSharedNetwork-v670ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- UTRAN mobility IEs cellIdentity CellIdentity, cellSelectReselectInfo CellSelectReselectInfoSIB-3-4, cellAccessRestriction CellAccessRestriction, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType4-v4b0ext SysInfoType4-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType4-v590ext SysInfoType4-v590ext, v5b0NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType4-v5b0ext SysInfoType4-v5b0ext-IEs, v5c0NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType4-v5c0ext SysInfoType4-v5c0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType4-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { mapping-LCR Mapping-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType4-v590ext ::= SEQUENCE { cellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType4-v5b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { cellSelectReselectInfoPCHFACH-v5b0ext CellSelectReselectInfoPCHFACH-v5b0ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType4-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { cellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext CellSelectReselectInfoTreselectionScaling-v5c0ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType5 ::= SEQUENCE { sib6indicator BOOLEAN, -- Physical channel IEs pich-PowerOffset PICH-PowerOffset, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { aich-PowerOffset AICH-PowerOffset }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 1.28Mcps TDD, the following IEs should be absent -- and the info included in the tdd128SpecificInfo instead. -- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 3.84Mcps TDD in R5, HCR-r5-SpecificInfo should also be -- included. pusch-SysInfoList-SFN PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN OPTIONAL, openLoopPowerControl-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-TDD } }, primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info OPTIONAL, prach-SystemInformationList PRACH-SystemInformationList, sCCPCH-SystemInformationList SCCPCH-SystemInformationList, -- cbs-DRX-Level1Information is conditional on any of the CTCH indicator IEs in -- sCCPCH-SystemInformationList cbs-DRX-Level1Information CBS-DRX-Level1Information OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType5-v4b0ext SysInfoType5-v4b0ext-IEs OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- rel-4 information v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType5-v590ext SysInfoType5-v590ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v650NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType5-v650ext SysInfoType5-v650ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v680NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType5-v680ext SysInfoType5-v680ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType5-v690ext SysInfoType5-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType5-v7xyext SysInfoType5-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType5-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --The following IE PNBSCH-Allocation-r4 shall be used for 3.84Mcps TDD only. pNBSCH-Allocation-r4 PNBSCH-Allocation-r4 OPTIONAL, -- In case of TDD, the following IE is included instead of the -- IE up-IPDL-Parameter in up-OTDOA-AssistanceData. openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL, -- If SysInfoType5 is sent to describe a 1.28Mcps TDD cell, the IE PRACH-RACH-Info included in -- PRACH-SystemInformationList shall be ignored, the IE PRACH-Partitioning and the -- IE rach-TransportFormatSet shall be absent and the corresponding IE in the following -- PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 shall be used prach-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, tdd128SpecificInfo SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, pCCPCH-LCR-Extensions PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL, sCCPCH-LCR-ExtensionsList SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext } OPTIONAL, frequencyBandIndicator RadioFrequencyBandFDD OPTIONAL } SysInfoType5-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { hcr-r5-SpecificInfo SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType5-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandIndicator2 RadioFrequencyBandFDD2 } SysInfoType5-v680ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: HSDPA Cell Indicator is MD in tabular description -- Default value is ’HSDPA Capability not indicated’ hsdpa-CellIndicator ENUMERATED { hsdpa-CapableCell } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType5-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- TABULAR: E-DCH Cell Indicator is MD in tabular description -- Default value is ’E-DCH Capability not indicated’ edch-CellIndicator ENUMERATED { edch-CapableCell } OPTIONAL, sccpch-SystemInformation-MBMS CHOICE { mcchOnSCCPCHusedForNonMBMS MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6, mcchOnSCCPCHusedOnlyForMBMS SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r6 } OPTIONAL, additionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List OPTIONAL, cBS-DRX-Level1Information-extension CBS-DRX-Level1Information-extension-r6 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType5-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR OPTIONAL, prach-SystemInformationList-r7 PRACH-SystemInformationList-r7 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN-r7 PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, sccpch-SystemInformation-MBMS CHOICE { mcchOnSCCPCHusedForNonMBMS MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6, mcchOnSCCPCHusedOnlyForMBMS SCCPCH-SystemInformation-MBMS-r7 } OPTIONAL, sCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7 SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7 OPTIONAL } -- SysInfoType5bis uses the same structure as SysInfoType5 SysInfoType5bis ::= SysInfoType5 SysInfoType6 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs pich-PowerOffset PICH-PowerOffset, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { aich-PowerOffset AICH-PowerOffset, -- dummy is not used in this version of specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy CSICH-PowerOffset OPTIONAL }, tdd SEQUENCE { -- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 1.28Mcps TDD, pusch-SysInfoList-SFN, -- pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN and openLoopPowerControl-TDD should be absent -- and the info included in the tdd128SpecificInfo instead. -- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 3.84Mcps TDD in R5, HCR-r5-SpecificInfo should -- also be included. pusch-SysInfoList-SFN PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN OPTIONAL, openLoopPowerControl-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-TDD } }, primaryCCPCH-Info PrimaryCCPCH-Info OPTIONAL, prach-SystemInformationList PRACH-SystemInformationList OPTIONAL, sCCPCH-SystemInformationList SCCPCH-SystemInformationList OPTIONAL, cbs-DRX-Level1Information CBS-DRX-Level1Information OPTIONAL, -- Conditional on any of the CTCH indicator IEs in -- sCCPCH-SystemInformationList -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType6-v4b0ext SysInfoType6-v4b0ext-IEs OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- rel-4 information v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType6-v590ext SysInfoType6-v590ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v650nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType6-v650ext SysInfoType6-v650ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v690nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType6-v690ext SysInfoType6-v690ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType6-v7xyext SysInfoType6-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType6-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD is present only if IPDLs are applied for TDD openLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD OpenLoopPowerControl-IPDL-TDD-r4 OPTIONAL, -- If SysInfoType6 is sent to describe a 1.28Mcps TDD cell, the IE PRACH-RACH-Info included -- in PRACH-SystemInformationList shall be ignored, the IE PRACH-Partitioning and the -- IE rach-TransportFormatSet shall be absent and the corresponding IEs in the following -- PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 shall be used prach-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 PRACH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, tdd128SpecificInfo SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, pCCPCH-LCR-Extensions PrimaryCCPCH-Info-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL, sCCPCH-LCR-ExtensionsList SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, frequencyBandIndicator RadioFrequencyBandFDD OPTIONAL } SysInfoType6-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { hcr-r5-SpecificInfo SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN PDSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-HCR-r5 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType6-v650ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandIndicator2 RadioFrequencyBandFDD2 } SysInfoType6-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { additionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List AdditionalPRACH-TF-and-TFCS-CCCH-List OPTIONAL } SysInfoType6-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN-r7 PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, prach-SystemInformationList-r7 PRACH-SystemInformationList-r7 OPTIONAL, sCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7 SCCPCH-SystemInformationList-r7 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType7 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { ul-Interference UL-Interference }, tdd NULL }, prach-Information-SIB5-List DynamicPersistenceLevelList, prach-Information-SIB6-List DynamicPersistenceLevelList OPTIONAL, expirationTimeFactor ExpirationTimeFactor OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- This IE is not used in this version of the specification. -- It was kept only for backwards compatibility reasons SysInfoType8 ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs -- dummy1, dummy2, dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification and -- they should be ignored by the receiver. dummy1 CPCH-Parameters, -- Physical channel IEs dummy2 CPCH-SetInfoList, dummy3 CSICH-PowerOffset, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- This IE is not used in this version of the specification. -- It was kept only for backwards compatibility reasons SysInfoType9 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification and -- it should be ignored by the receiver. dummy CPCH-PersistenceLevelsList, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- This IE is not used in this version of the specification. -- It was kept only for backwards compatibility reasons SysInfoType10 ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. dummy DRAC-SysInfoList, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType11 ::= SEQUENCE { sib12indicator BOOLEAN, -- Measurement IEs fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo OPTIONAL, measurementControlSysInfo MeasurementControlSysInfo, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType11-v4b0ext SysInfoType11-v4b0ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType11-v590ext SysInfoType11-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType11-v690ext SysInfoType11-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType11-v6b0ext SysInfoType11-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType11-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-Ext FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL, measurementControlSysInfo-LCR MeasurementControlSysInfo-LCR-r4-ext } SysInfoType11-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterFrequencyCellInfoList newInterFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterRATCellInfoList newInterRATCellInfoList-v590ext SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, intraFreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 OPTIONAL, intraFreqEvent-1d-r5 IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType11-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification. If received, the UE behaviour -- is not specified. dummy Dummy-InterFreqRACHReportingInfo OPTIONAL } SysInfoType11-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs interFreqRACHReportingInfo InterFreqRACHReportingInfo OPTIONAL } SysInfoType11bis ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs measurementControlSysInfo MeasurementControlSysInfoExtension OPTIONAL, measurementControlSysInfo-LCR MeasurementControlSysInfoExtension-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, measurementControlSysInfoExtensionAddon-r5 MeasurementControlSysInfoExtensionAddon-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non-release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType12 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo OPTIONAL, measurementControlSysInfo MeasurementControlSysInfo, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType12-v4b0ext SysInfoType12-v4b0ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE { sysInfoType12-v590ext SysInfoType12-v590ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType12-v690ext SysInfoType12-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType12-v6b0ext SysInfoType12-v6b0ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType12-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { fach-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-Ext FACH-MeasurementOccasionInfo-LCR-r4-ext OPTIONAL, measurementControlSysInfo-LCR MeasurementControlSysInfo-LCR-r4-ext } SysInfoType12-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList newIntraFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterFrequencyCellInfoList newInterFrequencyCellInfoList-v590ext SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, --The order of the list corresponds to the order of cell in newInterRATCellInfoList newInterRATCellInfoList-v590ext SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeas)) OF CellSelectReselectInfo-v590ext OPTIONAL, intraFreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 OPTIONAL, intraFreqEvent-1d-r5 IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType12-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification. If received, the UE behaviour -- is not specified. dummy Dummy-InterFreqRACHReportingInfo OPTIONAL } SysInfoType12-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs interFreqRACHReportingInfo InterFreqRACHReportingInfo OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Core network IEs cn-DomainSysInfoList CN-DomainSysInfoList, -- User equipment IEs ue-IdleTimersAndConstants UE-IdleTimersAndConstants OPTIONAL, capabilityUpdateRequirement CapabilityUpdateRequirement OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType13-v3a0ext SysInfoType13-v3a0ext-IEs, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType13-v4b0ext SysInfoType13-v4b0ext-IEs, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType13-v7xyext SysInfoType13-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext UE-IdleTimersAndConstants-v3a0ext } SysInfoType13-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityUpdateRequirement-r4Ext CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r4-ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityUpdateRequirement-r7Ext CapabilityUpdateRequirement-r7-ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13-1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-41 IEs ansi-41-RAND-Information ANSI-41-RAND-Information, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13-2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-41 IEs ansi-41-UserZoneID-Information ANSI-41-UserZoneID-Information, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13-3 ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-41 IEs ansi-41-PrivateNeighbourListInfo ANSI-41-PrivateNeighbourListInfo, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType13-4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- ANSI-41 IEs ansi-41-GlobalServiceRedirectInfo ANSI-41-GlobalServiceRedirectInfo, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType14 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs individualTS-InterferenceList IndividualTS-InterferenceList, expirationTimeFactor ExpirationTimeFactor OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs ue-positioning-GPS-CipherParameters UE-Positioning-CipherParameters OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceLocation ReferenceLocation, ue-positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime UE-Positioning-GPS-ReferenceTime, ue-positioning-GPS-Real-timeIntegrity BadSatList OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType15-v4b0ext SysInfoType15-v4b0ext-IEs, -- Extension mechanism for non- release4 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { up-Ipdl-Parameters-TDD UE-Positioning-IPDL-Parameters-TDD-r4-ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- DGPS corrections ue-positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections UE-Positioning-GPS-DGPS-Corrections, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Ephemeris and clock corrections transmissionTOW INTEGER (0..604799), satID SatID, ephemerisParameter EphemerisParameter, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-3 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Almanac and other data transmissionTOW INTEGER (0.. 604799), ue-positioning-GPS-Almanac UE-Positioning-GPS-Almanac OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel UE-Positioning-GPS-IonosphericModel OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-GPS-UTC-Model UE-Positioning-GPS-UTC-Model OPTIONAL, satMask BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, lsbTOW BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs ue-positioning-OTDOA-CipherParameters UE-Positioning-CipherParameters OPTIONAL, ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType15-4-v3a0ext SysInfoType15-4-v3a0ext, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType15-4-v4b0ext SysInfoType15-4-v4b0ext, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-4-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-Offset-Validity SFN-Offset-Validity OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-4-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-r4ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Measurement IEs ue-positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType15-5-v3a0ext SysInfoType15-5-v3a0ext, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType15-5-v7xyext SysInfoType15-5-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-5-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-Offset-Validity SFN-Offset-Validity OPTIONAL } SysInfoType15-5-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext UE-Positioning-OTDOA-AssistanceData-UEB-ext OPTIONAL } SysInfoType16 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Radio bearer IEs preDefinedRadioConfiguration PreDefRadioConfiguration, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SysInfoType17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Physical channel IEs -- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 1.28Mcps TDD, pusch-SysInfoList and -- pdsch-SysInfoList should be absent and the info included in the -- tdd128SpecificInfo instead. -- If PDSCH/PUSCH is configured for 3.84Mcps TDD in R5, HCR-r5-SpecificInfo should also be -- included. pusch-SysInfoList PUSCH-SysInfoList OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList PDSCH-SysInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType17-v4b0ext SysInfoType17-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType17-v590ext SysInfoType17-v590ext-IEs OPTIONAL, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType17-v7xyext SysInfoType17-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType17-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { tdd128SpecificInfo SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList PUSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList PDSCH-SysInfoList-LCR-r4 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType17-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { hcr-r5-SpecificInfo SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList PUSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5 OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList PDSCH-SysInfoList-HCR-r5 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType17-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR PUSCH-SysInfoList-SFN-VHCR OPTIONAL, pdsch-SysInfoList-r7 PDSCH-SysInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL } SysInfoType18 ::= SEQUENCE { idleModePLMNIdentities PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells OPTIONAL, connectedModePLMNIdentities PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells OPTIONAL, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoType18-v6b0ext SysInfoType18-v6b0ext, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoType18-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { idleModePLMNIdentitiesSIB11bis PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells OPTIONAL, connectedModePLMNIdentitiesSIB11bis PLMNIdentitiesOfNeighbourCells OPTIONAL } SysInfoTypeSB1 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other IEs sib-ReferenceList SIB-ReferenceList, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoTypeSB1-v6b0ext SysInfoTypeSB1-v6b0ext, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoTypeSB1-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { extSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List ExtSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List OPTIONAL } SysInfoTypeSB2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other IEs sib-ReferenceList SIB-ReferenceList, -- Extension mechanism for non- release99 information v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sysInfoTypeSB2-v6b0ext SysInfoTypeSB2-v6b0ext, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } SysInfoTypeSB2-v6b0ext ::= SEQUENCE { extSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List ExtSIBTypeInfoSchedulingInfo-List OPTIONAL } TDD-UMTS-Frequency-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNumTDDFreqs)) OF FrequencyInfoTDD -- For systemInformationBlockType11bis the Value Tag Info "CellValueTag" is used ValueTagInfo ::= CHOICE { none NULL, cellValueTag CellValueTag, plmn-ValueTag PLMN-ValueTag, sIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag SIBOccurrenceIdentityAndValueTag } -- *************************************************** -- -- ANSI-41 INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.9) -- -- *************************************************** ANSI-41-GlobalServiceRedirectInfo ::= ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter ANSI-41-PrivateNeighbourListInfo ::= ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter ANSI-41-RAND-Information ::= ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter ANSI-41-UserZoneID-Information ::= ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..2048)) Min-P-REV ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) NAS-SystemInformationANSI-41 ::= ANSI-41-NAS-Parameter NID ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) P-REV ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) SID ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (15)) -- *************************************************** -- -- MBMS INFORMATION ELEMENTS (10.3.9a) -- -- *************************************************** MBMS-AccessProbabilityFactor ::= ENUMERATED { apf0, apf32, apf64, apf96, apf128, apf160, apf192, apf224, apf256, apf288, apf320, apf352, apf384, apf416, apf448, apf480, apf512, apf544, apf576, apf608, apf640, apf672, apf704, apf736, apf768, apf800, apf832, apf864, apf896, apf928, apf960, apf1000 } MBMS-CellGroupIdentity-r6 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..32) MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..32) MBMS-CommonRBIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..32) MBMS-CommonRBInformation-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { commonRBIdentity MBMS-CommonRBIdentity, pdcp-Info PDCP-Info-r4, rlc-Info RLC-Info-MTCH-r6 } MBMS-CommonRBInformationList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonRB)) OF MBMS-CommonRBInformation-r6 MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..32) MBMS-ConnectedModeCountingScope ::= SEQUENCE { countingForUraPCH BOOLEAN, countingForCellPCH BOOLEAN, countingForCellFACH BOOLEAN } MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCH-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { sccpchIdentity MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity OPTIONAL, secondaryCCPCH-Info MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity, softComb-TimingOffset MBMS-SoftComb-TimingOffset OPTIONAL, -- If the IE transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh is absent, the default TFCS as specified -- in 14.10.1 applies transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity OPTIONAL, transpCHInformation MBMS-TrCHInformation-CurrList } MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCHList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF MBMS-CurrentCell-SCCPCH-r6 MBMS-FACHCarryingMTCH-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF TransportFormatSet MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { p-TMSI P-TMSI-GSM-MAP OPTIONAL } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-32 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4 cycleOffset INTEGER (0..7) OPTIONAL, mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE { periodStart INTEGER (0..7), periodDuration INTEGER (1..8) } } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-64 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4 cycleOffset INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE { periodStart INTEGER (0..15), periodDuration INTEGER (1..16) } } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-128 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4 cycleOffset INTEGER (0..31) OPTIONAL, mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE { periodStart INTEGER (0..31), periodDuration INTEGER (1..32) } } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-256 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4 cycleOffset INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL, mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE { periodStart INTEGER (0..63), periodDuration INTEGER (1..64) } } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-512 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4 cycleOffset INTEGER (0..127) OPTIONAL, mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE { periodStart INTEGER (0..127), periodDuration INTEGER (1..128) } } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-1024 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual L1 combining schedule values (offset, start, duration) = IE value * 4 cycleOffset INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, mtch-L1CombiningPeriodList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-L1CP)) OF SEQUENCE { periodStart INTEGER (0..255), periodDuration INTEGER (1..256) } } MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule ::= CHOICE { cycleLength-32 MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-32, cycleLength-64 MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-64, cycleLength-128 MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-128, cycleLength-256 MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-256, cycleLength-512 MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-512, cycleLength-1024 MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule-1024 } MBMS-L1CombiningTransmTimeDiff ::= INTEGER (0..3) MBMS-L23Configuration ::= CHOICE { sameAsCurrent SEQUENCE { currentCell-SCCPCH MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity, msch-ConfigurationInfo MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL }, different SEQUENCE { -- If the IE transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh is absent, the default TFCS as specified -- in 14.10.1 applies transpCh-InfoCommonForAllTrCh MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity OPTIONAL, transpCHInformation MBMS-TrCHInformation-NeighbList } } MBMS-LogicalChIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..15) MBMS-MCCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { accessInfoPeriodCoefficient INTEGER (0..3), repetitionPeriodCoefficient INTEGER (0..3), modificationPeriodCoefficient INTEGER (7..10), rlc-Info RLC-Info-MCCH-r6, tctf-Presence MBMS-TCTF-Presence OPTIONAL } MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { michPowerOffset MBMS-MICHPowerOffset, mode CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { channelisationCode256 ChannelisationCode256, ni-CountPerFrame MBMS-NI-CountPerFrame, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd384 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-MICH OPTIONAL, mbmsNotificationIndLength MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength DEFAULT mn4 }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, channelisationCodeList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-MICH OPTIONAL, mbmsNotificationIndLength MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength DEFAULT mn4 } } } MBMS-MICHConfigurationInfo-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { michPowerOffset MBMS-MICHPowerOffset, mode CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { channelisationCode256 ChannelisationCode256, ni-CountPerFrame MBMS-NI-CountPerFrame, sttd-Indicator BOOLEAN }, tdd384 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-MICH OPTIONAL, mbmsNotificationIndLength MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength DEFAULT mn4 }, tdd768 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-VHCR, channelisationCode DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-MICH OPTIONAL, mbmsNotificationIndLength MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength DEFAULT mn4 }, tdd128 SEQUENCE { timeslot TimeslotNumber-LCR-r4, midambleShiftAndBurstType MidambleShiftAndBurstType-LCR-r4, channelisationCodeList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF DL-TS-ChannelisationCode, repetitionPeriodLengthOffset RepPerLengthOffset-MICH OPTIONAL, mbmsNotificationIndLength MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength DEFAULT mn4 } } } MBMS-MICHNotificationIndLength ::= ENUMERATED { mn4, mn8, mn16 } MBMS-MICHPowerOffset ::= INTEGER (-10..5) MBMS-ModifedService-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-TransmissionIdentity MBMS-TransmissionIdentity, mbms-RequiredUEAction MBMS-RequiredUEAction-Mod, mbms-PreferredFrequency CHOICE { mcch MBMS-PFLIndex, dcch MBMS-PFLInfo } OPTIONAL, mbms-DispersionIndicator ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, continueMCCHReading BOOLEAN } MBMS-ModifedServiceList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservModif)) OF MBMS-ModifedService-r6 MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mschShedulingInfo MBMS-MSCHSchedulingInfo OPTIONAL, rlc-Info RLC-Info-MSCH-r6 OPTIONAL, tctf-Presence MBMS-TCTF-Presence OPTIONAL } MBMS-MSCHSchedulingInfo ::= CHOICE { schedulingPeriod-32-Offset INTEGER (0..31), schedulingPeriod-64-Offset INTEGER (0..63), schedulingPeriod-128-Offset INTEGER (0..127), schedulingPeriod-256-Offset INTEGER (0..255), schedulingPeriod-512-Offset INTEGER (0..511), schedulingPeriod-1024-Offset INTEGER (0..1023) } MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCH-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { secondaryCCPCH-Info MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity, secondaryCCPCHPwrOffsetDiff MBMS-SCCPCHPwrOffsetDiff OPTIONAL, layer1Combining CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { softComb-TimingOffset MBMS-SoftComb-TimingOffset, mbms-L1CombiningTransmTimeDiff MBMS-L1CombiningTransmTimeDiff, mbms-L1CombiningSchedule MBMS-L1CombiningSchedule OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, mbms-L23Configuration MBMS-L23Configuration } MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCHList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF MBMS-NeighbouringCellSCCPCH-r6 MBMS-NI-CountPerFrame ::= ENUMERATED { ni18, ni36, ni72, ni144 } MBMS-NumberOfNeighbourCells-r6 ::= INTEGER (0..32) MBMS-PFLIndex ::= INTEGER (1..maxMBMS-Freq) MBMS-PFLInfo ::= FrequencyInfo MBMS-PhyChInformation-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-CommonPhyChIdentity MBMS-CommonPhyChIdentity, secondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS SecondaryCCPCHInfo-MBMS-r6 } MBMS-PhyChInformationList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonPhyCh)) OF MBMS-PhyChInformation-r6 MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 ::= ENUMERATED { true } MBMS-PreferredFreqRequest-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { preferredFreqRequest FrequencyInfo } MBMS-PreferredFrequencyInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mbmsPreferredFrequency INTEGER (1..maxMBMS-Freq) OPTIONAL, layerConvergenceInformation CHOICE { mbms-Qoffset MBMS-Qoffset, mbms-HCSoffset INTEGER (0..7) }, mbms-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo MBMS-PL-ServiceRestrictInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } MBMS-PreferredFrequencyList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-Freq)) OF MBMS-PreferredFrequencyInfo-r6 MBMS-PTMActivationTime-r6 ::= INTEGER (0..2047) MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-C ::= SEQUENCE { rbInformation MBMS-CommonRBIdentity, shortTransmissionID MBMS-ShortTransmissionID, logicalChIdentity MBMS-LogicalChIdentity } MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-CList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperTrCh)) OF MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-C MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-N ::= SEQUENCE { shortTransmissionID MBMS-ShortTransmissionID, logicalChIdentity MBMS-LogicalChIdentity, layer1-CombiningStatus BOOLEAN} MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-NList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBperTrCh)) OF MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-N MBMS-Qoffset ::= ENUMERATED { q4, q8, q12, q16, q20, q30, q40, qInfinity } MBMS-RequiredUEAction-Mod ::= ENUMERATED { none, acquireCountingInfo, acquireCountingInfoPTM-RBsUnmodified, acquirePTM-RBInfo, requestPTPRB, releasePTM-RB } MBMS-RequiredUEAction-UMod ::= ENUMERATED { none, acquirePTM-RBInfo, requestPTPRB } MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity ::= INTEGER (1..maxSCCPCH) MBMS-SCCPCHPwrOffsetDiff ::= ENUMERATED { mcpo-minus6, mcpo-minus3, mcpo-plus3, mcpo-plus6 } MBMS-SelectedServiceInfo ::= SEQUENCE { status CHOICE { none NULL, some MBMS-SelectedServicesListFull } } MBMS-SelectedServicesListFull ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservSelect)) OF MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6 MBMS-SelectedServicesListShort ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservSelect)) OF MBMS-ShortTransmissionID MBMS-SelectedServicesShort ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-SelectedServicesList MBMS-SelectedServicesListShort, modificationPeriodIdentity INTEGER (0..1) } MBMS-ServiceAccessInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { shortTransmissionID MBMS-ShortTransmissionID, accessprobabilityFactor-Idle MBMS-AccessProbabilityFactor, accessprobabilityFactor-Connected MBMS-AccessProbabilityFactor OPTIONAL, mbms-ConnectedModeCountingScope MBMS-ConnectedModeCountingScope } MBMS-ServiceAccessInfoList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservCount)) OF MBMS-ServiceAccessInfo-r6 MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { serviceIdentity OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)), plmn-Identity CHOICE { -- The 'sameAsMIB-PLMN-Id' choice refers to the 'PLMN Identity' (R99) in MIB. sameAsMIB-PLMN-Id NULL, other CHOICE { -- The 'sameAsMIB-MultiPLMN-Id' choice refers to one of the (1..5) PLMN Identities -- provided in the 'Multiple PLMN List' (REL-6) in MIB. sameAsMIB-MultiPLMN-Id INTEGER (1..5), explicitPLMN-Id PLMN-Identity } } } MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfo-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-TransmissionIdentity MBMS-TransmissionIdentity, mbms-ServiceTransmInfoList MBMS-ServiceTransmInfoList OPTIONAL, nextSchedulingperiod INTEGER (0..31) } MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfoList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservSched)) OF MBMS-ServiceSchedulingInfo-r6 MBMS-ServiceTransmInfo ::= SEQUENCE { -- Actual values (start, duration) = IE values * 4 start INTEGER (0..255), duration INTEGER (1..256) } MBMS-ServiceTransmInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSTransmis)) OF MBMS-ServiceTransmInfo MBMS-SessionIdentity ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) MBMS-ShortTransmissionID ::= INTEGER (1..maxMBMSservUnmodif) MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCH-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { sccpchIdentity MBMS-SCCPCHIdentity, transpCHInformation MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5List } MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCHList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCCPCH)) OF MBMS-SIBType5-SCCPCH-r6 MBMS-SoftComb-TimingOffset ::= ENUMERATED { ms0, ms10, ms20, ms40 } MBMS-TCTF-Presence ::= ENUMERATED { false } MBMS-TimersAndCounters-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { t-318 T-318 DEFAULT ms1000 } MBMS-TransmissionIdentity ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-ServiceIdentity MBMS-ServiceIdentity-r6, mbms-SessionIdentity MBMS-SessionIdentity OPTIONAL } MBMS-TranspChInfoForCCTrCh-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { commonCCTrChIdentity MBMS-CommonCCTrChIdentity, transportFormatCombinationSet TFCS } MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachCCTrCh-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonCCTrCh)) OF MBMS-TranspChInfoForCCTrCh-r6 MBMS-TranspChInfoForEachTrCh-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMS-CommonTrCh)) OF MBMS-TranspChInfoForTrCh-r6 MBMS-TranspChInfoForTrCh-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { commonTrChIdentity MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity, transportFormatSet TransportFormatSet } MBMS-TrCHInformation-Curr ::= SEQUENCE { transpCh-Info MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity, rbInformation MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-CList OPTIONAL, msch-ConfigurationInfo MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } MBMS-TrCHInformation-CurrList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF MBMS-TrCHInformation-Curr MBMS-TrCHInformation-Neighb ::= SEQUENCE { transpCh-Info MBMS-CommonTrChIdentity, transpCh-CombiningStatus BOOLEAN, rbInformation MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-NList OPTIONAL, msch-ConfigurationInfo MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } MBMS-TrCHInformation-NeighbList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF MBMS-TrCHInformation-Neighb MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5 ::= SEQUENCE { transpCh-Identity INTEGER (1..maxFACHPCH), rbInformation MBMS-PTM-RBInformation-CList OPTIONAL, msch-ConfigurationInfo MBMS-MSCH-ConfigurationInfo-r6 OPTIONAL } MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFACHPCH)) OF MBMS-TrCHInformation-SIB5 MBMS-UnmodifiedService-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { mbms-TransmissionIdentity MBMS-TransmissionIdentity, mbms-RequiredUEAction MBMS-RequiredUEAction-UMod, mbms-PreferredFrequency MBMS-PFLIndex OPTIONAL } MBMS-UnmodifiedServiceList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSservUnmodif)) OF MBMS-UnmodifiedService-r6 END 11.4 Constant definitions Constant-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN hiPDSCHidentities INTEGER ::= 64 hiPUSCHidentities INTEGER ::= 64 hiRM INTEGER ::= 256 maxAC INTEGER ::= 16 maxAdditionalMeas INTEGER ::= 4 maxASC INTEGER ::= 8 maxASCmap INTEGER ::= 7 maxASCpersist INTEGER ::= 6 maxCCTrCH INTEGER ::= 8 maxCellMeas INTEGER ::= 32 maxCellMeas-1 INTEGER ::= 31 maxCNdomains INTEGER ::= 4 maxCPCHsets INTEGER ::= 16 maxDPCH-DLchan INTEGER ::= 8 maxDPDCH-UL INTEGER ::= 6 maxDRACclasses INTEGER ::= 8 maxE-DCHMACdFlow INTEGER ::= 8 maxE-DCHMACdFlow-1 INTEGER ::= 7 maxEDCHRL INTEGER ::= 4 maxFACHPCH INTEGER ::= 8 maxFreq INTEGER ::= 8 maxFreqBandsFDD INTEGER ::= 8 maxFreqBandsFDD-ext INTEGER ::= 15 -- maxFreqBandsFDD-ext ::= 22 – (maxFreqBandsFDD – 1) maxFreqBandsTDD INTEGER ::= 4 maxFreqBandsGSM INTEGER ::= 16 maxGERAN-SI INTEGER ::= 8 maxGSMTargetCells INTEGER ::= 32 maxHProcesses INTEGER ::= 8 maxHSDSCHTBIndex INTEGER ::= 64 maxHSDSCHTBIndex-tdd384 INTEGER ::= 512 maxHSSCCHs INTEGER ::= 4 maxInterSysMessages INTEGER ::= 4 maxLoCHperRLC INTEGER ::= 2 maxMAC-d-PDUsizes INTEGER ::= 8 maxMBMS-CommonCCTrCh INTEGER ::= 32 maxMBMS-CommonPhyCh INTEGER ::= 32 maxMBMS-CommonRB INTEGER ::= 32 maxMBMS-CommonTrCh INTEGER ::= 32 maxMBMS-Freq INTEGER ::= 4 maxMBMS-L1CP INTEGER ::= 4 maxMBMSservCount INTEGER ::= 8 maxMBMSservModif INTEGER ::= 32 maxMBMSservSched INTEGER ::= 16 maxMBMSservSelect INTEGER ::= 8 maxMBMSservUnmodif INTEGER ::= 64 maxMBMSTransmis INTEGER ::= 4 maxMeasEvent INTEGER ::= 8 maxMeasIntervals INTEGER ::= 3 maxMeasParEvent INTEGER ::= 2 maxNumCDMA2000Freqs INTEGER ::= 8 maxNumE-AGCH INTEGER ::= 8 maxNumGSMFreqRanges INTEGER ::= 32 maxNumFDDFreqs INTEGER ::= 8 maxNumTDDFreqs INTEGER ::= 8 maxNoOfMeas INTEGER ::= 16 maxOtherRAT INTEGER ::= 15 maxOtherRAT-16 INTEGER ::= 16 maxPage1 INTEGER ::= 8 maxPCPCH-APsig INTEGER ::= 16 maxPCPCH-APsubCh INTEGER ::= 12 maxPCPCH-CDsig INTEGER ::= 16 maxPCPCH-CDsubCh INTEGER ::= 12 maxPCPCH-SF INTEGER ::= 7 maxPCPCHs INTEGER ::= 64 maxPDCPAlgoType INTEGER ::= 8 maxPDSCH INTEGER ::= 8 maxPDSCH-TFCIgroups INTEGER ::= 256 maxPRACH INTEGER ::= 16 maxPRACH-FPACH INTEGER ::= 8 maxPredefConfig INTEGER ::= 16 maxPUSCH INTEGER ::= 8 maxQueueIDs INTEGER ::= 8 maxRABsetup INTEGER ::= 16 maxRAT INTEGER ::= 16 maxRB INTEGER ::= 32 maxRBallRABs INTEGER ::= 27 maxRBMuxOptions INTEGER ::= 8 maxRBperRAB INTEGER ::= 8 maxRBperTrCh INTEGER ::= 16 maxReportedGSMCells INTEGER ::= 8 maxRL INTEGER ::= 8 maxRL-1 INTEGER ::= 7 maxRLCPDUsizePerLogChan INTEGER ::= 32 maxRFC3095-CID INTEGER ::= 16384 maxROHC-PacketSizes-r4 INTEGER ::= 16 maxROHC-Profile-r4 INTEGER ::= 8 maxSat INTEGER ::= 16 maxSCCPCH INTEGER ::= 16 maxSIB INTEGER ::= 32 maxSIB-FACH INTEGER ::= 8 maxSIBperMsg INTEGER ::= 16 maxSRBsetup INTEGER ::= 8 maxSystemCapability INTEGER ::= 16 maxTF INTEGER ::= 32 maxTF-CPCH INTEGER ::= 16 maxTFC INTEGER ::= 1024 maxTFCsub INTEGER ::= 1024 maxTFCI-2-Combs INTEGER ::= 512 maxTGPS INTEGER ::= 6 maxTrCH INTEGER ::= 32 -- maxTrCHpreconf should be 16 but has been set to 32 for compatibility maxTrCHpreconf INTEGER ::= 32 maxTS INTEGER ::= 14 maxTS-1 INTEGER ::= 13 maxTS-2 INTEGER ::= 12 maxTS-LCR INTEGER ::= 6 maxTS-LCR-1 INTEGER ::= 5 maxURA INTEGER ::= 8 maxURNTI-Group INTEGER ::= 8 END 11.5 RRC information between network nodes Internode-definitions DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS HandoverToUTRANCommand, MeasurementReport, PhysicalChannelReconfiguration, RadioBearerReconfiguration, RadioBearerRelease, RadioBearerSetup, RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs, RRC-FailureInfo, TransportChannelReconfiguration, UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs FROM PDU-definitions -- Core Network IEs : CN-DomainIdentity, CN-DomainInformationList, CN-DomainInformationListFull, CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, -- UTRAN Mobility IEs : CellIdentity, URA-Identity, -- User Equipment IEs : AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, C-RNTI, ChipRateCapability, DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig, DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext, DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD, DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4, GSM-Measurements, HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, FailureCauseWithProtErr, MaxHcContextSpace, MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap, MaximumRLC-WindowSize, MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived, MaxNoDPDCH-BitsTransmitted, MaxPhysChPerFrame, MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4, MaxPhysChPerTS, MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4, MaxTS-PerFrame, MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4, MinimumSF-DL, MultiModeCapability, MultiRAT-Capability, NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported, PhysicalChannelCapability-edch-r6, PhysicalChannelCapability-r7, RadioFrequencyBandTDDList, RF-Capability-r7, RLC-Capability, RRC-MessageSequenceNumber, SecurityCapability, SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception, STARTList, STARTSingle, START-Value, SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation, TransportChannelCapability, TxRxFrequencySeparation, U-RNTI, UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs, UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability, UE-PowerClassExt, UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList, UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList2, UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList-ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext, UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext, UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD, UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r6, UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD, UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4, -- Radio Bearer IEs : PredefinedConfigStatusList, PredefinedConfigValueTag, RAB-InformationSetupList, RAB-InformationSetupList-r4, RAB-InformationSetupList-r5, RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext, RAB-InformationSetupList-r6, RAB-InformationSetupList-v6b0ext, RAB-InformationSetupList-r7, RB-Identity, SRB-InformationSetupList, SRB-InformationSetupList-r5, SRB-InformationSetupList-r6, -- Transport Channel IEs : CPCH-SetID, DL-CommonTransChInfo, DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4, DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5, DRAC-StaticInformationList, UL-CommonTransChInfo, UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4, UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList, UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6, UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7, -- Physical Channel IEs : PrimaryCPICH-Info, TPC-CombinationIndex, ScramblingCodeChange, TGCFN, TGPSI, TGPS-ConfigurationParams, -- Measurement IEs : Event1j-r6, Hysteresis, Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext, Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext, IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5, IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5, InterRATCellInfoIndication, MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq, MeasurementIdentity, MeasurementReportingMode, MeasurementType, MeasurementType-r4, MeasurementType-r6, AdditionalMeasurementID-List, PositionEstimate, ReportingCellStatus, TimeToTrigger, -- MBMS IEs : MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6, MBMS-SelectedServiceInfo, -- Other IEs : GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability, GSM-MS-RadioAccessCapability, InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList, InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext, InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext, UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle, UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT FROM InformationElements maxCNdomains, maxNoOfMeas, maxRB, maxRBallRABs, maxRFC3095-CID, maxSRBsetup, maxRL, maxTGPS FROM Constant-definitions ; -- Part 1: Class definitions similar to what has been defined in 11.1 for RRC messages -- Information that is tranferred in the same direction and across the same path is grouped -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC information, to target RNC -- -- *************************************************** -- RRC Information to target RNC sent either from source RNC or from another RAT ToTargetRNC-Container ::= CHOICE { interRATHandoverInfo InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3, srncRelocation SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3, rfc3095-ContextInfo RFC3095-ContextInfo-r5, extension NULL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RRC information, target RNC to source RNC -- -- *************************************************** TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container ::= CHOICE { radioBearerSetup RadioBearerSetup, radioBearerReconfiguration RadioBearerReconfiguration, radioBearerRelease RadioBearerRelease, transportChannelReconfiguration TransportChannelReconfiguration, physicalChannelReconfiguration PhysicalChannelReconfiguration, rrc-FailureInfo RRC-FailureInfo, -- IE dl-DCCHmessage consists of an octet string that includes the IE DL-DCCH-Message dL-DCCHmessage OCTET STRING, extension NULL } -- Part 2: Container definitions, similar to the PDU definitions in 11.2 for RRC messages -- In alphabetical order -- *************************************************** -- -- Handover to UTRAN information -- -- *************************************************** InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3 ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { -- IE InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3-IEs also -- includes non critical extensions interRATHandoverInfo-r3 InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3-IEs, v390NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v390ext InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v390ext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { interRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v690ext InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v690ext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- The order of the IEs may not reflect the tabular format -- but has been chosen to simplify the handling of the information in the BSC -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList OPTIONAL, -- interRATHandoverInfo, Octet string is used to obtain 8 bit length field prior to -- actual information. This makes it possible for BSS to transparently handle information -- received via GSM air interface even when it includes non critical extensions. -- The octet string shall include the InterRATHandoverInfo information -- The BSS can re-use the 44.018 length field received from the MS interRATHandoverInfo OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) } InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v390ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs failureCauseWithProtErr FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL } InterRATHandoverInfoWithInterRATCapabilities-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability-v690ext InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v690ext OPTIONAL } -- *************************************************** -- -- RFC3095 context, source RNC to target RNC -- -- *************************************************** RFC3095-ContextInfo-r5 ::= CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { rFC3095-ContextInfoList-r5 RFC3095-ContextInfoList-r5, -- Reserved for future non critical extension nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } RFC3095-ContextInfoList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRBallRABs)) OF RFC3095-ContextInfo -- *************************************************** -- -- SRNC Relocation information -- -- *************************************************** SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3 ::= CHOICE { r3 SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-r3 SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-IEs, v380NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical extension v390NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v390ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v390ext-IEs, v3a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3a0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3a0ext-IEs, v3b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext-IEs, v3c0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3c0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3c0ext-IEs, laterNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3d0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3d0ext-IEs, -- Container for additional R99 extensions sRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-add-ext BIT STRING (CONTAINING SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3h0ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, v3g0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v3g0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3g0ext-IEs, v4b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v4b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4b0ext-IEs, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext-IEs, v5a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs, v5b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs, v5c0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs, -- Reserved for future non critical -- extension nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, later-than-r3 CHOICE { r4 SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-r4 SRNC-RelocationInfo-r4-IEs, v4d0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v4d0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4d0ext-IEs, -- Container for adding non critical extensions after freezing REL-5 sRNC-RelocationInfo-r4-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v590NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext-IEs, v5a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs, v5b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs, v5c0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r5 SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-r5 SRNC-RelocationInfo-r5-IEs, sRNC-RelocationInfo-r5-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v5a0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs, v5b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs, v5c0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs, v690NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r6 SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-r6 SRNC-RelocationInfo-r6-IEs, sRNC-RelocationInfo-r6-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, v6b0NonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext-IEs, v7xyNonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions CHOICE { r7 SEQUENCE { sRNC-RelocationInfo-r7 SRNC-RelocationInfo-r7-IEs, sRNC-RelocationInfo-r7-add-ext BIT STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL }, criticalExtensions SEQUENCE {} } } } } } SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Non-RRC IEs stateOfRRC StateOfRRC, stateOfRRC-Procedure StateOfRRC-Procedure, -- Ciphering related information IEs -- If the extension v380 is included use the extension for the ciphering status per CN domain cipheringStatus CipheringStatus, -- If ciphering status is started and the IE latestConfiguredCN-Domain should be included, -- the IE cn-DomainIdentity (in SRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext-IEs) shall be used instead. calculationTimeForCiphering CalculationTimeForCiphering OPTIONAL, -- The order of occurrence in the IE cipheringInfoPerRB-List is the -- same as the RBs in SRB-InformationSetupList in RAB-InformationSetupList. -- The signalling RBs are supposed to be listed -- first. Only UM and AM RBs that are ciphered are listed here cipheringInfoPerRB-List CipheringInfoPerRB-List OPTIONAL, count-C-List COUNT-C-List OPTIONAL, integrityProtectionStatus IntegrityProtectionStatus, -- In the IE srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo, the first information listed corresponds to -- signalling radio bearer RB0 and after the order of occurrence is the same as the SRBs in -- SRB-InformationSetupList -- The target RNC may ignore the IE srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo if the -- IE integrityProtectionStatus has the value "not started". srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList, implementationSpecificParams ImplementationSpecificParams OPTIONAL, -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability, ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationList OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs ongoingMeasRepList OngoingMeasRepList OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs predefinedConfigStatusList PredefinedConfigStatusList, srb-InformationList SRB-InformationSetupList, rab-InformationList RAB-InformationSetupList OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, ul-TransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, modeSpecificInfo CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification, they should -- not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL }, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo OPTIONAL, dl-TransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Measurement report measurementReport MeasurementReport OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v380ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Ciphering related information IEs -- In the SRNC-RelocationInfo-r3-IEs, the IE 'cn-DomainIdentity' is used to represent the -- IE 'Latest configured CN domain' in the tabular. cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cipheringStatusList CipheringStatusList } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v390ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainInformationList-v390ext CN-DomainInformationList-v390ext OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v370ext OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v380ext OPTIONAL, dl-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-v380ext, failureCauseWithProtErr FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { cipheringInfoForSRB1-v3a0ext CipheringInfoPerRB-List-v3a0ext, ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3a0ext OPTIONAL, -- cn-domain identity for IE startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext is specified -- in subsequent extension (SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext-IEs) startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext START-Value } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- cn-domain identity for IE startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext included in previous extension cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, -- the IE startValueForCiphering-v3b0ext contains the start values for each CN Domain. The -- value of start indicated by the IE startValueForCiphering-v3a0ext should be set to the -- same value as the start-Value for the corresponding cn-DomainIdentity in the IE -- startValueForCiphering-v3b0ext startValueForCiphering-v3b0ext STARTList2 OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC -- to send the message contained in the IE “TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container”. -- Only included if type is “UE involved” rb-IdentityForHOMessage RB-Identity OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3g0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v3g0ext OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v3h0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { tpc-CombinationInfoList TPC-CombinationInfoList OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4d0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { tpc-CombinationInfoList TPC-CombinationInfoList OPTIONAL } TPC-CombinationInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF TPC-Combination-Info STARTList2 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxCNdomains)) OF STARTSingle SRNC-RelocationInfo-v4b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v4b0ext OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v590ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext OPTIONAL, ue-RATSpecificCapability-v590ext InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability-v590ext OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5a0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { storedCompressedModeInfo StoredCompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { interRATCellInfoIndication InterRATCellInfoIndication OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v5c0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v5c0ext OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v7xyext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext UE-RadioAccessCapability-v7xyext OPTIONAL } CipheringInfoPerRB-List-v3a0ext ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UM-SN BIT STRING (SIZE (7)) } CipheringStatusList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF CipheringStatusCNdomain CipheringStatusCNdomain ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cipheringStatus CipheringStatus } CodeChangeStatusList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRL)) OF CodeChangeStatus CodeChangeStatus ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, scramblingCodeChange ScramblingCodeChange } StoredCompressedModeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { storedTGP-SequenceList StoredTGP-SequenceList, codeChangeStatusList CodeChangeStatusList OPTIONAL } StoredTGP-SequenceList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTGPS)) OF StoredTGP-Sequence StoredTGP-Sequence ::= SEQUENCE { tgpsi TGPSI, current-tgps-Status CHOICE { active SEQUENCE { tgcfn TGCFN }, inactive NULL }, tgps-ConfigurationParams TGPS-ConfigurationParams OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-r4-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Non-RRC IEs -- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC -- to send the message contained in the IE “TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container”. -- Only included if type is “UE involved” rb-IdentityForHOMessage RB-Identity OPTIONAL, stateOfRRC StateOfRRC, stateOfRRC-Procedure StateOfRRC-Procedure, -- Ciphering related information IEs cipheringStatusList CipheringStatusList-r4, latestConfiguredCN-Domain CN-DomainIdentity, calculationTimeForCiphering CalculationTimeForCiphering OPTIONAL, count-C-List COUNT-C-List OPTIONAL, cipheringInfoPerRB-List CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Integrity protection related information IEs integrityProtectionStatus IntegrityProtectionStatus, -- The target RNC may ignore the IE srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo if the -- IE integrityProtectionStatus has the value "not started". srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList, implementationSpecificParams ImplementationSpecificParams OPTIONAL, -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability-r4, ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList OPTIONAL, ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationListFull OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs ongoingMeasRepList OngoingMeasRepList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs predefinedConfigStatusList PredefinedConfigStatusList, srb-InformationList SRB-InformationSetupList, rab-InformationList RAB-InformationSetupList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-TransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-TransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Measurement report measurementReport MeasurementReport OPTIONAL, failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-r5-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Non-RRC IEs -- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC -- to send the message contained in the IE “TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container”. -- Only included if type is "UE involved" rb-IdentityForHOMessage RB-Identity OPTIONAL, stateOfRRC StateOfRRC, stateOfRRC-Procedure StateOfRRC-Procedure, -- Ciphering related information IEs cipheringStatusList CipheringStatusList-r4, latestConfiguredCN-Domain CN-DomainIdentity, calculationTimeForCiphering CalculationTimeForCiphering OPTIONAL, count-C-List COUNT-C-List OPTIONAL, cipheringInfoPerRB-List CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Integrity protection related information IEs integrityProtectionStatus IntegrityProtectionStatus, srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList OPTIONAL, implementationSpecificParams ImplementationSpecificParams OPTIONAL, -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability-r5, ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList OPTIONAL, ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationListFull OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs ongoingMeasRepList OngoingMeasRepList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs predefinedConfigStatusList PredefinedConfigStatusList, srb-InformationList SRB-InformationSetupList-r5, rab-InformationList RAB-InformationSetupList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-TransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList OPTIONAL, -- 'dummy', 'dummy1' and 'dummy2' are not used in this version of the specification, -- they should not be sent and if received they should be ignored. dummy CHOICE { fdd SEQUENCE { dummy1 CPCH-SetID OPTIONAL, dummy2 DRAC-StaticInformationList OPTIONAL }, tdd NULL } OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-TransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- PhyCH IEs tpc-CombinationInfoList TPC-CombinationInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Measurement report measurementReport MeasurementReport OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v690ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- User equipment IEs -- IE ueCapabilityContainer is used for the transparent transfer of capability information -- received from the UE ueCapabilityContainer BIT STRING (CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- IE ueCapabilityContainer-RSC and IE ueCapabilityContainer-UCI are used for the -- transparent transfer of capability information received from the UE that was introduced -- in a release independent manner, i.e., transferred within a VLEC. These UE capabilities -- are included both in the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE and the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION -- messages. Only the VLEC of one message needs to be included i.e. the one from these -- messages that was last received. -- Case 1: If the last received message was a RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE (RSC) ueCapabilityContainer-RSC BIT STRING (CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: If the last received message was a UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION (UCI) ueCapabilityContainer-UCI BIT STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs rab-InformationSetupList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6-ext OPTIONAL, -- Measurement report measuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq MeasuredResultsOnRACHinterFreq OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-JoinedInformation MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs intraFreqReportingCriteria IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6-ext OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-r6-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Non-RRC IEs -- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC -- to send the message contained in the IE “TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container”. -- Only included if type is "UE involved" rb-IdentityForHOMessage RB-Identity OPTIONAL, stateOfRRC StateOfRRC, stateOfRRC-Procedure StateOfRRC-Procedure, -- Ciphering related information IEs cipheringStatusList CipheringStatusList-r4, latestConfiguredCN-Domain CN-DomainIdentity, calculationTimeForCiphering CalculationTimeForCiphering OPTIONAL, count-C-List COUNT-C-List OPTIONAL, cipheringInfoPerRB-List CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Integrity protection related information IEs integrityProtectionStatus IntegrityProtectionStatus, srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList OPTIONAL, implementationSpecificParams ImplementationSpecificParams OPTIONAL, -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability-r6, ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList OPTIONAL, ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT OPTIONAL, -- IE ueCapabilityContainer is used for the transparent transfer of capability information -- received from the UE ueCapabilityContainer BIT STRING (CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- IE ueCapabilityContainer-RSC and IE ueCapabilityContainer-UCI are used for the -- transparent transfer of capability information received from the UE that was introduced -- in a release independent manner, i.e., transferred within a VLEC. These UE capabilities -- are included both in the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE and the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION -- messages. Only the VLEC of one message needs to be included i.e. the one from these -- messages that was last received. -- Case 1: If the last received message was a RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE (RSC) ueCapabilityContainer-RSC BIT STRING (CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: If the last received message was a UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION (UCI) ueCapabilityContainer-UCI BIT STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationListFull OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs ongoingMeasRepList OngoingMeasRepList-r6 OPTIONAL, interRATCellInfoIndication InterRATCellInfoIndication OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs predefinedConfigStatusList PredefinedConfigStatusList, srb-InformationList SRB-InformationSetupList-r6, rab-InformationList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-TransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r6 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-TransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- PhyCH IEs tpc-CombinationInfoList TPC-CombinationInfoList OPTIONAL, storedCompressedModeInfo StoredCompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, -- Measurement report measurementReport BIT STRING (CONTAINING MeasurementReport) OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-JoinedInformation MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6 OPTIONAL } SRNC-RelocationInfo-v6b0ext-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- The order of the RABs in IE rab-InformationSetupListExt is the same as -- in IE rab-InformationSetupList that is included in this message rab-InformationSetupListExt RAB-InformationSetupList-v6b0ext OPTIONAL, mbmsSelectedServiceInfo MBMS-SelectedServiceInfo } SRNC-RelocationInfo-r7-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Non-RRC IEs -- IE rb-IdentityForHOMessage includes the identity of the RB used by the source SRNC -- to send the message contained in the IE “TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-Container”. -- Only included if type is "UE involved" rb-IdentityForHOMessage RB-Identity OPTIONAL, stateOfRRC StateOfRRC, stateOfRRC-Procedure StateOfRRC-Procedure, -- Ciphering related information IEs cipheringStatusList CipheringStatusList-r4, latestConfiguredCN-Domain CN-DomainIdentity, calculationTimeForCiphering CalculationTimeForCiphering OPTIONAL, count-C-List COUNT-C-List OPTIONAL, cipheringInfoPerRB-List CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4 OPTIONAL, -- Integrity protection related information IEs integrityProtectionStatus IntegrityProtectionStatus, srb-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList OPTIONAL, implementationSpecificParams ImplementationSpecificParams OPTIONAL, -- User equipment IEs u-RNTI U-RNTI, c-RNTI C-RNTI OPTIONAL, ue-RadioAccessCapability UE-RadioAccessCapability-r6, ue-RadioAccessCapability-ext UE-RadioAccessCapabBandFDDList OPTIONAL, ue-Positioning-LastKnownPos UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle UESpecificBehaviourInformation1idle OPTIONAL, uESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT UESpecificBehaviourInformation1interRAT OPTIONAL, -- IE ueCapabilityContainer is used for the transparent transfer of capability information -- received from the UE ueCapabilityContainer BIT STRING (CONTAINING UE-CapabilityContainer-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- IE ueCapabilityContainer-RSC and IE ueCapabilityContainer-UCI are used for the -- transparent transfer of capability information received from the UE that was introduced -- in a release independent manner, i.e., transferred within a VLEC. These UE capabilities -- are included both in the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE and the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION -- messages. Only the VLEC of one message needs to be included i.e. the one from these -- messages that was last received. -- Case 1: If the last received message was a RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE (RSC) ueCapabilityContainer-RSC BIT STRING (CONTAINING RRCConnectionSetupComplete-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Case 2: If the last received message was a UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION (UCI) ueCapabilityContainer-UCI BIT STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityInformation-r3-add-ext-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs ue-RATSpecificCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- UTRAN mobility IEs ura-Identity URA-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Core network IEs cn-CommonGSM-MAP-NAS-SysInfo NAS-SystemInformationGSM-MAP, cn-DomainInformationList CN-DomainInformationListFull OPTIONAL, -- Measurement IEs ongoingMeasRepList OngoingMeasRepList-r6 OPTIONAL, interRATCellInfoIndication InterRATCellInfoIndication OPTIONAL, -- Radio bearer IEs predefinedConfigStatusList PredefinedConfigStatusList, srb-InformationList SRB-InformationSetupList-r6, rab-InformationList RAB-InformationSetupList-r6 OPTIONAL, -- Transport channel IEs ul-CommonTransChInfo UL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, ul-TransChInfoList UL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r7 OPTIONAL, dl-CommonTransChInfo DL-CommonTransChInfo-r4 OPTIONAL, dl-TransChInfoList DL-AddReconfTransChInfoList-r5 OPTIONAL, -- PhyCH IEs tpc-CombinationInfoList TPC-CombinationInfoList OPTIONAL, storedCompressedModeInfo StoredCompressedModeInfo OPTIONAL, -- Measurement report measurementReport MeasurementReport OPTIONAL, -- Other IEs failureCause FailureCauseWithProtErr OPTIONAL, -- MBMS IEs mbms-JoinedInformation MBMS-JoinedInformation-r6 OPTIONAL } -- IE definitions CalculationTimeForCiphering ::= SEQUENCE { cell-Id CellIdentity, sfn INTEGER (0..4095) } CipheringInfoPerRB ::= SEQUENCE { dl-HFN BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25)), ul-HFN BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25)) } CipheringInfoPerRB-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, dl-HFN BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25)), dl-UM-SN BIT STRING (SIZE (7)) OPTIONAL, ul-HFN BIT STRING (SIZE (20..25)) } -- TABULAR: CipheringInfoPerRB-List, multiplicity value numberOfRadioBearers -- has been replaced with maxRB. CipheringInfoPerRB-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF CipheringInfoPerRB CipheringInfoPerRB-List-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRB)) OF CipheringInfoPerRB-r4 CipheringStatus ::= ENUMERATED { started, notStarted } CipheringStatusList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF CipheringStatusCNdomain-r4 CipheringStatusCNdomain-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, cipheringStatus CipheringStatus, start-Value START-Value } CN-DomainInformation-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DRX-CycleLengthCoeff CN-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient } CN-DomainInformationList-v390ext ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF CN-DomainInformation-v390ext CompressedModeMeasCapability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { fdd-Measurements BOOLEAN, -- TABULAR: The IEs tdd-Measurements, gsm-Measurements and multiCarrierMeasurements -- are made optional since they are conditional based on another information element. -- Their absence corresponds to the case where the condition is not true. tdd384-Measurements BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, tdd128-Measurements BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, gsm-Measurements GSM-Measurements OPTIONAL, multiCarrierMeasurements BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } COUNT-C-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCNdomains)) OF COUNT-CSingle COUNT-CSingle ::= SEQUENCE { cn-DomainIdentity CN-DomainIdentity, count-C BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) } DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes” only gives information on the maximum number of DPCH Codes. maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes INTEGER (1..8), maxNoPhysChBitsReceived MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived, supportForSF-512 BOOLEAN, -- dummy, dummy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification -- and if received they should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception, dummy3 SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation OPTIONAL } DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- The IE “maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes” only gives information on the maximum number of DPCH Codes. maxNoDPCH-PDSCH-Codes INTEGER (1..8), maxNoPhysChBitsReceived MaxNoPhysChBitsReceived, supportForSF-512 BOOLEAN, -- dummy, dumy2 and dummy3 are not used in this version of the specification -- and if received they should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 SimultaneousSCCPCH-DPCH-Reception, dummy3 SupportOfDedicatedPilotsForChEstimation OPTIONAL, fdd-hspdsch CHOICE { supported SEQUENCE { hsdsch-physical-layer-category HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, -- dummy and dummy2 are not used in this version of the specification -- and if received they should be ignored. dummy BOOLEAN, dummy2 BOOLEAN }, unsupported NULL } } DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerFrame MaxTS-PerFrame, maxPhysChPerFrame MaxPhysChPerFrame, minimumSF MinimumSF-DL, supportOfPDSCH BOOLEAN, maxPhysChPerTS MaxPhysChPerTS, tdd384-hspdsch CHOICE { supported HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, unsupported NULL } } DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { maxTS-PerSubFrame MaxTS-PerSubFrame-r4, maxPhysChPerFrame MaxPhysChPerSubFrame-r4, minimumSF MinimumSF-DL, supportOfPDSCH BOOLEAN, maxPhysChPerTS MaxPhysChPerTS, supportOf8PSK BOOLEAN, tdd128-hspdsch CHOICE { supported HSDSCH-physical-layer-category, unsupported NULL } } DL-RFC3095-Context ::= SEQUENCE { rfc3095-Context-Identity INTEGER (0..16383), dl-mode ENUMERATED {u, o, r}, dl-ref-ir OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1..3000)), dl-ref-time INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, dl-curr-time INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, dl-syn-offset-id INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, dl-syn-slope-ts INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, dl-dyn-changed BOOLEAN } ImplementationSpecificParams ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..512)) IntegrityProtectionStatus ::= ENUMERATED { started, notStarted } InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { interRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapability InterRAT-UE-RadioAccessCapabilityList, geranIu-RadioAccessCapability GERANIu-RadioAccessCapability OPTIONAL } IntraFreqReportingCriteria-r6-ext ::= SEQUENCE { -- The content of the v690 non-critical extension should be -- considered as an extension of IE IntraFreqEventCriteriaList event Event1j-r6, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger, reportingCellStatus ReportingCellStatus OPTIONAL } -- dummy is not used in this version of the specification, it should -- not be sent and if received it should be ignored. MaxHcContextSpace-r5 ::= ENUMERATED { dummy, by1024, by2048, by4096, by8192, by16384, by32768, by65536, by131072 } MeasurementCapability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { downlinkCompressedMode CompressedModeMeasCapability-r4, uplinkCompressedMode CompressedModeMeasCapability-r4 } MeasurementCommandWithType ::= CHOICE { setup MeasurementType, modify NULL, release NULL } MeasurementCommandWithType-r4 ::= CHOICE { setup MeasurementType-r4, modify NULL, release NULL } MeasurementCommandWithType-r6 ::= CHOICE { setup MeasurementType-r6, modify NULL, release NULL } OngoingMeasRep ::= SEQUENCE { measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, -- TABULAR: The CHOICE Measurement in the tabular description is included -- in MeasurementCommandWithType measurementCommandWithType MeasurementCommandWithType, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementID-List AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL } OngoingMeasRep-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, -- TABULAR: The CHOICE Measurement in the tabular description is included -- in MeasurementCommandWithType-r4. measurementCommandWithType MeasurementCommandWithType-r4, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementID-List AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL } OngoingMeasRep-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, -- TABULAR: The CHOICE Measurement in the tabular description is included -- in MeasurementCommandWithType-r4. measurementCommandWithType MeasurementCommandWithType-r4, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementID-List AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL, measurementCommand-v590ext CHOICE { -- the choice "intra-frequency" shall be used for the case of intra-frequency measurement, -- as well as when intra-frequency events are configured for inter-frequency measurement intra-frequency Intra-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext, inter-frequency Inter-FreqEventCriteriaList-v590ext } OPTIONAL, intraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 IntraFreqReportingCriteria-1b-r5 OPTIONAL, intraFreqEvent-1d-r5 IntraFreqEvent-1d-r5 OPTIONAL } OngoingMeasRep-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { measurementIdentity MeasurementIdentity, measurementCommandWithType MeasurementCommandWithType-r6, measurementReportingMode MeasurementReportingMode OPTIONAL, additionalMeasurementID-List AdditionalMeasurementID-List OPTIONAL } OngoingMeasRepList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF OngoingMeasRep OngoingMeasRepList-r4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF OngoingMeasRep-r4 OngoingMeasRepList-r5 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF OngoingMeasRep-r5 OngoingMeasRepList-r6 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoOfMeas)) OF OngoingMeasRep-r6 PDCP-Capability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport BOOLEAN, supportForRfc2507 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported MaxHcContextSpace }, supportForRfc3095 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported SEQUENCE { maxROHC-ContextSessions MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4 DEFAULT s16, reverseCompressionDepth INTEGER (0..65535) DEFAULT 0 } } } PDCP-Capability-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport BOOLEAN, supportForRfc2507 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported MaxHcContextSpace-r5 }, supportForRfc3095 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported SEQUENCE { maxROHC-ContextSessions MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4 DEFAULT s16, reverseCompressionDepth INTEGER (0..65535) DEFAULT 0, supportForRfc3095ContextRelocation BOOLEAN } } } PDCP-Capability-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { losslessSRNS-RelocationSupport BOOLEAN, losslessDLRLC-PDUSizeChange ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, supportForRfc2507 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported MaxHcContextSpace-r5 }, supportForRfc3095 CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported SEQUENCE { maxROHC-ContextSessions MaxROHC-ContextSessions-r4 DEFAULT s16, reverseCompressionDepth INTEGER (0..65535) DEFAULT 0, supportForRfc3095ContextRelocation BOOLEAN } } } PhysicalChannelCapability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { fddPhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r4, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD } OPTIONAL, tdd384-PhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD } OPTIONAL, tdd128-PhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 } OPTIONAL } PhysicalChannelCapability-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { fddPhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityFDD-r5, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityFDD } OPTIONAL, tdd384-PhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-r5, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD } OPTIONAL, tdd128-PhysChCapability SEQUENCE { downlinkPhysChCapability DL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r5, uplinkPhysChCapability UL-PhysChCapabilityTDD-LCR-r4 } OPTIONAL } RF-Capability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { fddRF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClassExt, txRxFrequencySeparation TxRxFrequencySeparation } OPTIONAL, tdd384-RF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClassExt, radioFrequencyBandTDDList RadioFrequencyBandTDDList, chipRateCapability ChipRateCapability } OPTIONAL, tdd128-RF-Capability SEQUENCE { ue-PowerClass UE-PowerClassExt, radioFrequencyBandTDDList RadioFrequencyBandTDDList, chipRateCapability ChipRateCapability } OPTIONAL } RFC3095-ContextInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rb-Identity RB-Identity, rfc3095-Context-List RFC3095-Context-List } RFC3095-Context-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRFC3095-CID)) OF SEQUENCE { dl-RFC3095-Context DL-RFC3095-Context OPTIONAL, ul-RFC3095-Context UL-RFC3095-Context OPTIONAL } RLC-Capability-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { totalRLC-AM-BufferSize TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5, maximumRLC-WindowSize MaximumRLC-WindowSize, maximumAM-EntityNumber MaximumAM-EntityNumberRLC-Cap } SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo ::= SEQUENCE { ul-RRC-HFN BIT STRING (SIZE (28)), dl-RRC-HFN BIT STRING (SIZE (28)), ul-RRC-SequenceNumber RRC-MessageSequenceNumber, dl-RRC-SequenceNumber RRC-MessageSequenceNumber } SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (4..maxSRBsetup)) OF SRB-SpecificIntegrityProtInfo StateOfRRC ::= ENUMERATED { cell-DCH, cell-FACH, cell-PCH, ura-PCH } StateOfRRC-Procedure ::= ENUMERATED { awaitNoRRC-Message, awaitRB-ReleaseComplete, awaitRB-SetupComplete, awaitRB-ReconfigurationComplete, awaitTransportCH-ReconfigurationComplete, awaitPhysicalCH-ReconfigurationComplete, awaitActiveSetUpdateComplete, awaitHandoverComplete, sendCellUpdateConfirm, sendUraUpdateConfirm, -- dummy is not used in this version of specification -- It should not be sent dummy, otherStates } TotalRLC-AM-BufferSize-r5 ::= ENUMERATED { kb10, kb50, kb100, kb150, kb200, kb300, kb400, kb500, kb750, kb1000 } TPC-Combination-Info ::= SEQUENCE { primaryCPICH-Info PrimaryCPICH-Info, tpc-CombinationIndex TPC-CombinationIndex } UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { multiRAT-CapabilityList MultiRAT-Capability, multiModeCapability MultiModeCapability, supportOfUTRAN-ToGERAN-NACC BOOLEAN } UE-Positioning-Capability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { standaloneLocMethodsSupported BOOLEAN, ue-BasedOTDOA-Supported BOOLEAN, networkAssistedGPS-Supported NetworkAssistedGPS-Supported, supportForUE-GPS-TimingOfCellFrames BOOLEAN, supportForIPDL BOOLEAN, rx-tx-TimeDifferenceType2Capable BOOLEAN, validity-CellPCH-UraPCH ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, sfn-sfnType2Capability ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL } UE-Positioning-LastKnownPos ::= SEQUENCE { sfn INTEGER (0..4095), cell-id CellIdentity, positionEstimate PositionEstimate } UE-RadioAccessCapability-r4 ::= SEQUENCE { accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, pdcp-Capability PDCP-Capability-r4, rlc-Capability RLC-Capability, transportChannelCapability TransportChannelCapability, rf-Capability RF-Capability-r4, physicalChannelCapability PhysicalChannelCapability-r4, ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability, securityCapability SecurityCapability, ue-positioning-Capability UE-Positioning-Capability-r4, measurementCapability MeasurementCapability-r4 OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapability-r5 ::= SEQUENCE { accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig OPTIONAL, pdcp-Capability PDCP-Capability-r5, rlc-Capability RLC-Capability-r5, transportChannelCapability TransportChannelCapability, rf-Capability RF-Capability-r4, physicalChannelCapability PhysicalChannelCapability-r5, ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5, securityCapability SecurityCapability, ue-positioning-Capability UE-Positioning-Capability-r4, measurementCapability MeasurementCapability-r4 OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapability-r6 ::= SEQUENCE { accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig OPTIONAL, pdcp-Capability PDCP-Capability-r6, rlc-Capability RLC-Capability-r5, transportChannelCapability TransportChannelCapability, rf-Capability RF-Capability-r4, physicalChannelCapability PhysicalChannelCapability-r5, ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5, securityCapability SecurityCapability, ue-positioning-Capability UE-Positioning-Capability-r4, measurementCapability MeasurementCapability-r4 OPTIONAL } UE-RadioAccessCapability-r7 ::= SEQUENCE { accessStratumReleaseIndicator AccessStratumReleaseIndicator, dl-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig DL-CapabilityWithSimultaneousHS-DSCHConfig OPTIONAL, pdcp-Capability PDCP-Capability-r6, rlc-Capability RLC-Capability-r5, transportChannelCapability TransportChannelCapability, rf-Capability RF-Capability-r7, physicalChannelCapability PhysicalChannelCapability-r7, ue-MultiModeRAT-Capability UE-MultiModeRAT-Capability-r5, securityCapability SecurityCapability, ue-positioning-Capability UE-Positioning-Capability-r4, measurementCapability MeasurementCapability-r4 OPTIONAL } UL-RFC3095-Context ::= SEQUENCE { rfc3095-Context-Identity INTEGER (0..16383), ul-mode ENUMERATED {u, o, r}, ul-ref-ir OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1..3000)), ul-ref-time INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, ul-curr-time INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, ul-syn-offset-id INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, ul-syn-slope-ts INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, ul-ref-sn-1 INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL } END