Unofficial information site about the band Gravity Kills
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This Site Is Done.

I'm calling it quits.

I've had this site for quite a long time. First it was just a list of obscure tracks that I collected, posted online to help others. Then it became a summer project that gave me a reason to learn HTML and some scripting, and it just kept expanding from there.

Because of it, I got to hang out with the band on multiple occasions and meet lots of new people. (I suspect it helped keep a fanbase together when the official site's webmaster went AWOL for that long long period after Perversion.) It was fun and I don't regret the time that I put into it.

But I haven't given the site any attention in quite some time, and I don't want to pretend that I'm going to. Everything will stay online, of course, but I won't be adding any new content.

The email address above still works. It will probably work for a long, long time. If you have a correction or question, or have something to add to the discography, send me an email and I'll take care of it!

Thanks to the band and everyone who made it worthwhile. Perhaps I'll see you at another "Killoween" show.

-Grant /

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