Server Crash Aftermath
2008-07-01 7:17pm
So one April afternoon I find this in my inbox from the guy who hosts this site:
Happen to have a backup of your website?
And my site was down. Dammit.
On the bright side, I did have backups. Unfortunately, they are from January 2006. Doh!
Thanks to Google and Yahoo caches (which I now love), I was able to recover all textual blog content. All of my photos are safe (the originals are stored on my laptop), but a few other not-really-important images are lost.
My Perl blog code that I wrote and deployed last September, however, is gone. I'm kinda pissed about that, but I should have known better than to not back it up.
Perl cgi sucks anyway. I've been wanting to re-do it in PHP, so now I'm doing it. Hopefully I can bang it out pretty fast.